#allergic to my general multi rn smh
itchose · 4 months
bringing hayden r/omero here from my general multi to make yj her main verse, so here are some random notes:
she was raised by her older sister, val, and she's the most important thing in her life. she's never been away from her for as long as nationals was going to be, so although she was excited, it was still hard saying goodbye to her. throughout her time in the wilderness, getting back to her sister is what drives her to keep surviving and to hold onto hope. she's terrified of knowing what's going through her sister's mind once news of the plane's disappearance hits.
she had a kidney transplant when she was 15. her biggest concern once the plane crashed, outside of what her sister was going through, was that she was eventually going to run out of her anti-rejection medication. may cause problems later in the timeline but all of that is tbd.
because her medication was so expensive, she insisted on helping val out with the cost. she got a job at the sinema club as a waitress, despite the fact that she was a minor; she was paid under the table and was horribly exploited there but dealt with it because it was good money and she needed to help her sister. when she told her boss that she needed the week off for nationals, he fired her. this was her biggest stress getting on the plane.
she always took pride in how good she was at soccer. she helped coach junior soccer leagues and wanted to play soccer in college. after rescue, her soccer dreams kind of die, i think.
she survives the wilderness and eventually goes on to be a social worker (at least this is what i wrote for her original canon, i don't know, i may change this for yj canon).
she doesn't hesitate to join tai on her expedition. she'd rather play an active role in their survival + rescue than wait.
i don't think she really gives into lottie's blessings until javi is found, because she can't make sense of his survival without starting to give into it. more on this later.
more tbd <3
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