#all the little tiny things — mundanemiseres ⊸
strawberry-barista · 5 months
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⚅ — @mundanemiseries asked: — ⚅
⚅ — 📝 for Joel :>c ? — ⚅
Muse Association Questions
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⚀ what color reminds your muse of mine?
"Mmm, if I had to pick, I'd probably say like a pink or purple. My Kitten kinda reminds me'a Twilight, when the sun just isn't quite up yet and everything's real quiet, lazy mornings an' stars in someone's eyes. In between and a little lost. A color like that."
⚀ what song reminds your muse of mine?
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"Ya know that little bop they sell at Tower Records called 'Little Things'? I think'a Viewfinder when I listen to that a lot. Maybe not necessarily because it's what I think he is now, but it's more like what I think 'e has the potential for. What I want for 'im. What I wanna say to him one day. I think about 'im a lot..."
⚀ what scent reminds your muse of mine?
"Not gonna lie, at this point it's pumpkin. Haha, after he gave me that recipe for 'is pumpkin donuts, I took to tryin'a perfect 'em, and every time I make 'em now I think'a him. So, ah, haha, yeah, every time I even smell the stuff, or when I think of 'im, they're always together."
⚀ what meme reminds your muse of mine?
"Aw, shit, have you seen this?" He opens up his phone and holds it out:
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As he takes his phone back he looks at the image and sighs, "I promise, I love him."
⚀ what sound reminds your muse of mine?
"Mm... Maybe the sound of an acoustic guitar, but it's gotta be his usual indie band setlist, so maybe that's too specific."
⚀ what setting reminds your muse of mine?
"The rooftops in the morning, I think," he smiled softly. "Even though I'm used to seeing 'im in the Alley. I just sit up there and think... Joel would find this beautiful."
⚀ what fashion style reminds your muse of mine?
"Grunge, without a doubt," Hanekoma purred. "It's not always overstated, but I think the worn-down wet cat look'a grunge would suit 'im."
⚀ what feeling does your muse associate with mine?
"Melancholy, I'd say. He is so sweet. And he loves me so much. And I know the two of us care about each other. But I also know that he's suffering, and I know he doesn't feel like he's a part'a my family, and I don't know that there's... Anything I can do about that... And that makes me sad."
⚀ what animal does your muse associate with mine?
"Cat," a lazy grin. "I call 'im my kitten for a reason."
⚀ what holiday does your muse associate with mine?
"I can't really think of one off'a the top'a my head. I... Admittedly don't see him for a whole lotta them."
⚀ what season does your muse associate with mine?
"Gotta be fall. And... Probably because of those damn donuts again, hahaha!"
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strawberry-barista · 7 months
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⚅ — @mundanemiseries asked: — ⚅
⚅ —[ img : from Joel ] — ⚅
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". . ."
In my professional opinion, Viewfinder, you shouldn't drink that... You'd have to be pretty damn talented to do that while you have the shits, though, so respect.
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅ — @mundanemiseries asked: — ⚅
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⚅ — Rae, sets this down cus ynot — ⚅
Decaf Bingo
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"What's the point if you're not obsessed? Agh, but in all seriousness, Rae seems like a pretty alright guy. I don't know 'im too well, but I definitely wouldn't mind gettin' to know 'im better. He doesn't seem like a half-bad fella, ya know? And hey, alla Viewfinder's counterparts take good care'a each other, so there's that."
Doesn't like jazz, though? That'd definitely be a problem.
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @mundanemiseries asked: —⚅ ⚅— 🌟 if ur still taking these 👉👈 for any of my boys you'd like to ? —⚅
Kohi Brand Icons
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{Here ya go! Actually thank you so much for sending me scs ifdjalf. XD If I had to gather my own one more time I think I might not have made it sksksk. I just can't be trusted to know when to call it quits fr. But even though you sent me a limited number it gave me space to do like a ton of different crops? Which is also super fun to do. I hope you like what I came up for with the bg and banner! I found that door icon in the og twewy assets and just knew I had to use it for this particular verse.}
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @fallenphxtxgrapher asked: —⚅ ⚅— i feel like i'm being watched. again (Koko) —⚅
Angel Killer Prompts
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Hanekoma's eyes immediately shot up to the window, focusing on the energy of anyone that might be lingering outside, "Oh yeah? Got an idea of who it might be? Or why you think they might be watchin' ya? I'll keep an eye on ya, if you'll let me. I won't let anything happen to you. Roman would kill me, ya know?"
