#all of them are girls except for Butchercup
milescottontail · 1 year
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My whole team has been leveled up to level 100!!! including Team B!!!! wow!!!!
(I've also hypertrained all my Pokemon :D!!!!)
I'm so proud of myself! Time to go destroy all the gym refights
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Valuable Possessions: Greens Oneshot
Pairing: Buttercup x Butch (butchercup/Greens)
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls 
Thief/royal au.
This idea came to me at 1 am last night as I was struggling with my focus so I hope you all enjoy!!
He was an expert thief. Stealing from the rich and giving to himself and his brothers, that was his type of charity work. He had gotten word about the abandoned tower on the east side of the castle. No one had kept that room company for years and the guards post just collected dust.
He could have easily gone through the front door like his older brother said too, but why would he? He liked it rough and dangerous and if he came out with a few scratches and bruises, he saw no problem with that.
He could see the windows opened as he scalded the tower. Shoving his feet into the cobblestone wall plates was something he was skilled at. A trait he picked up as a child since his no good father taught them how to break and enter without getting caught. He tumbled inside easily and was surprised to see a candle lit on the vanity. It was covered in an endless array of treasures, his mouth practically watering from the riches he was about to claim.
He wasted no time stuffing his bag with the jewels and tiaras. All of this fancy stuff would keep his brothers on their toes for months, this was heaven.
“Those pearl earrings are worth thousands.” He dropped the bag and his back hit the vanity as he turned. He covered his mouth to not let out that deep scream and he yelled at himself for not checking the rest of the room.
His eyes widened as he spotted the figure on the bed. The figure crawled to the edge of the bed before swinging their feet over to get a better look at him. How the hell did he miss her?
“Relax I'm not going to tell the guards, they wouldn’t hear me anyways...or care.” He heard the last part but he had a feeling he shouldn’t have.
His brothers were waiting but he was frozen in his place. His breathing was fast and uneven as she swept a lock of thick black hair behind her ear. The faint glow of the candle could only do so much and she stood from her bed and walked forward. The black nightgown draped around her as she picked up his bag and began to shove more things inside.
“I hate all of this stuff.” She mumbled and grabbed a crown that he knew was worth too much to even think about. “It's pointless.”
She shoved the burlap sack to his chest. “Have a nice night.”
He should have ran, slid down the side of the tower and to his brothers and showed them his prized hall. He would be celebrated by the youngest and maybe even praised by the oldest which he needed since he almost lost his hand at the last break in. But he couldn’t. His mind was racing, tumbling over the questions. Why was she here?
“Who are you?” He blurted out and she looked up from the necklace she was holding.
“By royal terms my name is Princess Buttercup but I don’t think the title is worth wild.” She shrugged and tossed him the necklace. He felt weird shoving it in the bag but he couldn't take his eyes off her as she sorted through more things.
“If you’re the princess-”
“Then why am I here? Well funny story. They tried to marry me off today. It was a hold deal with men in too tight outfits and smelled like gold apples, how do you smell like a gold apple? One man got down on his knee, didn’t even know the guy, and before he could say anything, I stabbed his sorry ass with my small dagger. And now this-'' She gestured to the room.” Is my time out zone.” She flopped on the bed and threw her arms in the air. “Well it's just my room, but still secluded from the rest of the castle like always.” She didn’t sound bitter but he noticed almost a disinterest from her.
“You stabbed the guy?” He grinned. “Not your average princess huh?”
“Right in the leg.” She mimicked the motion with a hairbrush that was engraved with silver and gold. “And not by blood so I really don’t care what they say.”
“Bad ass.” He whispered to himself.
He turned back to the vanity. “Oh if you could just leave the portrait of my sisters and the heart locket, that would be nice but everything else is fair game good sir.”
“Good sir? I'm literally stealing from you.” He picked up the photo. “Sisters you say?” It must have been when she was young. Her hair was much shorter and her smile was bright and missing a tooth in the front.
She leaned on her elbows. “It's the only thing I have left of them. Once I turned five we were separated. I ended up being an adopted princess who is nothing short of a disappointment who hates the king and queens guts. Not to mention-”
“Princess Morbucks yeah that must suck. Haven’t met her personally but I know enough to see her as the bitch she is. I feel sorry for you.”
She only shrugged. “Yeah well you would think all of this junk is nice but-”
“You don’t have any freedom.” He finished and she gave him a look of uncertainty. She nodded and smiled to herself.
“Exactly. And I can’t just leave, I have nowhere to go and even if I did, everyone would know it's me.” She twisted her finger with a long strand of her black hair. “Oh there's some nice shoes in the closet, probably worth something and I have an extra bag there too.”
