seidenbros · 2 years
Hi I was just wondering if I could request a one shot of a 18 year old named Jamie the sister of Joe Keery who also plays Chloe Harrington Steve’s sister and during the Billy and Steve fight scene from S2 Jamie is holding the kids back while everyone is screaming their lines she gets hit with this overwhelming feeling of dizziness & nausea from exhaustion of filming all day. She quickly shakily grabs onto something to keep her balance & grabs the attention of the crew the duffers yell cut & walk up asking if she’s ok while Dacre & Joe stand beside her. When she says she feels faint & stumbles both boys careful grab her & lead her to a couch on set the duffers call medics to check her over as Joe tries to keep her talking & alert not to faint as well as the duffers doing the same but very little leading to Joe taking care of her the rest of the day.
If you can’t I completely understand have a great day
Hello, love! Thank you for sending this in, this was such a sweet picture sou painted with that in my head, and while I'm not one for real life ships, THIS is some platonic friendship and siblings, so I tried my hands at it and hope this came out alright. I really enjoy writing sibling relationships as it seems (and mix in a little good friend Dacre here). So, I hope you enjoy this little piece 💚
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Pairing: NONE, but big brother Joe, platonic friend Dacre Word count: 2387 Warning/Tags: mentions over undereating, but no eating disorder, nausea, dizziness, fake blood (let me know if I missed anything
Working on a show like Stranger Things had been a completely new experience for Jamie, especially because she was playing alongside her brother Joe. In the show, they were playing siblings, just like in real life, so the friendly banter that happened on screen was something they were doing from experience. There had always been little fights as well, but in the end, they had a wonderful relationship, could always count on each other. Something the Duffer brothers had picked up on and had allowed them to show on screen as well. Where there was Joe, there was Jamie as well most of the time.
So, it was no wonder that she appeared in the fight scene between him and Dacre as well, taking over the job to keep an eye out for the kids. It had been a long day already, starting at four in the morning, but they wanted to finish filming that scene before they wrapped up for the day. Jamie felt the exhaustion in her bones, not having slept at all last night, hence being awake for way too long already without taking a break. She’d skipped lunch, because she hadn’t felt hungry, but by now, she was feeling how much that was wearing her down. It was just one more scene, she told herself, she could do that.
They got on their marks, Jamie among the kids waiting for Dacre to come through the door to start the scene. She swallowed hard, bit back the nausea that was threatening to pull her under, but she could do it. It wasn’t the first time, she was exhausted at work and was able to pull through, right?
Dacre barged in and delivered his lines before he went at Caleb. Jamie did her part and held the other ones back, trying to protect them from Billy, and Lucas was able to fend him off. Enter Steve, her brother who took up the role of protector in this scene once again. He landed his first punch, giving Caleb the opportunity to get back to the others and behind Jamie.
“I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about,” Dacre spewed his words at Joe, channelling Billy perfectly. If Jamie hadn’t known that they were filming, she’d definitely be scared of him, but she knew what a sweet soul Dacre was.
“Get out!” Just like they’d talked about, Joe spoke his words before Dacre swung at him. While they were fighting, crashing plates in the process, Jamie held her hands in front of the kids, keeping them back, hearing them yell their lines, when all of a sudden their voices sounded dull, like they were getting further and further away from her. She closed her eyes to shake off that feeling, but when she opened them again, the whole room started to spin, making her feel nauseous. Her knees felt weak, and she grabbed hold of the cupboard next to her to not crumble to the floor. Oh, this was bad, really bad.
Gaten’s eyes were on her, checking if she was alright, if this was part of the scene, something he’d missed out on or something they’d added without the rest of them not knowing. When Joe catches a glimpse of her, though, he doesn’t waste a second to get to his sister. The crew eventually realised what was going on.
“Cut!” could be heard throughout the set and everything stilled
Jamie could feel her brother’s presence beside her, someone else on the other side, gently grabbing hold of her elbow to stabilise her.
“Are you okay?” she heard someone ask, not sure who it was, because she’d closed her eyes again, trying to fight the dizziness.