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @fallenphxtxgrapher asked: —⚅ ⚅— smashed (uh….somehow Joel managed to get drunk) —⚅
Drunk Meme
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"Aw, shit, Viewfinder. What happened, bud?"
Hanekoma went to Joel's side and put an arm around his waist to steady him (because surely in a state like this he was in no real position to be walking). He wondered if this had been the result of pain or just a little too much pleasure. He didn't want to think that Joel would hit the drink just to escape his suffering, but if it was true he had to do what he could to intervene, and soon. He wouldn't be able to just wait for Joel to come to him for help anymore.
And if this had just been the result of a little too much partying (or maybe getting roped into partying by the wrong crowd), then he still had to see him through to the next morning.
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"Ya gotta take it easy with that stuff, ya know?" he said softly. "How are ya feelin' right now? Have you eaten anything?"
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @fallenphxtxgrapher asked: —⚅ ⚅— ( defend ) : unconscious as the result of a fight // for Koko cuz…base Joel muse is asleep atm :P —⚅
Situation Prompts
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It wasn't too often that someone got ganged up on to this sort of extent. This kid must have either been someone important, someone powerful, or someone who didn't know how to stop running their mouth. Whatever the case, he'd been thoroughly stomped and if someone didn't step in and do something he would probably be entering the Game before too long.
So Hanekoma jumped in and, after giving the offenders a healthy shock, sent them all packing. He hadn't quite been quick enough, it seemed, because as he approached the young man he found him out of it, injured more than Hanekoma had ever intended to let him be. So he administered some quick first aid and tried to gently wake the other, doing his best not to move him too much just in case.
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"Hey, come on, buddy, come back to me. Don't try to move too much, alright? What's your name, boss?"
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @fallenphxtxgrapher asked: —⚅ ⚅— You picked a hell of a place to hole up. (Koko) —⚅
The Last of Us Starters
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"Welcome to Wildkat!" he chirped, just as if everything was still perfectly fine. It made him feel sick to say it these days. "Well, at least, that's what I'd like to say. Buuut I gotta make sure you're safe, brother, ya know? So... What brings ya to my little café?"
He looked his new guest over with a casual smile but eyes sharp enough to cut straight through him. Hanekoma wanted to welcome as many people into what they had left of the city to protect as possible, but he knew there was still danger in those left alive, too. Unfortunate as it was, people were scraping by and desperate, and they weren't below taking what they had the power to. A proper vetting was required for new faces like this.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
@lollipopsandgunshots @fallenphxtxgrapher @hopeful-hugz @kingsmedley
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He surveys the landscape and decides he probably shouldn't keep quiet anymore, even though he's pretty sure no one is going to want to hear what he has to say.
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"Mrs. Kariya. I understand that that had to be incredibly difficult to hear, especially when we all know how much you're always beating yourself up about this. But I am going to offer you a piece of advice. Stop worrying about whether or not you deserve what you have. Even if you want to accept that you don't deserve it, that doesn't change what you have. It doesn't change how anyone feels about you or how much they think you deserve it. Stop questioning why people feel the way the do about you or second-guessing your blessings every day like this. I know that's asking a lot, but every time you question yourself and your life you are doing a disservice to the people who are working so hard to make this life possible with you, and I know you don't wanna do that. And yes, with you, not for you. You put a lot of work into the person you are, and you have done just as much to get yourself here as everyone else has to help you get here. If you don't deserve this happiness just because of mistakes you made in the past, then God knows I don't deserve a damn thing either, but you don't question that for me. You acknowledge that I'm doing everything I can to deserve it now, and that's what's most important. You are not an exception to the rule. The hard work and dedication that you do now is that only thing that matters now, understood? It doesn't matter if you deserve it. What matters is that you accept it and let it make you a better person. Keep moving forward. Don't stop just because of some asshole hiding behind a curtain."
