#alongside damien canonically having a crush on hope
rxttenfish · 2 years
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still absolutely mourning the fact that the devs just forgot about faith and the coven
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otpnessmess · 5 years
By this sword
Ao3 - Masterlist
Quick thing I made for @mochegato as a way to get rid of writer's block for my jasonette fic. Everyone here is like 17-18 because I obviously don't know what a canon is and will do whatever I please. Based on this post and not beta-d at all. If there are any mistakes I apologize, I wrote and posted this from my phone and the tumblr app is a bitch about formatting. Enjoy!
If Marinette heard Damian and Adrien snicker behind her back once again she would make sure to put salt instead of sugar on their cookies the next day.
The Wayne family had been visiting Paris for a business deal and the two youngest sons had been adamant on having spare time to see the superhero duo of the city.
The year before, the miraculous users had requested help from the Justice League to bring down Hawkmoth, and the Gotham vigilantes were the ones sent to help. Having to work as a team brought the four teenagers together, and they had become very good friends by the time the job was done. Now they kept in contact over calls and video chats and were very good friends… Mostly.
Marinette didn't know why, but Tim didn't seem to like her very much. They had been close while working as heroes but once they started hanging out outside of the masks, his entire demeanor changed.
Due to her usual tardiness, Damian and Adrien had got used to Tim being really talkative with them while they waited. He was always perfectly normal until Marinette finally arrived. He then clammed up for seemingly no reason and, even though he still joined the conversation and laughed along with them, there was tension lodged on his shoulders.
This played out for several outings until Adrien had enough. Even if Mari pretended not to notice it, he knew Tim's behavior was hurting and confusing her, and no matter what she did to try and make amends with him, it seemed like it was never enough. She didn't know what she had done to warrant such a dismissive attitude from the guy who was fighting alongside them just some weeks prior.
His protective instincts kicked in even more when she confessed to him that she had started liking Tim, but was being discouraged by his attitude towards her.
The blonde boy managed to convince Damian to talk to his brother, as he was much more likely to coax something out of him. And it proved to be the right choice.
The youngest Wayne called Adrien in the middle of a laughing fit and it took five minutes to get the information out of him. Tim admitted to being like that because he liked Marinette too, he was just unbelievably shy and accidentally got the wrong message across. Damian couldn't believe his brother could be the greatest detective in the world and the dumbest person in the planet at the same time.
After taking the time to make fun of the black-haired pair, they finally agreed that they had to do something to get those two together because, evidently, they would never be able to do it on their own.
The dynamic duo did try their hardest to help them notice each other's feelings, but they failed so many times they almost called off the mission. The only motivation they had to keep going was the fact that the older Wayne didn't entirely shut off around Mari anymore. They had seen him engage in great conversations with her when she had managed to coax him out of his shell for a bit.
Those moments were short-lived, as Tim took a couple minutes to remember who he was talking to, but worth it in the matchmakers' opinion, so they didn't give up. Which brought them to their latest scheme.
Marinette frowning at them with a rapier in hand was a fairly scary sight, but their plan was foolproof. And even if they didn't manage to get the lovebirds together, at least they would get to laugh for a while.
The idea was simple. Step one: invite the brothers to join their fencing class while they're in Paris and make Marinette lose a bet. Step two: get her to face Tim in a duel and say some carefully chosen words to him as a punishment. Step three: profit.
Damian and Adrien wanted to pat themselves in the back for thinking of this, it was a win-win situation. For them, obviously.
Mari didn't see how this would make Tim want to talk to her more but a bet was a bet, and she was no sore loser. She spotted him standing on one of the mats, watching some of her classmates practicing, and took a deep breath before approaching him.
"Congratulations Tim!"
The boy turned around with a startled expression and accidentally bit his cheek when he saw who it was. "H-huh?"
"We're engaged!"
The bright smile in Marinette's face paired with her words made him pale slightly and almost drop his rapier. "Excuse me- what? I… I-"
"In combat. En garde!" Just like the snickering duo had instructed her she drew her sword from her belt and pointed it at Tim.
She then witnessed the color coming back to his cheeks… And not stopping there. He now resembled a very ripe tomato as he mirrored her stance.
