#allie's scrapbook commissions
cafedanslanuit · 26 days
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for @dory-rambles ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Daichi and Dory are that couple that you go to when you need advice. They’re solid enough to inspire confidence, yet gentle enough for you to feel comfortable approaching them. There’s an aura of calmness that irradiates them, and you wonder if their domestic life is as full of peace as they share with their friends (spoiler alert, it is!). While being a bit different, they’ve managed to build a relationship based on trust, communication and a deep understanding and appreciation of each other. A couple you just know will be celebrating their silver anniversary, if only by the way they look at each other.
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ACTS OF SERVICE. Daichi has always been someone to take care of the rest. It came naturally to him as a born leader, so it was a nice change when he got someone to care as much for him as you do. His favourite coffee (and just the way he likes it) in a tumbler before he leaves for work, your hands rubbing his shoulders after a specially long patrol, or you taking one of his chores when you notice he’s particularly tired. He’s the type to do exactly the same for you though, as he tends to express his affection by supporting his loved ones as well. He always makes sure you eat all your meals, especially when he knows you’re stressed out with work. He’s always paying attention to you, checking up on you via text when he’s away and being extra attentive when he’s around the house. You both create a well-balanced team that thrives off of helping one another.
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♡ Even if he’s nothing short of a gentleman and does enjoy a bit of traditional romance here and there. He loves picking you up, to go for dates, even if you’re already living together. Sometimes, especially when he’s feeling a bit dorky, he’ll drive around the block, park in front of your shared home and knock on your door, just to recall your first few dates together, when he would come to pick you up. He’s not above bringing you your favourite flowers on your anniversary but has a special fondness for giving you a bouquet without a special occasion, just because he thought it would be nice and make you smile.
♡ His favourite dates are indoors. Dinner and a movie are much more enjoyable for him if it happens in your home, where he can feel safe. Maybe it’s about his job and how he always has to be ready for anything when he’s out in the city, maybe he just feels more comfortable without the extra noise and people around you, but Daichi feels on could nine whenever he’s wearing his favourite pyjamas and he gets to cuddle with you while watching a movie of your choice. He won’t admit it, but he’s fallen asleep quite a few times just because of how comfortable he feels by your side.
♡ Daichi is a secretly good cook. Due to work and a lot of other responsibilities, he doesn’t do it as often as he would want, but when he does, you know it’s going to be incredibly good. He takes his time, puts some music on, and even dresses up for the part. A tank top and an apron that leaves his arms on display. Honestly, with his defined arms, the food is only a part of the show. Nothing beats Daichi’s carefully (and lovingly) cooked meals, and they are the perfect compliment to your anniversaries or any other special date you have planned.
♡ Completely loves it when he watches you hang out with his friends. Ever since he introduced you to them, he’s completely in awe of how easy it was for you to start joking around with his friends, who are now part of his family as well. His chest fills up with pride when he meets them for beers and they ask about you, how you’re doing and ask him to say hi to you. The approval and good nature of his friends only proves even more that you’re the one for him. Never before was he so sure that he wants you to be a part of his life for as long as you want to (and if that’s forever, even better).
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Due to their Aquarius Moon (Dory) and Sag Moon (Daichi), they manage their emotions in a very similar way, since their emotional needs and attitudes towards life are similar. Both of them are independent and always have a craving to seek the unknown. They both seek out change and tend to feel restless in situations where there aren’t any challenges. Your style isn’t one to stick to tradition without questioning it, and you’d rather do things your way. Regarding communication, sometimes there are difficulties when it comes to creativity and the need to stay rooted in tangible things. In this case, Daichi will usually try to bring you back to reality, while you always tend to only focus on projects that require both passion and intuition. The good thing is that Daichi can help Dory handle the details of everyday life, while Dory can help Daichi become more creative.
Both your Venus placements are powerful, which means the attraction can be exciting. Both of you live for the excitement that comes in heated moments, but Daichi usually has an eye on commitment and constancy. For this to work in the long term, it will need some adjusting since you may disagree from time to time. However, if you both learn to concede and harness your energy to make the relationship work, it will be a beautiful relationship that can last through the ages.
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♡ Say Yes To Heaven - Lana del Rey
If you dance, I'll dance / And if you don't, I'll dance anyway / Give peace a chance / Let the fear you have fall away
An important part of your relationship if how much you support each other. Life, work, and everything in between can be too much sometimes and bring unwanted stress. However, it all makes sense when you are together. You manage to calm each oher down while also giving each other energy to continue pushing forward in life. Whenever one of you falters, the other is there to pick them up, and what else can make life as beautiful as someone so supportive?
♡ Everyone Adores You (At Least I Do) - Matt Maltese
So terrified of the road that takes you / Me too / Don't modify, everyone adores you / At least I do
You can understand why Daichi is so respected and loved in your community. There’s something about his kind eyes and gentle smile that gives a sense of security that people seem to enjoy. You can’t help but feel giddy inside when so many people reinforce that you found yourself a really nice man and that all the good things you see in him are true, and other people can see it too. Well, you do get to see more sides of him than the general public, so you take it as a little reward for finding and caring for such a good man.
♡ From the Start - Laufey
That when I talk to you oh, Cupid walks right through / And shoots an arrow through my heart / And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too? / Confess I loved you from the start
Falling in love with him was easy, but hiding it at first? One hell of a job. While your love for him was still barely a crush, it was a tall order to keep it a secret. You were the first to fall for him, but once he got feelings as well, they all came down with a force. May be a classic case of “she fell first, he fell harder”, but once Daichi fell, it all came down to him: he needed to be in your life.
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What’s better than a Sunday spent with your lover? Watching him make lunch, of course.
You sip on your drink, an ice lemonade, and sigh contently while Daichi chops some vegetables for the stew. You had helped him settle everything, but once he started, he invited you to take a seat and have a drink while he worked. While usually you loved participating in projects together, you knew he loved pampering to you, and that cooking was one of the many ways he liked to do so.
“You know, I never understood the appeal of those restaurants where the cook makess a whole spectacle on your table while he prepares your meal, but now I might get the picture.”
Daichi chuckles at your comment and you grin when you see the faintest blush on his cheeks. You love that even after all these years, an innocent comment like that can still keep him on his toes with one of two flirty comments.
“Is that so?” he playfully asks. “Well, I’m glad, love. You deserve a nice break after working so hard all week.”
A smile draws upon your face as warmth spreads on your chest. You speaker fills the kitchen with a jazz tune that only makes the cozy environment even better. By the time you’re finishing your drink, Daichi is putting all the vegetables in the pot, which has been heating with garlic and a lot other specie on the kitchen for a while. You hop off the counter and walk up behind your boyfriend, circling your arms around his waist. You press a small kiss on the nape of his neck.
“Hmm? And to what do I owe this sweetness?” he asks with a smile while stirring the pot.
“Can’t I hug my boyfriend just because?” you argue, to which he laughs. The way it echoes inside his chest only makes you grin even more.
Suddenly, he pulls away from your embrace, leaving you curious on where he’s going. Daichi walks to the speaker and turns up the volume a little, just enough for it to be the protagonist of your little moment. Right before you are about to ask him if he particularly likes the song, he takes your hand and pulls you closer.
Swaying in the kitchen while the stew brews quickly turns into the highlight of the day, as you let your boyfriend guide you to the rhythm of the jazz tune you chose earlier. No one says anything, you just gaze at each other lovingly as you hold each other, the world disappearing around you as you let the music envelop you both.
As it turns out, this was an even better way to spend your Sunday afternoon.
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ziracona · 2 years
(im going off your last ask about the horror fandoms) but yeah, Horror fans and YouTuber fans share the same kind of unhinged nature about them. I cant put my finger on it, but its just...there. i had someone ask to commission me for Outlast art. It's been awhile, so i go and see whats up w fandom and the game in general (the last one i played was Whistleblower? I think ) I go in, see a bunch of ppl hounding someone bc they dont like a very popular ship. I shit you not, someone got upset and said that 'They aren't happy enough. I combed thur their blog and most of it was negative' like ??? You don't hear yourself? That's fucking nuts. You can't decide if a person deserves death threats and name-calling bc they don't smile enough for you? The fuck? Needless to say, I did Not accept the commission request. I don't wanna be anywhere near that nosie
Yeah Jesus. At some point certain unhinged areas of fandom decided that consuming content in a visible way and enjoying content we’re both = uncritically liking every single character and aspect all the time, and it’s ridiculous. Like people can feel however they want, including negatively, and if you don’t want to see that you??? Block them?? Like a normal human? I love Days Gone—obsessed w it. Went into the tag and one person was there a lot live blogging a playthrough very negatively, and I disagreed with like everything they said, and it was slightly annoying, so I like a normal and rational human just dropped that block and kept scrolling, bc they have a right to consume content how they like whether or not I agree with their enjoyment or lack thereof, or opinions. It’s really not hard. But yeah, idk, a lot of current fandom has devolved into this utterly bland “love and stan every character and if you criticize or dislike anyone or anything you’re a hater and a Bad Person” where no opinions really mean anything because everyone just trying to be sanatized in the least original way so as to offend no one ever in their consumption, and be seen as an ally to every aspect of consuming. Drives me up the fuckin wall. I have so much more respect for someone who dislikes something openly for their own reasons whether I agree or not, than a bland Yes Man trying to kiss up to everyone who might exist as if like, horror media is a Dora the Explorer appreciation scrapbooking party. The amount of rage and hate directed towards anyone who dislikes anything is fucking wild.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 5 months
Victoria's Pride: Regional Pride events across Victoria
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/victorias-pride-regional-pride-events-across-victoria/
Victoria's Pride: Regional Pride events across Victoria
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To ensure statewide representation of LGBTQIA+ arts and cultures. Victoria’s Pride has commissioned community groups, organisations and artists in regional Victoria to facilitate events and celebrations to coincide with Melbourne’s Midsumma Festival.
With events across regional Victoria, there is bound to be something for all LGBTQIA+ Victorians.
Gippsland Pride Festival
Think ‘Summer Carnival’ with stalls and resources, music, food and connection with community.
Gippsland Pride have partnered with local outdoor pools and community facilities to host a day of celebration, connection and fun for families and folks of all ages.
3 February – Trafalgar Outdoor Pool, 10am – 2pm 10 February – Yallourn North Outdoor Pool, 10:30am – 2:30pm
Registration is required for free entry via Humanitix, or gold coin donation requested on the day
IN OTHER NEWS: Karen From Finance to bring a dozen drag stars to Mardi Gras
Pride Fair Day
LGBTQIA+ In the North East (LINE) Wangaratta, supported and partnered with a variety of local organisations, will coordinate a Pride Fair Day on Friday 9th February 2024, celebrating and embracing LGBTQIA+ culture, music, art and performance in a safe and inclusive space.
WHEN: 9 February 2023 3pm WHERE: Batchelors Green, Tone Rd, Wangaratta TICKETS: FREE ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible – There are some physical access limits due to venue
The Big Book of Queer Bendigo – A Victoria’s Pride Celebration
The Big Book Of Queer Bendigo is a full-colour coffee table book exploring and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ history of Bendigo and the goldfields region. So much of queer history is hidden, unrecorded or presented as tragedy. Not this time!
