#all of the ppl who play this game need to be admitted to the psych ward
nururu · 10 months
Id v is so crazy for making a big lizard man hunter with braided rows and then make him a survivor persona and they made him a skinny white man with rows.. not just that but he's a redhead too......... There's like only 2 genuinely poc characters in this game.... And one of them the devs are constantly drawing as a white man for no reason. the one guy who's supposed to be native American is just a white cowboy who was adopted by a tribe.
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Ep. 12: “This round feels like a season of glee” - Steven
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So I did something finally. I flipped on the newbies and sent Madi home. Honestly the only thing I did differently was actually think about the game and numbers. Plus I talked to people and made a really good bond with DeNara. I'm also a little better with Raffy, not that it matters bcs we are somehow getting Raffy outta here I think. I know the next competition is endurance and that's apperantly Raffy's strong suit. So frick. But I know where everything stands for once. I know who is working with who I THINK. So I just need to survive next round and gain the numbers.
My revenge is coming for being left out of this vote. Idk when and how I'll do it but I will do whatever it takes.
Thank goodness I survived this vote! All thanks to Anastasia! I need a brain break, I am so tired now lol
An hour before tribal council, Elle decided that she would give me the immunity necklace. The reasoning she told me is that we need a strong 4 votes to cause a tie. Anastasia told DeNara that she would be flipping on Madi and Gian by voting Rachel (which is what that side thought we were doing). Because of this, I wanted to use my SWP since they would have a 4-3 majority. However, Elle believed that we could not trust Anastasia until after tribal. Anastasia could be lying and wanting me to play the SWP (which Madi and Gian happily spread around) so the newbies would have 4-3. Despite this, I wanted to be safe because I was starting to worry that Madi would play her idol on herself. The compromise would be that Elle would give me the immunity necklace which did occur. Finally, the alliance's acting paid off as Madi misplayed the idol which caused her to get voted out. Now, the Faes alliance is the majority alliance. Wig.
I have new worries going into this round. Anastasia really wants to do big moves, so she should want to vote me out now that Madi is gone. My other worry is that Anastasia is much more loyal and is a solid ally for DeNara, not me. This means, if DeNara was so inclined, she could get the numbers to vote me out. DeNara is going to get a lot of power the further we get. It's very interesting to see what the breakdown is. Due to this, I have decided to keep my door open with Gian. Steven agreed that we could potentially work with Gian to hide behind him as a shield. Also, this is kind of an emotional thing because I really do feel close to Gian. I do not know what kind of move I'd do to keep Gian this round. If he wins immunity, then it would be great and I would not have to do any maneuvering. However, in all scenarios except one, I am betraying my allies which is not a good look for me. My idea is to finally get Rachel out this round, so it would keep Gian in the game while keeping my allies good with me.
I got on call with Gian earlier today to express a desire to work with him to target Anastasia or DeNara. I was doing a lot of talking during the call which had me worry as he seemed to just be taking in this information without providing any back. This had me skeptical on whether or not he wanted to work with me. My skepticism was correct. According to DeNara, Gian told Anastasia that I want to target her for being a wildcard this round. He used the information I gave him against me. However, thanks to my very good relationship with DeNara, I am now in the know that he does not want to work with me. Bye Gian. Say hi to Madi in jury for me. I might just use my SWP just to be sure. Plus, it forces Anastasia to target Gian instead of me for this round.
The current plan is for DeNara to tell Anastasia that she is willing to flip after a bit of reluctance. In actuality, we are just trying to make them think that Gian is the vote. At tribal, we will all vote for Rachel instead in case there is an idol. I am VERY nervous for this tribal. I do not want to be here. According to DeNara, Elle would be the person the newbies vote for if I leave which is perfectly fine with me. I need to survive. I have to get to F6. There's really no guarantee that this plan even works in the first place. And does DeNara even trust me after hearing all that information from Gian's rat mouth? UGH. The paranoia is way too high for my liking.
