#alexandra duchelli
sirianasims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: What is the longest you have played with one sim/household/legacy for?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
Hey Squat! ❤️
In some ways, my current story, The Duchellis, is the longest I've ever stuck to anything in this game. It actually began because I'd constantly start a new save, mess around for a few days, then get bored and start over. I never really got to the point where any of my sims' children grew up or anyone died from old age, and I never really knew what to do. Then I had the idea to see if i could stick to a legacy challenge.
I started the Experiences Challenge by @duchesty and played through all 12 generations, and I had a blast. I made up stories in my head about the family and I actually cared about them a lot. It ended with Ursula, the final heir, solving the Strangerville mystery ❤️
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A year or so later, I felt like doing it again, but a bit differently. This is also where I decided to take pictures and post the story for others to see for the first time, because I've always wanted to write but it scared me.
Putting captions on some silly sims felt less daunting.
The first chapter of The Duchelli Legacy (the name is an homage to Duchesty) was published February 23, 2022 and for a long time, I had a story in my head but mostly adapted it to what my sims were doing, nudging them into situations that fit with my headcanon.
The first generation was about Alexandra trying to juggle a criminal career while being in an open marriage with Don and dealing with her Landgraab baby daddy's extremely jealous new wife.
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Generation 2 started with Cora and her two best friends going to university... but I barely got into Generation 2 before I started coming up with plot and using poses and changing up my writing style.
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Cora went on a very unexpected trip and her entire life changed. And suddenly I was no longer doing a challenge, but writing a very long story with plot. And generational trauma.
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Generation 3 followed Cora's son Eric and the consequences of some questionable university experiences. These experiences left their mark, and Eric struggled a lot with some very unhealthy coping mechanisms.
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Eric's struggles affected his daughter, Freya, who grew up with her own issues. It took a major disaster for her to finally face her demons and deal with them.
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Thankfully she did, and her daughter Julia grew up healthy and happy, the first to do so in several generations.
But that doesn't mean that Julia won't be facing her own challenges, especially after a fateful run-in with famous actor Paul Romeo at GeekCon.
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And now we're here. Let's see what happens next, shall we? 👀
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Chapter 1
Humble Beginnings and Weirdly Colour-Coordinated Aliens
This is Alexandra Duchelli, or Alex. Welcome to this legacy challenge simlit story, where we try to experience as much as possible. Right, Alex?
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“Awesome, legacies are so much fun! Big houses, amazing clothes, great adventures! I can’t wait!”
Uhm, Alex? You’re a founder. You don’t have any money, remember?
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“Oh. Crap.”
Yup. So you better start earning some money so you can get a roof over your head as soon as possible.
“I don’t even have a toilet!”
There’s a bush.
“… Right, better get going.”
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After Alex grumbles through the first chords, we try the city to see if we can get some tips.
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Poor Alex isn’t having much luck, and mostly receives smug looks from stuck-up townies.
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Giving up on the tips for now, Alex goes to the karaoke club to brush up on her singing skills as well. You can’t be a singer-songwriter if you can’t sing.
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This is also a great time for you to socialise, Alex! You should try meeting some new people.
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“Some of these townies are a bit too friendly!”
Oh shush, stop complaining.
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“Seriously, can I go home? Everyone in this city is weird!”
Oh come on, you’re just overreacting because you’re embarrassed that someone saw your attempt at swiping a drink. Maybe stay on the right side of the bar next time?
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“No, I’m serious. There’s a man and a small girl outside just… staring… at a brick pillar.”
… Fine, you can go home.
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“I’m not sure this is better.”
Shush, we need to get enough money that you’re allowed to get a job. And the tips are too slow.
“Isn’t it a bit counter-intuitive that I need to earn money before I can get a job?”
I don’t make the rules, Alex. Besides, I’m busy worrying about the aliens.
“The aliens?”
