💖❌🌹 for any you want!
[this got Long so much more under the cut]
thank you for asking!!
so gonna go with 'weapon' from this ficlet more explanationon the verse here [they are a variation on aftruda]
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
romantically they still have the alchemist and the hunter, the alchemist is a fellow member of their ladys inner circle, and becomes the weapons second in command, the hunter is a knight and after the ladys death ends up working a lot closer with both of them, they are all in a relationship, but it often straddle the line between fwb/romantic and queerplatonic. the bonds are very strong and they care a lot for both of them, even if they dont always say
their feelings for the alchemist grew slowly, they slept together long before there was much fondness between them, when they realized they did love the alchemist, they told them right away, not wanting to hide it from them, more not wanting to make them uncomfortable and being honest than with hopes of reciprocation, luckily she returned the sentiment, what followed was a disastorus attempt at being a 'normal' couple before they both desided they were happier with how they were, just know knowing the full extent of the others feelings.
it was different when they were introduced to the hunter, they got on surprisingly well and both respected the others relationship with the alchemist [the weapon and teh alchemist had been on a bit of a break and stayed that way when they met up again and the hunter was there] they became fast friends, and so they became three [im still not sure how they became a trio in a relationship, as the weapon would respect the relationship to much to start anything, even by accident, with either, and i dislike making the alchemist shove them together. same for alcohol induced confessions/makeouts. i have a feeling an onlocker shoved them all in a closet.]
they are still very much in love with both of them!
in general love, it takes a while to warm up to people, but they are loyal as a dog, romantic/platonic doesn't really matter to them,
[they also have a childhood bestie who was manipulated into betraying them by a guy but its personalTM and dont want my petty projection to become a major part of the story]
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
betrayal. mostly of their personal secrets/story, but also hurting another person they love, they would cut ties and bear the wound for a long time.
the history is mostly to do with having been taken advantage of a lot [woo! autisum and the chronic need to please] and having their boundrys trampled all over
they could never go back to what the relationship once was, and it would take years to even talk, but if the traitor was manipulated or victim to another they could eventually at least converse, or be able to be around them without lashing out- half of it because they are setting boundary's, half because they cant be nice or civil with the betrayer, and dont want to kick them when their down
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
them and their people have their own brand of affection, lots of hidden meanings and subtle gestures, most common with the people who spend a lot of time in court/among high society, most of them are warriors, so you get the rougher affection too, they have several younger people they mentor in various strengths, and they balance respect for the kids skill and independence with being a shoulder to cry on and supporting them in what they want. they are pretty physically affectionate, lots of hugs and being physically close with people, they also try to be emotionally affectionate, complementing people a lot, they value open communication, and emotional talks are common.
overall they are careful with affection, and they think they do it a lot less than they do, from an outsider it can be hard to see t, but if you know them the love n care they have for you will always shine through
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they have the range<3 [angst, tragedy, soft moments, brutal murder]
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look the more i call her coffin lady the more likely her name is gonna end up as coffie. and i cant do that to myself.
fine. spent 5 min looking up hereward the wakes kids. shes Alftruda by birth now. masculine is alfred but may change that
cant find pronunciation but alfreda is al-FREE-də so im guessing it would be al-FRU-də.
