#all bc i made a post 3 yrs ago saying seamoon was canon
moonlightcookie · 2 years
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hey since there was recently a big ol Dramabomb on twitter over seamoon, i figured i would finally put into words how i feel about all this, esp the whole "toxic seamoon shipper" myth.
transcript under the cut
[transcript: anyway since i saw some more dumb shit this morning: lesbians being protective of seamoon isnt just us "making it our whole personality" (and even if someone were, who cares? not hurting anybody) or us thinking we're defending the honor of a fictional ship. i dont know how else to beat it into ur dumb fucking skulls that representation MATTERS. we get defensive we ppl wanna shit on + disregard canon lesbian representation bc there's so little good rep out there! especially coming from a huge franchise that isn't a childrens cartoon (e.g. SU, SPOP, TOH)
we get defensive when we see ppl treat characters we see ourselves in BECAUSE of their canon lesbianism like shit!! because to me personally, if u can't even respect fictional lesbians, how tf can i respect u to respect ME, a real living lesbian??
i honestly don't know how to make this any clearer for yall: we are NOT telling you that u HAVE to ship or even actively enjoy it. all we're asking is for you to respect it and the fact of it being canon, and ESPECIALLY to stop giving us grief when we say it's canon, since that seems to be the biggest issue with people for some reason?? just because a ship is canon does not mean you can't also ship something else, as long as you're not erasing lesbian rep (meaning Dont ship sea fairy with men, moonlight is less strictly lesbian coded so go ahead ig)
if you prefer one or both of them with some other women, go ahead. despite my personal feelings on it, it's not like... problematic or anything? i have genuinely NEVER seen a seamoon stan harass someone for shipping, say, bluemoon, kumimoon or sea fairy/ice captain. additionally, never ever EVER have i or even seen any other seamoon tell anyone to kll themselves over the ship. NEVER. if yall wanna claim that shit, yall gonna have to provide names and screenshots otherwise you're just talking out of your ass + only serve to further push the stigma of seamoon/its fans. i know seamoon is still enjoyed (or seen neutrally) by the majority of the fandom, but it still hurts to see such a vocal minority be so vitriolic about something that means so much to me, as a lesbian who sees a lot of myself in moonlight.
this is something ive had to fight for + deal w for at least 3 years, across different platforms. this is so much more than just a fictional ship to me (+ other lesbians), these two are a beautiful representation of who we are, how we love, and especially the hurdles we face in our relationships.
transcript end]
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