Honestly this game is so tiring, why do I torture myself with this stress? Oh because I love Survivor that's why. Lol. Soooooo Anastasia wants to flip on Raffy, Steven and Elle and take Raffy out of the game because he is a threat. Which means I am in the middle....AGAIN. It is Raffy, Elle, and Steven vs. Gian, Rachel and Anastasia. I want to stay with Raffy, Elle and Steven and take out Rachel this vote and then flip and take Raffy out next vote so I can keep the numbers but I am super super super nervous of Raffy. I caught Raffy in a lie today. I talked to Gian and he said he was on call with Steven and Raffy earlier and that Raffy was throwing my name out because I have a good relationship with Elle, Rachel and Anastasia (which I do). I called Steven and he admitted that the 3 of them did talk, but he said that Raffy was saying Rachel the whole time, not me. BUT when I went on call with Raffy, Steven and Elle I told Raffy that Gian said he went on call with him and he started to make an excuse saying he was at school all day and that wasn't true. THEN Steven said to Raffy that he already told me they were on call so Raffy had to back track..... All the newbies are saying to Raffy that they are voting for me.... so I am scared Raffy is working with the newbies to get me out since I have become such a threat.
Steven says it wouldn't make any sense for Raffy to flip and get me out now, but if they all think I have become a bigger threat than Raffy, he could very well flip and take me out. I really really hope Raffy is being honest about wanting to vote Rachel out or I am super hecked tomorrow. Here is to hoping I am in the game after the next tribal!!!!!!!
After a very insightful conversation with the VL, I've decided to grab the game by the balls and attempt to get out the kingpin of the game (again) or at least weaken him by taking out one of his minions. I'm being super careful this time about everything. Saying the right things to the right people can cause panic and paranoia and victimizing myself from the last vote--I'm using that to my advantage. Let's hope this pays off. If not, at least I'm leaving with a big swing!
My morning of paranoia continues. I don't think Raffy will flip because it would be a stupid move rn, but I do think I need to be careful. This will likely be the last time I can truly play the middle like I have been.
I feel so bad about lying to Anastasia because she did save me, but this is what is best for my game. I also feel bad for Rachel because we have gotten close and I dont want to vote her out. Really I want Gian out next but I have to stick with my alliance.
I love the misconceptions of this game. Even if i'm on the outside. That was an excellent play by the returnees. I am so sad to see Madi go! She was with Gian and I since day 1. I can never repay her for using her idol for me. I am just shocked Anastasia flipped too, but I understand her reasoning (even though i thought we we're a solid 4). Hopefully we can make a big move this round and if not, we'll go out trying! I just hope Gian and I are truly not at the bottom. I wish we got Raffy out sooner, but only cause he is such a great player-socially and strategically.
I'm in class rn lol but here's a convo I just had with Dylan in my Host Chat 10:10 AM VL: The amount of lies I've heard and confirmed they are lies before 9am is absolutely terrifying to me 😅 GUYS THIS IS GONNA BE SO MESSY OMG Dylan, 10:12 AM wild what all is happening 10:14 AM so yesterday, gian went on call with steven and raffy to vote denara out but then on our alliance call, raffy tried to deny any meeting when denara asked, until steven was like "no okay we called, to vote out rachel" and now denara is being a double agent trying to convince the newbies shes gonna vote for raffy in exchange for safety so it seems like maybe the newbies dont actually want denara out and are trying to scare her into siding with them? why raf and steven are lying i dont know Dylan, 10:18 AM spicy [tiktok voice] that’s suspicious...that’s weird re: raffy and steven 10:20 AM mhm?? like it's fine if they're tricking the newbies but why lie to us anyway im perfectly out of the direct loop completely because now ppl think im completely in raffy's pocket but also that me and denara are probs close so im just "she's there." Dylan, 10:22 AM oof not a fun position to be in 10:23 AM nah im fine w it i hate lying lmao this way im mostly just watching it happen while talking to ppl about like, good playlists khjdlsajldj
So I got Denara on board with teaming with the newbies and together we will all take down Raffys trio hopefully. We will most likely target Elle instead of Raffy so we can take out one of his minions. I think the safest option would be to vote Steven because I think nobody would expect that but Gian insists Elle. I think Elle has an idol. Lets just hope she feels safe. ALSO IM SO GLAD IM SAFE but now im just worried for my future because I obviously need numbers to move on.