The Big Book Of Queer Bendigo isn’t a dry textbook but a fabulous scrapbook of fantastic lives and exceptional living. Including:
Our oral history project, exploring local life in the 1960s, 70s and 80s;
Pieces about great historical Bendigo characters including 1880s transman and global sensation Edward de Lacy Evans, and Bendigo artist Agnes Goodsir and her lesbian circles in 1920s Paris;
Queer organisations including the Bendigo Queer Film Festival, Queer Country Art Exhibition, Trans And Gender Diverse Bendigo & Beyond and the Trans Clothing Swap;
and voices of local LGBTQIA+ writers, artists, photographers exploring what it means to be queer in regional Victoria – growing up, moving back or just staying still.
The Big Book of Queer Bendigo will officially launch at the Victoria’s Pride Street Party in Fitzroy.
WHEN: 9 February 2024 | 11 February 2024 WHERE: Bendigo | Victoria’s Pride, Fitzroy TICKETS: Book will be available for $50 ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible
Sounds Gay, I’m In! Picnic
A beautiful summer picnic to provide a unique intergenerational opportunity for First Nations LGBTIQA+ community, non-indigenous LGBTIQA+ community and allies to come together and celebrate intersectional Pride.
WHEN: 10 February 2024, 2:00pm – 5:00pm WHERE: The Old Sunbury Courthouse, 43 Macedon Street Sunbury TICKETS: FREE event – register to attend here ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible & Auslan Interpreted
Bass Coast Youth Pride Prom
The Bass Coast Youth Pride Prom is a celebration event for LGBTQIA+ young people and their allies, aged 12 – 25. An event designed by young people, for young people, every aspect of the celebration is determined by the Pride Tribe – from location, food, entertainment, music, and more!
WHEN: 10 February 2024, 6:30pm – 9:30pm WHERE: Wonthaggi Town Hall, Wonthaggi TICKETS: FREE event – Bookings essential via Eventbrite ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible
Queerthentic – Regional LGBTQIA+ Art Prize
Queerthenic reveals authentic stories from Central Victorian LGBTQIA+ and gender-diverse artists in this regional art prize. These stories delve into the mundane everyday, fabulous culture, or explore the influence of queer history and culture on their past, present, and future lives.
WHEN: 25 January – 12 February 2024 | Celebration & Winner Announcement 3 February 2024 WHERE: The Old Auction House, Kyneton
Additional information is available online.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
Welcome to
DISCLAIMER: This content has been provided to THE PULP AND MYSTERY SHELF by Great Escapes Book Tours. No compensation was received. This information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
ICED: A Resort to Murder Mystery by Avery Daniels
ICED: A Resort to Murder Mystery Blazing Sword Publishing Ltd. (May 24, 2017) Paperback: 284 pages ISBN-13: 978-0999031803 E-Book ASIN: B071LFD6JV
Julienne has her ideal job as an event planner at a prestigious resort. During a luncheon event she coordinated, a renowned celebrity pastor is killed next to the buffet. All eyes turn to her as the suspect. If she wants to stay out of jail or even keep her job, Julienne needs all the help she can get to solve the crime.
She has her work cut out for her with a vengeful high school rival now reporter, the public demanding she be fired, plus family who knows what’s best for her, and a boyfriend who doesn’t understand her. She turns to friends and a new ally to uncover who wanted to put the pastor on ice.
Julienne goes undercover and investigates a local swingers group as she follows the trail of clues before they go cold. Can she gather enough suspects and motives to convince the police to widen their investigation? Can she do it before the killer sets his murderous sights on her? Will her personal life ever be as simple as unveiling a murderer?
  Guest Post from the Author
The Enduring Attraction of Mysteries by Avery Daniels
  Mysteries and romances are perennial best sellers.  Everybody enjoys a story were love wins the day, but mysteries take a bit more to understand.
  A few aspects of the mystery story I suspect sustains the genre’s popularity is flirting with danger – safely, one person can and does make a difference, the main character typically is strong – not a victim.  But there are more obvious reasons that I believe are what draw people in and then help to keep them as fans.
  One of the obvious aspects is how a mystery novel provides a puzzle to be solved. It allows the reader to match wits with the author in a non-competitive manner.  Multitudes of people file into work everyday and perform often-mindless jobs, repetitive or just down right boring work. You look forward to that brainteaser, that conundrum of whodunit and why or how. The extra challenge comes into play when situations and people are not as they might seem on the surface. How exhilarating. Bring it on!  Am I right?
  A bonus, and perhaps another obvious appeal, is how mysteries lend themselves easily towards a series, possibly more than other genres and that is an advantage. When you find a series with a main character you like, a supporting cast that delights, and a writer whose style sparkles you have entered reader nirvana. For you have found friends that you are fond of and look forward to their company. These friends are always there when you need them and they don’t hang around past their welcome. Isn’t that nice?
  In my newly published book, ICED, I feel I delivered a fun mystery for you flex your own sleuthing muscles.  I also believe I’ve developed zany crew of characters in the neighbors and family of our intrepid amateur investigator.  As an extra bit of delicious fun I threw in a little bit of romance.
  And there you have it, my musings on why mysteries remain so popular. They provide us much more than mere escapism. Readers probably don’t consciously consider these elements when reading. I just know these elements are part of why I like mysteries – when I stop and consider it. How about you, why do you think mysteries are so popular and enduring?
  Buy links
Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/ICED-Resort-Mystery-Avery-Daniels-ebook/dp/B071LFD6JV
Barnes and Noble   https://m.barnesandnoble.com/w/iced-avery-daniels/1126467939
IndieBound    https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780999031803
Audio book is due shortly through Audible, iTunes, and Amazon.
  Website: Avery-Daniels.com
    About the Author
Avery Daniels was born and raised in Colorado, graduated from college with a degree in business administration and has worked in fortune 500 companies and Department of Defense her entire life. Her most eventful job was apartment management for 352 units (plenty of fodder for stories there!). She still resides in Colorado with two brother black cats as her loving companions. She volunteers for a cat shelter, enjoys scrapbooking and card making, photography, and painting in watercolor and acrylic. She inherited a love for reading from her mother and grandmother and grew up talking about books and history at the dinner table. Her first try at writing a fully developed story was as a teen was a tale of a girl trying to nurse a fawn back to health and then release it into the wild again. She is plotting her next Resort to Murder novel and struggling over which Colorado resort should be her setting.
  Author Links
Web – Avery-Daniels.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AveryDanielsAuthor
GoodReads – https://www.goodreads.com/Avery-Daniels;
Purchase Links
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August 2 – Babs Book Bistro – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
August 3 – Readsalot – SPOTLIGHT
August 3 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW
August 4 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
August 5 – Island Confidential – INTERVIEW
August 6 – A Blue Million Books – GUEST POST
August 7 – Bea’s Book Nook – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
August 7 – Sleuth Cafe – GUEST POST
August 8 – Varietats – REVIEW
August 9 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST
August 9 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW, INTERVIEW
August 10 – Queen of All She Reads – REVIEW
August 10 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
August 11 – A Holland Reads – CHARACTER GUEST POST
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August 13 – Cozy Up With Kathy – INTERVIEW
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BLOG TOUR – Iced was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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cafedanslanuit · 1 year
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for @cass-who​ ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Finding people you feel comfortable with is a blessing, having them stay by your side is what Heaven is supposed to be like. The base of Saeyoung and Cass’ relationship relies on how they redefined what “being at home” meant like. While Saeyoung would’ve never used those words before, coming from a quite hectic home, he’s starting to realise home is more of a concept than a place― and with you and Saeran by his side, he might just have found it.
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QUALITY TIME. Having let go of his job as an agent, Saeyoung suddenly found himself with a lot of spare time. And, after some experimenting, he’s found he loves spending it with you. Back in the day, he thought he always had to plan activities for you to do when you’re together, but the more comfortable he’s grown by your side, he’s found that he just needs to exist when he’s with you. The idea of his existence bringing value is still new, but nothing short of addictive. He loves that there isn’t a filter to his thoughts and that you always seem interested in what’s going inside his mind. When he’s by your side, he feels valued and hopes that you manage to feel the same with him― that he’s able to repay the peace you bring into his life somehow.
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♡ Even if you see each other fairly regularly, you never get truly tired of listening to his voice. That’s why Saeyoung came up with the idea of recording himself as he rambled about any topics that come to his mind (“It’s like my own little podcast!” he had said). You like listening to them while you draw and chuckle to yourself at his creative antics while you enjoy his company in a different way than usual. It has come to a point where he even has divided his messages into “seasons”, and has made up segments as if he were a radio host. Truly endearing.
♡ One of your favourite activities to do is to go on late-night drives. And, after a good while of spending time together, you’ve managed to find a really amazing burger place. It’s cheap, it’s fairly empty most of the nights and the one waitress they have has a soft spot for Saeyoung. As a game, you presented yourselves with different names and even made-up professions. Saeyoung was a science teacher at an elementary school and you’re a secretary at a new law firm, and now you get to talk about your fake jobs, shooting each other mischievous looks across the table. When your relationship developed into a romantic one, the waitress was the first one to notice, and congratulated you with so much happiness in her eyes, you decided you would never go to another burger place ever again. 
♡ Saeyoung was the first one to get matching stuff for both of you. While he had to admit he did look a bit into matching shirts, what really caught his eye was the less common matching items. Mugs, keychains, mouse pads, pens, anything he can get his hands on. It’s a nice reminder, especially when you’re apart and you catch a glimpse of the last thing he bought for both of you. It’s not only a reminder of how much he appreciates you, but also a tiny display of your affection that is both public and private― even if people notice it, only you two know the truth behind it. And that makes it even more special.
♡ Long nights are common between the two of you, discussing plans and developing ideas is definitely more fun when you’re together. However, sometimes Saeyoung drinks one PhD Pepper too many and you are particularly excited about the idea you’ve come up with, so you end up while a whole mockup for a business idea― logo included. There has been more than a couple of time when Saeran has woken up early to tend to his garden only to find you discussing shipping options with his brother. Used to your shenanigans, he usually just sighs and continues with his tasks.
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With your Venus in Libra and Mars in Scorpio, when it comes to feelings, you feel it’s important that your mind is stimulated, so you tend to be attracted to intelligent, youthful and passionate people just like you. You value being friends as well as lovers with someone since it helps you feel more secure in your connection.
On the other hand, Saeyoung is a Gemini Venus with a Scorpio Mars, so while he appears to be lighthearted and flightly when it comes to relationships, he can be very passionate. He’s attracted to partners who are fun and interesting, but especially someone that will make him feel secure. For him, an intellectual connection is a must as well, and tends to find peace in security and stability. 
When you're together, it feels like you're speaking the same language. You're both very flexible, so very few fights are meant to happen between the both of you.
Regarding to how you handle your feelings, you might be a tad different. You’re optimistic and quite philosophical about your emotional experiences and you tend to ignore or deny raw emotion and the painful aspects of life. On the other hand, Saeyoung usually has little emotional distance to things, even if he may sometimes pretend differently. He’s careful and doesn’t trust just anyone. He’s private about his feelings and can become dark and silent. This is when you, with your Sagittarius moon, can lighten him up, which can be helpful for him, especially once you’ve earnt his trust.
