fidelismileslucem · 3 years
Know You Better
Slowly, Jack parsed through the thick file in his hands. He'd already memorized every detail between the manila folds, but it never hurt to re-review.
His new assignment was a wealthy vampire recognized for his generosity, his hand in destabilizing notorious slavery rings, and his relationship with the Queen herself. From what Jack had gathered, this 'Gabriel Reyes' was something of a confidant and adviser, and he felt it safe to say Reyes held a trusted friendship with her ladyship, one strong enough for her to come to his defense when accused of murder behind closed doors.
Evidence had recently surfaced that pointed to Reyes as the culprit behind an escalating string of murders, and the Queen, believing this to be an outside force attempting to frame Reyes, ordered an investigation.
That was part of Jack's job, determining whether or not this Reyes was a homicidal killer. The other part was keeping Reyes safe, as his personal bodyguard. If the Queen was right, that meant someone was targeting Reyes in a way that indicated they knew exactly who they were dealing with. A threat to Reyes' life would be imminent, and if he's innocent, it would be a tragic loss for both the Queen, and her kingdom.
Slavery rings were a well known cog in the machine of the Underground, and while they weren't polite topics to have over tea, everyone was aware of them. Feared them.
Men like Reyes had risen in direct and open opposition to them, and Reyes' property was symbolic, a beacon of hope for those freed and not. To lose that (during critical moves to bring the last of the rings to their knees, no less) would have repercussions that even Jack couldn't predict.
It was common knowledge that the village surrounding Reyes' mansion housed freed slaves, free to go wherever they wish, while given the option to stay under Reyes' protection in the village. The property was well warded and well guarded, and if the rumors of Reyes' abilities were to be believed, the man himself was as dangerous as they come. The promise of his protection alone would be enough to scare off any slavers trying to reclaim their property, while the rumors of it among those still trapped provided something something to believe in.
They needed Reyes now, more than ever, and Jack could only hope that Reyes was as innocent as the Queen believed him to be.  
Jack looked up from his folder and out the carriage window to the town passing by. It was a beautiful little place, small houses pressed tightly together with creeping vines edging over any surface within reach. The cobblestone streets were well worn and well tended, along with little gardens and planters scattered down the alleys and window ledges. If it weren't so late, Jack knew he would have seen the streets bustling with people, and the more he watched, the more it reminded him a little bit of home. As his thoughts started to drift, Jack caught his first glimpse of of Reyes' mansion through the trees.
This building two stories high, and matched the weathered look of the surrounding village. Dark, elegant accents of iron fought snaking foliage along the walls, and Jack's second thought, the first marveling at the gorgeous mansion, was how much of a nightmare this building was going to be to reinforce.
Jack regretted starting to count how many windows and access points he could see, and that didn't even include all of the ones he couldn't. He'd have to do a walk around the perimeter himself to see all of the vantage points one could use as a sniper, but he'd already noticed at least four. A crease formed between his brows as he counted three trees providing direct access to the second floor via branches.
All things he would have to address with his new charge.
Jack thumbed the small sketch of Gabriel Reyes, given to him in the file, and he tried not to think too hard about how many times he'd looked at the little photo. Reyes was... attractive. Dark, hooded eyes, with broad shoulders, and a jawline that Jack had caught himself staring at multiple times- all made the unprofessional side of Jack wish this wasn't a job. Gabriel Reyes was exactly the type Jack would ask out for drinks, and then some.
A soft sigh escaped Jack's lips as the carriage pulled to a stop at the front door, and a young elf dressed in a servant's uniform descended the steps. Jack tucked the picture back into the file, and he placed his derby hat back on his head. The file returned to his bag just as the door was opened for him, and it didn't go unnoticed by Jack that when he smiled at his greeter the pointed tips of his greeter's ears turned a bright red.
“Mr. Morrison?”
Jack nodded again, and the other man looked shyly away.
“Master Reyes has been expecting you,” he gestured for Jack to follow him, and as Jack stepped out he took a slow breath of misty, evening air.
“Could I get your name?” Jack asked as they ascended the stairs, and the servant blinked over at Jack in surprise.
“I... I'm Renneth, sir.”
“Thank you Renneth,” Jack smiled again, and Renneth quickly looked away.
Once inside Rennth took Jack's coat and hat, and he gestured to a waiting room off to the side, where Jack politely took a seat.
“Please wait here while I announce your arrival. I'll return shortly.”
Jack nodded as Renneth bowed politely and departed, and Jack watching him ascend a set of stairs to disappear down a hall on the second floor.