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Yes. Apparently, the aliens are flocking to Oasis Springs, and somehow they mostly manage to be beautifully colour-coordinated. It’s honestly a bit unsettling.
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Anyways, we need to find you a husband, This is a legacy, after all. How about this handsome fellow?
“Uhm… he seems a bit bookish. What about that hot guy over there?”
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Oh honey. That’s Don Lothario. He’s bad news, you won’t get anywhere with him in a legacy, he’s non-committal. He’d be great as one of those enemies you’re supposed to get, though?
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Alex catches up with the neighbours and even scores a dinner invitation to the Caliente house.
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Nina: “Oh yeah, Don lives here too. Mom moved him in, she claimed she thought he would be a great fit for me or Dina, but I think she really wants him for herself. Anyways, no one is getting anywhere with him, he’s completely useless.”
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“Alright, I’ll give up on Don. I guess I’ll find someone a bit less…occupied.”
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Alex, who are you talking to? You should be in bed, or, I mean, tent, those skill points take energy.
“Oh, I just met these guys. This is Johnny and Malcolm. Apparently they’re brothers but there’s a lot of drama going on in the family.”
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“Eww, can I have something else to eat soon?”
I mean, sure, you can buy all the food you want, but then it’ll just take longer for you to get a job, and thus to get a husband and a roof over your head?
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As we head to the museum, I wonder. Is throwing up on a canvas art?
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We also need those handiness skills, so Alex starts some woodworking.
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Meanwhile, I am distracted by the amazing choice of shoes here.
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Alex, wasn’t there a vase there, just a second ago?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”
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And so it continues on, with dumpster meals…
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… voice training…
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… more dumpster meals…
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… and more impeccably clad aliens.
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sirianasims · 11 months
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End of Generation 1
We now leave Don and Alex behind to follow their daughter, Cora. If you've been reading The Duchelli Legacy this far, thank you so much! It means a lot to me ❤️
Pose by @simmerianne93
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Chapter 15
The Perfect Mate
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A few weeks after her return, Cora goes into labour.
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The family welcomes little Daniel. Everyone but Cora is slightly surprised about the way he looks – despite being warned. But they get used to it quickly.
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Alex, who has (supposedly) retired from her life of crime, has embraced being a full-time grandmother, and spends her evenings knitting stuff for baby Daniel and for Brie’s son Jaxen.
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Grandpa Don is ecstatic about having a baby in the house again, and dotes on little Daniel.
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Aunt Brie stops by to meet Daniel as well, and announces that her and Shawn are already considering a second child.
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Zane also comes to meet the new family member. Alex shoots Don a meaningful look when he sits back down after letting a slightly flustered Zane in.
“Nice young man, that Zane. And handsome.”
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“Zane… I don’t want you to be too shocked, but… he looks a bit special – like his father.”
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Zane looks a the little blue baby, unsure of what to do or say. He was never good with children, always felt uncomfortable around them. But this is Cora’s child. What is he so afraid of?
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“Do you want to hold him?”
“I… uh, better not. I don’t want to drop him”, Zane mumbles. Cora can’t quite read the emotion in his face. Shortly after he excuses himself with an important case he needs to work on and leaves.
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With Don and Alex at home, it doesn’t take long for Cora to return to work. Luckily, her old job is excited to have her back, and she is excited to share everything she learned from the Sixams.
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Of course, things are slightly awkward in the beginning, as not everyone quite believes her story, but it’s hard to argue with the results that her new knowledge provides.
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Cora also gets updated on the office drama. Her colleague Elsa thought she was too old to have more kids, but suddenly found herself pregnant and gave birth to a little girl – with black hair. Her very blonde husband Lucas was not impressed. A paternity test and two divorces later, Elsa and Cora’s supervisor Payton now live in a San Myshuno apartment with their baby daughter.
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A few weeks later Zane drops by again, and this time Cora convinces him to hold the baby.
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“Hi Daniel… Cora, are you sure? He’s so small… What if I hurt him somehow?”
