#alll da screenies
Qaara Kagon
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Character Chart
Character’s Full Name:  Storm Chaser Priestess, Qaara of the Kagon
Reason or Meaning of Name: Title mostly. Infusing her natural aetheric abilities for “storm” magics and she is a trained low tier priestess of the Kagon tribe
Character’s Nickname/Alias: N/A
Reason for Nickname/Alias: N/A
Birth Date: 26th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
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Physical appearance
Age:  20
How old does he/she appear: Slightly younger, maybe late teens
Weight: 94lb (50kg/7stones)
Height: 4ft 7in (143cm)
Body build: Slender, soft, slightly toned but mostly just gentle curves
Shape of face: Heart, slightly broad forehead but it’s hidden by her bangs
Eye color: soft violet rimmed in glowing soft leven blue limbals
Glasses or contacts: N/A
Skin tone: pale cream
Distinguishing marks: Known: Freckles - light dusting over her cheeks and nose - Freckles - light dusting over her shoulders and back of neck Unknown / Known to a few: Inked in runes along her spine - Blackened left arm covered in moonlight silver markings
Predominant features: Auri Horns
Hair color: Black with deep pink tips
Type of hair:  Short, straight
Hairstyle:  Semi- asian style cut with straight banks, lazily layered back, long chunks that hang to either side of her face. All the “layerd chunks”, bangs etc are tipped with deep pink.
Voice:  Below a whisper, usually slightly raspy if she talks at all these days
Overall Attractiveness: 8/10 (her personal opinion)
Physical Disabilities: Can not actually heal well despite being a priestess - needs open areas to use her full storm magics (i.e large room with a high ceiling or be outside)
Usual Fashion of Dress: Cloth or light leather - usually dyed black - long robes and a mask during daylight - short near nothing attire at night or inside - often doesn’t wear tops if is around other auri or those comfortable with it.
Favorite Outfit: SImple cotton short shorts and nothing else
Jewelry or Accessories: Feathered Owl Mask, black with silver tips - leather cords about her wrists decorated with various rune stones (uses these in place of wand/staff)
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Good Personality Traits: Open to being friendly and open minded upon a first meeting. - Always tries to give people a chance to show their true selves and accept the person for who they are, not what others say they are or expect them to be
Bad Personality Traits: Is sometimes a bit too trusting, is loyal to a fault in that once she trusts you and accepts you as a close friend or more...she can not see a wrong in you even should you commit a great crime. She’ll defend you and give excuses for you to the death!~
Mood Character is Most Often In: Relaxed, cheerful, curious
Sense of Humor: Most things go over her head if they are of a perverted nature but she can laugh at just about anything thrown at her
Character’s Greatest Joy In Life: Relaxing and watching the night sky change from star filled to a raging storm.
Character’s Greatest Fear: Her darkness being found out and rejected by a person she is most close to
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?  Losing a loved one should she ever fall in love.
Character Is Most at Ease When:  It is night time and raining/storming
Most Ill at Ease When: During the day, high noon, in the desert.
Enraged When: Someone threatens her or her close friends.
Depressed or Sad When: Always a little bit, hiding one’s darkness is….a deeply tiring and emotional toil that goes unseen by nearly everyone.
Life Philosophy: Give people another chance to prove themselves...don’t let a single moment define a person….people CAN change if they have the willpower to do so and are given the chance.
If Granted One Wish, It Would Be: To have just ONE person understand and accept her AND her darkness...no try to change or rid her of it.  
Character’s Soft Spot: Injured friends
Is This Soft Spot Obvious to Others?: Very much so.  
Greatest Strength: Adaptability
Greatest Vulnerability or Weakness: Emotions
Biggest Regret: Not leaving her tribe’s Kha sooner (she is still a part of the tribe!)
Minor Regret: Keeping most people at a specific distance as far as relationship closeness goes
Biggest Accomplishment: Not succumbing to the curse upon her
Minor Accomplishment: Becoming fairly strong with storm magics
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None yet..
 Character’s Darkest Secret: The reason why her arm is blackened
Does Anyone Else Know?: Yes, one person is slowly learning the secret.