"O-oh, right… That kind of engaged… "
He wasn't expecting her to hear his mumble nor pick up the disappointed undertones in his voice, but it seemed like she had.
Her arm lowered slightly when he said that, and a blush had started to creep up her cheeks as well.
"Uh… Yeah. That kind of engaged. W-why? Did you… Want…?"
What?! Why did she ask that??
In the back you could hear the scheming duo laughing their asses off at their awkward display, which only made them get even more red in the face.
In the meantime, Tim had finally processed her question and immediately panicked. "W-what!? N-no! No way!"
His nervous scoffs weren't very convincing but Mari didn't seem to question them, much likely in an attempt to make the situation fly by as quickly as possible.
Tim seemed to be nervous about what he had said, though, and was looking at her with fear in his eyes. Marinette wished to be able to make it go away so badly, and reassuring him was probably the best way to do it, right?
"Oh good, yeah… Um… Me neither, heh."
She gave a nervous laugh and stole a glance at her friend in front of her, expecting him to appear relieved. Instead, he was barely suppressing a tiny grimace, which made her incredibly confused.
Before she could ponder what she had done wrong, however, Adrien had run out of patience in the back.
"Just kiss already!!"
Oh God, Marinette was going to kill him for sure this time. Why would he even say that? He had just outed her crush in front of the guy she liked!
She gathered every last ounce of strength she had in her before turning to meet eyes with Tim. If she was expecting rejection or disgust in his face, the longing in his eyes caught her off guard.
They crossed gazes for a second, then two, then three.
Searching, questioning.
Then they finally found it.
Understanding transformed their expressions, leaving them to gape at each other.
Damien and Adrien were hollering and whistling in the background trying to get their attention, but right now they only had eyes for each other.
Two months later, Adrien would take the credit for being the one that got them together by screaming at them. It would earn him a smack on the head from Damien, who was not about to allow him to simply disregard his interventions and discredit him. On the seats in front of them, Tim and Marinette would chuckle and share a kiss, both laughing at their idiotic friends.
I promise to stop procrastinating and to start working on the next chapter of my fic soon, but I just thought this was such a great prompt! Hope you liked it <3 - Lis
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redsixwing · 3 years
Yuletide Dear Writer Letter 2021
Dear Writer,
THANK YOU for writing for me! \o/ I’m already excited to see whatever you make. 
Look for the BOLD HEADINGS to separate this letter out by fandom.
I like all sorts of fic. I like to be made to feel things, whether it’s good feels or bad. I often prefer a happy resolution, but it’s fine to absolutely drag the characters through the muck in getting there. Please don’t kill the characters named in the prompt (although if they died in their canon, it’s fine to acknowledge and run with that.)
Smut is fine, but not ever required, and these prompts are not very smutty in nature. (None the less, you do you, with some specific exceptions.) I hope you write a fic you’ll love, and then show it to me.
General DO WANT: - angst, fluff, flangst, hurt/comfort dynamics, or whump are all to my tastes. (Not all at once! just, the range I enjoy is broad.)
- Worldbuilding: show me your favorite corner of this setting. It's okay if I have to search something to understand a joke or a reference; I just love watching people elaborate on things the canon left loose or undefined.
General DNWs: - noncanon death of a character named in the prompt - fics focused on parenting or pregnancy - any substantial focus on bodily waste (absolutely no scat or similar, thanks.) - dubcon or noncon - A/B/O dynamics - Setting AUs, or low-tension AUs such as coffee shops or florists
I am happy for fics involving any or all of the characters I prompted, or stories that use characters of your choice to explore worldbuilding.
Show me anything about Jedao's mindset and history - how does he feel about growing up on a planet, going to the Shuos Academy, then deploying so far away? What stops him from becoming another flash in the pan rebel - is it his grasp of strategy and gamesmanship? His determination to actually succeed? The people who surround him? (His memories of better times with Yeren and Ruo?)
For a bonus, Jedao/Yeren/Ruo is my OT3; I'd love to see them interacting, shippy or friendly or otherwise. (For extra points, what if they all cooperate on pranking someone?)  For worldbuilding involving them, what is it like bringing so many people together from so many different planets? What does diversity mean on the Citadel of Eyes, and under the enforced homogeneity of the hexarchate?
