#all a friend's fault but <333 i rly love it i rly love mikey i rly love kazutoraaaa
inkykeiji · 7 months
awwww i seriously miss you!! and lowkey the fandom 😭 i think im like mecury and bnha is my retrograde or smth like that. anyway! i hope ur doing well! me and misty are giving you lots and lots of kisses. give that little kidney bean wes a kiss for me too! 'n more than anything i hope things in your life are going well! i also hope winter was an awesome wonderland for you (i havent been on tumblr in AGES so i unfortunately didnt get to see what your christmas was like!). also completely random but, because of you, i can only think of dabi when the song emo boy comes on...
HAHAHA aw may :(( we miss you too!!! come back to us!!! EEEEE hehehe thank you for the kissies ♡♡ i will give wes a million kissies on his litto forehead just for u!! i hope life has been treating you well, too ♡ oh gosh christmas was so hectic HAHAHA these past few months have been so hectic but i think things are beginning to look up!! crossing my fingers!! also LMFAOOOO oh my gosh what a compliment i am so GLAD that is the case because that is 100% his fuckin theme song HEHEHE (*ノωノ)
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