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ok so in plain text, [coffin lady] is a revernt. someone that died and came back because they had unfinished business [normlay revenge]
but coffin lady had deaths of the soul/spirit. basicaly she changed s much due to tragedy and greif thet she died inside but not. like literaly. but still revenant. so she dousent know but she gets stronger and where prev she had an affinity for magic and an awareness of it, its getting stronger [i dont have a magic system per say but coffin ladys magic is basically her persuading/asking spirits/powers for help. she isnt necessarily getting stronger in magic but her will and power in how much she can ask for is]
she wanders around helping people [getting attacked and almost burnt at teh stake for being a witch] and meets a alchemist/hunter while serving a noble lady. they. ehh fall in love is a stretch at this posint, but over 100 years they go from mostly human to very powerful, its not that they love each other yet, but they are the main witness to the others transformation, they are the only other person who understands [and once the lady falls and the others die they are the only witnesses to who they once were]
at the latter end of that time, the alchemist meets another hunter, a traveling archer, whos ideals match up well with the groups- hunt and kill monsters who harm people, but not all in-humans are monsters and some humans are. he falls in love with the alchemist, who falls in love right back. the hunter loves the alchemist for who she is, and is aware of who she can be both bad and good, but believes she can be good [coffin lady is vibing in the background as a go between, helping them get each other the right gifts. the hunter and coffin lady get on well]
hunter and the alchemist have a kid, but the thing is its been 200 years and coffin lady aint exactly human anymore, and has alot of power shes giving off [this is when we see the beginnings of the goodhood. also while the alcemists extended life is partialy due to alcemy the hunters isent and they both age slower due to coffin lady] so when she blesses the baby and swears to protect it. well boom you have a baby with magic! [coffin lady is made to do free babysitting for life]
the daughter is raised decently. they are all trying not to be abusive or controlling, and for the most part they succeed, but they are deeply damaged individuals, with lots of sorrow, also they hid their less nice pasts from the daughter, and train her in various forms of combat. its flawed but unintentional, and they are trying, but its hard when your broken too [mileage will vary on this. they did fuck up but in my eyes its something that when you have an eternity you will. not forgive. but make peace with. but thats based on my personal experience]
the daughter find out about all the stuff under the rug, as well as wanting to get some freedom. she blows up and fuckes off to wander around hunting things, while occasionally coming back. lots of teary arguments, lots of the daughter yelling, its a mess. she justified in blowing up and is pissed about the secrets, as well as the flaws in how she was raised
the messTM calms down, its strained at times, but normal family messy.
the hunters getting old now, slowly and mostly gracefully, but hes aging. hes mostly calm about it, hes happy with his life, and is pleased hes survived so long, going out in a blaze of glory sounds alright, but at home at peace surrounded by the ones you love? he would have it no other way. the alchemist is aging to, slower, but still there. [coffin lady] looks older to, but they both know its to stay with them, not a sign of the journey towards death.
the hunter dies how he wanted, surrounded by his family, his loved ones recounting tales of his life. [coffin lady] has a power, to guide the dead onward, she offers to lead him to his afterlife, but he refuses, he wants to stay.
eventually when the alchemist dies she decides she wants to stay as well.
the daughter has some kids, some bio some adopted, all of the are blessed by [coffin lady] the spirits of the hunter and the alchemist wander, helping out the growing family, the weapons of the hunter and the alchemist are passed down, often duplicated, each family member gets weapons passed down or new ones made for them.
the family grows as the generations pass, spreading out and helping people, they gain a reputation as fair, and a reputation for being very lucky and blessed. they stick to the core values of protecting people, whether monster or human, and are the middle ground in the constant war of the supernatural against humanity. many 'monsters' marry or are adopted in, and many bonds are forged. still the original trio help the family, now a clan with branches everywhere.
the daughter has barely aged past 30, and is still in the peak of her fighting prowess, wielding her fathers bow and arrows. she wanders still, like the rest of the family, making their way to safe havens every so often, meeting each other, drifting apart and together. it works well for family as large and complicated as they are.
so thats the story! [so far]
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What if you knew grief would break you. What if they saw that and stayed. What if you gave those you loved a choice. Stay or leave. Stay or know they unleashed the grief broken monster. You dident mean it that way.
What if just by existing you bend the rules of life and death. Those you love surviving anything. The powers fear what would happen if you succumbed to grief.
You offer them all a choice. Move on or leave their loved ones hearts to break
You say it's better this way. But you need to learn to grieve. They do to. You can't protect your children from heartbreak for long.
You are a clan of monsters and ghosts.
As your power grows the spirits can gain body's again. Like they never left.
The trinity. The daughter. Clinging to life and those you love so hard it hurts.
It's no way to raise a family.
But they number in the thousands now. And your loves cling to each other after a tragedy. Daring to ask if they want to leave. But they can't. Your trapped. And they won't leave you.