When it comes to your Mercury signs, with his in Gemini and yours in Sagittarius, you tend to communicate quite well. He’s quick-witted and can come, across as scattered due to his many and sometimes weird interests. Your ideas tend to be very big, you have a vision. You don’t really like to focus on details, and would rather expand your mental horizons while reading larger subjects. You have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and Saeyoung has too many interests to delve too deeply into any of them. Communication is one of the strong sides of your relationships.
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♡ Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches
You're a part-time lover and a full-time friend / The monkey on your back is the latest trend / I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you
The thing with falling in love with your best friend is that love starts making less and less sense― for other people, of course. Why would someone be enamoured with anyone that isn’t this amazing person they have in their lives? Even before you were a couple you’ve always been Saeyoung’s favourite person, up to the point where he sometimes thinks why did he even bother with anyone else.
♡ You Told The Drunks I Knew Karate - Zoey Van Goey
I do the dumbest things for you / Why do I do the dumbest things for you? / I would be safer on my own / I didn't care, you were the most exciting thing I'd ever known
From pretending to be other people to impulsive late-night drives to places you’ve never been to, every day seems like an adventure with him. Trusting him as much as you do now, you know he’d never put you in actual danger, so it’s fun to get into new situations knowing he always has your back.
♡ I Will Go Anywhere With You - Julia Nunes
So as we bid adieu / To the towns that we're passing through / I don't care where we're heading to / I will go anywhere with you
Very reminiscing to that one time when you fell asleep in the passenger seat of Saeyoung’s car as he drove. As the first rays of the morning sun started to appear through the window, you realized how safe you felt by his side. Not once did you think about asking where you were going― as long as he was coming with you, nothing else mattered.
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The soft taps of your pen against the screen are the only sounds filling the room. Saeyoung lays like a cat on your bed as he mindlessly scrolls through Twitter. By the time you look at your phone again, you know you’ll find at least ten unopened DMs, a selection of fine tweets catered by your favourite person. But for now, you enjoy the shared nothingness of a quiet Thursday night alongside him.
A soft chuckle breaks the atmosphere, accompanied by the sound of sheets rubbing against each other. Figuring he must’ve found a funny tweet and changed positions on the bed, you continue drawing mindlessly.
You can’t help but smile at the raspiness of his voice.
“Hm?” you ask, your eyes still on your work.
“Did you know that you tend to scrunch your nose the tiniest bit when you’re really focused on something?”
For the first time in a couple of hours, your hand stops. You blink a few times, a bit taken aback by his words, and turn your head towards him.
“Do I?”
Saeyoung’s boyish smile emulates a similar one on your face. “Yeah! It’s the cutest thing.”
You hope he can’t tell the way your heart starts racing at his words. If the way his grin gets winder and his cheeks a tad redder is any indication, you’d have to guess he had, in fact, noticed.
“Thank you?” you offer, still a bit in a daze. Saeyoung laughs softly and in three long steps, he’s in front of you.
He crouches on the floor so you can tower over him. The hand that you were drawing with is suddenly taken by his, his cold fingers softly grazing your skin with such tenderness you’d think you’re the most fragile thing he’s ever held. 
“Wanna get something to eat later?”
You nod and he scrunches up his nose in happiness. You poke the tip with your finger and he laughs softly, making you smile widely.
A warm, easy feeling swirls inside your chest, and you hope it never goes away. Saeyoung looks up at you with his hazel eyes full of adoration, and you rest easy― this was definitely meant to last.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @otherlandshark ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks in the carrd on my blog]
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Love isn’t about finding a perfect match, nor about turning someone into a missing puzzle piece. It’s about finding someone who wants to understand the parts that you’re willing to show, and love the ones you rather not. That may be one of the closest ways to express the feelings that Saeyoung and Shark have for each other. A love that will not only soothe them enough to doze off at night but also ready to set a town on fire if the warmth will lull the other to sleep.
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GIVING: ACTS OF SERVICE. Saeyoung and Shark are very similar. This, at least in the beginning, was definitely confusing. They both love making their loved ones’ lives easier and they also prefer to keep it on the low. However, when it’s their turn to receive help, they struggle a bit. Not wanting to potentially inconvenience the other, they may shy away from such gestures― nevertheless, it's not something time and understanding can't fix. The more they get to know each other, the better they can read each other's true intentions. Once they finally internalize neither of them is expecting anything in return, it becomes easier to lower their guards and slowly start accepting each other's help and take it as an act of love.
RECEIVING: PHYSICAL TOUCH. Once again, their thoughts align. While they’re not so keen on letting just anyone come close, they always make sure the other knows they’re the exception to the rule. When they're out with friends, Saeyoung likes to have an arm around their shoulders and casually rest his hand on their knee while he sits close. At home, he's a lot bolder― he will find a place on Shark's lap, rest his whole body on them when they they're lying down and either nudge their shoulder or peck their forehead out of the blue, just because he felt like it. Sometimes, it seems he's been holding onto that physical affection for years, and now that he feels safe, he's more than ready to let it out.
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♡ Sarah Ruhl once wrote: “I loved her to the point of invention.” And truer words had never been said for Saeyoung. Even if he was already putting his creativity to work before he met Shark, it only seemed to enhance the more in love he fell. Now, he couldn’t stop getting ideas on what he could build to make their life easier― whether it was a reheating mug (which, albeit, already existed, but this one was made especially for Shark) or something maybe not as useful but done with the only intention of making Shark crack a smile.
♡ If they ever have doubts about being a good match, it all disappears the moment they fall into a comfortable silence. While Saeyoung is known for being a blabbermouth, on days when it’s too much for either of them, it’s an unspoken contract that they will both find their way to their bed and snuggle in silence. One arm here, one leg there― it’s soon a mess of limbs on the mattress, physical closeness and each other’s soft smell slowly but surely dissipating the day’s stress. 
♡ One of the perks of a new relationship is to come up with new traditions. While this one doesn’t have a set date or schedule in particular, they always find time to enjoy it together. And what could it be other than game nights? Unlike other couples’ game nights in which they invite their friends over to play different games, Saeyoung takes it upon himself to create a new board game every time. Whether it’s trivia, one-on-one or a set of dares with a specific reward system, he always makes sure it will be something they’ll both have a good time with. He likes making changes to his games, finding ways to make them even better and sometimes they’ll agree on playing along with the other RFA members (of course, only when they’ve mastered it― they’re no fools).
♡ Once Saeran was safe and everything related to the Prime Minister was settled, Saeyoung wasn’t sure about what he wanted to do. However, he knew he needed some time before he started dealing with people on a daily basis. He was done with his work at the agency, done with hacking and had enough money to go on for a while. So, what could he do now? The answer came to him a few days later: he was going to be a stay-at-home boyfriend. Soon, he was researching new recipes (even if he would end up setting off the fire alarm, he’s still set on getting better), finding good podcasts to keep him company and even following some TikTok accounts full of cleaning hacks. While trying out something new is always fun for him, he likes that he can make Shark's life easier this way― and if not, he can at least make them laugh.
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Off the start, it may seem they’re both very different people. Saeyoung, a Gemini sun, is restless and curious and takes most issues light-heartedly, while Shark, a Scorpio sun, comes off as someone with strong ideals and passions that drive their life. However, once you get to know them, you realize why they work so well together.
For example, there’s a good balance between Saeyoung, a Scorpio moon, who lets their feelings drive them and usually feels emotions very intensely, and Shark, a Capricorn moon, who thinks before they act and doesn’t let their emotions cloud their judgement. Together, they can learn from each other― one to take a minute before taking a rash decision and the other to allow themselves a moment to examine how a certain situation is making them feel.
In terms of romance, they find a way to each other through their compatibility. They’re both Venus Air signs, both enjoying the playfulness of a relationship plus also giving each other enough room to breathe and be themselves without the pressure of filling each other expectations.
But what makes a relationship work is not only how deeply they care about each other, but how much they enjoy their time spent with one another, whether it’s as a couple or as friends. Here is where Shark’s Sagittarius Mercury and Saeyoung’s Gemini Mercury come to shine. Both love exploring new ideas, and their minds are constantly active, and eager to learn more. For them, a good afternoon can consist of discussing a wild theory. The crazier the better― especially with how much Saeyoung’s chest warms up whenever he manages to snatch a loud laugh out of them.
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♡ Rue Vieillie Du Temple - León Lárregui
Y es cuando tú me miras desde allá / Y sonriéndome, me regresas hasta ti / Conoces bien mi habilidad de volar / De divagar entre los mundos [And that’s when you look at me from there / And, smiling, you bring me back to you / You know very well my ability to fly / To wander among the worlds]
Even if he doesn’t want to, there are days in which Saeyoug’s bad thoughts win. He can tell from the moment he wakes up, but tries his best to continue the day the best that he can. He thinks he can pull it off, however, it’s easy for Shark to catch his disconnected gaze during dinner. Without asking him about it, they divert his attention elsewhere, and soon notice the gleam in his eyes coming back as he stops giving his negative thoughts the time of the day. They've never spoken about it― neither do either of them want to. After all, it’s the unspoken part of it that truly brings out the sweetness of the moment.
♡ Día de enero - Shakira
Y todo va a pasar / Pronto verás el sol brillar / Tú, más que nadie, mereces ser feliz [And everything will pass / Soon you’ll see the sun shining / You, more than anyone, deserve to be happy]
It took time, but little by little, both of them started letting the other in. One shared memory followed another. A nervous chuckle here and an awkward finger gun there but, for the first time, they know there isn’t judgement nor pity in the eyes of the one listening. At the end of the day, there are so many things they will only keep to themselves, but to see most of your walls slowly crumbling down as they make way for domesticity and comfort will always feel magical.
♡ Ease my mind - Ben Platt
I make sense to the madness / When I listen to your voice / Darling, only you can ease my mind
Just like Saeyoung’s wandering thoughts, some days it may be Shark's own head that won't leave them alone. And somehow, it’s always when they're exhausted― it’s like their thoughts know they're too tired to send them away. However, even with the buzzing of harsh words and mean comments, there’s one thing that can turn down the volume of their thoughts enough for them to shake them off, and that’s Saeyoung’s laugh. Mixed with snorts and soft cackles, Shark can’t help but grin when they listen to his genuine laugh and, even if it’s just for a little while, things don’t seem to be so hard anymore.
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“Hey, you’re home!”
A tired smile was your reply to Saeyoung’s cheerful greeting. You turned around to lock the door, the soreness of your muscles finally catching up now that you had finally arrived.
“I already cooked something for you to take tomorrow,” he proudly announced, his head sticking out of the kitchen. You arched your eyebrow, amused.
“Yeah,” he grinned. It only lasted a couple of seconds before it turned into a grimace. “It’s not good, though. But it’s food and― no, I’m sure it’s good. It’s edible, I mean... it’s a salad. How can you mess up a salad?”
You snorted. “Mmmkay.” After taking a long breath, you left your bag on the sofa. “Thank you. I‘m sure it’s good.”
With slow steps, you walked to the bedroom, feelings your limbs weighing more and more with every step you took. By the time you were changing clothes you were already on autopilot, and your eyes were shut before your head even hit the pillow.
