osgalkaline · 3 months
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Discover the secret to glowing skin with OSG Alkaline Beauty Water! With a pH of 6.0, this beauty elixir effortlessly tones and hydrates your face, leaving you with a radiant complexion. Include alkaline water into your skincare routine and experience the transformative power of OSG Alkaline Beauty Water today!
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pureverwatertanks · 7 months
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Discover the secret to glowing skin with OSG Alkaline Beauty Water! With a pH of 6.0, this beauty elixir effortlessly tones and hydrates your face, leaving you with a radiant complexion. Include alkaline water into your skincare routine and experience the transformative power of OSG Alkaline Beauty Water today!
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morlifeau · 1 year
    The 7 benefits of greens powder
In recent years, the popularity of greens powder and greens supplements has soared. These vibrant, nutrient-dense powders have become a staple in the diets of health-conscious individuals looking to enhance their well-being, lose weight, and ensure they get their daily dose of fruits and vegetables without the hassle of eating them. But what exactly are the benefits of greens powder? Let's delve into the seven key advantages:
Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse: Greens powders are like nature's multivitamin. They are typically made from a blend of nutrient-dense green plants such as kale, spinach, and chlorella, along with other superfoods like spirulina and wheatgrass. This concentrated mix provides a potent dose of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
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Convenience: Incorporating a wide variety of greens into your daily diet can be challenging. Greens powders offer a convenient and hassle-free solution. Just mix a scoop of powder with water, juice, or your favourite smoothie, and you're instantly boosting your nutrient intake.
Alkalizing Effect: Many greens powders, like the one offered by Morlife, are designed to support the body's acid-alkaline balance. They contain alkalizing ingredients that help counteract the acidity that can result from a modern diet rich in processed foods and sugars.
Improved Digestion: Greens powders often contain prebiotic fibres and probiotic bacteria, which can promote healthy digestion. These ingredients support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to better nutrient absorption and overall digestive well-being.
Boosted Immune System: The combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in greens powders can enhance your immune system's resilience. Regular consumption can help protect your body from infections and keep you feeling your best.
Increased Energy: If you frequently battle tiredness and fatigue, greens powders may be your solution. They contain nutrients like magnesium and B vitamins that help your body convert food into energy, reducing those mid-afternoon slumps.
Antioxidant Defense: Oxidative stress caused by free radicals is a contributor to aging and various chronic diseases. Greens powders, with their abundant antioxidants, help combat these harmful molecules, reducing the risk of cellular damage and inflammation.
When considering greens powders, it's essential to choose a high-quality product like Morlife's organic super greens powder. Their formula combines a rich assortment of super greens, fruits, and vegetables with key minerals, herbal extracts, and beneficial probiotics. With tempting flavours like Pineapple Coconut, Acai Raspberry, and Lemon Lime, it's easy to make greens an enjoyable part of your daily routine.
For parents looking to ensure their children get their daily greens, Morlife also offers Greens Kidz. This kid-friendly supplement disguises its 22 superfoods, including kale and organic wheatgrass, with a delicious berry taste. It's a win-win for both parents and kids, promoting healthy habits in a fun way.
In conclusion, greens powders are a versatile and practical way to boost your overall health and well-being. With their nutrient-packed content, alkalizing properties, and immune-boosting capabilities, they provide a valuable addition to any diet. So, why wait? Start reaping the benefits of greens powder today and let your body thank you for the green goodness it deserves. Plus, with convenient online purchasing options like afterpay and subscription discounts, it's easier than ever to make greens powders a part of your daily routine.
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chansonqualitywater · 2 years
Difference between Alkaline water and alkalized water , There are fine scientific parameters that can clearly tell the difference between Alkaline water and Alkalised water. Clear understanding of these differences and use of Alkalised water by Chanson water ionizer can ameliorate the situation of health related ailments
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madamlaydebug · 26 days
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Foods recommends to have in your fridge and pantry every week 🥦🥬🫐🥑🥗
Dark Leafy Greens: More nutritious, calorie for calorie, than any other food. Alkalising.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Lowers the risk of cancers; balances hormones.
Avocados: Help protect your body from heart disease, cancer, and certain degenerative diseases. Amazing source of Omega 3’s. Great for pre conception.
Blueberries: Help to control blood sugar, prevent heart disease, ulcers and high blood pressure. Good for eye fatigue.
Eggs: Full of protein and good fats. Make sure to purchase pastured, organic, free-range where possible.
Walnuts: Packed with omega-3’s and other nutrients that help protect the heart and boost the brain.
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asphalt-eater · 7 months
@iodine-art - art blog
@creedock - heartless blog
@the-crab-wizard - crab wizard rp blog
#sulfur stains - rambles and original text posts
#beloved creatures - cute animals
#dark as the night - aesthetic stuff
#cabinet of curiosities - various misc stuff i think is cool such as funny text posts or other peoples art
#not quite magic - science and maths stuff
other stuff:
^ my cohost.
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^ my fursona, luce
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shris890 · 10 months
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nikithakavali · 2 years
Where do citrus fruits come from?