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Cora laughs.
“You won’t hurt him. Because if you do, I’ll have to sue you, and I promise to use your competitor.”
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“I told you, I don’t do that kind of law, Cora.” Zane smiles as he gingerly picks up the baby.
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Zane looks into Daniel’s dark eyes, so unlike Cora’s and yet so similar, and is struck by an entirely new feeling. As he marvels at the little fingers trying to grab his tie, Zane feels a sense of protectiveness wash over him, like he would do anything for this child. Cora’s child.
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“See, I told you it would be fine!” Cora says, and Zane snaps back to reality.
“Yeah… fine.” Zane puts Daniel down gently, surprised at how empty his arms suddenly feel.
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Under the cover of darkness, Tomnu sets Cora down in a park in Willow Creek. It’s still early morning by the time she has walked to her parent’s house. Hesitantly, she knocks.
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It doesn’t take long before she sees her mother through the glass. At first, Alex looks in shock, but then she rips the door open while calling for Don.
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Cora is welcomed back with much hugging and crying.
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Many hours are spent catching up. Alex and Don wants to know everything.
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There is much they don’t understand, but they’re so happy to have their daughter back.
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Cora is also updated on the family. Brie and Shawn had a boy and named him Jaxen.
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The practicalities must be sorted out. Cora has been declared missing and all her things are in storage. There is much to be done.
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Last but not least, there’s the future of the baby. It’s quickly agreed that Cora will live at home for a while, at least until she gets back on her feet and everything is sorted out. Brie’s old room is still a guest room.
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“Thanks for the sweater, dad. I can’t fit a lot of mom’s clothes like this. Good thing these yoga pants are so stretchy.”
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“I’m so happy you’re home, baby girl. We’ll get you some proper clothes soon. But you better finish up, I think Zane has arrived.”
“Zane? He’s here?” Cora runs to the living room.
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Zane immediately takes Cora into his arms and kisses her forehead.
“Zane! It’s so good to see you!”
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Zane is not letting go.
“I thought… we all thought we’d never see you again,” he mumbles.
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“I know. I feared the same. I’m glad you’re here… what about Aidan?”
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“Aidan is… I’m here to take you to see him. I’ll update you in the car.”
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Nothing lasts forever, and one evening Alex collapses in the kitchen.
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Don is immediately by her side.
“Alex… babe please, don’t leave me… I love you.”
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The funeral is a somber affair. Alex is put to rest outside the church she married Don in.
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Don is crying his eyes out over the loss of his soulmate. Cora and Brie are also devastated.
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Zane has shown up to pay his respects. He has known the entire family since he was a teenager, after all. And he wants to be there for Cora more than anything.
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“I miss her so much. I still can’t believe she’s gone.”
“Me neither, Cora. Your mother was an amazing woman. She always made me feel welcome.”
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“You’re a true friend, Zane. Thank you for being here.”
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“I’ll always be there for you, Cora.”
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Months pass, and Don deals with his grief by punching things and throwing himself back into a strict fitness regimen to keep himself occupied.
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He also offers to mentor Zane, who wants to get in better shape. As a lawyer, he spends a lot of time sitting in front of a computer or in court. Zane comes by in the early morning before work.
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Daniel always yells “Tsane!” whenever he sees him, and Zane is happy to play with him.
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After an early morning training session with Don, Zane and Cora is saying goodbye by the door.
“So, Cora, I was wondering. Have you ever tried bowling?”
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“Bowling? No, there wasn’t much of that in space. And now I’m too busy with work and Daniel.”
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“Well, I think you need to get out of the house. How about you leave Daniel with Don, and I teach you the basics? I can pick you up at eight tonight?”
“Sure. See you tonight.”
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Cora and Aidan go back to visit her parents for Winterfest. Alex insists on a group photo. Shawn fires off a corny joke just as the picture is taken, and Cora is not amused. She always found Shawn a bit brash.