One, two, three. You closed your eyes for three seconds, opened them again and suddenly, everything had changed. Confused, you blinked twice and realized the bedroom lights were out. How long had it truly been? Fuck, did you sleep through your alarm? Your phone must’ve died on you― you didn’t remember plugging it before you fell asleep.
“What time is it?” you whispered. “Shit, shit, shit, how late I am? I got to―” you muttered, tossing the sheets off to scramble out of bed.
“Hey, stop,” Saeyoung said, his arm tightening around your body as he stopped you from standing. “It’s been like― an hour since you went to bed, tops.”
“Oh,” you sighed, relief washing down your body. “Oh, okay." You took a deep breath. "Fuck. Good, then. Feels like I slept for a second. anyway.”
“Yeah, sleeping can be weird like that,” he snickered. You snuggled again on the bed, fixing the comforter over you.
“Of course you’d know about strange sleep patterns,” you teased him. Saeyoung audibly gasped, feigning offence.
“Mind you, last night I went to bed at 2 a.m. I’m quite proud of it, actually. It’s a personal record.”
“From your 7 a.m. bedtime? Yeah, sure is,” you chuckled. You snuggled against him, still not facing him, but relishing in his warmth and familiarity. “Thanks.”
“For not letting you freak out about the time? No need. Saw you getting into bed and decided to join you because I was a little tired myself and―”
“―for everything.”
“Ah,” he hummed, followed by a small laugh. There was a small pause, and even if you couldn't see him, you know there was a smile on his face. “Still, no need. It’s all part of my ‘stay-at-home boyfriend’ duties, remember?”
“Yeah?” you asked, amused. "What other duties does it include?"
“This, for example.”
Before you could ask, Saeyoung had already pushed down your shoulder making your chest hitt the mattress. In another quick motion, he laid himself on top of your body. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his laugh making your ear tingle.
“This is how we’re sleeping now?” you laughed, the weight of his body over yours providing comfort. He nodded and hummed affirmatively. “Mmkay. Guess we’ll make it work.”
“We always do,” he muttered against your skin. You felt heat crawling up your cheeks.
“Yeah,” you sighed, closing your eyes. “We do.”
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @quirky-and-kind ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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The first thing anyone learns about Zen is that he’s a tremendous flirt. But behind the selfies and the compliments, there’s a man who is very selective on who he shows his true self. He’s determined to always appear strong and collected― yet your connection was so strong, after a few days of meeting you, he let himself be vulnerable around you. To this day, he still can’t pinpoint which moment let him know you were a safe space for him to land― however, he knows it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. What’s most important is that he finally found a home in you, someone that will always be by his side. As long as he has you, he feels he can conquer the world.
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ACTS OF SERVICE. If there’s something Zen has learnt throughout his life, is that words can be empty. At his school, everyone was fascinated with him and always talked high praise about his beauty. At home, his brother always had his back when his parents made crude remarks. Yet, where were they when he had to run away from home? From a young age, Zen understood words were just that, words. That’s why, when he’s in love, he wants to make sure his partner knows how much they are appreciated. It isn’t any different with Lea; if there’s any way he can be of help, he will. It doesn’t matter if it’s carrying all the bags from the grocery store or rubbing her foot when she’s tired, Zen will never waste an opportunity to show her how much she means to me― for him, actions are heavier than words.
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♡ One of Zen’s worst fears was that his lifestyle and career choice would eventually push his partner away. Sometimes, it could be a little too much to handle, and he could understand that. That was why when you stepped up as his manager, for the first time in his life he realized “Hey, this could work.” Despite being told working with your partner isn’t always the best idea, he managed to prove everyone wrong. You two make it work, set boundaries and put communication above all else. His heart beats faster every time he remembers, despite his upbringing, he was able to build a nurturing and healthy bond with someone else. He did that. With your help, of course― but he can’t help and feel proud of himself too.
♡ Zen is a fan of the classics. Every month, like clockwork, he brings you a bouquet of different flowers. Even if he usually sticks with seasonal ones, he makes sure there’s a lot of pink in there, knowing how much you love the colour. He loves how brightly you smile at it and loves watching you put them in a nice vase before snapping a picture for yourself. More than anything he loves than he’s able to make you happy.
♡ His favourite way to start his morning is spending time with you. He usually likes to go for a quick run with you and then sit on your kitchen table sharing breakfast. You usually remind him if he has any events for the day, and even if he does remember them, he likes listening to you talk. Whether it’s this small TV show he’s supposed to make an appearance in or a funny picture Yoosung sent to you last night, he always has this soft smile while he sits back on the chair and smiles softly, remembering how truly lucky he is.
♡ For your first anniversary, still in Korea, he brought you back to the roof where you first had a heart-to-heart talk. There’s a small basket waiting for you, with some chocolates and a bottle of chardonnay. The true dinner is waiting for you downstairs, but for a moment you indulge in the memories of that starry night when he showed his vulnerability. You toast to a year together and, of course, he adds, “And many more to come.”
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Zen does not only have an Aries sun, but he also has his Venus in Aries! This shows us he is very direct about what he wants romantically, and he will be upfront about it. He likes to take the lead, but at the same time, he’s also very aware of how much he feels. He has a Cancer moon, which makes him very sensitive and his feelings run very deep as well. This goes very in sync with your Leo moon, which is more emotionally constant. At the same time, your Leo moon also needs affirmation and love, sometimes that it’s very easy for him to provide. Zen needs the reassurance and stability he wasn’t offered when he was younger and he’s so glad he’s found it with you. The nurturing nature of your Cancer sun also resonates heavily with him, and he feels he can be his true, sensitive self with you.
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♡ Broadway, Here I Come! (from SMASH) - Jeremy Jordan
But even though I fear it / I'm playin' all my cards… / Baby, you are gonna hear it / When I give them my regards
If there’s any song that perfectly resembles Zen, is this one. When he first listened to it while watching the show, he felt a connection and immediately added it to his repertoire. It talks about his hopes and dreams on stage, but also about the fear that comes with it. It’s one of his favourite songs to warm up, and you could listen to him softly humming it when, eventually, he was on a plane to Broadway itself.
♡ Run Away With Me (from The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown) - Aaron Tveit
Let me be your ride out of town / Let me be the place that you hide / We can make our lives on the go / Run away with me
When Zen’s opportunity to go on stage on Broadway finally comes, he couldn’t picture it happening with anyone else than you, Lea. Someone who had his back from the very beginning, even if the public eye wasn’t kind with him during his first scandal. He shouldn’t feel nervous, he thinks, but he feels his voice shaking a little when he breaks out the news for you. Every one of his doubts disappears when you jump into his arms.
♡ City of Stars (from La La Land) - Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone
I felt it from the first embrace / I shared with you / That now our dreams / They've finally come true
This beautiful romantic duet is personal for Zen. The passion and nervousness that comes from following your dreams are paired with the excitement of new love, and he can heavily relate to both of them. I see him being completely in love with the movie and make a silent promise to balance both his professional and his love life because he could never see himself letting you go.
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Zen feels he’s dragging his feet as he opens the door to his apartment. He had his eyes closed during the elevator ride, which would have alerted more than one of his new neighbours if they had caught him― however, it was two in the morning. The whole building was asleep. The clean and bright premises still catch him off guard, even if it’s been months since he’s been living there. However, on days like this, he’s thankful he’s no longer at his basement apartment. Coming back tired to a faulty stove or a damaged AC was never a good idea.
He doesn’t make a noise as he steps inside, leaving his shoes at the entrance. The moonlight coming from the windows let him navigate his living room and walk to the kitchen, where he finds a sandwich wrapped in aluminium foil with his name on it. He devours it almost instantly. His body warms up, thanks to the food and the little heart you drew next to his name. It encourages him not to waste any more time and take a quick shower, change into his pyjamas and walk into your shared bedroom.
Zen is very careful as he crawls on the bed, his movements painfully slow, but it doesn’t take much for you to wake up.
“You’re back,” you mumble in your sleep. Zen grimaces, an apologetic look on his face.
“I am. And I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers. You chuckle and turn your body so you’re facing him. Zen notices the pillow print on your cheek and he can’t help but press a kiss over it.
One kiss turns into two and three and soon he’s melting into you. His arms hold your body close to him as he buries his face on the crook of your neck and takes a deep breath. The smell of your shampoo makes him hum contently and he presses even more kisses on your skin. Your hands travel to his loose hair, still a little damp from the shower and you ran your fingers across his scalp.
“I’m home,” he murmurs, and you feel his lips against your skin.
“You’re home.”
It’s the last thing you manage to say before drifting to sleep once more― this time in the arms of the man you loved the most.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @luxielle ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Saeran and Lumen found in each other what they had been looking for, even when they didn’t even know what did they want. Their connection allows them to understand each other without even needing to share words― a look, a smile, or the way his hand softly squeezes her is enough for them to communicate. Getting to know each other not only has made them fall more in love each day but has also taught them to love the person they become when they’re together.
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PHYSICAL TOUCH. Touch-starved. If there’s a perfect word to describe Saeran is touch-starved. There are years of pent-up sadness where the only thing he craved for was for someone to hold him. It takes him a while to open up, though. At first, it’s a little too much, a little too fast. He compares it to having too much ice cream on one sitting and getting a brain freeze. So, he’ll be content with holding your hand. Then, you’ll feel his hand on the small of your back, and when you least expect it, he’s melting into an embrace with you. When he’s comfortable around physical expressions of you, he’s relentless. He likes to hold your hand when you walk by, rest his head on your shoulder during bus rides― however, his favourite thing to do is hold you close as he drifts into sleep. It’s where he feels the most loved.
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♡ The RFA are like family, they truly are. But even with them, Saeran finds his social battery draining as well. When this happens, he usually shares a look with you, who immediately catches on and starts thinking about an excuse to leave. One particular night, you couldn’t come up with an idea. It was close to 10 p.m., so you couldn’t make up a meeting, nor a phone call you needed to make. Would it be okay if you just said you were tired? Saeran noticed your indecisiveness and, without thinking twice, he blurted: “I need to go water the plants.” Silence reigned over the restaurant table as everyone looked at Saeran. You couldn’t contain a small chuckle and nodded. “Yeah. The plants. This was nice, though,” you smiled, and a couple of minutes later you were sharing a cab with Saeran, laughing at the situation.
♡ Saeran is used to not being picked first. Even if being perceived as the weak twin once brought an overwhelming feeling of sadness to his heart, now he’s made peace with it. He’s used to getting the flu twice the times Saeyoung gets it every day― seriously, he’s okay with it. However, to this day he still remembers playing a board game with the rest of the members of the RFA and, after being announced you would need to work in teams of two, you immediately took his hand. It was probably obvious for the others, but for him, it made him remember he was always your first choice. And that was all he ever needed.
♡ There’s this little habit you’ve developed with Saeran. Thinking back to all the times he gave you flowers when you had just met, you decided to surprise him. One day, after leaving for work, you ordered a bouquet with Saeran’s favourite flowers and sent it to your home. He was taken aback as he received it, never thinking he would be the recipient of such a thoughtful gesture. That catapulted a tradition between you both, of surprising each other with a bouquet of different flowers. You never wait for an anniversary or a special occasion― every day can be special when you spend time with someone you love.