All of the citrus fruits are from the family Rutaceae. This family is also known as the rue family and contains flowering plants that generally have a strong scent. The genus Citrus includes oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. These fruits have been cultivated since ancient times. They have probably originated from Australia, New Caledonia and New Guinea, although some research points to them originating in Southeast Asia. Many of the species are hybrids and there is speculation that even the wild true-breeding species are actually hybrids originally.
What do citrus fruits do?
All of the citrus fruits are noted for their fragrance. This is due to limonoids and flavonoids (both of which have strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties). They can help prevent kidney stones, as they contain high levels of citrate. Lemons are the highest, drinking diluted lemon juice daily has been shown to decrease kidney stone formation.
The vitamin C content of citrus fruits is legendary, and regular consumption has been found to decrease your cardiovascular and heart disease risks, whilst increasing life expectancy. Vitamin C is also a natural anti-histamine, preventing histamine release and aiding in its detoxification.  Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress.
How do I use citrus fruits?
Use the peel! It’s full of antioxidants and can help fight free radicals, balance blood sugar levels and support thyroid health. You can buy candied peel for desserts here.
Juice, have a look at our smoothie and juice recipes.
Mix with water, a slice or 2 of a citrus fruit in hot water first thing in the morning will help to alkalise your system and aid in cleansing.
What fruits do Real Foods sell from the citrus family?
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Lemons are probably a hybrid between a bitter orange (C. Aurantium) and a citron (C. Medica). Although it could be a hybrid involving limes! They contain high amounts of citric acid, around 5-6% of total weight. Initially discovered in India, lemons were avilable during the Roman Empire's heydays but were not widely cultivated until the Arabs introduced them into Italy in the 8th century.  Colombus took them to America and it was then that their amazing effects on scurvy were noticed. They are highly valued for their juice and high vitamin C content.
Limes - C. Aurantifolia are so called because they have long been confused with lemons. The name is derived from ‘limun’. The 2 most popularly cultivated limes are the Mexican or key Lime and the Persian lime. Limes were unknown in Europe before the crusaders and were probably imported from Palestine after Arabs had introduced them there. Their incredible flavour and high essential oil content is used widely in cooking and is popular for marinades.
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Tangerines – C. Tangerina is probably derived from C. Oculata. Less sour and sweeter than oranges, the name is derived from Tangiers which grew them widely at one time. The red-orange skin is usually what separates them from mandarins.
Satsumas – C. Unshiu are probably of Japanese origin and are very easy to peel. Sweet, their nickname the “Christmas orange”  is because they are very popular as Christmas treat in the U.K.
Sweet oranges are known as Citrus Sinensis and are a hybrid between a pomelo (C. grandi s or C. maxima) and a mandarin (C. reticulata). There is no history of the orange being grown in the wild and it’s thought to have been selected in China or northern India from their cultivation of mandarins and pomelos. Oranges have been grown from at least 2500 B.C.E in China.
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Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) are a hybrid between lemons and oranges (it’s why they’re sometimes called orange  bergamot and others  call them lemon bergamots).  They are relatives of sour oranges and are famously unpalatable. Similar to Seville in the sense they are prized for their zest, their flavour and pith for marmalade making and their scent. They do not taste very nice however! Bergamots are only available occasionally through the year. 
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The alpha Brain wave Yoga and
Monatomic gold
The alpha brain wave is well known in tibet for their deep states of mediation ,
Ormus gold or Monatomic Gold puts the body in the elite Alpha brain wave state, a meditative and healing state 7.83 Hz and the earth’s frequency vibrates at 7.83Hz. An unusual coincidence.?
It has been proven to balance the left brain right brain hemispheres 
A small study 
looked at a brain stimulation technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and found that it could increase alpha brain waves and reduce depression symptoms in people affected by major depressive disorder (MDD).
Ormus Gold also cleans the body of toxins and increases one’s aura so that the body is functioning on a high vibration and energy status.
How Ormus Monatomic Gold is beneficial for immune system?
Ormus has the ability to alkalise the body’s system due to its high PH levels, an environment that disease doesn’t like.
A nutritous organic substrate full of trace elements .
Elixir Ormus also increases your aura, the energy around the body that senses peoples energy from cortisol being released from the cells in the body.
Have you noticed when you can sense a persons agitated or angry when you enter a room its because they are releasing cortisol and we have tiny receptors in our cells that pick up on this. When this aura is increased our intuition is raised.
Negative sentiment on Ormus or Monatomic gold
There is negative sentiment over the internet on some accounts like any product ,and Ormus can be harmful if made with Dead Sea salt , Compared to Pacific Ocean sea salt ,or if the proper alchemic procedures are not followed. Some of this negative sentiment  could be attributed to this .
Is Ormus Dangerous
There are several ways of extracting or processing Ormus or Monatomic gold, some use real golden heat it  and use hydrochloric acid and a number of horrible processes, or a Dry method ,
Im relating to particularly the Wet Method made from Organic Sea water harvested from safe places away from marinas.
A Japanese scientist also did study on just sea water he called it Hado water 
study on sea water benefits
The simple method layman's explanation is clean filtered sea water is obtained then to raise the  PH to 10.78 no higher or dangers can occur ,Vortex the water  then the white precipitate falls out with all the minerals , Ph needs to be adjusted then the solution needs to washed many times to remove the high concentrations on sodium . Please don't use this method it s a lot more complicated and a alchemist will need to follow the correct recipe from ancient Egyptian clay tablets.
