#allister garboczi
absurdist-void · 4 years
If you would like to tell me what’s wrong and how to resolve any feelings you have, you can message me on Discord at Adrian Kelvin Tepes#7718.
I’m not going to play teenager mind games with you constantly reading my blog and sending me abusive anonymous messages every few months. Talk to me like an adult. You’re almost 30. You’re too old for this cowardly shit.
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absurdist-void · 4 years
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Oh boo. Anon was just the stalker that wants to fuck me and my rejection made them go coocoo bananas.
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absurdist-void · 4 years
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If you’re trying to send me an ask, I did not receive it.
If you want to message me, my discord is Adrian Kelvin Tepes#7718 as I’ve said for, like, 2 years.
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absurdist-void · 3 years
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girl….what were YOU doing at the devil’s sacrament?
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absurdist-void · 4 years
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this girl wants to fuck me so bad
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absurdist-void · 4 years
Totally understand if you'd rather not share the details, but if you're okay sharing, what the heck is up with your stalker!? I assume you know them given the names in your bio, but like how did this situation arise? Why are they stalking you? From what you've posted they sound freaky... I'm sorry you're dealing with that :<
They were a former friend of mine that I had to block out of my life because we share completely opposite politics. I just can’t be friends with people who value wealth and status quo over human life. I can’t be friends with liberals or other right wing individuals.
The other reason is that they often defended the entity Samael. I don’t know what “Samael” is, whether he be the darkest parts of the collective unconscious or an independent spiritual entity, but I couldn’t be around someone that constantly talked about and defended a thing that raped and tormented me almost every single night in nightmares when I was trying to work my way through getting rid of it. To me, it felt like spending time with someone that still wanted to be friends with my rapist and constantly talked about how mystical and great he is. I can’t be around people that know him or talk about him. It was turning me into an even more reactive, angry, feral person. It pushed my stress levels to the max and everything felt like fight or flight. It did not make me a better person.
Fortunately, since I’ve distanced myself from these people, I’ve become stronger and more able to fight back whatever this creature is.
I can’t really speak for her motivations in reading my blog constantly, but I suspect it’s some sort of spiritual thing. When we spoke, she talked about how I looked just like the Lilith she knew. And she was in love with Lilith because she’s Eve? Idk.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks I cursed her or something despite me not even believing in cursing and non-psychological magic.
She and her friend, Misha, constantly look through my tags related to Samael and other spiritual topics.
This stresses me out because as a teenager, I had a person that would take everything I said about my experiences and would go and immediately say that they had the exact same experiences and that they could see my own memories. It was wild. They were basically taking my own dreams that my brain conjured up, and claimed them as their own. It was nuts. It’s like a weird way of stealing intellectual property. People are legitimately weirdos. Imagine stealing someone’s DREAMS.
Anyway, she once followed my twitter and then when I messaged her, she blocked me lol. I offered multiple times for her to talk to me and tell me what she wants, but she never took up the offer and just reads my blog constantly.
Honestly feels like I’m trying to escape a Samael cult lol.
I unfollowed and blocked most spiritual blogs except for a few people I talk to because I’m just done with all of it. I’m done.
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absurdist-void · 4 years
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