#alice’s is coming too but we are spacing it out dnfnfnf PROLONG THE SUFFERING
hobisexually · 5 years
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* michelle from allo allo voice * listen very carefully, I shall say this only once
I don’t know about you, but @ardentlyadmire is feeling 22!!!!!!!!!
I can make this joke because I have the opportunity to make it once (twice, if you count our card) in this friendship and I will not let it slide, and also 1989 is a banger of an album and your teenage self agrees with me. My birthday present of this year is me exposing that secret to the world. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME.
I’m going to do the same thing I did for Alice, because I don’t know how else to say it, so without further ado — this is how I’d introduce you in a fic.
She’s nervous. Her hands are shaking as she texts the one who shall never hum bolero, saying how surely, she won’t like her. How is she supposed to act? It’s the first time they’ll ever meet. What is she supposed to do?
Little does she know that when she gets off her train at Amsterdam’s central station, and her friend, wearing a too flashy shade of purple on her lips, sees her, all she can think is how nice she looks — how she has an urge in her to hug her, befriend her, let her talk about her life because surely, this is someone who’s got something interesting to say.
And as it turns out, her friend was absolutely right. Behind those glasses and long, blonde curls, there’s a pair of eyes hiding that shows exactly how much goes on behind those frames. She’s quiet at first, seizing up the moment, happy to let someone else do the talking. Her curls fall in her face, her red boots shuffling across the ground, faded by time and wear. One of the first things she passionately speaks about is Latin and Greek in school, and it’s a testament to how much she loves to learn, how she always makes sure to feed her never ending taste for knowledge. How much she loves stories, myths, reading about love affairs and how humans tick.
She asks questions. Out of curiosity, but also because she genuinely wants to know. She genuinely cares for the people she loves, and even people she doesn’t necessarily love — she spreads something, something great and indefinable, that makes the people around her grow three sizes. And when they do, so does she.
That’s the next thing she’s passionate about. How she’s kind, and prefers being nice to people, but it doesn’t mean she’s always happy. Doesn’t mean she likes everyone. Certainly doesn’t mean she can’t be angry.
When that fiery energy does break free, it’s one of her friends’ favourite things: when in the middle of the night, in an undisclosed location, she sets loose. When a burst of anger comes out and she rants, yells, lets all that fire free she doesn’t always show. It never burns anyone up, however. It’s hot enough to be a warning, but never spreads too far. And that warmth is always there, comfortable when she is, hot when she’s not. She’s unabashed. She doubts who she is, but she doesn’t mind letting people know that she does. She’s brave, in loud acts of defiance, or quiet ones — but both are as powerful as she is. Driving scares her, at first. Long distances are something she’d rather not do. And still, she drives all the way to Amsterdam just to see her friends. To pick them up and sing from the top of their lungs to the band that connected them together in the first place. At first she hates every second behind that wheel. A year later, you wouldn’t be able to tell. Without a care in the world she drives an extra half hour just to pick up her friend and drive to Belgium, despite it possibly snowing. She flies to different countries just because she wants to. Together, but also alone.
She doesn’t see it a lot of the time, but she’s always growing. Always bettering herself. Soon, she’ll move to another country, when three years ago she thought she never would leave her parents’ home again. Her friends will see her there. They can’t wait.
That first day, on that windy day in Amsterdam, was the beginning. Her red boots got sent on a permanent vacation not long afterwards, and got traded in for a style sense that is unabashedly her. Her long curls got cut off, her hair changed from blonde to red and back to blonde. She’s flown under bi flags, on horses in a forest, flew from the mountains, and flew into her friends’ hearts.
If I could fly does not apply to her: she already spreads her wings every single day. And she makes everyone want to fly with her.
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