It took about an entire minute before Jack was on his feet and inspecting his surroundings. He'd never been the type to sit still for long, and the new setting only made the new body guard want to explore.
The interior of the manor was as rustic and charming as the exterior, with matching furniture, accents, and artwork. It was... homey, while still a representation of the vast wealth this man must have. It seemed Reyes was a collector, both in certain aesthetics as well as magic items, which were generally not cheap. Most magic items appeared as and ordinary object to those not magically inclined, but as Jack drifted past a vase holding a delicate bouquet of dried flowers, he felt a familiar hum resonate from it's surface. Jack had always had an affinity for sensing magic, and when he noticed two more items held the same vibration, and he wondered what the enchantments might be.
Jack was no wizard or fae, so he'd never be able to learn how to identify magic or it's intended purpose, but the fact that he could sense it at all was odd for a human. Having adoptive parents meant he'd never really know if he had any magical ancestry, but it was unlikely that he did. If there was magic in his blood, Jack should have shown signs by now, puberty was often a time for supernatural abilities to manifest, and after the super soldier serum trials it was obvious he was simply an oddity in his little talent.
A secret project among the Queen's guard and her secret service, the series of experimental injections were meant to enhance the abilities and magical properties of supernatural soldiers receiving the serum. Someone like Jack should not have been a potential candidate at all, but after hearing about the project and taking interest in it's focus- an elite team dedicated to serving the Queen more directly- Jack reached out to his superiors and personally requested to take part. He was a perfect candidate, as far as numbers went, acing every test and check the administrators put in place, and after a short debate over his eligibility, Jack was allowed his place.
Unfortunately, while the serum did cause Jack's body to change, he was stronger, faster, and had reflexes far above the average human, these weren't the types of changes the project was looking for. These were enhanced natural abilities, not magical. Jack was simply an 'exceptional human' – and he was quietly dismissed from the project. The actual results of the project were hidden from anyone not directly involved, and Jack was one of the few who knew the terrible fate he'd narrowly missed.
Despite his disappointment, and the general failure of the project, Jack's dedication to the Crown and his exceptional abilities, new and old, were quickly recognized. It wasn't long before Jack's knack for tactical planning, quick thinking, and ability to lead under pressure were noticed, and he was promoted to a position within the Queen's secret service.
Now Jack was here, babysitting a friend of the Queen. It felt odd to be doing this type of job, and he could think of a few coworkers who might tease him about this assignment. Jack knew he was here because he was trusted, he wouldn't be here if this wasn't important, but it did feel a little strange to be working on his own, without his team.
Jack was startled from his musings when he glanced down the next hall. At the very end stool an ethereal looking woman with dark skin, long brown hair, and an elegant green dress that did not belong to that of a servant. Jack blinked and he tried to remember the mention of a family in the file he'd been given, and he blinked again as her visage wavered. For a moment Jack wasn't sure what he was seeing was real. He gave a small wave and took a step down the hall, only to be stopped by a familiar, and gently frantic voice.
“Mr. Morrison – sir!”
Jack turned to see a flustered Renneth rushing towards him, and when Jack glanced back down the hall the young woman was gone.
“Please sir, I-I didn't know where you'd gone! I'm to bring you up to M- ma- Lord – Lord Reyes' study. Please follow me.”
It surprised Jack that he wasn't scolded for his wandering, but not finding Jack where Renneth had left him had obviously upset the young man, and Jack found himself feeling a little guilty.
“Of course, lead the way Renneth. I have a bad habit of jumping right into work, I'm sorry.”
The servant nodded, Jack's apology seemed to settle his nerves, and he led Jack up the stairs to second floor.
“Can I ask you something Renneth?” Jack asked as they walked. “I wasn't aware there was a lady of the house, who is she?” Jack took silent notes of each little improvement he'd want to make to the security of this particular hallway.
“Excuse me, sir- but there is no lady of the house. L-Lord Reyes has no family, he lives here alone, outside from those of us who work here.”
Jack's brow furrowed but he said nothing more about it. What he'd seen earlier must have been a trick of the light, a result of a long day of travel.
It wasn't long before they were standing in front of the door to the study, and Jack adjusted his suit jacket and vest before thanking Renneth. The elf blushed when addressed and bowed politely before he scurried off down the hall.
He must be new.
Jack mused before he let himself into the study. Once inside he closed the door quietly behind him, and turned to his new employer with one of his most charming smiles.
“Captain Jack Morrison, at your service, Lord Reyes,” he offered the other a small bow before straightening up to face the start of his new assignment.
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las-skywalker · 5 years
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