#all this discussion about Palismen reminds me that I think I've. possibly been spoiled. on another character's Palisman.
wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
what do you think Lilith's palisman is like?
Oooh, an interesting question! And one that I'm quite curious about the answer to myself.
(cut for length)
Hmm, let's see. So far, I think Lilith is the only witch aside from Eda whose staff we've actually seen, which doesn't give me a huge frame of reference for what Palismen are like in general. So first, let's go over what I understand about them!
Given what we know about Owlbert, I can speculate that Palismen reflect the witches who craft them in certain ways, since some of Owlbert's traits bear resemblance to Eda's. However, I'm not exactly sure to what extent this holds true?
For example, the only other Palisman we've really gotten to know up to this point is the Bat Queen, and what we know about her is that she's nurturing and violently protective over the other Palismen who are in her care. But since we don't know anything about the witch she was once bonded to at the moment, it's hard to tell if this is a reflection of their personality in some way, or a trait she developed as a direct result of being separated from them.
Going back to Owlbert, from what I've seen of him so far, I get the impression that he's mischievous and a little bit reckless... just like Eda at times. He's Eda's accomplice in stealing stuff from the human realm, her opponent when she's playing card games, and he assists her in battle. (Notably, while Eda gets him to assist her when she's fighting Lilith, Lilith does not do the same with her Palisman.)
From all this, I get the impression that Owlbert reflects Eda's own personality in some key ways, most notably with the traits that I feel she's most willing to project outwards, while helping her out with anything that she needs. I suspect that Eda definitely prefers to be perceived as carefree and mischievous, though I think Owlbert is similar to Eda in other ways that she might not be as keen to admit.
So, what I'm thinking is that since Palismen are crafted to be a witch's partner for life, each one is made to be the individual witch's ideal partner, openly representing the side of their personality that they're most willing for others to see and assisting them wherever they wish for it.
Now, let's get to the actual subject of this post: Lilith's Palisman!
Up to this point, Lilith has used her staff exclusively in battle, so the only form we've seen her Palisman in is staff form:
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In contrast to Owlbert, whose staff form appears sturdy and a little blocky, Lilith's Palisman looks sleek and rounded, and a bit fancier. Colour-wise, their yellow highlights remind me a lot of how the Emperor’s Coven banner looks.
My guess would be that Lilith’s Palisman mostly reflects the side of her character she prefers to present to others: the cool, proud leader of the Emperor’s Coven. I think I’d expect them to act fairly reserved and dignified, for the most part. At the same time, similarly to Owlbert, I imagine it’s possible that they may share some traits with Lilith that she’s not as open about, such as her pettiness.
One thing I think is interesting is that, unlike Eda, Lilith doesn’t summon her staff very often; in fact, up to this point, she’s only ever done it in preparation for a fight. This makes me think that perhaps Lilith doesn’t bring out her Palisman in public much (if ever), and she probably doesn’t call on their help nearly as much as Eda does... which leads me to wonder what the conventions for witches and their partnered Palismen are. 
Is Eda breaking unspoken rules by having Owlbert run errands for her and help her in fights, or is this just a difference between her and Lilith specifically? I’m not sure, and there isn’t really any evidence either way at this point. (Though, given that no other witches aside from Eda and Lilith have been shown summoning their staffs for any purpose yet, I’m inclined to suspect that Eda’s once again doing things a bit differently from most.) 
In all honesty, I’m not entirely sure what to expect from other characters’ Palismen right now, since I don’t know that much about how they even work so far. My speculation here could be way off the mark! I think it’s really cool that Palismen were introduced without any detailed explanations, leaving the viewer to piece together what they’re all about, but it does leave me with a lot of uncertainties about them. 
I’m definitely looking forward to getting more info on Palismen, and maybe even getting to see more of them! And I am quite curious as to what Lilith’s Palisman is truly like, since all I’ve had of them so far is glimpses of their staff form... I feel that their personality may be quite telling, in one way or another. 
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