#alien language translation matrix creators. both japanese. i see you ent fan in the bts of torchwood
uss-genderprise · 1 year
so after watching torchwood i think i finally get it. i get it. i understand. i spent my whole life going oh yeah i'm not a big fan of sci fi i only like some of it here and there some of the time. even though my favourite show growing up was doctor who. even though my current special interest is star trek. i get it. i figured it out. i cracked the code.
it's the hope. it's that fundamental truth of these shows, that humanity is inherently good, that humans are good and want to do good and be good and better than they were before. a lot of people are bad and do bad things but humanity as a whole strives to be better.
and that's something that always resonated with me, and it's why i tend to not like most sci fi, all the dark, bleak, humanity is doomed stuff. because i think people are inherently good, and i want to see us thrive and succeed and try to do better, i want to believe in a future where that's true, and star trek and doctor who give me that.
i had a conversation with a friend a while back who said new who is dark but you see the smile on the doctor's face when he says "just this once, everybody lives!" and you see humans surviving until the end of the universe because that's what we do, and you see people banding together to help each other in so many episodes across so many seasons and it's just not true that this show is dark (also a mild tangent but it's a really well lit show, i can always see everything which is not true for most shows these days and i do very much appreciate that)
the "darkness" is what a lot of people don't like about nutrek, too (so many thoughts but this post is getting long). star trek is known for being a hopeful utopia and even when it's not (e.g. ds9) it still makes you want to believe in the goodness of people.
the parallels here are making me insane i just needed to write it all out. if you've read this far here's a picture of a cat
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