#all my nice megamind posts were on my old account lol
thesunlikehoney · 5 months
funny thing about that megamind post. i wrote that post the exact same way i would have written a star wars meta/fanonization critique. i just forgot that megamind is a smaller fandom with a significantly smaller canon, and the character of megamind is himself the lead and not a random side character everybody feels obligated to write but nobody bothers to do the research to write properly.
like if that post had been same tone/phrasing/layout but was centered around literally any clone character or an annoyance with obi-wan fanon or something? totally different response. i know that because i have made those posts. are sw fans all assholes or do we just approach fandom with more aggression and suspicion due to seeing our favorites dragged through the mud so often? or maybe it's something about larger fandoms being more fractured and smaller fandoms more tight knit?
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