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But even with Shawn there, Cora enjoys spending time with her family again. She hasn’t seen them all since Brie and Shawn’s wedding.
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Alex spends hours in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She is thrilled to have both of her girls home for the holidays.
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“Alex, babe, you’ve done it again. Not only are you gorgeous, you can really cook. Will you marry me?”
“Don, we’ve been married for 25 years, and you know it.” Alex beams and giggles like a school girl.
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Cora does notice that Brie seems a little queasy during dinner. But she gives Cora a stern look, and Cora stays quiet about it.
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After dinner, Aidan pulls Don aside.
“So, uh, Don. I know this might seem silly, but this is important to me. Do I have your permission to ask Cora to marry me?”
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Don laughs.
“Aidan, if I were you, I’d make sure she never finds out that you asked me. If you can convince her to marry you, you’ve earned her. We’ve never been able to make Cora do anything she didn’t want to. But if it’s so important to you, you have my permission of course.”
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Later in the evening, Brie also admits to Cora that she is in fact pregnant.
“But it’s very early, so don’t tell mom and Don yet, please!”
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They all sing songs and open presents all night.
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As the party quiets down, Aidan and Cora get a moment alone in the living room. Aidan nervously fiddles with something in his pocket.
“Cora, I love you very much… I… I hope you know that.”
“I love you too, Aidan. Are you okay? You’re acting a bit strange.”
“It’s nothing.” Aidan takes his hand out of his pocket and takes a deep breath. “I’m just tired.”
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Cora goes to say goodbye to her family. As she hugs her mother goodbye, Alex holds her tight for a moment.
“I’m so proud of you, Cora. You’ve been working towards this since you were little. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
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“I will, mom. Love you.”
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And so we will leave Cora waiting for her coffee to brew. See you next chapter!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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And so we’ve moved! Zane’s parents are reasonably well off, so with a bit of help from them, and with four people paying rent, there’s just enough money for Zane to get a 2-bedroom apartment in San Myshuno.
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Four people? Yes, because Layla is moving in as well. Her and Zane’s relationship has gotten serious. After a pregnancy scare, which luckily turned out to be nothing, they had a serious conversation about their future, especially the fact that Zane hates children.
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Cora is happy to have the coffee machine to herself, and Aidan likes having fewer strangers around all the time.
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Most of the time, it’s almost like back in the good old days of first semester.
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But Layla is also here, and while she’s very nice, Cora isn’t dealing too well with her presence. The girls rarely talk.
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To make things worse, Aidan gets along with her very well, and Cora can’t help but wonder if maybe he would have preferred to be with Layla if she hadn’t picked Zane.
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“Grrr… Stupid perfect Layla with her beautiful curly hair and her pretty face…”
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Poor Aidan. University is already stressful, and now his girlfriend is constantly upset for no real reason. He can’t figure out why.
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Aidan’s problem is only made more apparent by Zane and Layla being very happily in love. He loves Cora, but she is… difficult. Sometimes he just wants to disappear into his own fictional world.
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“Sorry, Aidan. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I think maybe living with other people is getting to me. We should get our own place after graduation.”
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Cora usually gets her way, so Aidan just agrees. He will miss his other friends, though.
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Say yes, obviously! It’s about time!
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“Zane, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think Aidan and I will be moving out after graduation.”
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“I understand. It’s fine, Layla has a full-time job already and I will also be working soon, we can manage the apartment alone. We’ll miss you guys though.”
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“Welcome home, honey! I wanted to ask you something. I know it’s a bit soon, but…”
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“Will you marry me?”
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“And then she said yes and we went to dinner! We’re going to save up for a year or so and then do a destination wedding, maybe Sulani.”
“Grats, man, I’m so happy for you two!”
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Cora is getting some sleep after her last football match, because tomorrow is graduation day – but we won’t have time to attend the ceremony, because it’s time to go home…
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Noodles! Aww, you’re so old 😦 We won’t be staying for long, though, we have a wedding to go to.