After researching approx 100 websites reviews it seemed approx 80% are positive on a generalisation with some astounding claims.
However many companies don't have a spectrometry detailed assay list of trace elements.
If done correctly Ormus becomes the Ancient Egyptian elixir that was believed that the Pharos and kings ingested for higher spiritual consciousness and longevity that is completely organic and GMO free.
But do your homework on the trace minerals and see what you think.
SPHINX ORMUS  Ormus assay
Other elements to be found in this form are Copper,Cobalt,Ruthenium,Rhodium,Silver,Palladium,Platinum,Osmium,Iridium,and nickel due to there Monatomic form they do not show up under spectrometry.
.[Parts per million]
These organic minerals relate to  historic nutritional research of assisting Cognitive function,
Wound healing for burns,
Reducing stress anxiety and depression,
Elasticity of the skin and collagen production reducing wrinkles, 
Assisting the nervous system,
Increasing brain blood circulation and electro impulses and cognitive function. Anti-inflammatory properties are helpful for many autoimmune diseases and Arthritis, 
Detoxification and rid of free radicals.
Helps build strong teeth and bones, has anti-inflammatory properties helpful for arthritis, speeds up wound healing, Prevents vitamin D deficiency, and balances hormones.
Sulphur 587
Increasing circulation to the brain is helpful for Alzheimer’s or Dementia, It assists in detoxing the body, and is essential to connecting tissues, helping elasticity to the skin reducing wrinkles, it supports insulin production, assists in vitamin B uptake to convert carbohydrates to energy.
Sodium 8,264
Improves heart performance, and the nervous system, prevents muscle cramps, and assists in glucose absorption, sodium is needed for blood regulation, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body, prevents sunstroke, improves brain function, defends free radicals and is in many skin care creams, eliminates carbon dioxide and controls blood pressure.
Magnesium 2,350
Regulates blood sugar, boosts athletic performance, is involved in approx 600 reactions in your body, energy creation, protein formation, muscle movement, nervous system regulation, may reduce anxiety and combat depression, boast anti-inflammatory properties, bone Heath, gives good sleep,
Potassium 1,317
Stimulates neural activities,, improves the nervous system, regulates fluid systems, maintains water balance, reduces anxiety and stress levels, boosts heart health, boosts metabolisms, strengthens muscles, stabilises blood pressure, enhances bone health, stabilises blood sugars,
Is ok in small doses it’s in all our vegetables and water and is good for painful joints and alleviates fatigue, The average daily intake is 10 mg per day.
Aluminium RDL
Aluminium is toxic if exceeding the daily recommendations
Strengthens Bones prevents baldness and Alopecia, prevents brittle nails, is good for skin, assists in elasticity, reduces ageing, increases collagen, restores mucosa, prevents Atherosclerosis, promotes healing, and prevents aluminium toxicity.
Gold is a great anti-inflammatory, as is a superconductor assisting the neural pathways.
It has been used in ancient cultures to increase longevity and enhance spiritual awareness,
 LT Lawrence Frego stated Gold raises the IQ by 20 basis points over 30 days
Phosphorus. 49
Strengthens teeth and bones, detoxes the body, supports cognitive development, stimulates protein metabolism, boosts cell repair, helps hormonal balance, promotes metabolism, facilitates nutrient uptake
Strengthens bones and teeth, assists in a stable weight, protects cardiac muscles, has anti-cancer potential, reduces pre-menstrual depression, prevents kidney stones, controls the alkaline PH, regulates blood pressure, and assists transportation of nutrients
Strontium 9.28
Strengthens bones and aids in alkalising the bones. Assists in the absorption of calcium, Prevents tooth decay, is used in treating prostate cancer,
Lithium is used for treating depression, and anxiety, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts cognitive function. Tests in 26 counties in Texas in 1990 showed that counties with a low rate in the water had a 40% higher suicidal rate
Barium 0.38
Other organisations have set guidelines or regulations pertaining to the concentration of barium in drinking water. The World Health Organisation established a guideline for drinking- water quality of 1.3 mg/L for barium. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s standard and the guideline established by the Australia National Health and Medical Research Council are both set at 2.0 mg/L. The European Union has not established a limit for barium in drinking water. High quantities of barium above daily intake are harmful.
Iron 2.88
Enhances Haemoglobin, regulates body temp, treats Anaemia, oxygen carrier prevents chronic fatigue, assists energy and metabolism, improves appetite, prevents restless leg syndrome, prevents hair loss, improves muscle health, improves brain function and development, boosts immunity, promotes sleep, boosts concentration, helps heal wounds, neurotransmitter synthesis
Zinc 0.52
Wound healing, DNA synthesis, Protein synthesis, Gene expression, and Immune function, Aid in the growth development of Mitosis and cell division.Anti-inflammatory.
Manganese 0.39
Bone health and strong antioxidant properties help reduce diseases, reduce inflammation, particularly with chondroitin and Glucosamine. Assist in blood sugar regulation, is Linked to lower amounts of epileptic seizures, assists in the role of metabolising nutrients may reduce PMS symptoms in conjunction with calcium, may protect the brain from free radicals and improve brain function. Assist in good thyroid health. assist in wound healing by aiding in collagen production.