He set the photo down and found the shoes. Yep these would sell great. He was really hitting the jackpot. After clicking the vanity again he realized he had swept it clean except for the locket and photo, he would be nice and leave it since, yeah know, she let him steal.
He left the gowns and some shoes in the closet and didn’t dare to go near the bookcase over to her, he had enough and ran out of space anyways.
“All done?” She said with a smirk and he gave her an over the top bow.
“Very much. Thank you M’lady.” She smiled and he felt a slight tightness in his chest.
“Well if you are ever in the area, I'm sure this place will be refilled by tomorrow, I’ll just say I went crazy and threw it into the ocean. That is if they dont kill me first.”
“In the ocean?” He asked with wide eyes.
“It happens sometimes.” She shrugged casually as if she wasn’t aware that she was discharging thousands of dollars in objects. “Make them pay right? Plus all my stuff got washed up and some village people found it. Consider it my anger doing community service.”
“Well  doubt I’ll be coming back to this shit hole of a kingdom. My brothers and I will be traveling for a long time, thanks to you.”
“Glad to help and hey.” He turned as he was leaning out the window. “If you by chance ever see one of my sisters-” She smiled and faded smaller and her eyes looked at the picture. “Maybe tell them I miss them, I know it's a long shot but it would give me hope.”
He should have been on the ground by now, running away. His brothers and him could be set for life with this stuff and he could just imagine it all now. But this deep feeling in his gut made him stop and think. He threw his feet back inside and sighed. Grabbing the extra bag, he stuffed the locket and photo inside.
“Hey I said-”
“You’re coming with me.” He stated.
Yeah what was he thinking?
“You said it yourself. You have nothing here worth staying for. The least I could do is get you out of this hell and allow you some freedom before the guards rip your head off. Now throw on these and lets get going.” He threw some pants he found and a coat. She caught him and stared at him hesitatingly.
She turned around and he finished packing her things as well as some fruit he found by her nightstand.
“You have a tattoo?” He smirked and she hit him on the head.
“Don’t fucking look you creep.” Ahh so she cusses, good to know.
She finished changing and found more things to bring for money purposes.
“Wait.” He said and he opened a drawer and found a silver pair of scissors. “Sit down.” He found it oddly charming how she gladly sat and she didn’t even flinch when the scissors snapped shut.
She kept her eyes close as she could feel the hair falling off her shoulders, she knew it would be messy and probably look weird but there was a silent weight that was coming off. She knew the moment she was adopted into the kingdom, she was a burden.
They always said they picked the wrong one. And they are right. His youngest sister would have loved playing dress up everyday. She could see her now fanning over all the suitors. She missed them terribly.
“Alright all set.” She opened her eyes and almost gasped. Her hair was a little above her shoulders now and it felt so light and free. She had forgotten what it was like to run her fingers through her messy cut and she loved it.
For once she felt a genuine smile coming on and her eyes met him in the mirror. He was staring at her in a different way than before. She finally got a good look at him. Dark raven hair like herself and he was nicely built. Her eyes trailed along the mass of tattoos on his arm but he looked about the same age as her. She caught herself from sitting for too long and stood up.
“Thanks. Now let's get the hell out of here.”
“Of course your majesty.” He faked bowed and she rolled her eyes before he went out the window and climbed down. “Need help sweetheart?” He called up but she surprised him by following his movements exactly.
“No thanks, I’ve escaped plenty of time-Ahh”
Her feet slipped at the bottom and she fell and almost screamed before she felt strong arms holding her. She opened her eyes to see him smirking. He didn’t see it before but her iris were bright green like of an emerald or a grasshopper he once dared his brother to eat, and he did.
She gazed back at him. Her smile broke out as she looked up at the tower that had confined her for many years, yep she had been sent there too many times and felt more like a burden. She held a hand up to it and flipped it off and heard him laugh.
She shook her head and looked at him. This overwhelming feeling in her chest. “Fuck it.” She whispered and slammed her lips against his. He kissed her back immediately and her hands clutched his face and she heard him groan.
She pulled back with a smile. “What the hell was that for?” He asked with a flustered grin.
“Well usually in stories the prince who rescues the princess gets a kiss as a reward but I think a thief who just stole from me and stole me as well deserved something too. Plus.” She looked at him with narrow eyes. “You are much hotter than any of those fucking snobs.”
He only smiled back before setting her on the ground. “You bet your sweet ass I am.” He winked and she followed him towards the hidden passage where his brothers were staked out. They walked in silence before a thought came to him.
