#alpaca finance staking
cointahmin · 6 months
Milyonluk aboneli analist Altcoinbuzz radarındaki beş altcoin projesine yer verdi. Her projenin başka bir pahası var. Öbür taraftan projeler daima gelişen kripto dünyasında eşsiz özellikler ve büyüme potansiyeli sergiliyor. Bakalım o projelere.Altcoin GraphLinq Protocol: Kullanıcı dostu araçlarla otomasyonu basitleştirmekAltcoin GraphLinq Protocol, sürükle-bırak tahlili sunarak otomasyona kullanıcı merkezli bir yaklaşım getiriyor. Kullanıcılar, kodlama maharetlerine gereksinim duymadan otomasyon süreçlerini sıkıntısız bir halde oluşturabiliyor ve dağıtabiliyor.Bu protokol dört temel bileşen ortaya koyuyor. Geliştirme için GraphLinq IDE. Süratli yürütme için Instant Wizard App. Sıkıntısız çalışma için Engine ve erişilebilirlik için bir Marketplace. Ayrıyeten yapay zeka tarafından desteklenen GraphLinq Chat’in yakın vakitte eklenmesi, kullanıcı etkileşimini geliştiriyor. Altcoin GLQ, ekosistem içindeki süreçleri kolaylaştırarak onu kullanıcılar için çok taraflı bir araç haline getirir.Alpaca Finance: Kaldıraçla randıman çiftçiliğinde ihtilal yaratıyorAltcoin Alpaca Finance, Binance Smar Chain üzerindeki en büyük borç verme protokolü olarak öne çıkıyor. Ayrıyeten kaldıraçlı randıman çiftçiliğine imkan sağlıyor. Öbür taraftan Platform bir kazan-kazan senaryosu sağlıyor. Ayrıyeten borç verenler istikrarlı getirilerden yarar sağlıyorlar. Öbür taratfan borç alanlar da teminatsız kredilere erişebiliyor.Yield farming (Verim çiftçiliği) meraklıları kaldıraç kullanarak potansiyel olarak kârlarını artırabiliyor. Yaklaşan NFT pazaryeri ve 2023’ün 3. ve 4. çeyreğindeki oyun teşebbüsleri değerli. Buna nazaran, altcoin Alpaca Finance’in yol haritasına öbür bir heyecan katmanı ekliyor.Aavegotchi: NFT’leri, DeFi’yi ve Metaverse’i birleştirmeAltcoin Aavegotchi, klasik NFT’leri oyun, DeFi ve metaverse ile entegre ederek bunların ötesine geçiyor. Proje, arazi mülkiyeti, stake etme ve altcoin GHST isimli mahallî bir token ortaya koyuyor.https://twitter.com/GBMauction/status/1690019450244984832 2023’ün 3. çeyreğinde piyasaya sürülecek olan Gotchichain, gelişmiş fonksiyonellik için altcoin Polygon Supernet’leri kullanacak. Ayrıyeten Aavegotchi aktiflikleri için özel bir blockchain sağlayacak. GHST tokenleri ekosisteme güç verecek. Öbür taraftan, projenin yenilikçi yaklaşımı NFT koleksiyoncuları ile DeFi meraklıları için yeni yollar açıyor.Altcoin Linear Finance: Zincirler ortası uyumlu ticaret protokolüLinear Finance, temel varlıkların kıymetini simüle eden likit varlıklara maruz kalmayı sağlayan, zincirler ortası uyumlu bir ticaret protokolü sunuyor. Ayrıyeten çoklu teminat stake etme, web sitesi geliştirmeleri ve 3. çeyrekte yeni likit listelemeleri vurgulayan bir yol haritası var. Böylelikle platform, kullanıcı tecrübelerini zenginleştirmeyi hedefliyor. Platformun gerçek dünya bedellerine sabitlenmiş varlıklara odaklanması, onu DeFi ortamında ilgi cazibeli bir oyuncu olarak konumlandırıyor.https://twitter.com/LinearFinance/status/1669345669432360961 Secret Network: Saklılık odaklı akıllı mukaveleler ve daha fazlasıGizliliğe öncelik veren Cosmos Hub tabanlı bir proje olan Secret Network ile kapalılık ön plana çıkıyor. Buna nazaran Durdurulamaz Cüzdanlar da dahil olmak üzere 3. çeyrek sürümleri, güvenlik siyasetleri ile programlanabilir Saklı kontratlar sunuyor.Ağın kapalılık odaklı yaklaşımı ve çeşitli blockchain’lerle birlikte çalışabilirliği, onu gelişmiş akıllı mukavele fonksiyonelliği arayan zımnilik şuuruna sahip kullanıcılar için potansiyel bir oyun değiştirici haline getiriyor.XCAD Network: İçerik oluşturucuları kripto paralar ile güçlendirmekAltcoin XCAD Network, YouTube’a misal halde içerik oluşturucuları kendi kripto tokenlerini çıkarmalarına müsaade vererek güçlendiriyor. Bay Beast ve KSI üzere kıymetli içerik oluşturucular halihazırda projenin bir modülü.Diğer taraftan hayranlar, görüntüleri izleyerek ve en sevdikleri içerik oluşturucularla daha fazla etkileşim kurarak içerik oluşturucu tokenler kazanıyorlar. Buna nazaran altcoin XCAD Network cointahmin.
com olarak baktığımızda, eşsiz model kelam konusu. Böylelikle hem içerik oluşturucular hem de hayranlar için yenilikçi bir gelir akışı ekliyor.
