#all I can tell u for now is that it’s gonna be siren!andrew
kiwiaok · 1 month
idk if you guys fuck with taylor swift BUT I DO and when I finally get around to writing the fic that ttpd inspired I’ll break both yours and my heart
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rvsirens · 2 years
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age: 09 liner company: siren entertainment position: part-time trainee traits: (+) confident, honest, capable (-) bratty, entitled, cocky played by: amy
im not writing a real bio this is what u get 
the fourth (of now five) woo child; daughter of andrew and his late wife, and tbh a lot younger than her older siblings (and a lot older than her new one whats up gabe)
always been really well taken care of bc she was rlly young when her mom died n there were so many adults (or adult-adjacent teenagers) in her household so she never really wanted for anything.
ofc when literally every single member of ur family is an idol, even ur fuckin step-mom, ur gonna want to be a singer too, so she’s been begging her dad to let her start training (idk why she thought she never needed to even audition but ok nepotism baby) and he’s been dragging his feet for a while now
finally he said yes, but conditionally-- she’s on a part-time contract with siren (bc andrew is friends w ryukji they worked it out). essentially she’s doing about half as much training as the real trainees, and is not going to be considered for any groups-- she’s just there to learn to sing and dance. and then when andrew decides she’s old enough (so idk not fucking 13) he’s gonna let her start actually auditioning for real
she’s very confident and sure of herself, and kinda doesnt have a filter. sometimes comes off as rude, but she doesn’t hide her opinion of things. but also shes 13; 13 year olds are rude sometimes idk dfnkgjfdng
definitely spoiled and bratty a lot of the time, but tbh its a phase she’ll mellow out by 15 i can say that im her writer.
her honesty has two sides, though, and so she’ll build people up if she thinks it’s true. you never have to second guess w her
also all of her siblings have english names so i’ve HC’d that hers is Molly but she thinks its an old lady name so she goes by Mira n will not tell u what her english name is even if u hold her at gunpoint
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