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Everyone is here! For some reason, Shawn’s father Duane has chosen to sit in the back with Brie’s half-sister Jodi who is now a teenager.
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Johnny has also chosen the back row. Maybe he just doesn’t want people to see him all emotional.
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Daddy Don has no such worries and is openly crying.
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It’s a beautiful ceremony.
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And so Brie is free to change her last name and go live her life outside the influence of the legacy.
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Jodi? You can stop throwing rice, your sister and her new husband has left, the wedding is over.
And so is this chapter! Next chapter, Cora and Aidan move into a new home together and get started on their careers, see you then!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Despite a few more grey hairs, Don’s still got it.
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Don has had an impressive career, winning several trophies including the coveted title of Mr. Solar System.
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“My college application has been sent. Woo.”
You don’t seem all that enthusiastic, Cora?
“I’m thrilled. Just. So. Tired. Need more coffee.”
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Well, dress up before you hit the mocha, because today we’re having two more birthdays.
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I’m gonna be honest here, I actually feel a tiny bit sad that Alex is getting old already 😦
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Blow out those candles, Alexandra! *sniff*
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Congratulations! Okay, we can’t all age as gracefully as Don.
Also, in case you’re wondering who the purple guy in the doorway is…
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It’s Brie’s half-brother Quentin. He definitely inherited Johnny’s impeccable fashion sense. Also his face.
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But we have no time to stare at Quentin, because Alex and Brie share a birthday, and now it’s time for Brie to grow up!
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Congrats, Brie! Also, way to steal the picture, Quentin… I’m not sure if Johnny is upset about his little girl growing up, the noise from the vuvuzela, or Quentin upstaging him in the department of outrageous outfits.
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Shawn has also come to wish Brie a happy birthday. Poor Cora is sitting awkwardly next to them, staring into her drink.
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She excuses herself to the kitchen to get an espresso.
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Fun fact – I checked out their traits and Quentin is a goofball like Johnny. Jodi is physically a tiny copy of Dina but is of course mean.
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Cora has had enough of partying after three birthdays in two days, and slinks off with her coffee, but not before noticing a meaningful look between Dina and Don. She wonders briefly about it, but goes to her room.
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Okay, so maybe Don is getting a LITTLE old. But there’s no time for sleep, we’ve got a date lined up!
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The date definitely wasn’t a succes. This woman, possibly named Amy, was mean and constantly insulted him. They actually ended the date with negative romance.
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“Oh, you’re home early, Don? I was just about to take a bath.”
“I don’t know why I bother going out with anyone but you, babe. I’m heading to the gym instead.”
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Cora is getting a bit more social and actually invites her new friend Aidan over after school.
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She finds that they can just talk for hours, about science and the universe and books, without getting awkward.
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The next day, a letter arrives.
“Dad! Read this! I got into Foxbury!”
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Cora is getting braver about socialising, so she invites one of her barista colleagues for her birthday. This is Zane Fyres-Munch. His parents got divorced recently, but Morgan has let Don know that she and Wolfgang are trying to make it work again – for the kids.
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Cora and Zane bond over voidcritter tactics and memes.
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But now it’s time for cake. Brie and Shawn are here as well. Shawn is trying to lift the mood, but Brie just lost her grandparents. She barely knew Nancy and Geoffrey, but it still made her sad.
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Happy birthday, Cora! It's time for the second generation.
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sirianasims · 11 months
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After Winterfest, Don goes to the gym with his club. Most of his club friends are personal trainers or bodybuilders, like Paolo here, so they always meet up at the local gym.
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Kayla Flemming is also a member of the club, but Olivia Goth(!) is just passing by, and abs lady in the background is the gym trainer.
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Meanwhile, at home…
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Alex is getting impatient, but finances are tight and the family is living from pay-check to pay-check. Being a criminal and a personal trainer isn’t that lucrative.