The alchemist loses herself in her work. No need to feed or sleep. If tears fall no-one notices, she locked the doors. When it's to much she hunts. Let's lose the violence in her heart.
The hunter nurtures, helping the clan, wisdom of millennias. When it's to much he shoulders his bow and looses arrow after arrow into the targets, lucky he can't tire. Can't be hurt.
The ghost. The witch. The patron. They hunt and they advise and they avenge. They cling to the ghosts. The ghosts haunt them. Faces from millennia ago frighten them out of sleep. Weight layers in their bones and heart. Shaped by those that believe in them. They can hardly remember what it was like. Back when they were a child. How it felt to be human. How it felt to dance in the flames when there was risk of burning.
The daughter is stoic when not joking. Sorrow hidden from her parents. From those that made her this way. She roams far from home. Wanders back covered in blood and weighed down by grief. she wants to escape- but he blood wont let her. their trapped together.
but at least they are not alone [right?]
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Ok so you may be thinking I go thru OCS very fast, and/or I just keep making the same guy.
Well the second one is right.
I don't have lots of universes of separate OCS, I have one main oc. They have their themes and story, and I just tweak them depending on what universe I want to throw them in
It's basically a multiverse of this one charecter and their friends.
Each iteration has a media or part of a media it's either set in inspired by or interacts with.
Volcov- the first one I've talked about, a long time ago, was influenced by hellblazer, making me want to go back to my roots [grumpy asholes just trying to get by as life kicks them down]
Alftruda, is inspired by castlevania and it's world of generational trauma and cycles and magic [it's technically set in the games universe but they rarely interact w those characters]
Each new iteration affects the later ones, I can trace back various traits and story elements to the story's they come from.
The weapon is a version of Alftruda, minus the immortality and some of the magic, set place in a FFXIV inspired world [ishgard for the base cause man I love ishgards design]
A newer one I haven't talked about, or better said, a newer interpretation of the same idea, is the jackal/the wolf [another character with a sliding scale of powerful magic to slightly enhanced human]. This character is more inspired by marvels street level comics, and also inner beast, baby. Totally not a major theme in any of my works.
tldr: Basically. It's one character who I put in lots of situations and has lots of variations. Each variation has a main story but I can deviate from it. Most character's also have multiple different versions of the same story. When the story/world changes enough I class them as a separate variation. Most of this is just daydreaming and I change it a lot so it's why it's all fairly fluid. there are also reoccurring side charecters
I'm not planning a novel I'm just playing with my own dolls in other people's sandboxes. And I'm happy with that.
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a snippet for a character idea that has been rattling around my head for a while. its an au + cannon divergence of alftrudas story set in a vaguely ff-xiv ish world? idk ive been playing it a lot my idea of fantasy world is now skewed
oh and the reaction to being called lady is because they were a knight serving a lady [the refrenced master] shes dead and they are left with her legacy/organization and the burden of running it, not misgendering
"At once, my lady" the officer bowed,
"Don't. Don't call me that"
"But your title-"
A pained grin, "we're equals here." a pause " I'm just."
Eyes squeezed shut
"Never mind. Your dismissed"
One the door is shut behind the officer, the steel spine of the commander fails, slumping into their chair.
"You shouldn't give yourself to someone in your entirety, even if you believe in them and their mission, not for fear of being lead down the wrong path, but for fear of what happens when that person is gone. When all that remains is a weapon. Broken by grief and master-less, in it's grief and confusion, how can it be certain that the blood it sheds needs to be out"
Dry chuckles echoed through the stone arches. Wise child. To grown child. From the mouths of babes. Maybe the prince was the one graced with sight out of them both.
No. They knew. But they still ran in heart bared.
And now.
The weapon was master-less. Lost. Grieving.
But they were not shedding blood. Not losing themselves in battle-rage.
Broken not just by grief. Betrayed in the end, not by their wielder, but by their body.
The weapon was broken.
Confined to wheeled chairs and crutches. Bound by patronizing looks and suffocated by caring hands.
Unable to wield their signature blades without hands shaking.
The weapon weeps, not blood but salted tears.
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