misideer 8 years
Y'all this game is too real 馃槀馃槀馃槀 #pokemonGo #lol #almostarrested #funny #latenight #gotemcatchemall
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archangelazrael3326 8 years
I almost got arrested for saving a turtle 's life.
Alright, so around where I live, we have a buch of turtles and shit. It's not uncommon to see one walking across the yard, towards the lake. So I'm out in the yard and a big ass fucking slider walks out into the sandy road by my house and I know the people who live back there, and if I leave him there, he's gonna be dinner so I pick him up and I start walking to the lake which is like five minutes from my house. I'm halfway down the road when I see a truck pass by me. It pulls over and I see the window roll down. No big deal, it's probably someone who lives back here. I walk further down the road, and I look into the window and there's a fucking cop in the driver seat. He asks me, "What are you doing here? This is private property." I somehow managed to talk him down from arresting me, and I quickly scampered away. I'm still trying to calm down jfc.
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lushlem 12 years
I have had a rough last couple of days
It started out last night when I went to work at 10 o'clock. whenever I go to work I always do the same thing. I leave the house at the same time and always go to Cumberland Farms right down the street. when I went last night I noticed there was a cop parked across the street when I went into the store. I didn't think anything of it - I had no reason to be nervous. as I was leaving the parking lot it was all slushy so I didn't stop completely and I pulled out into the road. And sure enough the cop pulled in behind me and turned on his lights. Apparently my license is suspended and I had no idea. Now, one could say, how do not know how your license is suspended. Seeing how I get all my mail sent to my mother's house and I no longer live there it's hard for me to know when I get mail if she doesn't tell me. For whatever reason my mom's been a super bitch to me lately and I haven't done anything wrong. So she didn't tell me that I got something in the mail saying my license was suspended due to no insurance so I had no idea. Thank God he didn't arrest me. I called up Rhonda and asked if she could come get my Jeep because he wouldnt let me drive it a 10th of a mile down the street to my work. Thank god she got outta bed and drove me to work. That cop could have easily arrested me but he was nice and didn't. So I get to work, late, and Sheila asked me what happened. Everybody thought I got into a car accident so I explained the situation and was already miserable because I was in work with a sprained ankle. I told her that my life was just so screwed up and i was just a mess. At this point I'm just about in tears so I walked away so she wouldn't see me cry and she disappeared for about 20 minutes. She came back and said that Renee, the DON, said I could go home. So now I'm out of work until Thursday at the minimum so my ankle can heal. Richard has been calling me which is nice. It's nice to have somebody to talk to and we can just talk and talk and talk. Usually he tells me all about his sex life - which is fine - he needs to tell somebody and it is kind of interesting to listen to. Hes very entertaining and i could listen to him talk for hours. Richard may be 60 years old but he is one of my best friends. A true friend. This blog acts as my journal so I'm sorry if I bored every single one of you that follow me, but I had to write it down. Everything I can't bare to tell anyone, I put on my tumblr.
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