girlmourn-a-blog · 7 years
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                  your soul is a wall of thorns. the pain says, what can i do for you ?                   you say, nothing. this is a dream from which i know i will wake.                                     est. 081117. tracking #almightyguilt ! 
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bewitchie-blog · 7 years
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childeater · 7 years
↕ 5'0,,,,
send me ↕ + your muse’s height // not accepting
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lionguilt · 7 years
heart thingy + kimchie cuz im on mobile 👀👀
send me a ♡ and a word and i’ll write a headcanon / always accepting / @almightyguilt
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the very first time richie ever fell in love was when he was in primary school, and he still had the chance to watch saturday morning cartoons. if you asked him, he wouldn’t really know what to tell you, except that storm kicks major ass and she’s totally the best member of the x-men. the second time wasn’t much more than a passing crush, and he probably wasn’t even all that aware of it himself—-he just knew that bill was great, and he’d give just about anything to keep him around. both instances were easy to deal with, because he never once thought about his feelings being returned, and was just happy that they stuck around long enough to become a constant in his life.the third time, though, was a completely different story—-he noticed it about halfway into the summer, after they’d all gotten to know each other and everything going on just seemed to push them all closer and closer together. kim might’ve smacked him, because he might’ve made a joke that, let’s face it, probably wasn’t all that appropriate; it wasn’t the first time he’d gotten a bad review, but he’d never gotten one quite like that before. maybe it was his compulsive need to grasp at any sign of even the slightest bit of attention, but he didn’t mind her calling him an idiot ( she was never wrong, either ), or smacking him upside the head when he just wouldn’t shut up—-it seemed, in some convoluted way, a lot like caring.when she finally got around to saying something about it, though, he was more anxious than relieved—-’ i love you ’ sounded like a totally foreign concept, one of which he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around. it never seemed to apply to him, like something you read about in books or see on tv, but can never imagine happening in real life. afterall, how do you take something you’ve only ever learned to give?he’s terrible at the whole relationship thing, even when he comes to terms with the fact that, yes, she does feel the same way he does and, no, that’s not a bad thing. he’s probably overly affectionate, always having to hold her hand or simply be touching her somehow ( a gentle hand on her shoulder, fingers splayed over her thigh, his cheek against the top of her head ), and he’s entirely unapologetic about it. will 100% participate in pda, especially if it bothers somebody near them—-he’ll even make those gross ‘ mmmmmmwah ’ sounds every single time he kisses her, just because he can. very genuinely never gets tired of it all, because how could he? have you seen his girlfriend? luckiest man alive, you ask? richie tozier.
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pnywse-blog · 7 years
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❛  tasty tasty flesh . ❜
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girlmourn-a-blog · 7 years
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                  * i.                    the stars know what it means to suddenly become.                  * ii.                     let go. you are still so young and wild.                    loved & hated adored by ginger / est. 081117. tracking #almightyguilt !
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bewitchie-blog · 7 years
icon thingy cuz im mobile
*   send me a ♗ and I’ll use my icon style to make icons of your muse  ! currently  :   accepting   !     @almightyguilt .
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grumpyotto-blog · 7 years
@almightyguilt || liked for human Otto
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Otto was just walking home from school when he spotted the girl in the street. She seemed familiar, probably just another face from his school.
“Hey!” He called in an attempt to be friendly. “Do you live around here? My name’s Otto.”
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lionguilt · 7 years
@almightyguilt liked for a starter.
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His chest burned with a mixture of panic and the need for oxygen, but he didn’t stop—-he couldn’t. The hurried crunch of leaves and violent snap of branches beneath his feet seemed to echo against the otherwise overwhelming silence, but the sound barely registered at all. There were so many things he’d chased so desperately after in this life, whether metaphorical or literal, but this seemed to make everything before this seem so meaningless and trivial. This passed want and went straight to need, and he damn near hated himself for not realizing it sooner. How many ways are there to reply to ‘ I love you ’ , anyway? Richie, in the moment, could only think of one, and he knew it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. It wasn’t what he should’ve said. As most anything that comes out of his mouth, it was complete shit, and he knew it. Still, it was like he couldn’t stop it—-she’d bared her soul ( or some other poetic bullshit ), and he couldn’t even return the gesture.    ❝ Kim! ❞ Finally spotting her was like a breath of fresh air, but his lungs still screamed with the need for more, and he nearly tumbled to the ground the second he was close enough to stop. His body lurched forward and his hands struggled to hold him up against his knees, but he managed to not completely sink into the dirt like he wanted to—-like he should. Words seemed to get stuck inbetween wheezing breaths and dry swallows, but he coughed them out nevertheless, his fervor muddled with the anxiety of knowing he’d fucked something else perfectly good up.    ❝ Kim, I’m—-I’m so sorry, ❞ he starts, finally pulling himself back up to his full height, wide eyes framed perfectly behind thick glass and shoulders still heaving.  ❝ I shouldn’t have said that. This isn’t—-it’s not funny. I just, I didn’t—- ❞ Richie’s breath skips in his throat, and he’s forced to stop for a moment, two, before he realizes he’s shut his eyes and his brows have screwed together so tight he can feel the ache between them. Prying them open to look at her once more is among one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do, but he does it, because he owes her that much. ❝ I don’t... no one has ever said that to me, before. I didn’t know what to say, so I—-I did what I always do and acted like a fucking idiot. I’m sorry. ❞
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barmitzvahed · 7 years
the only stan :// i stan the best stan, i love your stan, Stanley Uris w Ow :// im love u sm sof, you're one of the best writers and one of my best friends ??? you: posts / me: YOU'RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE !!!
( how am i doing, folks? // accepting )
//dkjffdjdf im so floored by everything you are and love you so much !! thank you for being the first person the support this blog and me and just sdjfkhdsf imma keep this forever
also, #stans4stan ammirite?
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bledtrauma-a · 7 years
 @almightyguilt  my  doors  are  open  .  let’s  talk  .
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lionguilt · 7 years
almightyguilt replied to your post: okay one last ooc post before i get working on the...
i got caps u
almightyguilt replied to your post: okay one last ooc post before i get working on the...
need ??
i would be indebted to u for the rest of my days
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barmitzvahed · 7 years
  //anyway anyone who blames mike even a little for...
i blame me
it’s all of our faults. we all killed stan. except mike.
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