♡ It’s not rare to wake up with Saeran’s wandering hands around your body. A kiss on your cheek, another on your neck, and the first thing you see when your eyes flutter open is his messy hair. When he notices you’re finally awake, his kisses become more demanding and eager, making it seem as if he can’t get enough of you. And of course, one of your favourite things is to indulge him first thing in the morning.
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Both your sun signs, Sagittarius and Gemini are both restless. You’re curious about what else is there and are always ready to go. Saeran finds joy in the little things in life, while you tend to make plans, which he receives gladly, finding your dreams and goals interesting. Regarding your moon signs, your Taurus moon makes you warm, a safe space, which is appreciated by Saeran. He’s a Scorpio moon, which means he’s passionate, but most of the time his feelings are all over the place― which means he finds solace and stability he needs in you, while also being loved in a similar intensity, thanks to your Scorpio Venus.
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♡ Heart Like Yours - Willamette Stone
How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine? / How could I live before? / How could I have been so blind? / You opened up my eyes
Meeting you was a turning point in Saeran’s life. Never in his life had he met someone that had seen the worsts parts of his being and still offered a loving hand. There are nights where he lies awake and wonders if life with you is nothing but a long, lucid dream. But he knows it isn’t, because never, not even in his wildest fantasies, did he see himself laughing along with someone that loved him just as much as he loved them.
♡ Someone To You - BANNERS
And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold / Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall / I really need somebody to call my own / I wanna be somebody to someone
The connection Saeran feels with you is one of a kind. You let him be someone new, and every day he’s amazed he was blessed with someone as kind as you. He can be himself around you, knowing that during good and bad times, you’ve always been there for him.
♡ Only Us (from Dear Evan Hansen) - Ben Platt & Laura Dreyfus
So what if it's us? / What if it's us and only us? / And what came before won't count anymore or matter? / Can we try that?
There are times when Saeran wishes he could forget about everything that happened at Mint Eye. He still remembers his throat hurting from the times he yelled and the slight fear in your eyes when Suit took over. These thoughts roam around his day, getting louder and louder until you appear. You casually sit next to him and rest your hand on his shoulder, press a kiss against his temple or ask him about the most mundane thing ever. So he decides to swallow his memories, even if it’s for just a moment. Now, it’s only the two of you, and that’s all it matters.
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You still weren’t sure who suggested playing board games with the RFA, but it was the best idea you had ever heard of. Playing Monopoly while listening to Zen complaining how capitalism has ruined our society while Jumin dismisses his arguments with a straight look on his face was the best thing you had seen in a long time.
“That doesn’t change you landed into my hotel,” Jumin states, crossing his arms in front of his face. “However, I would be open to payment in instalments. With a low-interest rate, since you are also part of the RFA after all.”
“That’s not how the game works!” Yoosung complains.
“I thought we had already let go of the rules the moment you lent Saeyoung money so he didn’t go bankrupt,” Jaehee quipped.
“Well, it was that or waiting until he eventually robs the bank somehow!”
“I wouldn’t have let that happen,” Saeran softly says. You chuckle, noticing how protective he is around his new responsibility and how he wouldn’t let Saeyoung come close, telling him to sit at the other side of the table. “And, by the way, You do need to pay Jumin, Zen. If you don’t have any more cash, you can always mortgage one of your properties.”
“The concept of a mortgage is even―”
“Or you can declare yourself in bankruptcy and lose the game.”
Zen grunts as he brings up the money he was hiding under the table and starts counting so he can pay Jumin, who receives the money with a smug smile.
“It’s Lumen’s turn,” Saeran announces and you take the dice from where Zen left them. With a smile, you bring the dice to your boyfriend’s mouth, who looks at you in confusion. His cheeks are dusted with a lovely shade of pink and, if you didn’t have more self-restraint, you would have leaned over the table and kissed him
“You have to blow on them! For good luck,” you explain. Saeran nods and blows the dice and, of course, you roll a six. “See?”
He smiles at the wink you give him and since you passed Go, he hands you $200. When you put it back with the rest of your cash, you notice you have three $100 bills, not two.
You raise your head and meet Saeran’s clear eyes with a questioning look. Before you can ask him about it, he winks at you. A grin forms on your face and you quickly cover it with your mouth, trying to let it go unnoticed by the others. As Yoosung grabs the dice, you lock eyes with Saeran again, a knowing smile on both of your faces.
Yes, you think. This is a good life.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @yelenassecretlover ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Yelena and Chanel have a long story of friendship. This not only helped them to really get to know each other and to be sure they were falling in love with the true version of the other― this also led to huge amounts of mutual pining. Thankfully, they eventually found their way to each other. Once you’ve found the one, you’ve found it, and both of them are ready to do whatever it needs to make their relationship grow every day.
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GIFTS. With a corporate job, it’s easy for Yelena to indulge you with every idea that comes to her mind. While at first she inclined towards expensive options, as time went by, she realized how important were small gifts as well. Since you work from home, sometimes she surprises you by sending you your coffee order from your favourite store, or she brings back one of your favourite snacks if she’s also going to the store. She notices how much it warms your heart that she remembers every little thing about you, and while she thinks it’s obvious she would have them in mind, she takes a note to keep those little gifts coming.
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♡ When Yelena finally admitted her feelings to herself, she was done for. Never before had anyone seen her so down bad, so head over heels over someone. Anytime your name was mentioned in casual conversation her whole demeanour changed, a silly little smile on her face as she paid more attention than ever and intervened with her own comments, sometimes even correcting the others if they had a fact wrong. It’s so painfully obvious her friends used to tease her for it, laughing when pink dust covered her cheeks. They had seen her in relationships before, sure, but never so enticed by only one person. It was endearing.
♡ Whenever Yelena and you go heads to heads, both of you are always in for the win. It doesn’t matter if it’s a board game, a video game or another silly competition like “the one that steps on a crack first loses”. You’re competitive and, no matter how much you love each other, you never let the other win. If it’s necessary, you’ll even bring up the game's rules and be sure the other isn’t breaking any. While your friends find it amusing, they’re definitely not ready when you team up against them. Both of you manage to win almost every board game and crown yourselves as the best team around.
♡ One of Yelena’s favourite date ideas is movie night. She always lets you choose the movie, as long as you let her be in charge of the snacks. When you set the date, she makes sure to go to the grocery store after work so she can pick up everything you will need later. Still to this day, she never forgets to get your favourite snacks and drink, and even buys a couple of new stuff for you to try. It’s very good to know she always remembers your favourite without the need to ask her.
♡ Even if Yelena feels her corporate job can be boring sometimes, the office parties are really something else. For that, she makes sure to always bring you to them. She knows you’d rather stay home most of the time, but when you look at her big eyes staring at you when she asks you to accompany her, how can you say no? She loves to watch you as you dress up for them in your own style and even more that she’s the one by your side when you enter the get-together. She can feel the eyes on you, which only fuels her pride even more. You never stay for too long, though, and on the ride home, she makes sure to make a stop at your favourite fast-food place and lets you choose anything you want.
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Your Sagittarius sun and her Aquarius sun makes you have a lot of things in common. Being friends is crucial in any romantic relationship, you need to know the other person first in order to even consider something more. Neither of you is very sentimental, but the connection you have between you is really strong. You’re always in the search of new experiences, which always help you to strengthen your bond. Due to your Libra rising, you can be persuasive when you want you, and always use a softer approach when you want to win someone over. A Pisces moon makes it easy for you to understand people and feel empathy towards them. You’re touched by human suffering and are always willing to lend a helping hand. This was helpful when you needed to push Yelena to be a better person― you could feel her pain but still managed to be soft when telling her what she needed to do.
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♡ Feelings - Hayley Kiyoko
I'm hooked on all these feelings / I know exactly what I'm feeling / This love asylum, like an island, just me and you / Spent the night, you got me high, oh what did you do?
Yelena had never felt so distraught before. She could feel the ground under her feet shake every time she realized how serious your relationship with this girl was getting. She shouldn’t feel like that, you were just friends― no matter how many times she told herself this, the next thing she knew was that she was crashing your date.
♡ Adore You - Harry Styles
You don't have to say you love me / I just wanna tell you somethin' / Lately you've been on my mind
When you finally get together, Yelena is on cloud nine. Even if it hasn’t been long since she’s realized her feelings, a part of her feels as she’s loved you all her life. All the little moments when she asked herself if she really saw you as just a friend come back to mock her because of course the answer was no. All this time, you had been the only one in her mind.
♡ honey - Halsey
Between my fingers / She leaves then she lingers / If she's gonna go / Well then I'm going with her
Yelena is truly a ride or die. Whatever idea you bring up, she’ll always say yes. She’s smitten to the core, and who can really blame her? Once you find the one, you’re never letting them go. And she’s definitely up to anything, whether it be therapy or anything else to make sure she’s worthy of standing by your side.
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You take a sip of your drink in silence, trying to use all your restraint not to say something you’ll regret to your friend. It hasn’t been even five minutes since your date practically bolted after Yelena crashed your date, insisting on inserting herself in every conversation.
“Listen, if anything, you should be thankful.”
You turn your head to Yelena, arching an eyebrow. “Thankful? Thankful? Yelena, my date just left.”
“Yes, I know, but look,” she says, waving your hand and dismissing your concerns. She brings her phone closer to you so you can look at the screen. “I was looking through her Instagram and it’s just a huge bunch of red flags.”
“Red flags?”
“Yeah, like― hear me out, she follows a lot of problematic people.”
You roll your eyes. “Maybe it was an accident? I know I’ve followed some accounts without meaning to.”
“I don’t think so. There are at least ten different weird accounts on here,” she states. “This one, for example, is just―”
Your voice is firm and you notice her lips tightening as she avoids your eyes.
“Why are you here?” you ask.
Yelena shrugs, scrolling down your date’s Instagram.
“I’m being a good friend. I don’t want you to date just anyone, you know?”
“You could have texted me screenshots,” you reason. “You could have called me later or, I don’t know, anything but crash my date.”
It’s the first time the annoyance in your voice is painfully obvious. Yelena’s tall frame seems to shrink as she hunches on her sea, moving her thumb idly up and down, determined to not look at you in the eyes. There’s a pang of guilt on her chest for ruining your date, but it was for the best. It was, wasn’t it? She only wanted the best for you. Could anyone blame her for caring about her best friend?
“Why are you here?” you insist.
She feels her cheeks burning and only hopes you don’t notice. Why is it so hard to explain she cared about you? It is normal for people to feel like this, to care this much. You are so amazing, your ideas are so bright and your personality so enlightening that she wants for you to have the best you could find. It’s not her fault all your dates weren’t enough for you. You need to be with someone who would appreciate your bed hair and who would find your jokes amusing. Someone who would feel the luckiest person alive just because they could be with you, just like she would and―
Yelena stops herself, her eyes widening at her thoughts. No. She doesn’t need to open that can of worms now. Turning to you, she fakes a smiles and put her phone back in her pocket.
“Can I buy you another drink?”
You sigh. After a couple of moments, you smile softly-
“Yeah, sure. Least you can do,” you tease her, and Yelena feels her heart beating faster.
