#all this negativity and YES I agree 100% but listen when it comes to soc ‘I am become a who’re’
starlightandmagic · 2 years
*Gently holds your head between my hands* Listen. Listen to me. Just let me tell you something. I know SaB season 2 wasn’t the best, I know. The plot made no sense, the character’s storylines were messed up, the writing was all over the place, the visuals were stunning and the cast’s acting was outstanding and that’s this hellshow’s only saving grace, I KNOW! But I will still sell my soul for that Six of Crows spin off, I need it! I will still stream this mess of a show however many times I need to get that because I’m always a slut for more Crows’ content and I apologize for nothing!
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phainon · 6 years
and how you feel about things that hurt you and your values >all the posts about your relationship with your family and people you interact with in general, they are all painfully Fi. Never ever have I seen a Ti dom express themselves like that. You have yet to post anything even remotely related to Ti, don't you think it's strange? Not even your aesthetics point to Ti or Fe, it's again very 9 and 4/Fi like. I'm really done this time lol 6/6
ok this got super long so I’m putting it under a read more lol
frankly that post I wrote a while ago sucked ass so I don’t have much to say regarding that but I disagree with:
“Because the flaws and bad behaviors attributed to inferior functions can also come from Ennegram issues (particularly instincts when young) or other sources.”
it’s pretty easy to tell which bad behaviors stem from mbti and which from ivs. cognition vs values. I stand by what I originally said being low Fe related since I doubt a soc blind Fi child would be as self conscious as I was about how others responded to my social fuckups.
“Your "inferior Fe" sounds exactly like so blind + 5w4″
yeah I agree it does sound like those things but it’s not those elements of my personality in isolation. for it to reach the point I was referring to as a Fe grip, there has to be a period of perceiving and interpreting the reactions I talked about as well as desperately trying to meet the “standard” behavior, and for that there has to be Fe. and I’m a 9w8 not 5w4 lol but I do have a 5 fix so I’m guessing that’s what you mean
“Also, your idea of Fi (not caring about social skills) is wonky.”
that’s not what I said. what i said was a Fe user with bad social skills will be aware of the negative feedback they get from others and react accordingly, while a Fi user in the same position will be oblivious to these cues. it’s not about social skills, it’s about interpreting the immediate feedback. soc blind fi obviously wouldn't have any of the issues I mentioned. where's the problem with this statement?
“As for why I think you have clear Fi (NO, I'm not the OP who said you had it lol, I just realized I had to say that): imgur.com/a/priJKb6″
1st pic: literally how is that Fi
3rd: obvious joke
the rest: i thought it looked cool
listen my blog is just stuff I like lol i don’t care about what half the pics i rb say as long as they look good if I’m being honest
“Also: the way you ask for and contests info is the epitome of Te.”
not sure what you're getting at here. in what way is me asking for people to explain how they reached their conclusions the epitome of Te?
“as much as you might wanna attribute your Tarot/astrology thing (you obviously take it very seriously) to tertiary Ni, that's actually a Fi thing. There's a reason why a big chunk of people who expose and talk about these issues online are xNFPs, and it's not Ne. Real INFJs seldom expose that side of them unless they're professionals looking to make profit of it. They're part of your identity, everything you post clearly is,and you want the world to know that”
ddfdfdgdgfd a part of my identity that I want the world to know??? what are you talking about. I assure you they're my interests and I know I post about them a lot but it's for my own reference and just.. because I like them? you seem to be assuming things here bc I don't think I've ever implied that either of these is a part of my identity (i barely have one afdhsh) + pretty sure I've talked about my opinions on astrology and its different systems in the past and I've been pretty impersonal about them for the most part. I just think they're neat lol and theres plenty of Ti users on here that are into the same type of ~mystical and occult~ things so I don't see why that would point to Fi. and no I don't "want the world to know that" I really REALLY don't think in these terms at all. this blog is literally just about what I like and what I think looks aesthetically pleasing, I'm not trying to project an image or show off “who I am” (if anything that sounds like a heart core thing??)
also wouldn’t Te be more concerned about how there’s no “proof” for this sort of thing... funny how there’s plenty of unhealthy instances in my life that can be attributed to an inf Fe grip (because yes I still think inferior functions are really fucking obvious) but no sign of Te on my blog nor irl (think emoji)
“Real INFJs seldom expose that side of them unless they're professionals looking to make profit of it.”
where have you been dude there’s literally so many people that aren’t xNFP’s that post about this stuff because... people have interests. that’s it. it’s not a skill or a way to fuel my ego or show myself off or some shit. it’s not even that serious like I’ve said multiple times that I don’t 100% believe in this stuff, it’s just fun. idek what to say to this anymore lmao
“and how you feel about things that hurt you and your values >all the posts about your relationship with your family and people you interact with in general, they are all painfully Fi. Never ever have I seen a Ti dom express themselves like that”
I want to know what exactly about the posts I’ve made about my family/relationships is Fi :0 also the mere act of having values is not a sign of Fi.
you do have a point about how much i express myself and how emotionally open i am on here though LMAO I guess that is sus. I'll admit idk what to think about that quite yet. shrug
“You have yet to post anything even remotely related to Ti, don't you think it's strange?”
what's a Ti related post??
“Not even your aesthetics point to Ti or Fe, it's again very 9 and 4/Fi like.”
> using aesthetics to detect judging functions
ok and finally, something I don’t understand is the discrepancy in you claiming that I’m definitely soc blind and also Fi dom, but then you also saying that soc blind Fi won’t care about other people’s responses to them... so like... why did I care so much lmao
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