#allienea shepard
jdtrashman · 5 months
Countdown To Dawntrail Week 2: Vengeance
second entry in @voidsentprinces second week of Countdown to Dawntrail series
"So you paid how much for these guys' service?" Allie asked as she held a Crystal Brave against the wall by his neck.
"In total?" Replied Alphinaud. "About 5.6 million Gil."
Allie crushed the screaming merc's neck in her grip and chuckled. "Money well spent."
"There they are! Kill them! Kill her, gods dammit!!!" came a shout from further down. A shout that made Allie grin maliciously.
"Yuyuhase," she hissed, blood and bile dripping from her every word. She looked over to Q'ihnn, who had just pulled his sword from a crystal brave of his own. "You got Raubahn and Mitnu?"
"Yeah," Q'ihnn replied. He didn't look happy with her. He sees you for what you really are, Fray told her in the back of her mind. Something he cannot control. Well, he could get the fuck over it.
"Good. Save them. I'll clear the last of the idiot brigade." With that, Allie drew her greatsword and cleaved through three more soldiers on her way to chase down Yuyuhase.
"Q'ihnn-" Alphinaud tried to say.
"I know," was Q'ihnn's only reply before they went down to Raubahn's cell. It hurt, watching this...whatever it was, seize control of Allie. His best friend. But he had enough on his plate, and moreover, friends who needed saving.
But if this kept up, Q'ihnn swore to himself, he would yank this "Fray" out of Allie with his bare hands if he had to.
Lalafell were not the fastest runners by nature, even in ideal circumstances. Yuyuhase's circumstances were so far from ideal, that "ideal" was in a completely different time zone.
His short, stubby legs ran and hopped and leapt over the uneven, rocky terrain, as behind him, he could hear the deaths of his soldiers, screaming and barking orders and pleading for their lives.
And above all of it.
"Yuyuhase!" shouted his predator. "Where are you going, you hateful little imp?! Are you taking me to Ilberd?! Please say yes, I wish to speak to him!!!" He was, much as he wished there was another plan. But there wasn't. There was precisely one man who could handle Shepard, and Yuyuhase prayed to Nald'Thal to let him reach him in time.
And Nald'Thal...said no.
As he was turning a corner, a greatsword the width of his entire body buried itself halfway into the wall right in front of his face. Yuyuhase stared into his own fearful eyes, reflected in the ebony blade, before he was lifted and put against the wall by an armored fist. "Hello, sunshine!" Said Allienea Shepard. Or whatever hell beast was running around in her skin.
"L-l-l-listen, she, Shepard," he stammered out, gazing down into those brilliant blue eyes that radiated sheer, bottomless hate. "I, I uh, I just, oh gods, just listen. I-"
"Shut the fuck up." And he did. And the two just stared at each other. Shepard didn't move, while Yuyuhase didn't dare. her face was tense, but otherwise unreadable.
She's debating whether or not to kill me, was the immediate, and most likely, correct conclusion. "If, if you're going to do it, then get it over with!" he shouted, feeling a hail mary sort of bravery rise in him. "If you're worried about your soul, may I direct your attention to the veritable graveyard behind you?" her eyes narrowed, and the bravery fled, leaving him to his fate. Her teeth clenched as a growl rose from behind them, before her ears perked up at the sound of distant fighting.
She turned her head. "Ilberd." Yes, that sounded about right. She was the distraction, while the brat and his friends freed Raubahn. Of course, Ilberd would see that, and go to intercept. She threw him to the ground, pulled her sword out of the wall, and loomed over him like a great, black cloud. "Do you know why I am letting you live?"
"N, n-no?" he asked, knowing full well that he was not going to like the answer.
Shepard placed her big black boot on his small white head as she leaned her head as close as she anatomically could, and, in a mix of a whisper and a growl, she told him. "I don't care about you. Not really. Not when the anger subsides. See, I'm just like everyone else in your life. Your daddy bailed on you the second he saw your face because he knew he had wasted his time waiting for you to be pushed out. The illness took your mother because you weren't worth the effort it would require to hold on. Those things you have been denied all your life? Those things whose denial has made you this way? You were denied them for a reason. And the reason is that you don't and never have and never will deserve them. Slink away, or try to kill me again later, I don't care. You will never make me, or anyone else, care about you. Do you understand?"
Yuyuhase felt tears fall and soak into the sand. "Y-yes..."
Shepard took her foot from his head and turned to leave. "Good. Never darken Alphinaud's life again." With that, her vengeance taken, Shepard left the tiny man to curl up and sob, alone.
