#all my f/os (for the most part) are taller than me!!!!!!! so!!!!! i lose it when they AREN'T
Foaming at the mouth bc I'm taller than Levi like what the fuck what the fuCKajdjaoodowkfkke
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just-miru · 2 years
tulip, buttercup, and iris for any silly :DD
my both babygirls >:D
tulip - go to your f/o's wiki page and quote your favorite part of it.
(...) William's self absorbed personality, biting sarcasm, and his general lacking of the ability to give a shit about anything except himself doesn't exactly make him the most pleasant person to be around.
as well as-
William has many strange tendencies, such as eating almost exclusively white bread which he stores in bulk in his home, crashing into his garage every day after work, and allowing only Harry Pottha films to be screened inside the Afton household.
GENDER - Fella
as well as
Dave Miller is a sexy major character in BlueyCapsules. The most handsome worker hired at Freddy’s in 1986, he is destined for a greatness unknown to most. Finding the centre of his attention at this certain location of Freddy’s, he focused his talents and even his lip-bitingly good charms to the Freddy’s family. He’s here to make some good friends and to fulfill his greatest wish in life, to prove all the people who doubted him wrong.
as well as
Having a great sense of humour and especially great looks, Dave Miller dedicates every single fibre of his being to being the best guy you’ll ever meet. Definitely. Following the twelve-some labours of his tragic past due to the denial of his true calling and the subsequent abandonment by his parents, Dave Miller is a kind, sensitive, and understanding folk. His story is the kind you’d watch in a movie theatre.
as well as his whole wiki page, actually-
iris - does your self insert for your f/os source material have a detailed and complex story and character arc, or are they just kinda vibing?
my silly self is pretty much just vibing there :D
buttercup - an incorrect quote of you and your f/o.
if you think i am gonna give one single incorrect quote with me and my babygirls you are so damn wrong-
William: yeah, but i'm also short and that's adorable.
Miru: you're violent.
William: standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak, like "look at this focking flower. this flower is taller than i am. this flower is wining and i'm losing."
Miru: wow... you are not ready to hear about trees-
Miru: honk.
William: wot?
Dave: H O N K.
William: alrighte, listen up ya lil' shits-
William: not you, Miru. you're an angel and we're thrilled you're here.
William: i hate you both.
Miru: well, according to this picture me and Dave drew of us holding hands, that's simply untrue.
Miru: what are you eating?
William: you wouldn't like it. it's really salty.
Miru: well, i like you, don't i?
*William teaching Dave how to drive and taking Miru along for the ride*
William: that's a pothole. to the left!
Dave: take it back now y'all *drives into pothole*
Miru, sticking their face into the front over the center console: cha cha real smooth.
Dave: i don't think that's how the song goes.
William, crying and gripping the handle: please just take me home.
Dave: country roads.
Miru: to the place.
Dave and Miru in unison: i belong!
William, crying harder: wot the fock?
Dave, about William: he's covered in blood again. why is it he's always covered in blood?
Miru: well, it looks like it's his own blood this time.
William: oi! dumbass, get over here.
Miru: okay-
Dave: *gleefully runs past* i'm comin'!
Miru, sadly: i thought... i was dumbass...
Miru: ...i did?
William: kiss you and buy some more. you haven't been eating anything today Miru.
*walking away*
Miru: ...
Miru: he's gone.
Dave, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in his mouth: twankh uh!
ok, i think i am done-
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Team BeyBattle Revolution: North Carolina Qualifier
Every year since 2008, The WBO has held a North American championship in Toronto, Ontario towards the end of May. From the years 2013 to 2015, they were actually able to afford to host qualifier tournaments - with the winners having their travel expenses for the championship paid for by the WBO. However, due to Beyblade’s loss in popularity since MFB ended, there have been no qualifiers since then, and I wouldn’t expect there to be anymore until at least 2019 if Burst really kicks off in the U.S. Anyway, since NC was one of the most prominent NA communities at that time, they hosted one of the qualifiers in 2015. I attended with the hopes of maybe being able to go to Toronto, but little did I know this was going to be my last NC tournament.
There were 17 people at the tournament, making for 3 Blocks, 2 with 6 people and one with 5. I was with Angry Face, TheBlackDragon, and three kids that showed up only for this tournament: Jedi Blader, Orange Blader, and SamTheGeek.
Wombat (MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RSF) vs. TheBlackDragon (MF-H Earth Cancer 85CS)
The 3rd time this matchup came back to plague me. I had a really strong gut feeling he was going to use Omega and went with my best Defense type in order to stop it, but ended up having to go on the offensive instead. I think I managed one KO, but ended up losing overall. 
At the beginning of the tournament, Dark had announced that only the top player from each Block would be advancing to the finals, and since it’s incredibly difficult to be the top player in a Block without having a perfect record, TBD had essentially crushed my dreams of going to Toronto with just the first match I played. rip me i guess
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Wombat (MF Omega Horuseus 100RF) vs. Jedi Blader (Cosmic Leone W105R2F)
Between the three new kids, Jedi Blader seemed to be the best - he had a few Limited combos that could actually pose a threat, I’m pretty sure I saw him use Earth 230CS and Lightning CH120RF during the event as well. I decided to go with Attack since Omega was a safe option and ended up beating him 3-0, which is pretty rare for Attack vs Attack. 