“I… feel a little faint,” she whispered, wrapping her hand around Joe’s arm, because it was something, someone familiar.
“Come on, just a couple of steps.” Another familiar voice said, the one holding onto her elbow, and when she blinked her eyes open, she saw that it was Dacre, helping her to the nearest couch together with Joe.
“Can we get a medic in here?”
The commotion surrounding her made Jamie close her eyes again. She felt a little better as soon as she was seated and didn’t have to stand anymore, didn’t have to rely on her legs holding her up.
“How are you feeling?” Joe asked, taking her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze to keep her focus. “And don’t lie to me, ‘cause you know that I detect when you’re lying to me.” 
She could hear the smile in his voice, trying to lighten the mood. Being the centre of attention because of something like this wasn’t doing Jamie any good, she’d much rather be somewhere else, somewhere more private, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to walk over to her trailer right now.
“I thought I could pull through, you know?” she said quietly, eyes drifting shut again.
“No, no, no, don’t close your eyes. Look at me please!” Joe tilted her head upwards waiting for her to open her eyes again, and she did, making him smile in turn. “Good. You should have said something, Jamie. We could have rearranged something.”
“It was okay… and all of a sudden…” She shrugged her shoulders, earning her a squeeze of the hand Dacre was holding right now, sitting on the other side of her.
“It’s alright,” Dacre said, reassuring her, a smile on his face that stood in stark contrast to the fake blood from the fight between his character and Joe’s.
“I’m still sorry.”
“Stop apologising, okay? It’s no big deal. It could have happened to any of us.” Dacre ran his thumb over the back of her hand to reassure her, and it really slowed down her breathing a little.
When the medics arrived, Joe and Dacre gave them some room, but Joe stepped behind the sofa to put his hand on her shoulder, show her that he was there, and wouldn't go anywhere. The Duffer brothers stayed with them as well, while they dismissed everyone else. It wasn’t good to have everyone crowding in around Jamie, suffocating her. They were just worried about her friend, but right now, the less people, the better for her.
The medics took their time checking her vitals, asking her questions, and she already knew that this was mostly her own fault, so she bit her bottom lip after confessing about skipping dinner.
“Alright, she needs lots of rest starting now, something to eat and lots of water.”
Joe nodded his head immediately.
“I’ll take care of her.”
“We’ve wrapped it up anyway. And we don’t want to see you on set until you really feel better, okay?”
“Yeah… sorry about all this.” Jamie looked up at them with an apologetic smile, but nobody was angry at her like she’d feared. All of them had just been worried, and were glad that it was nothing serious.
“I’ll help you get her to the trailer,” Dacre offered, helping Joe get Jamie up off the sofa.
“You really don’t need to do that. I can walk by myself.” Jamie tried to protest, but the slight wobble in her step betrayed her words.
“Sure you can.” Joe rolled his eyes, gathering her things, while Dacre decided that there was an even better way to get her to her trailer.
“Wrap your arms around my neck and hold on tight,” he ordered her before lifting her up.
“Are you crazy! I’m way too heavy for you to be carrying me.”
“Actually, you’re not. And now, just hold on tight. That’ll make it easier.”
Joe just grinned to himself, watching the two, seeing the pout on Jamie’s lips slowly disappear, only to be replaced with a shy smile. She knew that she’d lost this battle, and should rather comply than start an argument that she was sure to lose.
Joe led the way to her trailer and opened the door, so that Dacre could carry her inside. He carefully put her down on the sofa.
“Thank you.” Jamie slowly looked up at both guys. “Really, I appreciate everything you’ve done.”
“You don’t think I’m gonna leave you all alone, do you?” Joe plopped down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “I’ll make sure that you follow the doctor’s orders!”
“And I’ll get you something to eat,” Dacre offered, and before Jamie could protest, he was out the door again.
“You really don’t have to stay here, Joe.”
“But I want to. Granted, I should probably take a shower, and so should you, but only after you've had something to eat.” He leaned over to press a kiss to her temple before he straightened again.