After reading my List of Minerals / Trace Elements In Ormus I suggest you google the daily intakes for each mineral and do the math. It is important not to exceed the daily does of Ormus as its such a rich mineral elixir you can exceed the daily recommended doses. I suggest you google to do the RDL under the world health organisation.
It is also great for plants here is a organic  broccoli I grew from watering with 
1 teaspoon per 10 litres approx 10 times, sitting on a 10 litre water bottle.
How Energy Affects Ormus 
If you are interested in energy Ormus has some very unique traits,
You will be aware no doubt of Dr emoto research on structured water 
how he found that thoughts directed at water can change the structure of water and words written on water containers can change the shape of the water molecule.
Dr Emoto study video
Research has shown that water can carry as much as 440,000 pieces of information on each molecule , and we are made up of approx 70% of water ,look at the quantity of this stuff we consume ,
approx 730 litres a year to the average person at 2 litres a day.
If we consume that much water wouldn't it be clear that we would want the most pure and high vibrational nature?
If it carries memory surely this would affect us?
Ormus has also been found in the human body ,plants and soils and rocks and is in high concentration in Purple coloured foods and products of the ocean like sea weed, sea food, 
Wouldn't it be fair that you would only want to drink liquids in this hexagonal shape of love ?  as in the photo here after the frozen water molecules is put under a microscope .
The negative thought traits and words certainly show a negative vibe , you be the judge!
Different ways of supercharging your Ormus into the Hexagonal water molecule elite state. From the earths energy .Ormus is very sensitive to sound and vibration.
Raise your vibration with Ormus 
Sacred geometry 
crystals and grids
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Violet coloured glass and the violet coloured spectrum
528 Hz imprinted in the Ormus [the miracle tone]
The OHM tone 
Triskelions  [ a sacred Egyptian length of copper formed into a geometric shape giving off electromagnetic energy proven to structure water within hours
Copper torson rings [ reduce the EMF ]
intensions of love kindness and compassion your dreams affirmations and goals.Imprint the water with these memories and then consume them .
Vortex the water [ toroidal energy ] this energy is all of nature from the solar system , the DNA, the merkaba of the heart, Plants or just water spinning down the plug hole,.It even comes down the Egyptian pyramids to the kings chamber.
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Pyramidal energy 
Using these energies you can raise the vibration and the structure and the memories of your Ormus and help manifestations speeds.
Peoples claims are predominant in energy boosts, and stamina.
Ormus vibrational healing methods
People are discovering ormus after the recipe was hidden in ancient texts from alchemists guarding there valuable substance, but its clear that people are doing there research and key words on google for Ormus using 236% and monatomic gold 126% for 2022 alone 
Make your own decision to this organic substance and do a thorough research to this truly interesting substance that has many uses
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Your No.1 choice for UK-made wholesale supplements
by Admin
Posted on 28-05-2024 01:11 PM
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Based in the heart of wales and trading since 1995, we are a wholesale supplier of uk-made health foods and supplements, manufactured under quality-assured standards. We specialise in multiple-ingredient encapsulated and powder formulations (free-from, vegan and vegetarian), herbal formulas, plant-based protein powders and health foods.
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The majority of our products are backed by efsa health claims, helping you to stand out from your competitors. We are also a soil association registered company. We have a comprehensive range of products, able to support a variety of health goals and lifestyles, but we are also able to assist with custom formulas.
Specialist supplements ltd is a uk-based company. They offer private-label supplements at wholesale prices. And offer fulfillment through dropshipping worldwide. To join specialist supplements ltd, you need to sign up for a trade account. There is a small one-off set-up cost. But there is no minimum order quantity. Specialist supplements ltd sells a wide range of products. Including the following supplements: alkalising probiotics and many more choose which supplements you want to list on your website. Then, design your own product labels. Specialist supplements ltd also allows you to add personalized messages or notes to your orders. These could be repeat order discount codes, additional instructions, or anything else. https://www.dropshipwebhosting.co.uk/
Power body works both as a dropshipping and wholesale supplier, specializing in fitness items such as food supplements, vitamins, and workout accessories. Main features: power body offers products from around 80 brands they also offer api integration to automate the order and fulfillment process however, they currently deliver within the uk only, and a few selected eu countries.
Quality is a priority
Digestiveaid is a high-strength supplement, which combines a broad spectrum range of plant-derived digestive enzymes with gut-soothing herbs - a unique blend to support the digestive system naturally and healthily.
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Digestive enzymes are important because they enable us to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats into their raw components in order to make the nutrients available for absorption and utilisation. Each person has a finite reserve of enzymes, which can be in short supply during times of stress, illness or as we get older. Over time, poor digestion can lead to nutrients malnutrition and a range of ailments. Quality standards here at specialist supplements, we make quality a top priority, both in terms of the formulation and manufacture of our products.