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Drives and Motivations: Survival, making friends, finding one special person  
Immediate Goals: Survival
Long Term Goals: Finding someone to stick to through thick or thin
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: She’s just winging it!
How Other Characters Will Be Affected:  If she doesn’t get attached...they won’t be? If she does, ho boy get ready for a roller coaster of fun!~
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Hometown: Azim Steppes - Kagon Kha
Type of Childhood: Difficult - Shunned my tribes members for being ‘Azim Touched’ - Favored by Elders for darker reasons
Pets: N/A
First Memory: Waking up in the middle of the day, sunburnt and with a black mark about her left middle finger.
Most Important Childhood Memory: Spurring into action her first raging storm
Childhood Hero: N/A
Dream Job: To travel the world alongside someone and dive into the darker aspects of it.
Education: Trained in simple healing magics - Near Master in Storm related magics - Trained in simple weapons and staves as well as long staffs
Religion: Worships Nhaama  
Finances: Able to provide for herself but nothing showy
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Current Location: Ul’dah possibly or somewhere within Thanalan
Currently Living With: Nobody, sometimes crashes at Crossroads Haven (FC she is a part of)
Pets: N/A
Religion: Worships Nhaama
Occupation: Healer or Mage for hire
Finances: Livable
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Siblings:  N/A
Relationship With Them:  N/A
Spouse: N/A
Relationship With Them: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship With Them: N/A
Other Important Family Members:  N/A
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Color: Moonlight Silver - Black - Deep Rose Pink
Least Favorite Color: White - Gold
Music: Orchestral
Food: Sweets - Meats - Fruits
Literature: History books - Books on elemental magics
Form of Entertainment: Books - Traveling
Expressions: A soft and inviting smile
Mode of Transportation: Porting Crystals or her own two feet
Most Prized Possession: Owl Mask
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Hobbies: Reading, practicing her magics, daydreaming, wandering
Plays a musical instrument?: Nope, can’t even sing
Plays a sport?: N/A
How he would spend a rainy day?: Walking out in the rain, meditating
Spending Habits: Spends what she needs when she needs but would rather trade as is the custom of her homeland
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: Sometimes, usually a glass of wine or two, socially
Other Drugs: Nope
What does he/she do too much of?: Daydream
What does he/she do too little of?: Train in Healing
Extremely Skilled At: Storm or elemental magics
Extremely Unskilled At: healing magics
Nervous Tics: Will fall silent or remove herself quickly from situations she can not handle
Usual Body Posture: Upright - relaxed - yet ready to act in an instant
Mannerisms: Cheery - Polite - Sociable
Peculiarities: Will randomly greet people in the most random ways, usually mimicking their posture and expressions after stepping up beside them.
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Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious?: Both - situation depending
Logical or Emotional?: Both - usually logical
Disorderly and Messy or Methodical and Neat?: Chaotic organization
Prefers Working or Relaxing?: Both - understands one must work to be able to truly relax
Confident or Unsure of Themself?: Confident in most things - a few she might second guess on
Animal lover?: Has no opinion - would like a creature but it’d need to be useful in some manner
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How She Feels About Herself: Like she is not doing enough to be worthwhile
One Word Character Would Use To Describe Themselves: Lost
Paragraph Description on How They’d Describe Themselves: <”Just a lost kagon searching for her destiny. Trying to make friends and looking for one that stands out, one to follow or stand beside. I just….want one person I do not have to always smile around, who I can relax beside and who is not hateful or….wanting to ‘fix’ me. I am not broke, only lost and searching for my path.”>
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Social openness
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Too Secretive
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: Her pale skin
How does the character think others perceive him/her? A bit weird but easy to approach….she hopes
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself? Nothing at the moment.
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 Relationships with others
Opinion of Other People in General: Everyone is a blank canvas waiting to be painted and revealed as a masterpiece!
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Nope! Though as she becomes ever more mute people might misunderstand?
Person Character Most Hates: N/A
Best friend(s): N/A
Love interest(s): Secret
Person Character (Would) Go to For Advice: Mogoi Qestir
Person Character Feels Responsible For: N/A
Person Character Feels Awkward Around: N/A
Person Character Openly Admires: N/A
Person Character Secretly Admires: Secret
Tagging: @mogoi-xiv @hei-lowell
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