#all aboard the ss dn
whentheandyou · 3 months
happy birthday to the guy of all time i love you i love you EVERYONE IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE please follow support check them out. they are all giga chads. tumblr twitter or both. @.solmango1212 @.sunmellows @.roboraindrop @.crocubies @.ajihaew
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whentheandyou · 5 months
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f/o merch at con yipppeeee!!!!!!!!!! i will update this with links to artists tomorrow. it has been a long day and i cant remember who was who so i have to check, however my state of excitement to share is too strong 🫡
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whentheandyou · 3 months
some other things for saito's birthday i forgot to include in my video and didn't feel like re editing because the borpaStare at the end is so well timed to the music it's my favorite part
- this rice krispie treat package i had in my dresser that i pretended was signed by him
- store didn't have a mask that was sagittarius which is my sign. so i got the pisces one becau. can you guess. bet you can't
- obviously this ribbon i got from magfest
- not pictured but would it be surprising if i had his wikia page bookmarked for fun. i dont think so! you believe me anyways
- also not shown but when i replayed the game i spent an hour just staring at him. there is a vod twitch dot tv slash crystales for COLD HARD PROOF!! /lh
so. !
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whentheandyou · 4 months
happy valentine's day
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whentheandyou · 5 months
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also these fucking things from an uch.i.koshi photoshoot (that was mainly som.nium fi.les but. that was totally okay. this franchise has rewired my brain to the point it is unsalvageable)
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whentheandyou · 10 months
apparent allergies are bad but they are letting me live my somn.ium fil.es s/i dream by wearing an eye patch over my right eye (but I still have it)
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whentheandyou · 1 year
bittersweet tumblr dot com post coming at you
so i wasnt planning on making a post for saito's birthday this year because i don't have any new funny material but man. fuck it. i love this stupid guy. this selfship is such a good outlet for me and some of the vent-y shit i deal with and think about. he's such a one note character but what started out and is honestly still kind of a bit is one of the funniest greatest things ever. 3 years strong baby we love a bitch with crazy eyes 🥴 i love you babygirl hope you are having fun in hell!! mwah mwah mwah
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whentheandyou · 2 years
not someone on twitter saying if ai was more popular saito would have been a tumblr sexyman and im like modCheck haha yah wouldnt that be crazy modCheck so funny bestie modCheck
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whentheandyou · 2 years
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so true bestie!!!!
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whentheandyou · 2 years
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whentheandyou · 2 years
okay so with the new ai game i clearly want to implement into my little blorbo canon and so this is how it works without changing too much okay here we go okay
so like. as deep fried as date is wearing a silicone mask of saito is from a previous fan perspective, and it only being there for newcomers as it is, it is literally just for gameplay, im keeping it. i think it's so goofy that keeping it still fits within the realm of "if saito lived" in the ai universe. this game is goofy.
because now, well, you can't have 2 people going around with the same face already knowing they aren't twins/(garbled noises). so now saito has to "disguise" himself so nothing stupid happens. and he just does this by dying his hair (i want it at least part black) and wearing a face mask. maybe a hoodie too to make sure. and the fact he has to do this just makes him "yeah sure, date steals 6 years of my life and finally gets his dumb life back, but now i have to hide my face because he decided to make a mask of it and praddle around with it all because it's "more attractive to people"? get fucked." and I'm just like "heheh you're right but also get over it dude"
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whentheandyou · 2 years
not me looking for a new mask to wear because all my current ones are boring and this store has some cute galaxy themed ones with zodiac signs on them but they don't have my sign (sagittarius) so i end up getting a pisces one because that's saito's sign
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whentheandyou · 3 years
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whentheandyou · 3 years
got juiced (vaxxed) the other day and all i could think of for the .5 seconds the needle was in my arm was saito using a syringe on me
back to my hole peepoLeave
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whentheandyou · 3 years
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forgot to post this the other day but it may have been better off that way
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whentheandyou · 2 years
happy pride month ONLY to my purple associated f/os
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