When she calls the bartender and asks for your drinks, you take a moment to notice her features. Her blonde and soft hair, her tall frame and how nicely her clothes seem to fit her. Somehow, you think you should be more upset about your friend crashing your date, but this moment with her is already the best one in the night.
That’s how it felt hanging out with friends, right?
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for Aoife ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Zen and Aoife have a beautiful ability to make each other better. By learning more and more about each other, they also start slowly transforming into their best version of themselves. Zen feels his heart full of pride when he remembers how he slowly crept his way into their heart and now, after all this time, he gets to hold their hand when they walk down the street.
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QUALITY TIME. With a hectic work schedule like his, Zen understands the importance of spending time together. That’s why, no matter how much he adores acting, he knows nothing is more important than spending time together. At first, when he didn’t have that much agency to change his rehearsing schedule, he tried his best to make sure he was spending time with you as well, letting you choose the activity every time. When he got more and more famous and was able to have a vote on his rehearsing schedule, he always made sure he kept you in mind when making any decision.
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♡ At first, your friends couldn’t believe who you were with. Casual annoyed sighs had turned into shy smiles whenever this guy, Zen was mentioned. “That was definitely not the type of guy you used to swoon for, you know,” one of your friends mentioned. You sighed at their words. “God, you’re right. Do you think I made a mistake?” At this, your friend laughed. “A mistake? Please, not at all. Don’t you see you liked him so much you even forgot what your type was supposed to be?”
♡ Once Zen discovered how much you liked drawing, he made sure to snap some photos of his favourite pieces. Then, he shoot Saeyoung a text message, asking him if it was possible to change his phone home screen to one of your drawings. Knowing zen isn’t the most advanced in tech, Saeyoung guided him, not missing the opportunity to make fun of him for his incompetence. A few weeks later, you were gladly surprised when, after Zen asked you to check something on his phone for him, you saw one of your drawings staring back at you.
♡ Zen was the first one to pine. Being used to having people ogle at him and find him a dream come true, it was a bit of a shock to meet someone who didn’t fall for his charms. Intrigued, he kept on talking to you whenever you gave him the chance, and his curiosity quickly became yearning. His eyes would light up every time he saw you were online, and he couldn’t wipe off the small smile on his lips even after you had already logged off.
♡ One of Zen’s favourite ideas for a date is to go sightseeing around town until it’s late enough to go to the karaoke. He reserves a room in advance and you notice a small hop in his steps as you walk towards the building. He starts with a show tune or two and then pulls you closer when he chooses a song he knows you know by heart so you can sing along with it. Even if he adores your duets, there’s something he likes even more: to sit back on the couch and listen to you sing. He’s reminded how truly lucky he is not only to know you but to be given the chance to love you each and every day.
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Your Sun signs, both Libra and Aries, understand each other’s emotions easily. While you may not be one to show them without thinking it through, Zen’s Aries Sun may help you be more open about them. On the other hand, your Libra Sun helps you understand Zen on a deeper level, rather than just looking at his exterior. You understand him better than most people do. While sometimes you may not understand completely each other’s emotions, both your sensitive personalities may help you finally get each other’s perspectives.
Regarding your Moon signs, his Cancer moon, forever emotional, can help you get more in touch with your feelings as you may sometimes tend to repress them. You, with your Aquarius Moon, can help Zen get more perspective and clarity, as we know he is one to see things black and white and struggle with making decisions.
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♡ A Lovely Night (from La La Land) - Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone
This could never be / You're not the type for me / And there's not a spark in sight / What a waste of a lovely night
A good classic for the enemies to lovers storyline. Not enemies per se, but two people who were so different they never thought they would end up falling for the other. Some light-hearted jokes about neither of you feeling sparks, when suddenly― you’re staring a bit too long in the other’s eyes, you start understanding their train of thought and maybe agreeing on some points… and a love story is born.
♡ All I’ve Ever Known (from Hadestown) - Reeve Carney & Eva Noblezada
All I've ever known is how to hold my own / But now I wanna hold you / Now I wanna hold you, hold you close / I don't ever wanna have to let you go
Maybe you aren’t as extroverted or over-the-top as Zen, but once you fall for him, everything changes. At first, it’s small― joining him for a morning run once in a while, or letting him rest his head on your lap and playing with his hair while he’s on his phone. Little by little, you start discovering more and more sides of Zen and falling even more for him.
♡ One Hand One Heart (from West Side Story) - Ansel Elgort & Rachel Zegler
Make of our lives, one life / Day after day, one life / Now it begins, now it starts
And what is love without a vow? Time seems to fly when you’re sharing your life with the one you’re in love with. Especially when that someone is a hopeless romantic like Zen. He’s serious about his relationships and never sees them as something that may once end. He’s in for the long haul, and he’s gonna try his best to make you happy.
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“You know I’m in love with you, right?”
You raise your eyes to Zen’s ruby ones. Your hands still for a moment over his tie, but then quickly resume their work.
This wasn’t his original idea, Zen thinks. To begin with, he had planned for both of you to be already at the RFA party before he confessed his feelings. He would ask you for a dance and after two of three songs, he’d escort you to the balcony to get some air. The balcony would offer him the semi-private and romantic space he needed to finally confess his feelings and, if he had luck, you would reciprocate them.
He didn’t plan to confess when you were still at his apartment, with a good thirty-minute wait before the limo Jumin had sent out for all the members was meant to arrive. But seeing you fix his tie made him blurt out his feelings sooner than expected.
“Right? What do you mean ‘right’?”
“It means 'stop joking around when I’m fixing your tie.'”
Zen holds your wrists, stopping their moves. Your eyes shoot back up to Zen’s, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Is it nonsense to say I fallen for you?” The way your eyes widen tell Zen you truly didn’t believe he was being serious at first. “Of course I have. And I know you haven’t exactly been my biggest… fan,” he grimaces. “But you need to know I truly do. Love you, that is. I love the sound of your laugh. That you call me out on my shit. That face you make when you draw and― look, I even have the last one you made saved.”
Zen fumbles with his phone as he takes it out of his back pocket and searches through his Gallery app until he finds the photo he took of your latest drawing and shows it to you.
“See? I do like you, Aoife. I really do. And I was supposed to wait until later to say this but… shit, the face you made as you were fixing my tie? God, it made me remember how much I’m head over heels for you,” he said with a soft chuckle. “I know we didn’t start on a good foot. But I also know the past few weeks have been… they felt different, you know? I’m just― I want to know if they felt different for you too.”
“You had my drawings saved?” you muse quietly, still shocked. Zen’s tense face breaks into a sweet smile.
“Yeah. I really like them, you know?” He releases the grip on your wrists and watches as you slowly put your arms down. You keep looking at his phone screen and he’s never seen you so flustered before, at a loss for words and all thanks to him. “Would you like to be my date for tonight?”
You nod, feeling heat rising to your cheeks. You feel a little light-headed when you look away from Zen’s phone and lock eyes with him once more.
“I’d love that.”
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @hortensiyas ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Shinichiro and Yas are the kind of couple who may look different at first sight― however, their hearts are the same. They understand each other on a deeper level and they communicate their needs so well it’s pretty rare they fight with each other. The more time they spend together, they quickly realize they love taking care of each other and that, the more and more they fall in love with each other, the more sure they are this relationship will last a lifetime.
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ACTS OF SERVICE. Shinichiro is always attentive to your needs. As long as you’re comfortable with it, he’s always going to offer a helping hand. He feels accomplished when he can carry your bags when you walk on the street and if you ever mention something malfunctioning in your home, he’s already on his way. If he can fix bikes, he can fix anything (or so he says). He wants to always be able to take care of you, just as much or even more than you care for your siblings. If anything, when you let him help you out, he feels as if you’re already your own little family.
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♡ Whenever you have some free time, you always make sure to bring some food to Shinichiro’s shop. You know most of the time he forgets to pack his lunch and, while he could just order take out, you know he adores whenever you show up unannounced― especially with a bento you prepared specially for him. He makes space for you and brings an extra chair so you can sit next to him and eat together. When you’re done with your food, he always tells you to stay for a little while to keep him company. You always indulge him, and before you know it’s been an hour of just talking, Shinichiro holding your hand over the table watching you with a soft smile on his face as you tell him about your day.
♡ One of his favourite type of dates is when he gets to take you out of town with his motorcycle. You look incredibly cute with the helmet he got for you, and he makes a mental note to take a picture later. Shinichiro feels he couldn’t be happier if he tried when he feels your arms holding him tightly as he speeds on the highway. He likes driving to the beach and then having a picnic with you there. The sea breeze paired with your smile makes his chest fill with joy and he hopes it can always be this way― every once in a while, a whole afternoon just for the two of you.
♡ Whenever you’re watching movies, you like to take his hand and gently massage it. With all the work he does at his shop, his hands are always tense and you try to help every chance you have. You gently tug each of his fingers as slow as you can. Then, you apply pressure on the space between his index and thumb, knowing that’s one of his usual sore spots. Shinichiro loves how caring you are as a partner and always makes sure he returns the favour rubbing your shoulders, your calves or your feet. By the end of the night, both of you are cuddling on the couch, completely asleep, holding each other and smelling like your favourite body cream.
♡ Shinichiro loves flustering you. Even after being together for so long, he’ll always compliment you, usually with a cheesy pick-up line. When he’s on his bike and he spots you on the street, he likes to pretend he doesn’t know you and tries to hit on you, inviting you for a ride. You roll your eyes at his antics, but it’s cute that no matter how long you’ve been together, he’s still trying to win you over. Sometimes you’ll indulge him, letting him give you a ride to wherever you’re going, while other times you tell him you have a boyfriend, and that he used to be in a gang, so he better be careful around you.
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At first glance, Shinichiro and you seem very different. While he’s a natural leader and open to most people thanks to his Leo sun, you tend to be a little more reserved due to your Virgo sun. However, it all changes when you look a little deeper. Both of you are strongly influenced by your emotions― he has an Aries moon and you a Cancer moon. He’s impulsive and sometimes won’t think of the consequences before acting and while you wouldn’t do the same, you can comprehend feeling so deeply you just need to do something about it.
Your relationship is something most of your friends wish they had, and that’s because of your Gemini and Libra Venus signs. Both of you value communication and are always ready to share your feelings which each other. Shinichiro is the most romantic out of the two of you and makes sure you know just how much he loves you. Jealousy isn’t really a problem in your relationship and you’re able to trust in each other easily. Truly a dream couple.
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♡ obvious - Ariana Grande
Maybe if I'm lucky, you might stay the afternoon / If you gotta work, just promise me you'll come back soon / Maybe you should pack a suitcase too / I love the thought of you never leavin', days repeatin'
Every day that you spend with Shinichiro it feels as if all the pieces have fallen into place. It feels natural, and if it’s meant to be. When you see him interacting with your little siblings and then look back at you with his boyish grin, you think to yourself you could do this for the rest of your life.
♡ Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings / Uh huh, that's right / Darling, you're the one I want / I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Being friends for so long, you never thought things would end up like this. He was just this boy who went around getting rejected left and right by all the girls he tried approaching. Next thing you knew, you were having movie nights at his house with his arm draped across your shoulders. This was all indeed a happy accident.
