#almost four years of being known as the raph guy for what </3
nordidia · 11 months
U should draw a Leo and Donnie tkl fight that would be so cute
boy i sure get alot of ppl asking/telling me to draw content of the other turtles together/alone when i have litealrly never in my life drawn or posted anything that wasnt related to raph 😭 /lh
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shantechni · 2 months
Okay, so the Turtles visual history cover, I love what they did with the styles they gave each turtle, left to right. Turtles count it off!
1. We start with Raphael in original comic style. Not just original comic, where they were streamlined(?) into basically the 03 look, but first issue style, with the pointy beak for an upper lip. This fits because the original comic turtles all had red bandanas. And while the following issues did still have violence, I think first issue is still the most, if not one of the most violent, and Raph is traditionally the most violent of the group.
2. Mikey, 80s cartoon style. I mean come on, he was most people’s favorite when it came to this show, he was practically the mascot, he was the one used for that anti drug thing with all the cartoon characters. And Mikey’s personality across iterations would usually be the one most fitting of the 80s style. And he’s got a slice, he also tends to be the one who loves pizza most, and the pizza loving was introduce through the show.
3. Leo…Not gonna lie, I’m kinda drawing a blank with this one. He could be movie Leo, because the 90 movie was huge, and now that I think about it, he is the first live action turtle we fully, clearly see on screen in that movie. That’s significant for turtles fans. I was thinking it could’ve been 03, but that show didn’t get much in the book (which it seems they’re gonna remedy in the revised and expanded version coming out soon).
4. Donnatello in 12 style. Firstly, legacy VA returned to voice him. Secondly, (which I honestly didn’t consider till now), 12 Donnie might have the most going for him out of all 4 (you of all ppl could correct me on that if I’m wrong). 03 Donnie was still smart and a tech wizz, but Donnie had a return to 80s form with making crazy machines out of garbage and alien tech, or just straight up garbage, and they work! Plus he’s got the crush on April, rivalry with Casey, personal struggles I’m not sure I’ve seen before, some other things, and he’s funny! I don’t think I liked Donnie in general as much as I liked 12 Donnie, and I think that was a common sentiment. He was definitely the least often favored Turtle till recent times, especially with Rise, which came out a while after this book. 12 Donnie was the start of him getting a lot of love.
🎵I love being a-I love being a-I love being a turtle!🎵 Wait, sorry. The counting got me going.
I was almost certain that's IDW Leo due to his design (though he more so reminds me of how the turtles are drawn on the Ultimate Collection covers), plus there's a potential pattern of, "comic turtle, cartoon turtle, comic, cartoon."
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I really do love the choices they went with for each turtle though, because it's arguable that the versions are representative of pivotal moments in their characterization. While Raph overall remained the same cynical, rough knuckled but soft-hearted turtle throughout the years (to great effect mind you depending on the execution), Mikey inevitably became known as the pizza loving party dude we recognize because of how the 80s cartoon depicted him, and that's something that's stuck with him for four decades now.
Again, not entirely sure of what Leo that one is, but if it is IDW Leo, that would make sense. The story he goes through in that era of the comics is undoubtedly unmatched by anything we received in the movies and cartoons. It was possibly the truest embodiment of him growing to be a leader and the largest amalgamation of hardships he goes through to reach that point.
'12 Donnie is such a silly little guy from a silly little show that ran at the same time as the IDW comics💀, but I'm willing to bet most (read: most, not all) people look at him as a pivotal version of the character. Obsessed with machinery and chemistry, awkward from spending years underground with the same folks for so long, but undeniably willing to go above and beyond for his family and friends. He's not unanimously the definitive best version of Donnie, but he was a bit of a trendsetter for some of the traits that reappear in the future iterarions, and Rob Paulsen's voice 100% added to this version of him.
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crypticbeliever123 · 6 years
Link to my fic on AO3. You can also read chapter 1 here below. Feel free to comment on what you thought of the fic! It’d be really appreciated.
It’s been 11 years since the mutation event, and 11 years since Splinter saw the man who was once his childhood friend rise to become the Shredder, the face of bigotry and hate directed against his kind. Though many people are accepting of mutants, he knows that there are also many who would fall in line with Oroku- no. Not Oroku Saki. Not anymore. Now he is only the Shredder, a villain who would see countless fall dead at his hands for simply being who they have become after Stockman’s experiment; a fate they could not control.
His old friend has grown quite powerful since he last saw him years before the event. Even in their youth Saki was a gifted Firebender, capable of using blue flame and lightning to great effect. Now he has found a new technique in his Bending. Firebenders have long been known to harness the power of their own chi to will fire into being. Now it seems that Shredder has managed to gain such control over chi that he can affect not only his own but that of others as well, severing the connection between spirit and chi within a person, cutting them off from their Bending permanently. Not even Splinter’s Energybending could restore their gifts.
Still, though Shredder has brought much pain and fear into this world Splinter has found small joys in it as well in the form of his four students, his adopted sons. Though they brought him joy as he has tried to do for them in return, he can’t help but feel pain in his heart for them and the sorrows that led to their union as a family.