Jillian distributors is known for its factory-direct prices. You can purchase more than 3,000 high-quality products at affordable rates. You can further avail discounts if you can purchase products in large quantities. Dropshipping with their products is as easy as creating an account and setting up your payment terms with either your paypal account, visa, mastercard, or discover. Although they’re based in the united states, they also ship outside the country. Shipping options include ups, usps parcel post, and usps priority mail. Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and size of the boxes. Processing time takes anywhere between 1 to 3 days.
Health and fitness has been on the rise in ecommerce. The wellness industry is valued at a staggering $1. 5 trillion. For many consumers, sticking to a healthy diet may seem challenging, which is why they turn to solutions from online brands. The marketing strategy of many of these types of brands heavily relies on social media influencers that are popular on different social media platforms such as instagram and tiktok. Synchro is a nutrition and wellness brand that offers gluten-free, non-bgmo products, including keto-friendly foods, keto fruits , powerfoods, and more. Synchro customers depend on their products to relieve pain, provide energy, offer mental clarity, and even recover quickly from workouts.
Alfie hines 09:12 18 may 21 i have found specialist supplements excellent to work with especially when creating my own labels. The person who. Assisted me, dani, was brilliant from start to finish and always helped with small amendments over and above the stated one change that they allowed. I have not used the dropshipping service as of yet but if the own label process is anything to go by then it should be an excellent service as well - many thanksread more follow the plants avoid gurus follow plants 04:35 25 mar 21 their private label service it is outstanding! thanks dani for all your help.
Margaret river hemp co. , as its name implies, is a company that specializes in hemp products. As far as the hemp goes, there is not much margaret river hemp co. Does not do. This is an australian-based company carrying everything from hemp foods and skincare products to hemp clothing and pet products. However, there is one downside of working with this company – shipping to international customers may take up to 21 business days.
It’s quick, easy and affordable to establish your own brand of high quality supplements with our own label service. For a small, one-off fee we will set up your personalised product labels and then print them free of charge, for all future orders with us. You can pick from one of our attractive design templates, which we personalise with your company logo, product names, colour scheme and contact details. Alternatively, you can supply your own artwork. Once set up, we can even dropship your own brand supplement orders direct to your customers at no extra charge. All you pay is the postage, as if you were posting the orders yourself.
Read more here https://92w.z4.web.core.windows.net/dropshipwebhosting/dropship/Your-No1-choice-for-UK-made-wholesale-supplements.html
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osgalkaline · 4 months
The Kitchen Wellness: Enjoy Health with Alkaline Water
It is necessary to mention that receiving quality and affordable healthcare has become the top preference for people nowadays. Given the numerous health benefits that it has, integrating health with alkaline water is among the many ways through which one can enrich his/her welfare. This not only ensures good health but also increases the living standard in the kitchen you sparsely give attention to.
It is now time to look at how OSG alkaline water and other ionized water solutions can revitalize your health and kitchen.
What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water refers to ionized water that has an increased pH level. PH stands for the power of hydrogen and it is a measurement of how acidic a substance is and or how much alkaline it is with acidic ranging from 0 to 7 and alkaline from 7 to 14.
The transparency of regular tap water is moderate while the pH is slightly neutral at a figure of 7. There is a connection between acidity in the body and different diseases. The pH of the OSG-ionized water ranges from 8 to 9. It can decrease the acidity of the blood, increase metabolism, and help people have more energy.
Benefits of Alkaline Water
Enhances Hydration
Alkaline water is better to drink than regular water since it hydrates the body better. The smaller molecules present in OSG ionized water are easier to incorporate in the cells and therefore it encourages better hydration.
Detoxifies the Body
If you drink alkaline water it will help you filter the external toxins such as alcohol or processed foods, thus helping the liver and kidneys in the detoxification procedure.
Improves Bone Health
There are some studies supporting the hypothesis that drinking alkaline water can support bone health by inhibiting bone resorption, or in other words bones break down and release minerals into the bloodstream.
Supports Immune Function
Alkaline water can regulate the level of acidity in the body. This assists in strengthening the immune system, thus increasing the ability to combat diseases.
Kitchen Wellness Required: Incorporating Alkaline Water
Cooking with Alkaline Water
The use of alkaline water for cooking can help you get the kitchen wellness required. It will help you enhance the taste and quality of cooked foods. It can also improve the taste of vegetable soup, pasta, and rice dishes as well as many others.
Alkaline Water for Cleaning
Another benefit of using this water is that it serves as a natural cleaning solution in the kitchen. As it has a higher pH level it will assist in removing grease and dirt without the use of detergents.
Drinking Alkaline Water Daily
There is a strong connection between health with alkaline water. So, to have a healthy body through the use of alkaline water, one should take 8-10 glasses of Alkaline water daily. This helps the body to get sufficient water intake and also to keep the body’s acidity level normal.
When it comes to how to get the kitchen wellness required and introduce alkaline water to your kitchen, choosing products is fundamental. OSG alkaline provides the best solutions out there, which are professionally manufactured alkaline ionizers, water filtration systems, and many others. The brand’s sophisticated equipment makes your water not just alkaline but purified from chemical compounds that make them perfect to have in any kitchen wellness inventory. Therefore, by incorporating these small changes and incorporating alkaline water into your routine you can improve your overall health and kitchen wellness. Start today to be healthier with OSG-ionized water.