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caccoinweb3tiemnang · 2 years
Binance chính thức ra mắt mạng Oracle là chìa khóa của Web3
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Binance đã ra mắt mạng oracle cho hệ sinh thái BNB Chain của mình. Cầu nối giữa blockchain và thế giới thực là chìa khóa của Web3.
Cầu nối giữa blockchain và thế giới thực là chìa khóa của Web3.
Binance đã ra mắt mạng oracle cho hệ sinh thái BNB Chain của mình. Mạng này sẽ kết nối blockchain với dữ liệu thế giới thực và ngược lại. Một “chương trình dành cho người mới bắt đầu” liên quan đến 10 dự án BNB đã được khởi động cùng một lúc.
Theo DeFi Llama: Các dự án, đã tích hợp Binance Oracle, bao gồm một số nhóm lớn nhất trên chuỗi BNB: lending Venus Protocol (khóa tổng giá trị 770 triệu đô la, hoặc TVL), nền tảng yield farming Alpaca Finance (510 triệu đô la TVL) và liquid staking Ankr (TVL 101 triệu USD).
Oracles giúp các hợp đồng thông minh có thể truy cập vào dữ liệu bên ngoài blockchain. Ví dụ: một giao thức có thể muốn hợp đồng thông minh của nó được kích hoạt dựa trên giá chứng khoán, các chỉ số kinh tế vĩ mô hoặc thậm chí dữ liệu thời tiết.
Gwendolyn Regina, giám đốc đầu tư của BNB Chain, cho biết:
“Sử dụng các thuật toán mới lạ để tăng kiến ​​thức đáng kể của hợp đồng thông minh về những gì đang diễn ra bên ngoài blockchain. Điều đó cho phép nó phản ứng với các sự kiện bên ngoài bằng các hành động cụ thể”.
Ban đầu, Binance Oracle sẽ cung cấp giá chỉ số cho các tài sản kỹ thuật số phổ biến nhất.
Thông báo nhấn mạnh tính bảo mật: các thuật toán thông minh sẽ kiểm tra giá cả về độ chính xác và nhất quán thông qua một kiến ​​trúc giám sát dữ liệu đã được đưa ra. Binance nói thêm rằng, mục tiêu thời gian khôi phục của mạng hoặc khả năng chịu đựng thời gian chết của mạng là “gần như bằng không”.
Mỗi nguồn cấp dữ liệu sẽ được giám sát bằng "Threshold Signature Scheme" phân tán và được xác minh bằng khóa mã hóa Binance công khai. Nó sẽ đảm bảo dữ liệu không bị xâm nhập, sửa đổi. Mặc dù oracles là phần quan trọng của hệ sinh thái blockchain, nhưung nó gần đây đã bị khai thác trong các vụ hack tiền điện tử.
Sau khi bị đánh cắp 100 triệu đô la từ nền tảng giao dịch Mango Markets Solana DeFi, Giám đốc điều hành FTX Sam Bankman-Fried đã đổ lỗi cho người thiết kế thuật toán dự đoán cung cấp giá mã thông báo MNGO.
Kẻ tấn công đã có thể vay 100 triệu đô la sau khi tăng giá mã thông báo MNGO và làm các thủ thật cho nó giống như có rất nhiều tài sản thế chấp hơn thực tế.
Thậm chí gần đây hơn, một kẻ tấn công đã khai thác một lỗ hổng trong oracle giá Curve Finance. Nó dẫn đến việc kéo theo một cuộc tấn công xác nhận được vay nhanh trị giá 220.000$ trên sàn giao dịch phi tập trung (DEX) QuickSwap. Polygon DEX đã đóng giao thức cho vay của mình sau cuộc tấn công.
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awaketake · 2 years
What is Alpaca Finance
Alpaca Finance is a lending protocol which allows you to yield farm using leverage on BNB and Fantom. And it was the first one who implemented leverage that way.
Lenders get safe and stable yields while borrowers get uncollateralized loans for leveraged yield farming positions to increase their earnings.
Even safer are the Automated Vaults apply a market neutral strategy, working both in bear and bull markets, with said leverage to multiply slightly stable profits.
However, that doesn’t mean it can suffer from smart contract attacks like other protocols or chains.
What is DeFi
If you have already used similar platforms, websites or daaps you already know that Alpaca falls under the DeFi category being a decentralized platform.
That means you will need to pay fees depending on the blockchain you are using and send some funds from your wallet, but generally BNB and Fatom fees are not that expensive.
Protocol Info
If you want to know a little bit more about what’s happening underneath you can check out Alpaca Finance on DeFi Llama for some stats such as Total Value Locked (TVL), Chains, Tokens, Token Inflows and USD Inflows.