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uldahstreetrat · 8 months
vague bits of writing I've started drafting for the beginning of Q'ihnn's journal if anyone is interested \o/
3 Sun, 4 Umbral Moon
Momodi had me helping some fresh adventurer today, a thaumaturge. Apparently she made a rather fiery entrance to the city and the Flames didn’t want her looking for work unsupervised. Most of the work was rather insignificant - handing out pretzels to guards, delivering a pumpkin, killing some coblyns, keeping some poor bastard from getting himself killed at the hands of the Blades. But parts of it were… odd. Papashan asked my help finding Lady Lilira after she had wandered off again and while it was easy enough to know she would be at the Sultantree, we were attacked by voidsent while we were there. Worse yet, this adventurer collapsed after the fight. She wasn’t hurt, it was that same stupid curse that I have. The odd visions. I saw it too, and once it would have made me collapse as well. She’s new to these. I hope they treat her kinder.
Equally troublesome was the appearance of the man named Thancred. I’ve seen him around on occasion and though supposedly he’s a scholar, he certainly doesn’t act the part. Frankly he seems like someone Ophianne would associate with, which is reason enough for me to be suspicious of him.
He appeared twice today, both at the Sultantree and after we were ambushed by the Blades and some strange golem. Both times the adventurer and I were struck with visions. I certainly hope he stops appearing so suddenly.
The adventurer and I are both lodged at the Quicksand for the night - while I would usually go home, Momodi insisted. I’ve never been able to tell her no. I fear I’m stuck with this thaumaturge for a while yet, and while I would prefer to keep her at arms length, as simply someone I’m handholding for the time being, it must mean more that she too is plagued by what plagues me. Perhaps I should start using her name. Allienea Shepard. A strange woman.
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jdtrashman · 5 months
Countdown To Dawntrail Week 2: Ishgard
Week 2 of @voidsentprinces' prompt series.
Rhea Bosco had a simple life in Ishgard. Work at the Astrologicum, buy groceries, work on her latest novel in her spare time, rinse and repeat. As the only Viera in town, and one whose appearance would make her stand out even if that weren't the case, she had expected the past few years to have been more interesting. Not that she was complaining, honestly. Between fleeing Garlemald as a child and traveling for over a decade before finally settling in Ishgard, the young Viera had had her fill of "interesting".
But as she would discover tonight, "interesting" had not had its fill of her.
Feeling a bit cooped up in her one-bedroom walkup apartment, Rhea decided that an evening constitutional through The Vigil would be the solution to her problems. For a city that had been locked in a forever war for the past thousand years, Ishgard was an obscenely beautiful city. Even the poor and destitute lived in slums that the slum-dwellers of other cities could only dream of. The cold, gothic architecture contrasted beautifully with the glow of the street lamps. This late at night, there were few, if any people on the street besides her and the occasional guard on the evening beat.
Which, of course, made the sound she heard next ring all the louder.
Rhea stopped and gasped, as the familiar ring echoed through her entire being. Like a great dull bell being rung against a rock wall. A sound she knew well. "Fray?" she asked, whipping her head around. Fray was the most fascinating thing to ever happen to her in the time she had lived in Ishgard. A dark knight and an outlaw, she had carried on a summer romance with him (well as much of a "summer" romance one can have in a city determined to be tit-tighteningly cold every day of the year) but it had been stained with the mutual knowledge that it couldn't ever last. Last she had heard, he had died to a temple knight who got in a lucky shot.
Her legs moved before she could consciously command them to do so. Another sharp CLANG rang out from alley after alley, and it did not take her long to start having to carefully jump and step over the corpses of temple knights. A trail of blood and sinew and broken steel, that eventually led her to a church. "Gods, Fray, no..." she whispered under her breath, hearing fighting going on past the broken down door. As she approached, a young elezen woman, her clothes torn to pieces, sped past her with tears streaming down her cheeks. And with that, Rhea's sympathy for the men inside and on the way here withered and died on the vine. Rumors abounded about what the priests and temple knights got up to when no one was looking, which is to say when they were in The Brume. The people of The Brume were to either be ignored or exploited by the aristocrats who all but owned them like cattle. Rhea drew her star globe, her aether activating the intricate mechanisms to unfold all the parts and keep the globe shape suspended in mid-air, and went in.
What she found inside was not what she had been expecting in the least. At the end of the rows of broken pews and equally broken knights, standing over a priest begging for his life as he lie on his back, was not Fray. Instead, it was a young midlander hyur woman wielding a bloodsoaked greatsword. Her clothes seemed to be a Black Mage's robe, but with the robe torn and hanging loose off of her petite body, with the pants and sleeveless t-shirt underneath left bare. Her hair, red as the torch fire and blood that surrounded her, hung from her hair with all the grace of a freshly hunted rabbit.