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irenedbloodrose · 2 months
Your No.1 choice for UK-made wholesale supplements
by Admin
Posted on 28-05-2024 01:11 PM
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Based in the heart of wales and trading since 1995, we are a wholesale supplier of uk-made health foods and supplements, manufactured under quality-assured standards. We specialise in multiple-ingredient encapsulated and powder formulations (free-from, vegan and vegetarian), herbal formulas, plant-based protein powders and health foods.
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The majority of our products are backed by efsa health claims, helping you to stand out from your competitors. We are also a soil association registered company. We have a comprehensive range of products, able to support a variety of health goals and lifestyles, but we are also able to assist with custom formulas.
Specialist supplements ltd is a uk-based company. They offer private-label supplements at wholesale prices. And offer fulfillment through dropshipping worldwide. To join specialist supplements ltd, you need to sign up for a trade account. There is a small one-off set-up cost. But there is no minimum order quantity. Specialist supplements ltd sells a wide range of products. Including the following supplements: alkalising probiotics and many more choose which supplements you want to list on your website. Then, design your own product labels. Specialist supplements ltd also allows you to add personalized messages or notes to your orders. These could be repeat order discount codes, additional instructions, or anything else. https://www.dropshipwebhosting.co.uk/
Power body works both as a dropshipping and wholesale supplier, specializing in fitness items such as food supplements, vitamins, and workout accessories. Main features: power body offers products from around 80 brands they also offer api integration to automate the order and fulfillment process however, they currently deliver within the uk only, and a few selected eu countries.
Quality is a priority
Digestiveaid is a high-strength supplement, which combines a broad spectrum range of plant-derived digestive enzymes with gut-soothing herbs - a unique blend to support the digestive system naturally and healthily.
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Digestive enzymes are important because they enable us to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats into their raw components in order to make the nutrients available for absorption and utilisation. Each person has a finite reserve of enzymes, which can be in short supply during times of stress, illness or as we get older. Over time, poor digestion can lead to nutrients malnutrition and a range of ailments. Quality standards here at specialist supplements, we make quality a top priority, both in terms of the formulation and manufacture of our products.
Jillian distributors is known for its factory-direct prices. You can purchase more than 3,000 high-quality products at affordable rates. You can further avail discounts if you can purchase products in large quantities. Dropshipping with their products is as easy as creating an account and setting up your payment terms with either your paypal account, visa, mastercard, or discover. Although they’re based in the united states, they also ship outside the country. Shipping options include ups, usps parcel post, and usps priority mail. Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and size of the boxes. Processing time takes anywhere between 1 to 3 days.
Health and fitness has been on the rise in ecommerce. The wellness industry is valued at a staggering $1. 5 trillion. For many consumers, sticking to a healthy diet may seem challenging, which is why they turn to solutions from online brands. The marketing strategy of many of these types of brands heavily relies on social media influencers that are popular on different social media platforms such as instagram and tiktok. Synchro is a nutrition and wellness brand that offers gluten-free, non-bgmo products, including keto-friendly foods, keto fruits , powerfoods, and more. Synchro customers depend on their products to relieve pain, provide energy, offer mental clarity, and even recover quickly from workouts.
Alfie hines 09:12 18 may 21 i have found specialist supplements excellent to work with especially when creating my own labels. The person who. Assisted me, dani, was brilliant from start to finish and always helped with small amendments over and above the stated one change that they allowed. I have not used the dropshipping service as of yet but if the own label process is anything to go by then it should be an excellent service as well - many thanksread more follow the plants avoid gurus follow plants 04:35 25 mar 21 their private label service it is outstanding! thanks dani for all your help.
Margaret river hemp co. , as its name implies, is a company that specializes in hemp products. As far as the hemp goes, there is not much margaret river hemp co. Does not do. This is an australian-based company carrying everything from hemp foods and skincare products to hemp clothing and pet products. However, there is one downside of working with this company – shipping to international customers may take up to 21 business days.
It’s quick, easy and affordable to establish your own brand of high quality supplements with our own label service. For a small, one-off fee we will set up your personalised product labels and then print them free of charge, for all future orders with us. You can pick from one of our attractive design templates, which we personalise with your company logo, product names, colour scheme and contact details. Alternatively, you can supply your own artwork. Once set up, we can even dropship your own brand supplement orders direct to your customers at no extra charge. All you pay is the postage, as if you were posting the orders yourself.
Read more here https://92w.z4.web.core.windows.net/dropshipwebhosting/dropship/Your-No1-choice-for-UK-made-wholesale-supplements.html
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morlifeau · 1 year
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moixchix · 2 months
Your No.1 choice for UK-made wholesale supplements
by Admin
Posted on 28-05-2024 01:11 PM
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Based in the heart of wales and trading since 1995, we are a wholesale supplier of uk-made health foods and supplements, manufactured under quality-assured standards. We specialise in multiple-ingredient encapsulated and powder formulations (free-from, vegan and vegetarian), herbal formulas, plant-based protein powders and health foods.
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The majority of our products are backed by efsa health claims, helping you to stand out from your competitors. We are also a soil association registered company. We have a comprehensive range of products, able to support a variety of health goals and lifestyles, but we are also able to assist with custom formulas.
