#all im trying to say is that Alcina birthed all of her daughters
kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
hi, im not sure if you've been asked this yet, and i was wondering: in a lot of the hcs involving a pregnant reader, you mention that miranda finding out would be awful. my question is, *what exactly would she do?* or... try to do, some of the lords might commit major crimes over this
hmmmmmm, that seems to be a common response and I understand it, specifically coming from Karl and MAYBE, Donna.
why them? they seem to be the...healthiest of the 4 lords, and according to the notes Ethan finds in Miranda's lab, Heisenberg is the one that got closer to be the perfect vessel for her Daughter
so, for me, there would be 3 possible routes
she allows the reader and Karl to keep their child, unsintered in the offspring of one of her failures
she takes the child, intrigued in whether or not it could be a good vessel, after all, is Karl's child, the one who got pretty close to be perfection. If the reader has been experimented on? well, you know what they say! two wrongs make a right
finally and probably the less possible one, she would kill the child without a second thought because A) she already has Rose and doesn't need another baby, B) she doesn't want anyone to have access to the power a baby like Rose could have. you know? take out the competence
Has for that the other Lords could do to baby?
Moreau: Karl won't even let the man get close to see his child, and even if the reader allowed it, Salvatore, more out of fear of Miranda or Heisenberg, would be the most careful one. He's just fascinated with the child and wants to know the child of his "brother"
Donna and Angie: this is were things might get dangerous, Donna doesn't strike me like someone who would hurt a baby just because, she might even be a bit repulsed and anxious around a living and wailing child. However, we have Angie, who's Donna's...spokesperson, so she might be rough or get extremely frustrated cuz this thing won't play with her and all the other dolls, and she seems to be rather unpredictable, so, there's no way to know what she would do to the baby
Dimitrescu: this woman would not dare to hurt the child, no matter what the baby's birth gender is, why? she's a mother and she can't even phantom the idea of losing one of her children. If anything, she would try to convince Miranda to let her keep the child and raise them, either to annoy Heisenberg and the reader or she's serious. But who knows, she might end up wanting a small snack before bed...
Dimitrescu Sisters: another possible danger for the child, they are rowdy, lousy and even though they follow Alcina's rules and listen to her, they could just end up considering the baby as a mere Capri Sun, especially if the baby is a boy because it will grow to be a tasty man-thing, it's not like the baby would be safe if it was a girl, after all, they do use maiden's blood for their wine. So just...don't leave baby, alone and unsupervised with the sisters
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