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Alex, has this shed been here the entire time?
“Yup, you just never bother to take pictures outside.”
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This shed is kinda empty…
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Alex, what is this?
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“Where do you think I keep all my stolen goods?”
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“These paintings should be enough to pay for a small wedding.”
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Today is the big day!
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Brie and Cora get front row seats, and so does Johnny. He’s family, after all.
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Alex has invited her friend and fellow kleptomaniac Lilith, as well as Dina. I’m have no idea what is going on with these reactions.
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Don has invited Nina, his former roommate and Dina’s sister, and Nina has brought her wife, Alice Martin. Don also invited Darling from his fitness club. I’m still not sure about the reactions…
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At least Johnny looks happy for the couple…
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“Alex, babe, you have been my best friend, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you, and the family you have given me, makes me feel happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.”
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“I promise to always keep our lives exciting, adventurous, and full of passion.”
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“My dearest Don. Today, I take my place as your wife. May our days be seasoned with love, understanding and respect forever and ever. I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows with you.”
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“I wish I could promise you riches, but every vault has its end. What I do promise you is a life of abundance – of love and support, of sharing, of passion, and of adventure.”
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“Can I kiss the bride yet?”
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Don obviously has to be extra about it.
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Finally some enthusiasm from Nina, here.
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And so Don Lothario, bachelor extraordinaire, ties the knot.
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The couple feed each other cake and listen to rambling toasts from well-meaning friends.
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Until it’s finally time to leave, as Darling and Dina exchange fitness tips.
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Back home, the girls are put to bed.
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Let’s leave the newlyweds to their wedding night and end chapter 7 here ❤️
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Chapter 6
And Now, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
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“Hi, Johnny, nice to see you.”
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“Don, I have great news! Remember how you took Dina out to cheer her up a while ago?”
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“Uh, yeah, of course…?”
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“Well, turns out the reason she was so emotional is that she’s pregnant again! We just found out, so she didn’t even know yet when you went out.”
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“Johnny, that’s great news! Brie and Quentin will be so excited, I bet.”
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Dina’s mood, however, doesn’t seem to have improved much. She still barges in angrily despite not having a key to the house.
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“Hi, Dina! Guess what happened at school today!”
“Sorry, I don’t have time, Johnny is here, right?”
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“I thought so.”
Pregnancy does not agree with Dina.
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(Oh dear, how did this get in here? Theres is ABS-olutely no reason for this picture to be here…)
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Brie is doing her best not to let Dina’s cold attitude bother her.
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She spends lots of time with Cora and tries not to think about the fact that she has barely met her brother Quentin, because Johnny always comes over. Brie never goes to visit her dad and Dina.
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She is also keeping busy making friends with her classmates. This is Shawn Talla, son of Duane Talla and Darling Walsh.
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I suspect she has a bit of a crush on Shawn.
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Johnny also took her to Mt. Komorebi for some quality father/daughter time.
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Johnny isn’t the greatest skier.
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And neither is Brie, but at least they’re having fun.
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Brie also gets to taste new and exciting food.
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And watch the fireworks.
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Her attitude is still not great, though. She is struggling with her feelings about her father’s family and acting out at home.
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And on top of that, she no longer has daddy Don’s undivided attention since Cora arrived.
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Still, Don does his best to treat the girls equally.
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Today, however, is a very special day.
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Just keep walking, Dina. You are not crashing this party.
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Alex, did you just fart directly in your daughter’s face?
“Can you blame me, she’s the perfect height!”
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Happy birthday, Cora!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Alex, please try to make up with your in-laws before the ceremony.
“It won’t work. We’re sworn enemies.”
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“Where did she even get that drink from?!”
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Cheer up, Alex. I’m sure Johnny will be there for you so you can both get a better relationship with his family. Also, why is he on the phone?
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“He’s apologising to his mother for MY behaviour.”
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“Oh well, I better get to work. I got a new job, this will make much more money than music.”
