docleonidas · 3 years
Part 3a: Dre'en and the council
(Note: all measurements have been translated to the nearest equivalent understandable by the reader, some errors may occur)
Dre'en, (pronounced Dra-heen) are a bipedal race, on average around 4-5ft tall when fully grown. Dre'en lifespan is on average 23 years of age, with some exceptional individuals recorded to reach mid 50's.
In terms of appearance, a Dre'en's skin will always have a blue tint of some kind, though they can vary anywhere from a light aquamarine to a deep royal purple. A rarer mutation may also provide gold colored "flecks" which is very much desirable in young Dre'en, to the point that some beauty parlors offer "flecking" as a service.
Dre'en are one of the most agile in the core council races. Their bones are lightweight and the have their kneecaps on the opposite side, meaning that they are able to leap close to 9ft high when pushed. Their feet have four long toes splayed forwards, with one backwards to stabilise them. Fingers are long and slim , with a single joint in the middle.
Dre'en are one of the most prolific species in the Core races, comprising of around a third of the total population. As such, they tend to have a large influence, both in terms of trends, and social norms.
One reason for their large population was their discovery of the Pnil species. The ability to colonise worlds previously deemed inhospitable thanks to the symbiotes durability. Within 17 years, over 50 colonies had been built, allowing thousand to inhabit these worlds.
The sterility issue was discovered soon after, those joined with Pnil were in shock, while whispers went around deeming the symbiotes as bloodline killers. The Dre'en leaders, knowing that public opinion of the species was in freefall, ordered all "paired" dre'en and symbiotes to relocate to military complexes, as they had too much utility to be culled.
Though resentment still remains high, the Dre'en hierarchy still advocates for the Gifting to go ahead, as the Pnil are a valuable resource.
Being one of the founders of the council, Dre'en are represented by the now retired ex commander Vreliss, who is head of law and security for the core council races. His input is highly useful for planetary security and short term issues due to his races relatively short lifespan.
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docleonidas · 3 years
Part 4a: Grimwald/lizardfold, notes from the files of Dr Histros
The Grimwald are an oddity in the galactic community, to the point that our species was believed to be two similar, but completely different species. In fact, we believed the same thing, as both Grimwald and Lizardfold had originated from different planets in a cluster of stars commonly known as Kaloth.
It was only about 3 generations ago that a third variants was discovered in the Kaloth cluster that a scientist thought to compare our genetics and discovered close to 97% was identical. Of course, this news caused a lot of controversy, and both our variants species argued, but it was ultimately agreed to merge both under the same name, the Grimwald.
The third variant has been left alone, due to them having not achieved space flight yet, so I will add notes if the do so within my lifetime.
Variant 1: The Grimwald.
The first version of my species to achieve spaceflight and join the council roughly 1842 GSY (Galactic Standard Years) ago. On average, a Grimwald, is between 4'9" to 5'4", sandy/brown scales, and a row of short, sharp spikes running from nose to tail tip. Original climate meant that they were adapted to high heat and sandy areas. Scales are oval with overlapping edges, allowing the Grimwald to essentially lift them to appear larger as a threat display.
Variant 2: The Lizardfold
My own Varient, we only joined the galactic community 500 GSY ago.
Average height can be between 3'7" and 4'5", making us the smaller of the two, and our scales lie flat, a diamond shaped look to them. Coloring of my varient is from light aquamarine to a deep green, thought to be due to camouflage. We also have pads on our feet and hands allowing us to scale surfaces with relative ease.
Both variants share several aspects, such as more activity In the sun due to our inability to regulate our body temperature, our gravitation towards insectoid food sources (see below) and our ability to shed our skins once a week.
One last fact to note, our species as a whole have trouble when it comes to speech with others. While we can talk, although with an accent, our hearing is rather poor, our species relying more on vibrations through the ground under us than the air. So while I can hear people talking, it is far quieter than someone walking past.
Due to this, most of us will communicate using text to speech programs or lipreading skills.
(Personally, I prefer the purple boomslang worms from the Craidos shop in the Eastern district, they have a nice pop to them).
Note to self. Anyone who sees this journal and doesn't get me boomslang worms for my hatchday gets an extra round of health checkups due to anomalies in their data.
Note to self 2: show more people this journal as I am running low on boomslang worms.
Note to self 3: delete notes before people read this page next time. Avrin was not impressed.
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docleonidas · 3 years
Part 2a: Pnil explained
Pnil in general were seen as being both a benefit and a curse. Though usually removed from their family and unable to have children of their own, they were usually a far hardier than normal species.
The symbiote could easy deflect most incoming danger thanks to their ability to solidify the outer parts of their body, keeping their hosts alive. They didn't drain the host of any vital nutrients either, eating their own food (usually a nutrient paste as they had no real taste buds).
Instead, a Pnil required a host for one reason. Brainwave activity. Due to their fluid nature, their brain was spread through their body, causing issues when neurons disconnected to form new shapes. Utilizing a host, they instead used their partners mind as a core, keeping the symbiotes together. Pnil could separate for a period of time, but without brainwaves to sustain their own, they would soon collapse.
Unfortunately, death of a host results in death of the Pnil, as they were so attuned to their partners brain pattern that they could no longer adapt to another.
The species creates eggs, commonly a clutch of 3 to 6, which are a mix of symbiote and a small portion of host DNA. However, they are only able to be released at the point of death, so many pairings are unable to find suitable bonds for their offspring.
Pnil have two main variants, which are usually based off of the hosts emotions growing up. Stealth type Pnil were far slimmer and closer to the look of a uniform, with thinner defensive plates over vital body parts and a ridge of calcification around the face and cranium, leaving the face exposed usually.
The brute forms were thicker, close to two times the size of a host when in hostile mode, but even in regular form were farlarger, thicker and covered in defensive plates, often referred to as combat suits in how they shielded their host from all attacks so well.
Due to the size of a brute symbiote, they would often travel alongside a host to conserve energy and reduce the size, though keep within a few meters of their host. Though it provided less protection, the symbiote was usually fast enough to react if something went awry.
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