#alos frozenfluff lost his partner Sapphirestripe to the same sickness
nightly-ruse · 1 year
Omg playing Chrysalisclan again and little Copperpaw (affair child of the monarch Butterflywing and mediator Mantis) was attacked by a kittpet called Mr. Princess and I just love him.
Chrysalisclan and Beetleclan have also gone to war which um. Isnt good.
Besides that, poor Morphochomp lost their partner Thawclaws to greencough and two of their three kit litter to yellowcough being Lunapaw and Rollypaw. Poor Cinnabarpaw the last kit of the litter has chosen the path of healing after the loss of all her family. And just a moon after the death of Thawclaws Morpho was attacked by a fox at the cemetery losing their tail to it :( theyve gone through a lot
Seems she has found some peace though because Cinna has come out as trans! She/it girlie i love it. Her and Copper are super close too which is just adorable. Mind that Copper does not know their sire isn't Aquaeyes only Mantis, Butterflywing, and Orangetiptail know. Which isnt great as Aqua and Orange have something going on
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