"What you were going to do to that girl..." the woman said, her voice feminine, yet Rhea could almost make out Fray's signature velvety baritone beneath.
"I...I am a man of Halone!" the priest choked out. His arm was missing, and there was a distinct and disgusting red stain between his legs that made Rhea's stomach churn.
"Then I shall send you to her, so you can explain." with that, the woman raised her halberd up, the tip pointing down, and ran it into the screaming priest's torso hard enough to split his entire body in half horizontally. The woman turned to leave, and instead her eyes met Rhea's. Rhea could only imagine how she looked to her, long black hair blowing in the evening wind, her heavily tattooed body silhouetted against the doorway.
Then, the woman - whom she would come to know as Allie Shepard - spoke. With Fray's voice. "Hello, Rhea."
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jdtrashman · 5 months
Countdown To Dawntrail Week 1: Beginning City
Allienea Shepard stepped off the carriage and gazed up at the doors to Ul'Dah. The jewel of Thanalan. The site of the bloodsands, whose brutal reputation had reached even the ears of her people in faraway Thavnair. And a hateful cesspit of inequality and corruption.
Allie tied her burning red hair behind her head, straightened her new - totally not stolen skirt - and walked in as carefully as possible. Her first question shall be how the women of this country can actually walk around in these accursed things.
Ul'Dah, true to what she had heard during her five-year trek to this country, was always busy. The copper cobblestones were always underfoot of some adventurer or merchant, and even the palatial balconies above could hear the deals and arguments happening below as clearly as Allie could standing right next to them.
After talking to the lady of the inn, Momo something or other, Allie ventured to the Thaumaturge guild to get herself set up with room and board.
The guild was run by five lalafellian brothers, who inducted her into the guild with a mix of ceremony and menial tasks. The first three days were a routine of killing monsters outside the gates and bringing back proof of her kills in exchange for more lessons. All the while, whenever she could, she would ask around taverns and markets about the woman that had brought her to Eorzea. The only reason she was so far from home to begin with. So far? Nothing.
But it was on the fourth day when all of that would begin to change.
Allie was bringing back some animal skins for the guild when she saw a highlander woman sobbing on the ground, her feeble form passed over by the uninterested townsfolk. The men who had pushed her - Brass Blades, she had learned - spat on the woman. "next time, we tell you go get out of the way, ya Ala Mhigan bitch, you do as we say!!!" one of them screamed, spittle bursting from his all-but unhinged jaw. One last kick, and the men hopped aboard the luxurious carriage that was behind them as it continued. The wheels kicked mud onto the woman's legs, which only made her sob harder.
Allie stared at the carriage, most likely belonging to quite the man of means. And sure enough, through the tinted windows, she could barely make out the form of a Lalafell with an impressive mustache. The sight disgusted her. Angered her. And soon enough, she began to glare at the carriage. Thinking burning thoughts.
The man within would survive what happened next, his panicked and charred men pulling his coughing, wheezing body from the wreckage. It didn't take them long to figure out who was responsible. Sadly, they decided that it was the woman they had already disrespected. "Highlander dog!" the same guard shouted, drawing his blade. Allie's instinct was to slink back into the crowd. It would've been the smart thing to do. But then, letting the carriage go would also have been the smart thing to do. And never let a soul accuse Allienea Shepard of being smart.
"She didn't do it, I did!" Allie said, stepping forward, displaying her Thaumaturge staff as proof. Her charity was rewarded with the butt of the guard's sword meeting the side of her skull, and the blackness of sleep.
She awoke, shockingly, in the guild - instead of a cell. Apparently, what would otherwise have been a death sentence, was reduced to "community service" by a mysterious patron. The patron's messenger to the courts merely gave the initials M. W. to mark their influence. Cocobuki didn't know why, and neither did Allie, but the scolding she got from the guild masters made death seem preferable. Few things are as humiliating as having to capitulate to someone who barely reaches your knees.
The terms of her community service were simple: she was to accompany a knight of the sultansworn on his duties until the courts deemed her service to be filled. And so, a day later, her handler appeared. A Miqote paladin named Q'ihnn Tia.
She did not have time for this.
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jdtrashman · 1 year
Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Allie changes her hairstyle every couple of expansions. I wish I had pictures of all of them but I don't so...get fucked I guess lmao
The first major change was in heavensward, when Allie has a near total mental breakdown after the bloody banquet. She just undoes her ponytail and has her hair hang loose and unkempt for the entire expansion, no longer caring about how well she's taking care of herself.
After the dragonsong war, Allie ties it up into a different ponytail that hangs downward, with a bit of hair resting in front of her eye.