♡ Waiting for a Girl like You - Foreigner
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life / I've been waiting for a girl like you, you’re a love that will survive / I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive / Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
When Shinichiro first started dating you, he was appalled. Is this was love truly was? He found himself waking up before his alarm rang, and walking to his bike shop with a silly grin on his face without even noticing. Suddenly, there was a life before and after you and he felt the luckiest guy in the world to be able to share his time with you.
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Shinichiro never learnt.
That’s what you thought when you constantly watched him get rejected over and over by different girls. Even if you found it a little pathetic at first (was he even trying?), you had to admire his tenacity.
A part of you wondered why he was rejected too many times. You didn’t know a lot about him, besides that he was a really good older brother. When you went to pick up your siblings from school, you could see how Shinichiro interacted with their brother and sister, and you couldn’t help but smile at how sweet and protective he was.
Then, were girls rejecting him because he was, allegedly, bad at fighting? You had never seen him fight, but the bruises and cuts on his face told you everything you needed to know. Was that so important for those girls?
You watched him as he played with his sister at the park. There was apparently a tea party going on, and he was taking it very seriously as the little blonde girl poured more imaginary tea into his cup. Suddenly, you noticed your own little sister walking towards the girl and asking if she could play along. She was welcomed with open arms, and this time it was Shinichiro’s turn to pour your sister more of that special tea. You couldn’t help but smile.
It didn’t take long before the sky started getting dark. You checked the hour on your phone and decided it was time to call it a day. You walked to your sister, who was still happily playing along with the other girl and her brother.
“C’mon, it’s time to go,” you told her, to which she nodded.
“Hey, I didn’t know she was your sister,” Shinichiro said, standing up. He patted his pants in an attempt to clean them. “You should have joined us. The tea was pretty good.”
“You guys were already having fun on your own,” you shrugged with a smile. You turned to your sister again. “You’re not forgetting anything? I’m not coming back to the park if you lost one of your toys.”
“Oh, I― I actually lost something,” Shinichiro quickly said. You raised your eyebrows, questioningly. “I lost my number. Any chance I can have yours?”
You couldn’t help the snort that followed his question. Of course, he would try such a cheesy pick-up line on you. Grinning, you shook your head, still amazed at how forward he could be.
“You know what?” you asked, a smile dancing on your face. “Sure. Give me your phone.”
Shinichiro’s eyes widened, not expecting you to agree. It took him more than a couple of seconds to break out from his stupor, but soon his hands were scrambling inside his pockets to look for his phone.
Neither of you knew it at the moment, but it would be the night your life changed completely― for the better.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @ghost-party ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Erwin and Rebecca’s initial chemistry would set things on fire. A tale of friends to lovers, that, after lots of coffee dates and inside jokes, turned out to be more than they were expecting. Months of yearning led the way to an incredible caring relationship where they are capable of understanding each other and matching their ebbs and flows while also pushing them to be the best they can be. They are as much alike as they complement each other, falling into an easy balance that will make their love last for ages.
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PHYSICAL TOUCH. Erwin is all about the subtle shows of affection. When you’re walking around town, he always offers his arm so you can loop yours around it. If it’s a particularly busy street, he will put his hand on the small of your back and gently guide you, while using his body to shield you from other people. At your home, his favourite position is to lay on the bed with you curled up on his side, his arm around your body while his other hand is holding a book. Also, whenever you’re cooking, he loves to sneak his arms around your waist and press a kiss on your head, mumbling a soft “I love you”.
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♡ Every week, Erwin and you make time in your schedules to have a little date. Even when you’re both swimming in paperwork and grading and more, you never forget how important is to cherish your relationship as well. While some weeks date night could be going to your favourite Mexican restaurant, sometimes it’s a trip to your local convenience store for some ice cream. You know life is complicated and unpredictable, but these habits always remind you how lucky you are to have found someone that compliments you so well.
♡ Working together may be a problem for some couples, but not for you. You both know how to keep it professional while also sharing how much you truly care for the other. For example, at the beginning of every week, Erwin brings you some coffee, just to make sure your week starts on a good note. On the other hand, you like to leave Erwin’s favourite snacks in the fridge, with his name written on a small post-it.
♡ During your weekends, you like to spend time at home. Since both of you work, you take the time to clean, prepare some food and make sure your home is looking just the way you want it. On most occasions, he takes your hand and starts swaying with you to the music on the radio. Your gaze into each other’s eyes and smile, knowing these small moments are what gives so much meaning to your relationship.
♡ The one thing Erwin loves the most is the pleasure of learning you. Not about you― this isn’t about where or when you were born, what are your favourite hobbies or your favourite colour. In the time he’s been loving you, he’s learnt your small gestures, what’s the meaning of every quiver of your mouth and when it’s getting bad again too. When he notices the cloud over your head is turning dark once more, he’s there for you every step of the way. While it took him a few tries, now he knows when to hold your hand, when to take your mind off of everything and when to give you some space to rest.
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Given that your two sun signs are air signs, you notice good chemistry from the start. Communication comes easy to you, and you enjoy each other’s way of thinking, wit and sense of humour. You see each other as equals, and friendship is a very important part of your relationship― it’s how you started out. Erwin has a desire to please you and will have no trouble compromising in order to make you happy. You’re both sociable, and playfulness comes naturally once you start spending more and more time together. Erwin loves the presence your Scorpio rising gives you, and more than once he has mentioned that, when you enter a room, everyone takes notice. You don’t seem to mind. After all, thanks to your Leo moon, you only wish to be the centre of his attention.
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♡ Somethin’ Stupid - Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra
The time is right, your perfume fills my head / The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue / And then I go and spoil it all / By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
Before the love, there was some pining involved. Especially since Erwin was fully aware that, if you weren’t interested, the workplace would turn into an uncomfortable space for you. But then again, he can’t really stop himself from turning his head every time you walk by the halls. Grabbing coffee with you every Thursday after class should be enough for him, he thinks, but― what’s he’s supposed to do with all this yearning?
♡ Endless Love - Lionel Richie & Dianna Ross
Two hearts / Two hearts that beat as one / Our lives have just begun
Once you return his feelings, Erwin Smith is on cloud nine. His colleagues tease him about his noticeable change of humour and how his eyes light up when you enter the teacher’s lounge. While both of you act professionally while on the job, he will find a way to buy you a coffee on cold mornings and wait until you’re done grading papers so he can drive you home.
♡ Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers) - Bill Withers, Ralph MacDonald & William Salter
And darling when the morning comes / And I see the morning sun / I wanna be the one with you
Erwin is a romantic at heart. And once he’s found the one that fits just right with him, he’s not letting go. He loves how comfortable you make him feel― yet he would never make you feel as if he’s grown “too comfortable” in the relationship. As the years go by, he’s still trying to charm you, take you out on dates and never make you feel taken for granted.
+ bonus
♡ Bel Air - Lana Del Rey
Idol of roses, iconic soul / I know your name / Lead me to war with your brilliant direction
If there’s anything natural to Erwin is his way to lead. While he may, from time to time, get too engulfed with his ideas to consider other possibilities, you’ve always admired his way of standing tall and inspiring people to be their very best selves. While he is a firm believer in talking with you before making any important decisions, you enjoy when you’re the one watching as he takes charge of situations as work or in his classroom.
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Erwin Smith remembers the first time he met you. He had overheard a conversation about the new English teacher that would be joining them this year, but he hadn’t paid much attention as he went over his new class schedule for the academic year. He was in the middle of turning over a page when he felt it― a presence.
Immediately, he lifted his head and that was the first time he saw you. You entered the teacher’s lounge with a book under your arm and smiled at a familiar face you recognized in the room. You walked towards her, and Erwin assumed it was a friend of yours, probably someone that had told you about the job in the first place. As you started a conversation with her, Erwin turned his head and noticed that everyone that was sitting at the table with him got caught up staring at you as well. This seemed to irritate him. He cleared his throat and went back to reading his schedule, successfully making the other teachers go back to their previous tasks.
He hadn’t even finished the page when he heard your friend’s voice coming closer. She stood in front of the table and introduced you, who had a kind smile on your face. Every teacher stated their names and subjects they taught and offered you a small nod or returned your smile.
When it was Erwin’s turn, he offered his hand. You blinked for a moment, taken aback by the gesture of the tall man with blue eyes. Taking a step forward, you slightly leaned over the table and took his hand, giving it a firm shake.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you smiled.
“Likewise. Hope you have a good stay here.”
Maybe it was the handshake, he thought, when several days later, you came to him for help with the online registry. You were supposed to upload your student’s grades and weren’t sure how to use the website. Erwin worked on your laptop, gently instructing you where to click to access the student database while you sat by his side, paying full attention to his instructions. When he was done, he handed you back your laptop while you thanked him profusely.
“I had been lost for almost an hour, thank you so much,” you sigh, closing the laptop and putting it in your bag. “Hey, uh― do you want to grab some coffee? My treat, as a thank you.”
The moment Erwin’s heart jumped, he knew he was done for.
He was falling in love.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @qlassicc​​ ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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Saeyoung and Kiki's love was put to the test from day one. Ever since she learnt he was a secret agent, her life was turned upside down― but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Long after the storm has passed and Saeyoung reunited with his long lost brother, they can finally enjoy their lives with their soulmates in a house in the country. Finally, she has all the time in the world to focus on the one she loves most, who is also more than excited about starting the best chapter of his life.
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ACTS OF SERVICE. In the beginning, it was hard for Saeyoung to get used to the love you shower him with. Even if it felt nice and he knew he should relax and enjoy it, he couldn’t help but find it a little bit strange. However, little by little, he started to realise it was your way to show love― and how could he possibly stop you from doing so? He started trying his best: he would close his eyes when you played with his hair, he would hold your hand against his chest when he was the little spoon and he would kiss your cheek and thank you if he found you preparing food in the kitchen. Letting himself be loved by you turned out to be easier than he initially thought, and once he was finally comfortable, he’s not willing to ever let you go.
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♡  Even if Saeyoung is a night owl, there’s nothing he loves more than watching the sunrise. He sits on the field outside your new cottage home, making sure he’s away from Saeran’s flowers (he’s sat on them more than once before). He stares at the hills in silence, admiring how the sky gets brighter and brighter. For him, there’s only one thing that can make it even better: when you come out of the house, groggy eyes and slow steps as you walk up to him. You sink into your knees and press a kiss on his cheek before finding a comfortable position by his side. Saeyoung knows it’s only time before you lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep again, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s during those silent mornings only accompanied by birds chirping and your steady breathing that he asks himself if this is Heaven after all.
♡  Whenever you get jealous, he can’t help but find it adorable. You’re both standing in the kitchen and all he wants is to grab your cheeks and pinch them― so he does, even if you pout even harder. Before you know it, he’s pulling you into a hug and blowing raspberries all over your face. You squirm under him, feeling his fingers tickle your sides until you can’t do anything else but laugh. You always end up melting into a hug, the two of you holding each other until every trace of annoyance has disappeared.