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“So, uh, honey? Did you always dress like this for work, or?”
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It’s your wedding day! Wipe off that sad face and eat your levitating tomatoes, we’re leaving!
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Okay, still the sad face, I see.
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Nancy and Geoffrey are handling the situation in their own ways.
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“I now take thee… no! I refuse. This whole wedding is a sham, and you don’t really love me, you just want to do whatever is ‘proper’!”
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“But honeybuns! Of course I love you! We’re having a baby!”
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“Having a baby is not enough reason to get married! We have nothing in common! If you paid me even half the attention that Don does -“
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“Uh... about that. I kinda hooked up with Don…”
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“What? You claim I don’t care about you and then you CHEAT ON ME!?”
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“… you’re right. I haven’t exactly given my all in this relationship either…”
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“Sigh… Fine. Fine! This just wasn’t meant to be I guess. The wedding’s off.”
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“I knew this was going to be a disaster!”
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“Shut up, mother, you didn’t exactly help.”
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“Alexandra, I am sorry it had to end like this. Can we at least try to stay civil, for the baby? I want to stay in touch, and I promise to help you and our child out.”
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“But you’re still packing your stuff and leaving my trailer immediately though.”
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Oh Alex, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Chapter 2
Lovers, Enemies and Other Drama
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When we last left Alex, she had just achieved level 5 of her career as a musician and was allowed to move in with her boyfriend, Johnny Zest.
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And just in time as well. Alex is pregnant!
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“I don’t feel well.”
I know, but this is a legacy, kids are kinda mandatory.
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“So, uhm, I know we only just moved in together, but there’s something I need to tell you…”
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Luckily, Johnny is still a Landgraab, and want to do things properly, so he immediately proposes.
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Alex, could you look at least somewhat excited to get married?
“I’m thrilled. This is my thrilled face.”
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“So I guess you’re my future father in law? I hope this little incident doesn’t damage Johnny’s attempts to become friends with you again?… What? I am NOT a golddigger, you disowned him and he has no money!”
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“Ugh, this isn’t working out. I’m enemies with most of my future in-laws.”
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“My life sucks! Johnny ignores me, his family hates me, I keep throwing up, and now I have more enemies than friends. I don’t want to depend on people who don’t even care about me!”
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Blissfully unaware of his fiancée’s complete lack of happiness, Johnny proudly finishes a bit about disastrous hair-dos. Go you, Johnny-boy.
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“Oh Don, you’re my only real friend. I feel so lonely here, no one seems to care about me.”
ALEX NO! You KNOW what Don is like!
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Oh Alex… what have you done?
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“I know I shouldn’t have done this… I just needed to feel wanted, you know? Johnny is obsessed with his comedy and trying to mend his relationship with his family and so…”
No. I’m sorry, but this is a legacy. We need to do things properly and you can’t do this. You need to break off things with Don immediately.
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“… Fine.”
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“Breaking up over text is so tacky, though!”
I know, but your wedding is tomorrow, there’s no time to waste!
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“Great, now Don hates me! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?”
Actually I feel kinda sorry, but there’s no time for that because we have a wedding to get through tomorrow, so dry your eyes!
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Goodnight Alex, I’m sure everything will seem less bleak tomorrow.
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sirianasims · 11 months
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“You want me to just… eat a whole lemon?”
Hey, at least it’s not spoiled!
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“So Johnny, I’m really flattered that you wanted to take me on a date all the way in Selvadorada, considering you live in a trailer. Does this mean you want to get serious?”
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Apparently it does. Awww. Now kiss!
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Woah, Alex, you’re scaring him off!
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Or not. Apparently, Johnny is totally into this.
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Success! Now we can leave Selvadorada before any more natives spawn and flood the town.
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Tealien: “Good riddance.”
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“Look who got promoted! Just a couple more days and I can actually move in with someone!”
And by someone, you mean Johnny, I assume?
“Yeah, sure. I mean, obviously.”