Wombat (MF Omega Horuseus 100RF) vs. Orange Blader (Screw Fox 85XF)
This was a pretty easy 3-0 win for me too - some time in between 2014 and 2015 I had learned how to “ridge watch” and was able to stall straight into his combo head on. XF has pretty high recoil so it was easy to KO him, but I think he might have lived the first attack and then scraped to death afterward one time. 
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Wombat (MF Omega Horuseus 100RF) vs. SamTheGeek (Scythe Crown SW145SD)
Stationary 145-height Stamina is at a pretty bad place in Limited - it’s easy enough to get under it with an Upper-based LTAC (which Limited has a ton of), and loses to both LTSC and HTSC (and sometimes tall Defense too) making it not a very safe option. I messed up my launch once, but still managed to win 3-1.
After going 3-1 in the Block, Dark announced that he had made a mistake earlier - he was actually taking the top two people from each Block into the finals. That meant that while TBD would advance uncontested, it was a battle between myself and Angry Face (who was also 3-1) to see who would get the second spot.
Wombat (MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RSF) vs. Angry Face (MF-H Scythe Escolpio 85RF)
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The only combos I had seen him use were Screw H145 and Libra B:D, both of which I was confident I could defeat with my Bakushin LTDC. Unfortunately, he pulled out something completely unexpected - a preliminary version of his signature combo, Metal Face, using 85RF rather than W105MF (which in hindsight, made perfect sense from his point of view considering how much Omega I had been using earlier). This ended up being a really close battle - I know he KOed me once while I was close to an exit, but I ended up taking it 3-2 by a close OS in the last round. I’m actually really itching to play this matchup against him again some day now that our signature combos have been upgraded to full-on trash-mode.
After beating Angry, I had earned my spot in the finals and kept my chance of going to Toronto, along with TBD from my Block, Stormscorpio1 and Titan Tite from the A Block, and Dark_Mousy and geetster99 from the C Block.
Wombat (MF Omega Horuseus 100RF) vs. Titan Tite (MF Dou Cancer 230MB)
In the past few matches I had played with Tite, he had used B:D combos against me, and since he isn’t the best Attack user I had a strong feeling he would use Stamina. I was correct, and picked the appropriate combo, but must have just launched badly or something (maybe Omega needs to be on CH120 or something to really hit 230 effectively, but the other Omega 100 vs 230 matches I’ve played say otherwise) since I lost 1-3. Kind of a bummer.
Wombat (MF-H Libra 100RF) vs. geetster99 (MF-H Duo Cancer 230MB)
The last matches I played against geetster had him using Samurai Wyvang Attack, and I knew he had pretty much swept the 2014 championship using MF-H Lightning L-Drago CH120RF, so I had a pretty good feeling he was going to go with some Attacker. So I went with an Anti-Attacker. Originally I was going to use 85 to make absolutely sure he wouldn’t get underneath me with LLD, but decided to go with 100 instead on the off chance he decided to go with something a little taller. Going to 100 ended up being the right move, he beat me by pulling a totally unexpected Duo 230MB, but at least I somehow managed 2 KOs.
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Wombat (MF Omega Horuseus 100RF) vs. Dark_Mousy (MF Meteo L-Drago TR145EWD)
I was already 0-2 in the finals so I knew I needed to win these next 3 matches if I wanted a shot at winning the whole tournament. Given Dark’s preference for Dragooon F230GCF in Standard format, I guessed he would use Meteo F230GCF against me and used Omega accordingly. I was close enough to correct that I was able to win the battle 3-0, even though Dark Weak Launched all three times.
Wombat (MF-H Quetzalcoatl 90R2F) vs. TheBlackDragon (Scythe Cancer B:D)
Prior to this event, I had bought and tested Quetzalcoatl in secret, and had found it to be a top-tier attacker on the level of Screw. I hadn’t used it at all during any of the tournaments so I figured now was a better time than any to use it. I got one of the best possible matchups for it, mid-height Stamina... and then choked and lost 0-3 somehow. My R2F wasn’t moving very aggressively during this battle despite it performing fine beforehand. Out of all the matches I’m salty about, this is probably in the top 5: now that I had finally gotten him in a good matchup, it was my chance to beat him, but I failed. He quit Beyblade later that year with a 9-0 record against me :(
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Wombat (MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RSF) vs. Stormscorpio1 (MF-F Burn Cancer 90MF)
I didn’t know what to use against SS1 in Limited at this point, so I just defaulted back to Bakushin... unfortunately, he picked a combo that I couldn’t match up well against yet, and though I managed to ramp him out a few times I ended up losing 2-3.
Since the qualifiers were such a big deal at the time, the match between the top 2 players had to be played out a certain way: Rather than just playing one match to determine the winner, they had to play the same matchup three times in a row - geetster used Duo 230MB and Dark used Burn 85MF, resulting in a 3-0 shutout by Duo. Similarly, the big players today in terms of combos were definitely Burn 85/90MF and Duo 230MB, geetster cleaned house and went 12-0 using only those 2 combos, while Dark took second using mainly Burn 85MF and Titan Tite was third using mainly Duo 230MB. What sucks is that both of those normally get destroyed by Attackers, especially Omega, and I literally used Omega for half of my battles.
At this point in time, this was one of my worst Limited performances ever - although I went 4-1 in the Block, I went 1-4 in the finals due to a series of bad picks and bad launches. Geetster won the trip to Toronto and got to compete as a part of Team GT (the now-defunct NC Beyblading team), and while Dark was eventually able to convince my parents to let me go to Canada as well I was bummed to not make the team.
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Foaming at the mouth bc I'm taller than Levi like what the fuck what the fuCKajdjaoodowkfkke
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