Specialist supplements ltd is a uk-based company. They offer private-label supplements at wholesale prices. And offer fulfillment through dropshipping worldwide. To join specialist supplements ltd, you need to sign up for a trade account. There is a small one-off set-up cost. But there is no minimum order quantity. Specialist supplements ltd sells a wide range of products. Including the following supplements: alkalising probiotics and many more choose which supplements you want to list on your website. Then, design your own product labels. Specialist supplements ltd also allows you to add personalized messages or notes to your orders. These could be repeat order discount codes, additional instructions, or anything else. https://www.dropshipwebhosting.co.uk/
Power body works both as a dropshipping and wholesale supplier, specializing in fitness items such as food supplements, vitamins, and workout accessories. Main features: power body offers products from around 80 brands they also offer api integration to automate the order and fulfillment process however, they currently deliver within the uk only, and a few selected eu countries.
Quality is a priority
Digestiveaid is a high-strength supplement, which combines a broad spectrum range of plant-derived digestive enzymes with gut-soothing herbs - a unique blend to support the digestive system naturally and healthily.
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Digestive enzymes are important because they enable us to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats into their raw components in order to make the nutrients available for absorption and utilisation. Each person has a finite reserve of enzymes, which can be in short supply during times of stress, illness or as we get older. Over time, poor digestion can lead to nutrients malnutrition and a range of ailments. Quality standards here at specialist supplements, we make quality a top priority, both in terms of the formulation and manufacture of our products.
Jillian distributors is known for its factory-direct prices. You can purchase more than 3,000 high-quality products at affordable rates. You can further avail discounts if you can purchase products in large quantities. Dropshipping with their products is as easy as creating an account and setting up your payment terms with either your paypal account, visa, mastercard, or discover. Although they’re based in the united states, they also ship outside the country. Shipping options include ups, usps parcel post, and usps priority mail. Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and size of the boxes. Processing time takes anywhere between 1 to 3 days.
Health and fitness has been on the rise in ecommerce. The wellness industry is valued at a staggering $1. 5 trillion. For many consumers, sticking to a healthy diet may seem challenging, which is why they turn to solutions from online brands. The marketing strategy of many of these types of brands heavily relies on social media influencers that are popular on different social media platforms such as instagram and tiktok. Synchro is a nutrition and wellness brand that offers gluten-free, non-bgmo products, including keto-friendly foods, keto fruits , powerfoods, and more. Synchro customers depend on their products to relieve pain, provide energy, offer mental clarity, and even recover quickly from workouts.
Alfie hines 09:12 18 may 21 i have found specialist supplements excellent to work with especially when creating my own labels. The person who. Assisted me, dani, was brilliant from start to finish and always helped with small amendments over and above the stated one change that they allowed. I have not used the dropshipping service as of yet but if the own label process is anything to go by then it should be an excellent service as well - many thanksread more follow the plants avoid gurus follow plants 04:35 25 mar 21 their private label service it is outstanding! thanks dani for all your help.
Margaret river hemp co. , as its name implies, is a company that specializes in hemp products. As far as the hemp goes, there is not much margaret river hemp co. Does not do. This is an australian-based company carrying everything from hemp foods and skincare products to hemp clothing and pet products. However, there is one downside of working with this company – shipping to international customers may take up to 21 business days.
It’s quick, easy and affordable to establish your own brand of high quality supplements with our own label service. For a small, one-off fee we will set up your personalised product labels and then print them free of charge, for all future orders with us. You can pick from one of our attractive design templates, which we personalise with your company logo, product names, colour scheme and contact details. Alternatively, you can supply your own artwork. Once set up, we can even dropship your own brand supplement orders direct to your customers at no extra charge. All you pay is the postage, as if you were posting the orders yourself.
Read more here https://92w.z4.web.core.windows.net/dropshipwebhosting/dropship/Your-No1-choice-for-UK-made-wholesale-supplements.html
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madamlaydebug · 4 months
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Green Leafy Vegetables is what we need to include in our diet for an alkaline effect on our bodies. It is often said that disease cannot take root in a body that has a balanced pH.
Foods in their raw form are more alkaline than acidic in nature, as they have not been modified by heat. Their enzyme quality has not been compromised.
Prioritise organic foods when possible, which are grown in a more mineral-dense soil, for greater benefits.
Alkaline diet benefits may include helping to slow down degeneration of tissues and bone mass, which can be compromised when too much acidity robs us of key minerals.
Additionally, the benefit of an alkaline diet is that it decreases inflammation and causes an increase in growth hormone production. This implies an anti aging effect as well as a preventative one against diseases such as cancer.
