#all the violence they grew up in and luna believing that there is something monstrous in her
lingeringscars · 3 years
Thinking about luna as the definition of the i chose to be kind post.
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mentalitynotes · 8 years
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The life I could have had...     This is the story of how Luna Forrester became what she is. This story will contain violence, torture, pain, abuse, and heartbreak...
                  Coming to was not a fun experience, the taste of pennies in my mouth was less than appetizing. Then the realization dawned on me. I was tied to a chair. In a basement with no windows, and the door was probably locked from the outside. My eyes took a while to adjust to the light, I wasn’t the only one in the room. I knew him before he even came into the light.                “I thought you were a tool before, but man you are so beyond that now.” Why I was trying to be my normal sassy, annoying, and trouble making self I’m not sure and he wasn’t really happy about my first sentence given the growl he gave.                “Shut your god damn fucking mouth Luna.” Eric stepped into the light and man he was pissed. “God you’re so annoying. I’ve been building up to this and planning this for months then you have to go and blow it! All ‘I’m going to go into protective custody.’ I had to push forward my plans, I was going to wait till after finals but nooooo.” He tossed another chair across the room. “It’s cute though that you thought Grayson’s would hide you and how he thought I didn’t know where he lived. Idiot.”                “What did you do to him!” I shouted realizing he probably killed him already was breaking my heart.                “Oh don’t worry I left him alive so he could feel the pain of waking up to realize you’re missing and then eventually found dead.” He had a mischievous grin across his asshole of a face. He wasn’t like I remembered him, it’s like his face had changed with the rage. “So here are the ground rules: One, you have no rights. Two, Don’t worry about screaming, no one can hear you anyway. Three, I’m gonna kill you and get away with it. You see all those other girls were practice, I needed to know how to torture you but keep you alive long enough for me to be happy with your death. The last one survived twenty hours with me. How long do you think you’ll last Lu?”                   The nickname was now forever a no go zone in my mind. He grabbed a knife from the table and this is where shit gets gross. He didn’t take his time with the first cut. The warmth of my own blood was now trickling down my upper arm. The cut stung on the stale air moving around the room was less the safe. He’d said no one would hear me, that meant I was in one of the old campus buildings that weren’t occupied anymore. I was screwed unless Garrett woke up soon, or that detective realized I was taken. He made another one match on the other arm, this was going to get old fast.                   It went on like that for a while, the cuts weren’t bad but blood loss was starting to get me worried, I’d been awake at least two and a half hours by my estimation. My arms were covered in cuts and blood at this rate if I survived I was gonna have to wear long sleeves forever.                “Well lets bandage you up a bit so we dont kill you too fast.” I didn’t realize that what he was about to do was going to hurt even more. He put down the knife but grabbed something else, a bottle of alcohol, not the fun stuff. Next thing I know my arms are feeling like their on fire, he’d poured alcohol on all my wounds at once causing me to scream for the first time. That made him happy.                “You bastard..” I managed to get through my gritted teeth. I was hurting a lot. He had started to bandage the cuts and I wanted to kick free but I didn’t have the energy to even get my leg up. I was feeling light headed, losing blood and the lack of food or water thus far was taxing on my body. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be living much longer anyways, a part of me wished it would have just ended now rather than having to deal with what ever other monstrous thing he had planned for me next.                “Lets see you’re little side bitch should be waking up and finding you not there right about now. I wish I could have seen his face when he woke up and didn’t find you in his place.” Eric laughed and shook his head, “I should have put a camera in there and let you watch him loose his mind.”                   If Eric was telling the truth then the police would know shortly that I was missing and maybe they’d be able to catch Eric before he managed to run away and get away with killing all those other girls. He turned away from me and suddenly started humming, I recognized the tune in an instant. His voice started out low like a whisper, but it grew and suddenly the song that I loved would never be the same. “I’ve got you under my skin, I’ve got you deep in the heart of me...”                   I had never heard Eric sing, and now I would never be able to unhear it. I don’t think I’d ever be able to listen to that song again. He was turning things that I loved into things of nightmare, and he enjoyed it. He was fiddling with something for a while I took the time to breathe and try to find some way out of this hell hole but he was right there was no way out of this. His singing stopped as he turned around, this time there was no knife. Jumper cable attached to the electrical wiring now were in his hands. My hands gripped tighter on to the chair trying my best to hide the fear that had gripped me. Electrocution was my biggest fear, I had told him about it now he was going to use it against me. “Well I think you’ve had a long enough break. Let’s continue.”
                    Electrocution was as terrible as I had imagined it would be, my whole body was still reacting to the last jolt he’d sent through me. I wasn’t sure how long we’d been at this session but I had a feeling I didn’t have long now. The more Eric checked his watch meant we were getting closer to how long he wanted this to go. I was having a hard time staying awake, my eyes would slide shut of their own accord which then Eric would shock me awake again.                  “No dying yet. We just got a little longer and then you can die.” He was positively giddy that I had survived this long. “A part of me wonders if I should keep you alive. Maybe throw those cops off saying you ran off and then make the serial killer just stop killing. I could just keep you down here and have my way with you, and torture you until you finally just give in.”                     His words scared me, there was no sarcasm in his voice. He was seriously considering doing it. He wanted to keep me like some fucked up pet, a part of me was okay with it if it meant that he wasn’t hurting other people. Could his bloodlust be contained with just torture or was he fooling himself. From what I could tell, just torturing me wasn’t enough.                  “But then again I really want you dead.” He continued his conversation, he seemed to be in disagreement with his threat. “Nah, I’m just gonna kill you.”                     The flip switched another wave of electrical current rushed through every part of me. I screamed louder than I had when he cut on my arms this was so much worse. I could hear his evil cackle in my ears as if I wasn’t yelling at all. The current stopped and my chest heaved, I wasn’t going to survive another one. “Please...don’t.”                     That was the most I could manage, he’d heard me and quickly slunk over to my side. I had held out on begging until now, I didn’t want to die in the dark dank basement. I wanted to live and make amends for the things I’d said to friends and family. He however was laughing.                  “Awe there we go, begging for me to stop. You know it’s too late for that.” His cackling continued the hope that I had in my heart disappeared in that moment. In that moment I realized that the last thing I might ever hear was that blood chilling cackle. Then it stopped. Eric went silent as the sound of creaking floorboard signaled someone above them someone had been looking for them. “Not a fucking sound.”                     With that he disappeared up the stairs soon there were two pairs of footsteps now one I had a feeling was Eric’s. I didn’t know what happened upstairs, I never found out what happened and have chosen to keep it that way. I remember muffled voices, a gunshot, and followed by a scream of agony that I knew was Eric’s. I never got to see who came down the stairs my blood loss was getting to me once again I heard his voice but never saw his face. I could hear him breathing and the sound of my restraints being cut. “Luna, my name is Devon Montclaire. I’m here to help, the emt is on the way. I’m gonna get you out of this basement okay?”                     I managed to nod a bit as I was lifted out of the chair, the rest of the night was a black blur. I could here the emt’s frantically trying to keep me alive and the sound of Devon telling me everything was going to be okay. I believed him and I hoped that he was right cause I really didn’t want to die like this or this young.
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