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"I feel like I've been saying this pretty often lately, Kitten, but you do belong here with me, and you always will. Do you think Joshua is my real, true, biological kid? Hope? Do you think they don't belong somehow? Of course you don't. You have found some reason to believe you're the only person that doesn't belong here. I will say this: they weren't lying when they said Joshua is more important to me. You can take that and accept that as fact. Joshua is my Composer, and he's been under my care for a very long time. However, that does not mean that you are not important in your own right. I would not throw Hope away, and I will not throw you away. You are my Kitten, and I cannot emphasize how damn important that nickname is to me. I cannot express enough now high of a pedestal I have placed you with that name alone. You've accepted a place under my wing that a great many people refuse to take, and I'm going to look after you. You are so goddamn important to me and that will never change, no matter what happens. I don't throw people away. Look at Hazuki. Look at everything he's put me through, what he did to Hope. But I'm still waiting. I still refuse to give up on him. And you haven't done a single thing worth earning my ire. Not a single one. So why the hell would I ever try to cast you aside? We're a motley crew, Kitten. You belong just as long as you love me. Okay? If you ever go away, it'll be because you decided to push me away. Don't throw me away, please."
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"Rune, you can't keep letting people get to you like this. Their words mean absolutely nothing in comparison to everything you do. We all have destructive, awful, angry parts of us, and we have all caused immense amounts of damage at one time or another. You are not beyond love and acceptance just because you have the potential for destruction. You are still someone worthy of loving and someone with a strong and solid ability to love. That's the most important part. And you are truly capable of growing and learning and becoming a better and better person every single day. Just as long as you keep letting people into your life, just as long as you let them transform it. Just as long as you don't give up, you are not lost or beyond help. You're incredible in the ways that you are, and it's up to you to stand up and realize that. I can only say it so much before my words turn numb to you. You have to grab on to this happiness with your own hands, and you have to learn to brush off the needling words of others, even when they're cruel and pointed. And please... Come let me clean you of that noise, okay? Seriously."
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"Joshua... Good on you for not really losing your cool to those guys, but I know how good you are at hiding your scars. Just remember that I love you, okay? Remember that I love you and cherish you more than life itself, and to me you are nothing even close to worthless. Both as a Composer and as a person. I truly love your system, your Game, better than anyone else I have ever observed or worked under, and I would never feel good about having anyone else in your seat. And as a person, you can't allow your past transgressions hold you down like this, falling back on them every time you have to look at them. You made mistakes, you know that I made them, too. You know what an absolute wreck I was and have been right up to this very moment. But you can only run from it for so long. I think it's time you really looked at it and decided you're going to learn from it instead. Let it teach you what kind of person you really want to be. It's not too late and you know it. I am so proud of all of the progress you've made up to this point. I am so proud of the work you have put in to expanding your world, and shaping yourself in to the person you want to be. I believe in you, all of you. I love every single part of you, dove. Always. Please remember that."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @unfathomablebeings , @lured-into-wonderland , and @fallen-phxtxgrapher asked: —⚅
⚅— if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better —⚅
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{Thank you all so much! I am so happy that I can give you guys a good experience here on my blog~ I know things are pretty slow right now, but I'll be back before you know it. ^^ I want to continue to provide an environment here that people can be comfortable with, and I hope I as a mun can continue to make people happy when they come to me.}
{I don't think I would be able to choose or stop at ten people to send this to, so I won't do that. But I hope that everyone knows that I feel this way about them. If you pass this buy and you read it, just know that it's true for you! I am no exaggerating! Every single one of you have made me so happy and made all of these difficult stresses in my life as of late so bearable! I love you all so much and I'm so happy to be here! Thank you all, every single one! I really really mean it!}
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @fallen-phxtxgrapher​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— sorry, what did you say? —⚅
Random Questions
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“I said I wanna come for a visit,” Hanekoma said, topping off the Composer’s coffee. “I meant what I said before, about wantin’ to help out? I think you could make good use of me. We’re all different, but if there’s anyone that can find Sanae, I think it would be himself, don’t you? I’ve got everything ready, so all I gotta do now is tell my Composer where I’m goin’ and make sure he knows I’m gone. Once I get everything set up I’ll be ready to join ya. Would that be alright with you, Composer?”