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“We’re having such a good time together. Like cooking and watching tv.”
I mean, you could look more enthusiastic about it. It’s all a bit “Married… With Children”, isn’t it?
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“Don’t worry, I love Johnny. He’s so warm.”
Don’t just exploit the poor man for his body heat, Alex!
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Oh well. Another benefit of having a boyfriend is pretty free access to his fridge. Fewer dumpster meals. Now get home before work!
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Alex, why are you giving Don flowers on Love Day? Aren’t you going on a date with Johnny in a bit?
“Oh get over it, it’s just a tulip. Tulips are for friends!”
Right. I don’t trust you.
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“See? Roses are for love!”
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Moira? Who is this and where is your husband?
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“So, anyways, Alex, you said we needed to discuss something important?”
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“So, uhm, I live in a tent. And I finally got my last promotion, so I am allowed to move in with someone now…”
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See, Moira? This is what happens when you go on a date with some weirdo townie.
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Enjoy your dinner, lovebirds. And then go home and pack up your tent Alex, we’re moving!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Oliana from the fitness club has invited Don out for a swim.
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Paolo and Kayla also came along. Not sure what is up with Oliana here.
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It may seem like Kayla is winning, but in fact Oliana is almost a lap ahead. She probably gets a lot of practice, living in Sulani.
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No better way to dry than dancing by the bonfire!
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Back home, Alex has been promoted to safe cracker, which means she needs to sharpen those mental skills, and Cora is delighted to have someone to play chess with.
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Cora is not the most social kid, and only has one real friend, a fellow genius girl from school, but they don’t hang out much in person, they mainly play Voidcritters online.
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And of course she’s close to her big sister Brie.
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Today, Cora joins Brie in being a teenager. Poor parents. Don doesn’t look thrilled about having two teenagers in the house.
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Blow out those candles, Cora!
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Aaaand this is definitely Don’s kid. It seems like both girls only inherited Alex’s lips and then pretty much everything else from their fathers.
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Cora, as well as being a genius, is developing a bit of a temper. She likes discussing, and she very much prefers being right.
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“Hop off, Noodles, I need to get into bed.”
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Noodles goes to play with her itty bitty kitty committee outside, and this is where we’ll end this chapter.
See you next time!
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Chapter 7
Kittens and Presents and Weddings, Oh My!
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Alex still needs to steal a few high value items to impress her mob boss, so she visits the museum in Brindleton Bay to pick up a few model ships.
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While there, she decides to visit the lighthouse.
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While enjoying the view, Alex spots something moving down in the grass.
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“Here, kitty! Aww, you look so cold…”
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Alex immediately falls in love with the poor stray and decides to take her home.
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Meet Noodles! Yes, the girls were allowed to name her.
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Noodles is immediately popular with all the family members.
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“Do NOT touch that vase, Noodles!”
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Thanks for involving Brie in the decision, I guess? (We said no, because we know only too well how unpleasant Dina gets while pregnant.)
Also, Dina, you JUST gave birth to a girl, Jodi, so maybe give it a rest for now?
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Today is Winterfest! The family celebrates with a grand breakfast…
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… followed by decorating the tree, which takes up most of the living room.
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So pretty!
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I could fill en entire album with pictures of just Don being autonomously adorable with the girls, but then we’d never get to the next generation.
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“Hey babe, look what I found!”
“You’re such a dork.”
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“I love you.”
Noodles approves.
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Father Winter has arrived!
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Cora gets an alien toy!
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Brie gets a violin! Just what she always wanted.
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Don gets a wooden sculpture, a stallion – I guess that’s a compliment?
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Alex, however, gets a lump of coal.
“Ho ho ho, my ass. I want a proper present and I’ll fight you for it if I have to!”
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“That’ll teach you to give me a lump of coal!”
Alex, I don’t think this is the way to get on the Nice list.
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At least one person in the household had an amazing Winterfest.
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