Jedao/happiness is strongly favored.
Fandom-specific DNW: Khiaz or Kujen as viewpoint characters, or shipped with Jedao (both are NOTPs.)
*skids in sideways* OH BOY DO I LOVE THIS SERIES-
I'd like fic about either or both of these characters. I love worldbuilding and exploring the odd corners of canon; please feel free to include such elements.
Anything about Gerald's history, his hunting, his consumption of life-force and terror to sustain himself, his determination to leave an indelible mark on Erna.
Acts of life are forbidden to him; show me the delicate negotiation with the Nameless that permits him to work alongside a churchman to ensure his legacy. Show me the man and the monster, in tension, in motion.
Damien's bright faith, his disillusionment, his grudging respect for his Prophet. His hard-knock acceptance of the world as it is, and his unfailing hope in the world as it could be. His love for Erna and the people around him, in stark contrast to Gerald's predation.
Their unlikely friendship, their collaboration. The UST! If you can justify this being a romantic relationship, that’s fine, but it’s definitely not required.
Quiet moments are as good as the big, the brash. Damien feeding Gerald, or Gerald healing Damien, or both of them united against some threat that doesn't know what it bargained for. The emotional range of the Coldfire Trilogy is huge, from soaring hope and wonder to crushing despair and dissolution. Similar intensity is very, very good.
I am happy for fics involving any or all of the characters I prompted, or stories that use characters of your choice to explore worldbuilding. 
I would be delighted for fics about either or both of the named monsters, or using characters or monsters of your choice to explore the world of Monster Hunter.
What is the family life of a Nargacuga or Zinogre like?
How do they interact with other monsters in their environments?
What is the actual range of an individual Nargacuga?
What about variants - can a Zinogre become Stygian through experiences in its life? Does an ancient Nargacuga bleach to silver over time?
Who would win, the black wind or the raging storm?
We know how the monsters interact with humans and wyverians - what about the rest of the world, far from the enclaves of hunters and riders alike?
Fandom-specific DO WANT:
For Monster Hunter, I would be happy to see a fic about a monsters interacting with their mates and raising their cubs.
Feel free to mentally anthropomorphize the monsters, or not, as you choose.
Fandom-specific DNWs:
Romantic or sexual interactions between monsters and humans or monsters and wyverians
I just adore this whole meme. Go wild - whatever aliens you want are great, aliens boggling at humans are great, humans boggling at aliens are great. Do you, writer, have a favorite Science Fact, or whole field of science? Wanna yell about it IN SPAAAAACE? This is your prompt to do so to a happy audience! (Yes, even if I have to look things up or work through jargon, that's fine.)
What is having a smelly, loud, very attached human on your starship actually like?
Why did humans come to space in the first place? Who first took them in? Did it go well?
What happens when a human really wants to do medicine on someone the aliens are pretty sure is gone past recovery? What happens if they succeed? What if the aliens have rituals about things, and the humans have just enormously fouled the rituals, but now the effect is better than anyone expected?
I like found family, acceptance of the very strange, mad science, not-so-mad science, all the hope and glory and wonder of starfaring, all the terror and rickety life-support equipment of actually getting out there in the black. Extra points for the pale blue dot effect, and aliens who are just as attached as the humans in their own ways.
For this canon in specific, I'd prefer more comfort than hurt, more acceptance and kindness than angst, between the characters. After all, they've an entire snowball world and an entire diplomatic Situation to provide the pain. Genly and Estraven are both diplomats; both well aware of how to put the other at peace. I'd like to see the acceptance and friendship between them, easy or no.
Trans!Genly AU is very welcome, either learning something about himself through Gethenian society, or revealing a different past identity to Estraven. This is sci-fi; what does transition look like for a human in this setting?
This prompt is necessarily broad. Anywhere inside the timeline, or after it, would suit.
Fandom-specific DO WANT: - Estraven's pronouns and gender fluctuations - BEND ALL THE GENDERS \o - Names as a marker of intimacy - Nonsexual intimacy
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