After the death of elidibus in ShB, she changes it to a new ponytail, that frays outward instead of hanging down.
Currently she's sporting lightnings hairstyle and it's the best one I've gotten for her yet.
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jdtrashman · 8 months
Febhyurary Prompt 4: Food
"I'm hungry."
Allie was in the middle of sharpening Shadowbringer when Ryne's words reached her ears. They were all in the Ocular, waiting for G'raha, Ophianne, and Beloch to return from some business the Exarch had to take care of in town. She wasn't her mother, she had no business stepping in, yet she...wanted to.
Thancred stood up from inspecting his cartridges. "Alright, I'll see what I can whip up."
Thancred perked up towards Allie as she stabbed Shadowbringer into the ground to get his attention. "You have reservations, I take it?"
"After sampling your bread," Allie said, moving to undo the straps of her breastplate. "I find myself with reservations, yes, with letting a Sharlayan anywhere near a kitchen. Especially when a child is involved."
"I'm 17," interjected Ryne with a pout.
"And I'm old enough to drink, what's your point?"
"So what, you mean to bar me from the kitchen?" Thancred shot back, crossing his arms.
"Until Ophianne gets back yes." Allie set her breastplate down against Shadowbringer and tied her hair back into a ponytail. "In the meantime, I will cook for Ryne."
"You can cook?" asked Ryne and her father simultaneously, one with curiosity, the other with disbelief. The others had looked up from what they were doing to watch the exchange by now. Urianger reading Alisae's fortune, Alphinaud quietly reading with Zana - words Allie never thought she would ever find strung together like that - and Q'ihnn talking with Y'shtola.
In short, almost all of her friends' eyes were upon her, and Allie just knew her face had gone as red as her hair. thank the twelve Beloch isn't here... if her fiance had been there for this declaration, Allie would surely have leapt from the nearest balcony. "Is that so strange?"
"Yes" replied everyone in the room.
Now it was Allie's turn to pout. "ya know what, never mind, if you're gonna be like that." She went to turn away, but Ryne caught her hand before she could.
"No! I'm sorry. Please, I would love for you to cook me something." Ryne looked up at her with those big fucking eyes. God, how did she even do that??? It's like they inflate.
"Glad to hear it," Allie said with a smile. "Now, sit tight kid, I'll be right back."
One Hour Later...
"And she returns," Thancred said as Allie opened the door with her back, her arms laden with plates of food. "have trouble finding the kitchen?"
"No! ....yes," Allie replied sheepishly.
Q'ihnn chuckled before helping her with the dishes, bringing them to a table that had appeared in the middle of the room. Whatever the occupant of the Ocular needed, the Ocular had a way of providing. 'This smells delicious," Q'ihnn said, taking a nice long sniff of the curry on his plate. "You cooked for all of us?"
Allie sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "Well I mean, might as well, ya know?" She took her place at the end of the table with her food, and watched as her friends ate. She watched, and wondered why it had taken her so long to show them that she could cook. Honestly, such a small thing, being able to cook. Why had she always been so hesitant to let them in on even that? Well, she knew why, actually. Gods help her, she knew why. "I haven't cooked for anyone since...since my family."
"You cooked for your father?" asked Thancred. "and your brothers? You, cooking for a household of six?"
"My people were oppressed, Thancred, not perfect. But, yes, I did. And...I actually really enjoyed it." Her eyes fell on Ryne as she ate. Her opinion, to be honest, mattered the most to her. Ryne only knew her as the warrior of darkness. Not "the madwoman of Cronera", "Shepard of the All-Black" or any of the other fear-mongering names the Garleans gave her. She just saw a hero. Maybe that's why...
Ryne looked up from her first bite, smiling the same way her little brother would when he had her cooking. "It's delicious!" she said.
And like that, a small, barely noticeable part of her sprung back to life, like a plant finally getting the water it needed. It didn't mend anything. But something once dead, however small, was alive again.
And Allie smiled, and set to her own food.
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jdtrashman · 1 year
What’s their relationship with their parents like?
Allienea Shepard loved her dad. More than anything else in the world.
Oronea Shepard was the head priest of the small thavnairian island community of Cronera, who found baby Allie washed up on the beach one night after a terrible storm, taking her in as his own daughter.
While the Cronerans luddite, isolated lifestyle resulted in Oro being a bit conservative, he nonetheless encouraged his daughter to fulfill the great potential he saw in her.
Then, on the day of the calamity, as the empire sacked cronera to sate the ego of one spurned garlean general, Livia Sas Junus shot Oronea Shepard in the back of the head, execution style, right in front of Allie.