Here are our top alkalising vegetables and fruits: ⠀⠀
-Kale -Celery -Alfalfa
-Parsley -Avocado
– Barley grass
– Wheat grass
– Beets
– Beet greens
– Sea vegetables – Capsicum
– Cabbage
– Collards
– Endive
– Garlic
– Ginger
– Green beans
– Lettuce
– Mustard greens
– Okra
– Radish
– Red onion
– Arugula/Rocket
– Artichokes
– Asparagus
– Brussels sprouts
– Cauliflower
– Carrot
– Chives
– Zucchini/Courgette
– Leeks
– New baby potatoes
– Peas
– Rhubarb
– Watercress
– Green peas
– Parsnips
– Pumpkin
– Sweet potatoes
Alkalizing Fruit
– Lime
– Grapefruit
– Orange
– Fresh coconut (flesh and water)
– Cantaloupe
– Fresh dates
– Nectarines
– Plums
– Sweet cherries
– Apple
– Apricot
– Avocado
– Banana
– Sour cherries
– Grapes
– Honeydew Melon
– Peach
– Pear
– Pineapple
– Rhubarb
– Tomato
– Strawberries
– Blueberries
– Blackberries
– Cranberries
– Mango
3 notes · View notes
leonine-eagle · 3 months
Your No.1 choice for UK-made wholesale supplements
by Admin
Posted on 28-05-2024 01:11 PM
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Based in the heart of wales and trading since 1995, we are a wholesale supplier of uk-made health foods and supplements, manufactured under quality-assured standards. We specialise in multiple-ingredient encapsulated and powder formulations (free-from, vegan and vegetarian), herbal formulas, plant-based protein powders and health foods.
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The majority of our products are backed by efsa health claims, helping you to stand out from your competitors. We are also a soil association registered company. We have a comprehensive range of products, able to support a variety of health goals and lifestyles, but we are also able to assist with custom formulas.
Specialist supplements ltd is a uk-based company. They offer private-label supplements at wholesale prices. And offer fulfillment through dropshipping worldwide. To join specialist supplements ltd, you need to sign up for a trade account. There is a small one-off set-up cost. But there is no minimum order quantity. Specialist supplements ltd sells a wide range of products. Including the following supplements: alkalising probiotics and many more choose which supplements you want to list on your website. Then, design your own product labels. Specialist supplements ltd also allows you to add personalized messages or notes to your orders. These could be repeat order discount codes, additional instructions, or anything else. https://www.dropshipwebhosting.co.uk/
Power body works both as a dropshipping and wholesale supplier, specializing in fitness items such as food supplements, vitamins, and workout accessories. Main features: power body offers products from around 80 brands they also offer api integration to automate the order and fulfillment process however, they currently deliver within the uk only, and a few selected eu countries.
Quality is a priority
Digestiveaid is a high-strength supplement, which combines a broad spectrum range of plant-derived digestive enzymes with gut-soothing herbs - a unique blend to support the digestive system naturally and healthily.
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Digestive enzymes are important because they enable us to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats into their raw components in order to make the nutrients available for absorption and utilisation. Each person has a finite reserve of enzymes, which can be in short supply during times of stress, illness or as we get older. Over time, poor digestion can lead to nutrients malnutrition and a range of ailments. Quality standards here at specialist supplements, we make quality a top priority, both in terms of the formulation and manufacture of our products.
Jillian distributors is known for its factory-direct prices. You can purchase more than 3,000 high-quality products at affordable rates. You can further avail discounts if you can purchase products in large quantities. Dropshipping with their products is as easy as creating an account and setting up your payment terms with either your paypal account, visa, mastercard, or discover. Although they’re based in the united states, they also ship outside the country. Shipping options include ups, usps parcel post, and usps priority mail. Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and size of the boxes. Processing time takes anywhere between 1 to 3 days.
Health and fitness has been on the rise in ecommerce. The wellness industry is valued at a staggering $1. 5 trillion. For many consumers, sticking to a healthy diet may seem challenging, which is why they turn to solutions from online brands. The marketing strategy of many of these types of brands heavily relies on social media influencers that are popular on different social media platforms such as instagram and tiktok. Synchro is a nutrition and wellness brand that offers gluten-free, non-bgmo products, including keto-friendly foods, keto fruits , powerfoods, and more. Synchro customers depend on their products to relieve pain, provide energy, offer mental clarity, and even recover quickly from workouts.
Alfie hines 09:12 18 may 21 i have found specialist supplements excellent to work with especially when creating my own labels. The person who. Assisted me, dani, was brilliant from start to finish and always helped with small amendments over and above the stated one change that they allowed. I have not used the dropshipping service as of yet but if the own label process is anything to go by then it should be an excellent service as well - many thanksread more follow the plants avoid gurus follow plants 04:35 25 mar 21 their private label service it is outstanding! thanks dani for all your help.
Margaret river hemp co. , as its name implies, is a company that specializes in hemp products. As far as the hemp goes, there is not much margaret river hemp co. Does not do. This is an australian-based company carrying everything from hemp foods and skincare products to hemp clothing and pet products. However, there is one downside of working with this company – shipping to international customers may take up to 21 business days.
It’s quick, easy and affordable to establish your own brand of high quality supplements with our own label service. For a small, one-off fee we will set up your personalised product labels and then print them free of charge, for all future orders with us. You can pick from one of our attractive design templates, which we personalise with your company logo, product names, colour scheme and contact details. Alternatively, you can supply your own artwork. Once set up, we can even dropship your own brand supplement orders direct to your customers at no extra charge. All you pay is the postage, as if you were posting the orders yourself.
Read more here https://92w.z4.web.core.windows.net/dropshipwebhosting/dropship/Your-No1-choice-for-UK-made-wholesale-supplements.html
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