D: I don't knowwww whats happening okay so basically it seems like neither side has an idol and is psyching the other out that they do but probability wise at least one person has an idol rn??? So idk ugh :/ what the heck is going on anyway I'm making a playlist and i need new music for it send me a song recc everyone reading this like a month later i promise ill give any song a listen🎶
The plan seems to be going well. DeNara has successfully infiltrated the newbie group and is leaking their shit. According to her, the newbies are scared that I have an idol and want to target Elle instead. I would love to push this narrative, but I don't know how. If I can get them to target Elle over me, then this would be great. However, I do believe now that they do not have an idol based on all that DeNara has spilled on their paranoia. It should be a successful 4-3 with Rachel getting the boot. Then, I am guaranteed F5 in this game.
This round feels like a season of glee where people are just trying to hit plot points with no rhyme or reason
I am in the middle and so stressed. Do I vote Rachel or Raffy?!?!?!?! Maybe it is me
I am so stressed... oh my gosh! If I get voted out, it was a great move by the others and I will regret not voting Raffy
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starafterdeath · 7 years
Favorite Riddlers Shitpost tl;dr
Well, the Zero Year version started it all (complete with the chest-grabbing fantasies and a poem about physically raping the guy - and, please, don't ask me how the latter happened), and I did babble about him quite a bit already, so I'll concentrate on other examples.
Like the version from "May I Have This Dancer?" one-shot - the reformed loser dork who's just trying to keep straight but is constantly cockblocked by the consequences of his past crimes coming back to bite him in the ass. Honestly, that's a premise I'd like to see more of - there's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing Eddie suffer in his reformed life; it's like the "break the cutie" trope, only more of a "kick the attention whore in the balls" variety. (I mean, just look at him here - he’s so tired of all the bullshit life’s been throwing at him that he doesn’t even care that his mask is dangling out of his front pocket X‘D.)
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But, apparently, the current cast of DC writers decided to can this concept for good, which is a shame. 
Then there was "A New Dawn" three-parter from Batman Confidential, in which Rids breaks out of Arkham to tag along on Batman's investigation (and happily annoy the living hell out of the Caped Crusader in the proccess, of course, calling him "partner" in front of other ppl and all that shit). That one was actually fun, in the "like watching Rush Hour again" way. Plus, it kinda showed the general similarities between B-man and his rogues and hinted at how his team-ups with them could actually be more productive than hauling their asses off to prison or a mental institution on a regular basis. I also like the Arkham games version, especially with the way each game depicts his deteriorating psyche, one defeat at a time. By Arkham Knight, even the Joker seems relatively sane compared to him, and that's saying something. Besides, all three of his Arkham incarnations have pretty cool designs. Actually, the Riddler from Arkham Knight (which I'll probably never play bacause of the shitty PC ports) seems to be my most favorite at the moment. Strangely enough, visually, he's almost devoid of any trademark riddler features - no flashy suit, no hat, not even a half-assed attempt at caring for his looks - just a dirty unkempt mess of obsessiveness and programming genius with some shades of murderous insanity. And a cane that looks like it's been specifically designed for bludgeoning ppl to death. A manchild, who pretty much invested every asset he ever had in the grand vanity project of proving his intellectual superiority to the Bat simply because his brain rejects the idea of somebody else being smarter than him (which eventually leads him to failure over and over again). His motivations bear a visible seal of childhood trauma that prevented him from developing any skills apart from his intellect, all in the vain attempt to prove something to his dick of a father. The saddest thing is that his crusade against Batman is the continuation of the same thing. Poor fucker thinks that intelligence is the only thing that makes him who he is, sets him apart; take that away, and he's gonna pull an Asuka on himself, realizing that, without his status as the smartest man in Gotham, he's nothing. He can't have that, which means simply admitting that B-man is at least at the same intellectual level as him is out of the question.  This version is also the only one I do not like seeing hurt (shocking, I know). Being kicked the shit out of by one's da and classmates isn't exactly the happiest way to spend childhood, so he definitely needs none of that in his adult life (if you can call THAT adult, of course). He deserves a mug of hot cocoa, a blanket, and good psychiatric help in a hacker-proof high-security treatment facility, not of Arkham's quality, preferably. And, lastly, he's the only version that may be legitly ace. 'Course, it's only based on one measly line he said to Catwoman in one of their taped conversations, but, hell, I'll grab this hint and run with it. Suits his design and personality perfectly. Give me more asexual evil nerds like him, I'll be happy.