It was something of a long shot. He’d been missing for quite a while now and Aleph’s world always seemed so dangerous. What if he was caught by whatever that organization was that was always hunting Aleph down? What if they found out about his universe and came for it? But... He wanted to help, if he could. He didn’t want to think of one of his counterparts out there stranded. If Sanae was hiding, that could only mean that he was in trouble. That he needed help. He wanted to do what he could to help.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @fallen-phxtxgrapher​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— 🌟 :3c ? —⚅
Kohi™ Brand Icons
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{Finally got these done. I ended up using one of your photos for the bg. I love him, so of course I went overboard again...}
{The reaper wings used here were created by TheNotoriousSDS on DeviantArt.}
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — Starter for @fallen-phxtxgrapher — ⚅
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Oh, it was always absolutely delicious, watching his reapers get a week off and fully enjoy themselves. When the Game was finished and they were all taking their rests and living their full, explosive lives. Hanekoma could fill a chill run down his spine as their powerful souls sang so sweetly to him. And how he sang back, bright and beautiful and happy. But he could feel a certain someone would be struggling again, as he often did when left with the shadows of his deeds. Crushing souls wasn’t fun for everyone, and not all harriers enjoyed their jobs.
But Hanekoma wasn’t going to let that stay the case. Not when the day was so beautiful and the city was so loud and there was so much space to be happy. When he knew that Joel could have such a beautiful smile. When he knew how precious Joel was to his favorite officer. Hanekoma wanted to ensure that he soothed the shadows of the duty Joel had to the city, and he wanted to see that warm smile of his. And so he got to work, going into his shop and whipping up Joel’s preferred order into a travel mug before he headed out into the streets.
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He searched around the city until he’d found his quarry, and then he sidled up beside him holding the hot cup out in offering, “Hey there, Viewfinder~ Thought I might run into ya today. How about something to drink? I wanted to come check on ya since I know a Game just wrapped up. You hanging in there?”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @fallen-phxtxgrapher asked: — ⚅
⚅ — MOODBOARD [ only if u wanna gamer 😎👉👉 ] — ⚅
So You Wanna Interact?
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{I did my best. 😔}
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{All photos except the sunset in the middle (Kellin's original photo) and our icons were taken from Pexels.}
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— @fallen-phxtxgrapher​ asked: —⚅ ⚅— ✨ 🥺? —⚅
Positivity for You!
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{Kellin, lovely, you are so fun to write with! Joel is such a peach and honestly so are you! I love getting to talk to you about the dynamics and ideas we have planned for our boys, and getting to write out whichever scenarios we feel like fleshing out is always really fun. Joel and Aleph are so distinctive from each other and getting bits and pieces of Aleph’s world especially is something I always look forward to. Your writing is just really engaging and it’s been a privilege getting to be a part of Joel’s development.}
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @fallen-phxtxgrapher asked: — ⚅
⚅ — Eventually, eventually Joel managed to drag himself out of bed, finding himself at the doors to Wildkat. Trying to make himself appear as composed as someone in his state could be, he slowly pushed open the cafe doors, looking for the barista. — ⚅
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Hanekoma was already in the process of making Joel up a cup of coffee, and he was trying to find any kind of information on how to ease the pain. He... Wasn't having any luck.
Because who else had suffered something like this before? When else had something like this happened? Hanekoma didn't even really know what happened to Joel's wings, much less how to ease the pain. Did he need to massage them? Did he need to use ointments or compresses? Would it, could it be possible to just kiss the pain away?
He was at a complete loss.
The best he could do, he figured, was give Joel general pain treatments and try to figure out what kind of pain he was feeling. And hopefully that, a cup of coffee, and a lot of love could help.
Oh, and his first successful batch of those pumpkin donuts. He'd give him that, too.
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Despite his worry and hesitation, Hanekoma smiled as he came in and tucked his phone away in his pocket, "Hey, Viewfinder. Come have a seat. I got some joe made up for ya, and I was just about to go get some pain medicine. How are ya feeling?"
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