#all his experience being a sober and practical bodyguard just make him that much funnier when he chooses to joke around
merge-conflict · 1 year
I realize it's just a headcanon of mine that Takemura loves a little bit of mischief, but I will submit several canonical events to support my theory:
After meeting with Oda, if you ride with him in the car he will sternly warn V not to mock him and then minutes later V and a stranger can convince him to do his best Hideshi Hino impression, which absolutely bombs
He plays right along with V's "what happened to Dexter Deshawn again?" with "He is deceased" without being annoyed or disapproving
Before the parade starts, even though he seems to hate all streetfood, he buys a scopburger and waits until V is within view to drop it several stories off a railing and then complain about it
The industrial park quest where he jokes "I will make their systems sick" and then genuinely laughs when V tells him he can take the float all the way to Tokyo
The straight-faced way he tells V they "do not look so bad" can be read as just reassurance, but tell me that's not the kind of joke you might tell someone to make them feel better?
When Hellman freaks out and runs someone over, Takemura pats him on the shoulder and tells him (paraphrasing here) that he did a good job as a chauffeur
Actually his entire opening conversation with Hellman before he interrogates him and the way he threatens to waterboard him is entirely unnecessary unless he's amusing himself
Like, he's almost always deadpan and obviously there are a lot of times where he's too focused or annoyed for humor, but c'mon!! Who was it that once said Takemura was like the comic relief for this game? Because they are 100% correct.
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