She still sees his face sometimes when she closes her eyes, smiling gently through the blood as the gun cocks behind him, his last words searing into her mind.
"Allie...don't be afraid."
Allienea Shepard loved her dad. More than anything else in the world.
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jdtrashman · 1 year
👮🏻‍♂️- how does my muse see authority? Is it something to be respected at all times, or is it okay to call out injustice hiding behind the letter of the law? Are they a rule-follower or an iconoclast?
The first thing Allie did when she arrived in Ul'Dah, the method by which she met her best friend in the entire world, was set Lord Lolorito's carriage ablaze by glaring at it reeeeeally hard and letting the fact that she's the magical equivalent of a knocked open fire hydrant do the rest.
Authority is a suggestion to Allie more than a rule. And if she does not like the suggestion, then her response is typically fire :)
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jdtrashman · 7 days
20. Does your character trust Alchemy or Magic more?
Alchemy, insofar as either one can be trusted.
Any mage worth their staff knows that magic cannot be trusted, in much the same way that wind cannot. Sure, it's useful, but it will turn from a gentle breeze one day into a devastating hurricane the next. We need fire to live, but if a forest hasn't had a good rainfall in some time, our mutual friend Mr. Fire needs to stay far away.
Magic is nature, Alchemy is science. Science has rules, and therefore is inherently more trustworthy. But magic doesn't need trust, it just is. Trust has nothing to do with it.
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jdtrashman · 6 months
17. What would embarrass you?
Allie pouted and crossed her arms. "Whenever Beloch or Rhea flirt with me when everyone is watching. It's so...god, they know it annoys me, why do they keep doing it?!"
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jdtrashman · 8 months
9. What do they regret the most?
Making that deal with Ferallie.
She wanted, no, needed revenge for what had been done to her family. But making a deal with a voidsent was always going to end badly. That she has since come to terms with her literal inner demon is irrelevant, letting that beast into her, binding their souls together, was a mistake.
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jdtrashman · 8 months
20. in a moment of worry
The word cut through the fog of her thoughts, joined by a hand on her shoulder. Allie did not know how long she had been staring into the fireplace, but judging by Q'ihhn's tone it must've been a while.
Allie looked back at her friends. What few of them remained, anyway. Ophianne was in the corner, bitching about how cold it was. Or at least, Allie assumed that's what she was bitching about. Besides Q'ihnn, all she heard around her was a low ringing. Even Q'ihnn's voice took effort to make out above the overwhelming noise. Zana was busy trying to comfort Alphinaud, while Haurchefant served them hot chocolate.
all his fault came a voice in the back of her mind. A voice that she was not in the mood to hear right now. No, it was not his fault. The one at fault was dead. And his cronies would be dead soon enough. They, she would kill them. She would kill Ilberd for what he had done.
What he had done...
Q'ihnn was holding both of her shoulders now. Twelve only knew what she looked like right now. Now even his voice was drowned out by the noise. And all she could see was Beloch. Smiling as best as he could before falling, his great wide chest that she had clung to mere weeks ago, filled with arrows and bleeding. A night she tried to write off as a mistake, born of passion. What she would give to return to it, to return to him. Now she never would. It wasn't alphinaud's fault.
It was hers.
It happened again. She was alone again. She was all alone again. And it was all her fault. She...she needed to get out of here. She yanked her shoulders out of Q'ihnn's arms, stepped to the door, and walked out into the snow.
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jdtrashman · 1 year
Primal Element: Allienea Shepard
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sun magic draws from the heat and energy of the sun. sun magic has a dual nature: it can conjure spells of light, growth, nurturing and transformation — or it can call upon fire, heat, and destruction. sun-connected creatures are often intense and charismatic, and make natural leaders.
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jdtrashman · 1 year
Why do you hurt: Allienea Shepard
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you swallow pain & fold around it
you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen
Quiz can be found here
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jdtrashman · 1 year
3 & 5 (for Allie, Rhea, and Beloch of course uwu)
(for context, my WoL, Allienea Shepard, is in a polygonal marriage with two people, one being an alt of mine, an Au Ra named Beloch Bluesail, the other being an alt of Ana here, a viera named Rhea Basco)
3. who cooks? Who cleans up? Who's banned from the kitchen?
Allie is queen of the kitchen. Beloch and Rhea help out with the cleaning, but that is as far as they are allowed to get to the kitchen utensils. They don't need a repeat of the Sweetroll Incident. They barely managed to hide all the bodies last time...
5. who does what chores?
In exchange for Allie doing all the cooking for them and their adopted daughter Yashu, Beloch handles the laundry and dishes, while Rhea cleans the house
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