“You know with all this money, we can probably find your sisters.” He said to her.
Buttercup nodded. “I hope so. Say I never caught your name.”
“Names Butch.”
She hummed as she caught up to him and walked by his side. “Nice name. Suits you.”
He thought that night he would be stealing a mass of riches. Taking priceless artifacts from the kingdom but little did he know that he stole the most valuable item of all.
Just something quick and cute! Hope you liked!
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thewritingstar · 4 years
What’re the vest powerpuff shops in ur opinion and why?
Im going to assume ship in this. Alright here we go!
I can see really any pairing with the girls and boys and ill throw in some other ones too. But imma go down the line by my faves. Im only gonna put the ships i like so if you dont see one then i prob dont ship it hard, or i havent thought about it. 
I know you didnt ask but i feel like no one is fully straight here and i love that vibe.  
Blossutch- 100/10: THE FLAVOR. Amazing, perfection, just yes. I think Blossom and Butch would have a very fun dynamic. The classic uptight girl with the laid back guy. The complement each other and add to each others strengths. Also I think they are the best looking ship. They give me Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit vibes. Goofy and serious at the same time. aka my wife can kick your ass and id let her kick mine too. Def my fav ship. ITS SOOOOO GOOD. BUTCH IS A SIMP. fuck it imma simp for this ship. 
Reds/Blossick: Out of the matching ships, this one is my fav. The rivals to lovers complex is so funny here because its two people who try to be the best at all times and they would get so caught up in out doing each other that they don’t realize they would be perfect for each other. I think they would also have the understanding of what it takes to be a leader and have that weighing on their shoulders. King and queen vibes. Really close to number one but my fav color code ship. ALSO THESE FICS ARE SO GOOD. (and prob my fav ship growing up)
Greens/Butchercup: The counterpart ships are really nice because they reveal the weakness that they each face and the other one can relate. This is just the fun couple that likes to party but loves the other so much. It rough and gritty but pure and some people may not understand them but they only care about each other anyways.  
Blues/Boomubbles: This one is like pure fluff. Its soft, sweet and simple and just a really cute ship. They are like swans. They have one true soul mate and then they die. Heres the thing. I think Bubbs and Boom Boom are meant for each other and they are prob the best ship in color code (i just like the drama of the reds lol) I perfer bubbs with him over anyone else. 
Butchubbles: Classic bad boy, girl next door ship. Leather jackets and soda pop. Everyone is intimidated by Butch except for his fluffy girl who makes him watch disney movies and shows him its ok to cry. Probably the most aesthetically pleasing ship
Boomer x Buttercup: This is cute. Boomer is supportive of his strong ass kicking girlfriend and bc loves her adorable air head man. 
Brickercup: They are the most stubborn ship i would assume. But still cute and intense. I vibe with it. 
BlossomxBoomer: Its cute, i dont mind it. Smartest girl and dumbest boy. kinda bland but cute. 
BrickxBubbles: Kinda like the bad boy x sweet girl vibe but with less flavor idk. its fine.    
(me not knowing all the ship names, but to be fair none of the ship names are as pleasing as other ones lol) 
Now onto the other crack ships
Princess x Brat: The sugar momma vibes this gives off. I could just imagine Brat scamming people on the internet for money and then she finds princess and genuinely falls in love with her and instead of Princess having a wimp arranged marriage of a husband, she has a baddie wife. the fucking flavor of this???? amazing. 1000/10 
Princess X Robin: There was a whole discussion with friends about this and its the rich badass woman with the humble girl who kicks the rich bitchs ass and brings her ego down. Robin is a lawyer in this ship and defends her business mafia wife. 
Princess x Bubbles: This is lowkey funny because the thought of Princess stopping crime cause she got whipped by the joy and laughter. 
Princess X Blossom: Princess making all those plans and elaborate machines not to steal but to get noticed???? Yes please. 
Robin x Mike: Cute. typical boy next door meets girl next door (wheres the flavor) 
Boomer x Mike: You can not tell me the boom boom is straight. I wont accept it. Just two soft boys and one might be an ex-con but mike says everyone has flaws. SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW OR WRITE ABOUT THIS. I NEED IT. (XBOX ON SHIP) 
Mitch x Mike: Mitch is gay panic boy but tries to be cool but mike is so pure and soft and loves his goth bf. 
Boomer x Mitch: Because surfer boi with goth boi and the fact that their ship name is BITCH AHAHHAHAHAH. 
I dont think the punks and ruffs would go well together too much chaos. And even though i could see some puffs x punks, not my fav. I hope you liked this and im always down for talking about ships :) 
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