♡  Even if you live with Saeran and his girlfriend, Saeyoung loves double dates. Once every two weeks, he’ll drag all three of you to the top of a nearby hill for a nice outdoor picnic. However, if he’s feeling especially motivated, he’ll build a make-shift drive-in movie theatre at the back of the house. He projects the movie on a big projection screen he bought just for the occasion and he sets up blankets and cushions on the back of the truck he bought once he moved to the country, making enough space for everyone to sit comfortably. He always picks the movie, but after watching The Room one too many times, he begrudgingly started letting someone else have a pick for once.
♡  Talking about his truck (a nice, red Ford F-150), there’s one more thing he likes doing, and that’s building a pillow fort in the back. He’ll put on some fairy lights and make sure to have your favourite snacks and drinks. Even if watching a movie is an option, he’d rather just talk with you the entire night. He loves to lay on the pillows and look at the stars, telling you all sorts of stories that, even if they may or may not be true, always manage to make you laugh. And for Saeyoung, that is more than enough.
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You are an emotional person, while Saeyoung tends to live in the moment, and sometimes he lets his rationality leave no room for emotions. However, even if you may seem different at first, the intensity of your emotions is high. You both get easily jealous and build resentment, but you also love each other passionately. There’s not a trace of shame in how deeply you truly care for each other and how willing you are to put anything in the line to make each other happy.
Saeyoung has his Venus in Gemini and you have yours in Virgo, which means he values intelligence and a quick wit inside a relationship. While you can offer him that, he may step over the line quite a few times and not realise how sensitive you can be. However, both of you are flexible people, so if you put your best into trying to make the relationship work, you shouldn’t have any more problems.
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♡ Gravity - Anthony Lazaro
Let's take our ship out in the sky / Fly to the moon and take out a slice / Space Bonnie & Clide riding into the night
Even though Saeyoung never thought he would get to live the life he has now, deep down he always wished for it. So, waking up every morning next to you is a dream come true. Would he dare to think that maybe getting married at the space station could become true as well?
♡ Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves
I used to get sad and lonely when the sun went down / But it's different now 'cause I love the light that I found in you
When Saeyoung talks about falling in love with you, he always mentions it was like seeing colours for the first time. And he means it. Before you, everything seemed dull and lifeless, and now he finds himself smiling softly when he hears the sound of birds chirping. You truly changed his life for the best.
♡ Like You Do - Joji
And everyone else / They don't matter now / You're the one I can't lose / No one loves me like you do
Neither of you knew love could feel this safe. Like every step you had made in the past was no longer meaningless, because all of them drove you to each other― to a place where you both can finally rest. And that’s exactly what Saeyoung wants to do for the rest of his life.
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“There’s no way that’s true.”
“It is! I swear it is!
“It wasn’t just a metaphor? You know, “loving too much, wanting too much”―”
“Nope,” he grins, shaking his head. “Venus was just like the Earth, two billion years ago. Suddenly, there was too much carbon dioxide in the air and that caused the temperatures to get really high. So high it killed all traces of life permanently.”
“So you’re trying to tell me…”
“Yeah. I’m exactly telling you that.” There's a mischievous smile on his face and you’re one step away from thinking he’s just messing with you. Maybe being the new Yoosung was your new role after all.
“Mitski was right? Venus was truly destroyed by global warming?”
“Maybe people did want too much,” he sighed, dramatically “But yeah, it’s true. I’d know, it’s my favourite song, after all.”
You turn to your side and take a look at your boyfriend. His honey eyes are set on the stars above you and his lips are twitched in a calm smile. It’s probably one of your favourite versions of him: relaxed, comfortable, yours. There’s nothing you’d want more than spending the rest of your life just like that― the two of you lying on the back of his truck, forgetting all about the rest of the world.
However, you can’t stop yourself from thinking too much about what he just said.
“It’s such a sad song, though.”
He purses his lips. “Hmm? I guess so.”
“As far as I remember, it’s about feeling lonely,” you say, carefully, as if he was a bird that could take off any minute. “Isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Saeyoung admits, the stars reflecting on his eyes. You take a slow breath, shuffling closer to him. 
There is a pause before you insist.
“Do you feel lonely, Saeyoung?”
It’s only then that he turns his head to you. While you’re expecting him to confess or to get emotional, a bright smile appears on his face as he shakes his head enthusiastically. He puts his hands on his cheeks and presses his lips against yours, before pulling away with an even bigger grin.
“Not anymore. Not since I met you.”
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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for @gummibrit ― a dive into your relationship, your love language, your astrology compatibility, romantic headcanons, your playlist, a small story and more [+ info on self-ships scrapbooks, here]
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The key to the relationship between Eren and Brit is that they can match each other’s energy and, at the same time, bring out the best in each other. Eren likes that she’s a safe space for him and that he can let himself be vulnerable around her, while she likes she can always count on him to protect her. Overall, they complement each other while also pushing each other to grow, which always leads to a strong and long relationship.
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ACTS OF SERVICE. Eren wants to make your life as easy as possible. He knows he’s tall and pretty strong, and he’s more than willing to lend out a helping hand. You were planning on changing a lightbulb? No need, he can do it for you. You want to hang a new painting? He’s already looking for his toolbox. Leave it all to him. He knows you’re more than capable of doing it by yourself― if anything, that’s one of the things he loves about you. But he would lie if he said he didn’t enjoy pleasing you, knowing that thanks to him, you have one less thing to worry about for the day.
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♡ Even if it’s been a while since you’ve been together, Eren still smiles like a child whenever he finds one of your notes. He usually snaps a photo of them and sends it to you with a bunch of heart emojis. You always thought he eventually discarded them, but once while looking for your wallet, you opened the glove compartment of his car and found all the notes you had been leaving for him for years. You can’t help the smile on your face as you see every one of them is there, and that he liked them enough to keep them all this time.
♡ Both of you are always up for a new adventure, no matter how big or small it may be. There’s never an ounce of doubt whenever one of you brings up a new idea. You can be baking cookies at one in the morning and Eren will have the idea to buy ice cream to eat with the cookies. Since both of you are wearing pyjamas, he’ll put on a t-shirt and you’ll put on one of his hoodies so you can hit the gas station and find some ice cream. You don’t care if anyone notices Eren’s pyjama bottoms and your pyjama shorts― what matters is the way he puts his arm around you as you wait for the cashier to swipe Eren’s card.
♡ Living together also comes with responsibilities. However, both of you always find a way to make it enjoyable― or at least fun. Whenever there’s a chore neither of you wants to do, like washing the dishes or doing the laundry, you always decide on who’s in charge of it by playing a video game. Only one round and the loser can’t object once they’ve been beaten. Nevertheless, once or twice you’ve lost the game and still managed to make Eren do whatever chore you were avoiding by peppering his face with kisses until he was laughing.
♡ Whenever you mention you’re at the supermarket or the mall, he always asks you to text him when you’re on your way home. At first, you thought it was just a safety measure, but then you realised it was because he would always wait for you and help you carry the bags inside your home. No matter if they were heavy or not, he is always ready to help out. However, when he notices they’re from your favourite clothing store, he can’t help himself but sneak a peek to see what you’ve bought for yourself.
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Your sun signs are in complete harmony. Eren’s Aries sun makes him energetic and enthusiastic, even if he may come off as impulsive most of the time. On the other hand, your Leo sun shows you are warm, generous, and courageous enough to break down his walls and build an emotional connection with him. Your Virgo rising can make you a bit shy, especially around new people. However, little by little, Eren starts crawling into your heart and making sure he’s all you can think about. In a relationship, you like to spend time with your partner, even if there isn’t anything planned. You find strength in the give-and-take of the relationship, and usually, you feel safe whenever you’re with your partner.
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♡ Something Changed - Pulp
When we woke up that morning we had no way of knowing / That in a matter of hours we'd change the way we were going / Where would I be now, where would I be now if we'd never met?
Eren always feels meeting you was a moment of sheer luck. There are nights when, long after you’ve drifted to sleep, he wonders what would have happened if he had taken the next bus, or didn’t look your way the moment he did. The idea that you wouldn’t be a part of his life today frightens him. When he gets too in his head, he just takes a deep breath and pulls you closer to him, being thankful everything worked his way.
♡ Friday I’m in Love - The Cure
You can never get enough / Enough of this stuff / It's Friday, I'm in love
Never before had Eren fallen so hard in love like the way he did when he first met you. He was a lovestruck puppy, grinning to himself whenever you replied to his texts and ignoring his friends so he could properly reply. He always thought it was nothing but an exaggeration, but he did feel his days got brighter the more time he spent with you.
♡ Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
And I'd give up forever to touch you / 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow / You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be / And I don't want to go home right now
The initial excitement might tone down for a lot of people once time has passed, but it doesn’t for Eren. He’s still wonderstruck that someone can match his energy and at the same time be a safe place for him to land. He feels this utter need to protect you, to make sure nothing bad happens to you. You’re someone precious to him, someone he always wants in his life and he would be a fool to ever take you for granted.
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“Hey, this one’s new.”
You looked up to see where Eren was pointing. A silhouette of an ice cream cone in neon lights caught your attention. Looking at how clean everything seemed on the outside and the few people inside, you realized it must be a new store after all.
“Wanna try it?”
Your answer was almost immediate, taking his hand and walking to the store. A bell rang as you entered, and a few of the staff members greeted you as you found a booth to sit in. A waitress appeared quickly and handled Eren the menu, which he handed to you, giving you the opportunity to pick first. Looking at all the flavours, you finally decided on a cookies and cream sundae. Eren looked at the menu and chose hot chocolate affogato paired with vanilla ice cream.
“I like that about you,” he mentioned as soon as the waitress left.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re always up to anything. We went on a walk because I said the weather was nice and now we’re here because I mentioned I hadn’t seen this place before,” he explained. “No matter what I said, you’re always up for it. I like that.”
You smiled and put your hand over his. Immediately, he took it to his mouth and pressed his lips against your knuckles.
“You’re so sweet,” you chuckled. “But yeah, of course, I always am. As long as you’re with me, I’m on board with anything. Well, almost anything. I don’t know if I would go skydiving, though.”
“It’s not actually that dangerous if you―”
Eren’s sentence was cut short when the waitress came back with your ice cream. Eren let go of your hand gently, his eyes gleaming when he saw the affogato in front of him.
He was so engrossed as he tasted that he didn’t notice the way you were looking at your order. The pink-coloured ice cream was definitely not cookies and cream.
You looked over at the check-out and noticed two girls chatting with each other behind the bar. They were young, even younger than you if you had to take a guess. Maybe you shouldn’t complain about it. After all, it was still ice cream and those girls were underpaid and already tired. Yeah, you could just eat the ice cream, maybe find out you are really into strawberry after all and―
“Didn’t you ask for cookies and cream?”
Your eyes darted back to Eren, who was looking at you questioningly. You shrugged.
“Yeah, but it’s okay, I’ll just―”
It was too late. Before you could even notice, Eren called a waitress who was just passing by and politely explained the mishap. You felt your cheeks burning at the situation, not even looking at the waitress as she took your ice cream and took it away so she could bring back the correct order.
“Hey, don’t worry. She was cool about it and now you’re getting the one you asked,” he reassured you, putting out his hand for you. You took it and he squeezed it gently, the green of his eyes calming your heartbeat.
“Thank you,” you said. Eren took a scoop of his ice cream and put it in front of your lips.
“No need,” he grinned as you tasted his ice cream. “I always got your back.”
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