First there was Leonardo, a Waterbender from the Foggy Swamp Tribe whose family left him behind in the chaos that erupted when the Shredder attacked. The great banyan-grove tree that resided there had caused a mass congregation of mutations through its connection to the Spirit Wilds just as had occurred at ground zero, Republic City itself. The Shredder had sought to bring about the end of all the mutants that had sprung up in the tribe by destroying the great banyan-grove tree using his new technique to kill the tree’s connection to the surrounding area and the Spirit Wilds. Though Splinter was unable to save the swamp from ruin at the Shredder’s hand, he was able to rescue the frightened Leo from death and take him in as his own.
Then, a year later Shredder laid siege to the city of Zaofu. Two Earthbenders, mutated into the forms of a female lizard and a male armadillo, did their best to hide their young son, Donatello, from the Shredder’s attack but sadly lost their lives in efforts to protect their child. Luckily, Splinter arrived just in time to save the young Donatello from being slaughtered as his parents had been. He still remembers holding the young turtle in his arms as he wept for the loss of his parents that night when they returned home to Republic City.
It was only a handful of months before Splinter found himself with yet another son; another turtle to his amusement. Michelangelo may not have been the Shredder’s target but he was still a victim of his nonetheless as Shredder’s attack on Republic City, in an effort to lure Splinter to his doom, led to much destruction that brought about the car accident that claimed the lives of Mikey’s parents. Splinter was called in to the Police Precinct after the incident, having informed the Police Chief that should any young mutants find themselves in need of a new home he was to be contacted at once. Mikey took to his new brothers almost immediately.
It was several years before he took in another son. This one he didn’t find through tragedy but rather by happenstance. Raphael was but 14 when Splinter found the turtle stealing food to survive. When confronted Raph attacked him with his Firebending, thinking he was in trouble with the Avatar. The fight ended quickly as Splinter used his own Bending to counter and offered to instead buy him a meal that they could talk over instead of fighting. Raphael told him about how in light of his mutation his father had attacked him and cast him from their home. Splinter felt sorry for the young Firebender and offered him a home. Though hesitant to trust him, Raphael agreed and was greeted by his three new brothers when they arrived at the Avatar’s Temple.
Over the years his sons have grown and become very capable Benders. Leonardo, who was now 17 was nothing short of a master, having trained to be skilled at not just natural Waterbending but also the arts of healing and Plantbending as well. Donatello, now 15, was as skilled at Bending metal as he was at bending other earthen materials and took full advantage of it in his inventing. Michelangelo, an energetic 14 year old, despite not having as wide a range with his Bending as his brothers did, was still gifted in his skills; enough so, that he frequently uses them in pranks around the temple. Raphael…
Raphael was different. No matter how hard he tried to teach him, the boy still could not even master the basics. It was as if he weren’t even trying. Raphael could create fire no problem, even large amounts of it if he lost his cool. It was simply controlling that fire that seemed difficult for him as he couldn’t direct flames very well and making precise movements with such fire was proving to be essentially impossible for the young Bender. His form and technique were both sloppy to say the least. Two years into his training and still no improvement.
“Again,” Splinter said with a sigh as Raphael failed in performing a basic Firebending technique once more.
Raph took a deep breath.
“Just relax and remember why you’re doing this,” the turtle whispered to himself as he drew in another breath only for his focus to be completely disrupted by Mikey bursting in with loud enthusiasm.
The Airbender just ignored him and flew past on an air scooter before coming to a stop.
“Guys, guys, guys! Check this out!” Mikey exclaimed as he pulled out a poster for a Pro-Bending match that was being held downtown.
“It’s Pro-Bending. So? What’s so great about it?” Raph questioned with irritation at Mikey’s exuberance as they were joined by Leo and Donnie.
“So?! It’s a match between the Fire Ferrets and the Boar-q-pines! They’re the two best teams in the circuit! We have to go and see them play!”
“I don’t know Mikey, I’ve still got a lot of work I need to do on my latest inven-” Donnie said before being interrupted by the sound of an explosion coming from his lab.
“On second thought, I’d love to go.”
“Yes! What about you Leo?”
“Sure thing. Sounds like fun. Raph, are you in?”
“Pass,” Raph said before turning to leave.
“Pass?! How can you pass up the chance to see the Fire Ferrets play the Boar-q-pines, bro?”
“Because I’m not as big a fan of Pro-Bending as you are. Heck, I’m not even a fan!”
“Blasphemy! Pro-Bending is the single greatest thing in the world and it is impossible to not love it. You just say you don’t like it because you know you’re not good enough to make any of the teams.”
“Michelangelo!” Splinter warned.
“It’s fine, Master Splinter. Mikey’s little jabs about my bending haven’t upset me before, they ain’t gonna start now,” Raph replied as he headed off to his room.
Raph sighed, sliding down against his bedroom door. The weight of his secrets could really eat at him sometimes. Luckily his phone started buzzing to take his mind off it. Surprise, surprise, a text message from his best friend Casey. Good ole Casey, always there when he needed him even if it was a total coincidence that he was calling at the exact moment when he needed him the most.
Practice is @ 3. Think u can make it or is Splinter still trying 2 “teach u firebending”? lol
Oh I’ll make it alright. Just make sure April’s there & geared up. Last time she was late & still needed 2 get changed
Clearly you’ve never taken college classes. Just be there on time, kay?
Kay btw Mikey’s trying 2 get the fam 2 go 2 our match this Friday
XD what’d u say?
Said it was stupid and that I wasn’t going
That’s what Mikey said 2 is that word trending right now or something?
Make all the excuses u want dude but don’t u dare insult our beloved sport
Whatever see u @ practice
See u
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