“God, I feel so awful about all this.” Jamie buried her face in her hands, trying to calm her breathing again. Now that they were alone, she thought about what had happened, how this had played out.
“Hey, hey, hey, stop that.” Joe reached for his sister’s hands, gently pulled them away from her face. “Things like that can happen, okay? No need to worry. Everyone was more concerned about your well-being anyway instead of anything else. Because they all care about you. Okay? We can keep filming tomorrow.”
“I…” she stuttered, taking a deep breath. She knew that he was right, she’d felt it in the way everyone had reacted, and so she was able to smile again. “Right. You’re right.”
“Good. You won’t get rid of me today. Well, just for a moment to take a shower, but apart from that, I’ll keep you company and make sure you get enough sleep.” Even if that meant that he had to sleep on the sofa, he would NOT leave her side tonight.
Dacre came back shortly after he’d left with steaming food for all three of them, an extra big portion for Jamie. While Joe gobbled down his dinner, the other two took their time.
“I’ll just take a quick shower and then I’ll be back, alright?” he asked, looking at Dacre and Jamie.
“Sure, I’ll keep her company,” Dacre answered with a grin, making Joe leave without having to worry about you.
“I can stay alone, you know? You’ve already done enough with getting food for us.”
“Nonsense. You’re not supposed to be alone right now, and I actually like spending time in your presence. So don’t worry about it, ‘kay?” Dacre gave her another smile, before he concentrated and the rest of his food. He hadn’t had time to get changed or shower, but he’d at least wiped the fake blood from his face, so he felt a little bit more like himself, even if he was still wearing the wig.
“Thank you,” Jamie said, a sincere smile on her lips.
“No problem.” Dacre watched her for a moment. “You really scared us there for a moment.”
“I know, and that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know that. Just… you need to listen to your body, to what you need, and if that means taking a break, so be it. Or do you need someone to remind you that you need to eat, even if you don’t feel like it?” It was an offer, and while she knew she could talk to her brother about this, make him remind her to get some food, it was nice to have someone else do that for a change.
“I think that might be a good idea.”
“Good, then I’ll do that, and maybe shove some food your way whenever I get something for myself.” Dacre chuckled, already having that plan in his head, because he wanted the people around him to feel good, to be safe, and if that meant taking care that you ate enough throughout the day, he was happy to take that upon himself.
They ate the rest of their meal together, chatting about this and that until Joe came back from his shower.
“You feeling better?” he asked, taking his seat again, looking her over, but he was already relieved to see the colour returning to her face.
“Yeah, definitely. Thank you!” She looked between the two men in her trailer, a smile on her lips.
“Good! Now, you’ll need lots of rest, so I’ll leave the two of you alone and hop in the shower.”
“Thanks Dacre!” Joe spoke up, grinning at his friend. While they were enemies on screen, they’d grown quite close off screen.
“Anytime!” With that, he was out of the door, leaving Jamie and Joe alone.
“And you’re gonna take a shower, leave the door unlocked, and then we can watch a movie or whatever, alright?”
“Can we watch Digimon Adventure?” she asked, giving him her best puppy eyes. A wave of nostalgia hit Joe, but he chuckled. They used to watch it when they were younger all the time.
“Sure thing. Now get a move on, before I shove you in there. You stink.” He got up to clean the plates, a grin plastered on his lips.“I do not!” Jamie gasped, clutching a hand to her chest, before she got up and hugged her brother from behind, held him like that for a moment, before she grabbed a fresh set of clothes and vanished into the bathroom. Joe looked after her, shaking his head. He’d been worried sick about her, but now he was able to calm down a bit. He wasn’t only the protective Steve Harrington in the series, a part of that was all him as well, because he couldn’t not take care of the people he loved. And so he waited for his sister to get out of the shower so that he could tuck her in and watch her favourite series with her until she drifted off to sleep. Much needed sleep at that! All the trouble was forgotten the next morning, when she could start over fresh - and since then, Dacre always had some food for her, even if it was just a chocolate bar.
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