Both Batman Adventures (2003) and Gotham Adventures versions are good. Well, technically, it's the same version, just slightly different appearances. This one is surprisingly less annoying and evokes sympathy by 1) being aware of his mental instability and struggling with it and 2) openly treating Batman as his no-bullshit intellectual equal... up to the point of wanting to spend more time with him... and inviting him home for chess... and a dinner... and hijacking a satellite so that Batman would stop ignoring his advances... Man, issue 11 was weird. 😐 "Solitaire" one-shot basically introduces  his Zero Year design before Zero Year, so I'm not going to dwell on it for too long either. I'll just say that the way Snyder and Fawkes reworked his personality (turning him into a vengeful methodical bastard who electrocutes ppl left and right and will hold a grugde against you for so much as touching him with your filthy unintelligent hands) was really impressive. It's a difficult task to make this puzzle-obsessed dork look threatening, so this here comic did quite a number on him as a character, completely stripping him off his usual classy, eloquent, gentelmenly image in favor of cold-blooded, misanthropic, and outright sadistic disregard for everyone apart from himself and The Bat (since he's the only worthy opponent). Oh, and he also likes yogurts, which is pretty neat.  One thing with the New 52 riddlers, though, is the fact that the number of despicable things they've done excludes any possibility of their reform. Take, for example, Zero Year - I can't imagine Eddie working as a private investigator after he basically reverted Gotham City to the Stone Age for a month, which had earned him a cosy padded room in Arkham way before the Joker re-emerged. That's kind of a shame, though, cause I'd like to watch that smug P.O.S. try and earn money without giving into his genocidal tendencies; to him, that'd probably be the worst type of torture imaginable. Then there's "Questions Multiply the Mystery" - practically the only story out there that details Riddler's origins as a villain. That version is also good. Besides, I don't care much for children, but I gotta say that, as a kid, Eddie was pretty damn adorable - a wide-eyed bundle of never-ending questions, too pure for this world. =_=
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Another one I kinda like is from Gotham City Sirens. Reformed (again) and very reluctunt to deal with the titular bunch - Catwoman, Harley Queen, and Poison Ivy. Well, unless Selina asks - she's cool, she's a bro. I love the dynamic between him and the girls; their MO always goes like "We can deal with this problem without anybody's help, and definitely without any MEN involved because who needs them? To hell with men, grl pwr! But, just in case we need a sap, let's call Eddie." I mean, he's literally the only guy they trust, being a fellow reformed villain and a decent PI, which doesn't stop them in the slightest from breaking his balls every chance they get. Naturally, that  doesn't make him feel any better about himself since, as usual, he tries to keep straight while those crazy cunts unceremoniously barge in to ruin his peacefully miserable life time and again. It's like, he doesn't want to help them but he still does anyway purely out of respect for Selina and what little friendship they have left. Come to think of it, I'm generally okay with the reformed Riddler. He's still hella obnoxious, but at least this obnoxiousness looks funnier when the one who is forced to deal with it is Batman, for the most part; leads to some pretty entertaining situations. Okay, so these are the versions I can remember so far. If I remember or find any more, I'll update.
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