#all your resources and you don't have some allegra
raygirlramblings · 3 months
So what is your headcanon for your Daphne x Allegra ship and how would there dynamics work?
SO, a little backstory, this all started with thinking about what happens to the Spark hunters after the events of Sparks of Hope.
With Cursa gone they are pretty much forgotten about, but I'd like to think that Edge would feel some sense of responsibility to make sure they're not completely left out in the cold, especially seeing what happened with Kanya after she went solo. Also Edge got the amazing opportunity to hang out with Mario and friends, and it changed her life. So the other Spark hunters should have the opportunity to make something good of their lives outside of their original design.
So I headcannoned Edge striking out on her own after the Last Spark Hunter/Phantom Show DLC on the Arc with JEANIE, finding the Spark hunters and bringing them to places where they would fit in and their unique skills could be better utilised so they can find fulfilment.
Midnite would end up on the Space Opera Network station, helping Rayman and the Rabbids produce content for the network. I can see her larger than life nature and spotlight craving personality being a huge boon to up the quality of content produced, and also give Ray a break having to wrangle the other rabbids by himself XD
Bedrock would end up on Barrendale Mesa working with Momma. I can see a big, strong girl like Bedrock being a huge help to the building projects in the Mesa, and also getting that mother/daughter bond going with Momma who can validate her. I can just see Bedrock being completely moved anytime Momma compliments her strength ;0;
Kanya I pictured ending up in Palette prime and being semi 'adopted' by Sweetlopek and Dryad. She's still a little chaos gremlin but with the limited tech resources on Palette Prime she is given the chance to mellow out and experience having a family who care for her, something she clearly never had from Cursa or her 'sisters'. Gives her a kind of twisted 'little red riding hood' vibe in the forest setting XD
FINALLY Daphne would end up making a home in Melodic Gardens, a beautiful natural paradise perfect for her more plant-based nature. While the natives are a little spooked by her loud and cheeky personality, Allegra sees Daphne for what she needs. A means of expression and an outlet for her chaotic brand of joy.
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Originally Daphne kinda just wanders off on her own to explore the mesa and start trouble, with Allegra following at a safe distance and keeping an eye on this enigmatic new Rabbid friend. Allegra becomes besotted when Daphne is inspired to sing along with some of the plant life, hearing how free and creative this plant rabbid is in a new environment.
Daphne is 100% aware she's being stalked, and while initially untrusting with a 'I don't need anybody lol' attitude she is taken aback by Allegra's sudden infatuation with her. Daphne believes that as a creation of Cursa she's pretty much an unlovable freak...and she's ok with that! But having a (undeniably gorgeous) Rabbid sincerely telling her how perfect and inspiring she is throws her. She's not used to this kind of love bombing, so she tries to maintain distance by showing off the violent, spiteful trickster she is.
This turns into Daphne deliberately causing more havoc in an attempt to push Allegra away, showing her how 'vile' and 'unlovable' she is. This has little effect (other than causing chaos for the other Mesa residents) until one of Daphne's pranks ends up indirectly hurting Allegra's friend Dorrie.
At this point Allegra snaps out of her revere and fights back, demanding Daphne stop harming her home and friends. This warrior side of Allegra catches Daphne off guard, and sends her packing into the darkest reaches of the mesa to tend her wounds and rethink her plans.
Allegra, still deeply curious about Daphne's true nature goes on her own journey to find her. In the peace and seclusion of the far lands of the Mesa the two rabbids meet up and start to form a more honest relationship. Daphne starts to see the playful beauty of the mesa and vibes with the musical energy, and Allegra comes to understand Daphne's past and how devoid of genuine love it was. She offers Daphne safe refuge in her home, on the condition she stop trying to ruin it for everyone else. She introduced Daphne to the various musical elements of her home, allowing Daphne to find her own vibe and unlocking new sounds and musical combos more suited to her personality.
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Now more in tune with the energy of the Mesa Daphne is welcomed into the community with (tentative) open arms. She's still a prankster and her music choices leave a lot to be desired by the residents, but for the first time in a long time she is happy, and thrives off the love and adoration Allegra gives her. Plus where she originally saw Allegra as a bit of a stick in the mud seeing her grace and warrior devotion to her home helps Daphne view her in a whole new light ♥
Allegra sees Daphne as her muse. Daphne's chaotic tendencies are great for breaking the mould and avoiding art block. The two often spend a lot of time together composing new music, exploring the mesa, and just generally enjoying one another's company.
There are still a few bridges to be mended and barriers that need breaking, but the two are learning from one another and finding comfort in being together ♥
....so yeah that's my long and overthought views on this random pairing I hope you like it AAA
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stubbornessissues · 2 months
Hellooo!!! I realllyyy wanna cosplay Nibbly, but I am STRUGGLING to find all the bits (or any of the bits) and I was wondering where u got the stuff for ur cosplay??? No problem if ur not comfortable or just don't want to share, but I would be very grateful 🩷
Always happy to help get more Starkid cosplays out in the world 😊 Just bear in mind some things may only be available in the UK if you're not also living here currently.
Also fair warning, this gets surprisingly pricey. I was in a rush to get things together quickly, so if you've got time deffo poke around and find yourself cheaper options
I'll go top down:
The hat/visor I originally got from ebay, but you can get on amazon, etsy, or probably a few other places, just search for a rhinestone visor and you should find one.
The wig is from coscraft, it's two curly ponytail clip ons and their Charlie wig, both in fuschia. If you're outside the UK your best bet is probably epic cosplay who have very similar ponytails and base wig
The site I bought my shirt from was sketchy as hell and doesn't even exist any more, so I can't link that unfortunately, but a white tank top or tube top will do you fine, but if you're concerned with being super accurate, the shirt Kim wears does have a thin strip of fur around the neckline, that's super easy to get from any craft store and glue/stitch on.
The fluffy arm things also came from ebay, but I've seen several sites that do like party/festival wear things sell these. They're actually boot covers, so if you again search etsy/amazon/ebay/your preferred site for "fluffy pink boot covers" I guarantee you can find them. Just make sure the elastic is the right size for your arms.
The skirt I made myself because it seems to only be available in XS in the Hot Pink colour everywhere it's sold, and would have had to have shipped from the US and would have taken too long/cost too much.
It's Allegra K A-Line Mini Suspender skirt, and I've seen it on Amazon, Walmart, Target and couple of other random sites. Here's the official Allegra K site (which unfortunately just links through to Amazon)
My version of the skirt is a simple 3/4 circle skirt with a wide waist band and some straps attached.
The socks are from a lovely seller on ebay (my favourite cosplay resource tbh) who makes pole dancing gear. Again, they're generic enough that you can probably find them on your site of choice. Just search for "Glitter thigh high socks"
And finally the shoes are by a company called Lucky Step, and thankfully also sell in the UK via Amazon again. I had to buy a size up, but a half size up would have been ideal if they did them. They're super comfy too, so much so I got myself another pair in black for everyday use.
Wow that got surpsigingly long. Feel free to message me if you need a hand with anything else!
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anybody else watch the dark knight trilogy and think that christian bale's Batman sounds like he's stiffling a sneeze?
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