For more details you can click on view on BSCScan to look at the contract, transactions and more.
Just like other lending products you deposit a certain amount of a coin and then earn interest on it.
There are different coins on BNB and Fantom, but they usually stack both Lending and Staking rewards so that you can get higher APYs.
Some assets you can lend are:
Right now, ALPACA and CAKE have the highest APYs, but to earn that with ALPACA you would need to lock up your funds for 1 to 52 weeks.
Such high APYs can be achieved because Alpaca offers high capital efficiency to borrowers, allowing them to open undercollateralized loans for yield farming.
As a result, our utilization rates and lending interest rates are consistently 2x(or higher) than that of other protocols.
On the farming section you will see the leverage playout as you can increase it from 1 to 4.50% to increase the base APYs.
Leverage Yield Farm is the core product of Alpaca Finance which allows you to multiply your yields.
Although it’s a great feature it’s not free. You will need to pay borrowing interest to use those borrowed funds for leverage.
You will see all the active pools and be able to filter them according to the DEX and Paired Asset. And sort the pools by TVL or APY Percentage.
Of course, a Higher APY will give you higher returns but might also be riskier so you might want to check out what assets are in that pool.
Usually, long-standing projects with a higher or decent MarketCap are less risky especially if they are paired with a stable coin such as USDT.
They still can provide you better than average returns with leverage so that’s what I would recommend. Some examples would be:
ETH-USDT (52%)
BNB-USDT (30%)
CAKE-USDT (162%)
Automated Vaults
On the farm section you also have the automated vaults with Neutral and Savings Vault strategies and some balanced options when it comes to APYs and risk levels.
The automated vaults run complex strategies like an edge fund to improve profitability over a period.
Neutral Strategies are leverage yield farming strategies that farm both long and short positions at the same time and are rebalanced to keep a neutral exposure. So that they can have high yields and low risk.
Savings Vault Strategies are long strategies like staking or lending one coin but earn higher APYs with higher leverage.
Vaults have a certain capacity and the higher APY ones are often filled very quickly due to their great risk/ reward ratio!
There are 3x and 8x leverage vaults. 3x are public which means everyone can use them while 8x are private and can only be used by xALPACA and AUSD3EPS holders.
APYs usually range from 10-40% depending on the asset and strategy. And will need to deposit both assets to get it going.
By clicking on invest you get some more info about the vault including an Annualized Returns Chart and a Backtest Analysis Chart with some Key Statistics and Expected Returns.
AUSD is an auto-farming stablecoin that earns passive yields for you.
Here’s what you can do with it:
Stake AUSD
Sell AUSD into lending assets to leverage up lending positions
Sell AUSD into other assets to open high yield leveraged yield farming positions
Sell AUSD into other assets to deploy in external protocols
On the section itself you have a few pools where you can borrow or supply AUSD to earn yields.
Those yields are not that high as the resulting rewards are from Lending and Staking a stable coin which does not appreciate.
Here you can stake tokens, NFTs or AUSD for some lower yields. But I cannot confirm that for the NFTs as I do know own any Alpies myself.
There’s no use of leverage, it’s just regular staking where you deposit your funds, support a network, and earn rewards.
Alpies are Alpaca Finance Protocol NFTs that are sold on multiple marketplaces.
I’m not going to cover much more than this regarding NFTs as the goal of the video is to talk more about investing and yields generated by using the Daap.
But there’s a video on the channel covering how to make money with NFTs using different strategies so click on the card to check it out!
Grazing is accessible through governance staking. Where essential you lock up some ALPACA and earn ALPACA rewards plus grazing ranges.
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youressentialsblog · 3 years
ORBS Tokens Will Soon Be Available on Alpaca Finance Vault
ORBS Tokens Will Soon Be Available on Alpaca Finance Vault
Vault Listing to Deliver Increased Yields & Rewards for Community As DeFi continues to grow, public blockchain infrastructures such as Orbs are experiencing increased interest from some of the most prominent players within the cryptocurrency universe, especially staking. The Orbs team has been working round the clock on integrating their solution with significant tools and platforms, including…
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bitinfonews · 3 years
ORBS Tokens Will Quickly Be Obtainable on Alpaca Finance Vault
ORBS Tokens Will Quickly Be Obtainable on Alpaca Finance Vault
Vault Itemizing to Ship Elevated Yields & Rewards for Neighborhood As DeFi continues to develop, public blockchain infrastructures comparable to Orbs are experiencing elevated curiosity from among the most outstanding gamers throughout the cryptocurrency universe, particularly staking. The Orbs group has been working around the clock on integrating their resolution with vital instruments and…
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kultejas · 3 years
ORBS Tokens Will Soon Be Available on Alpaca Finance Vault
ORBS Tokens Will Soon Be Available on Alpaca Finance Vault
Vault listing to deliver increased revenue and rewards for the community As DeFi continues to grow, public blockchain infrastructures such as Orbs are experiencing increased interest from some of the most prominent players in the cryptocurrency universe, especially staking. The Orbs team is working round the clock to integrate their solution with important tools and platforms including AWS, MS…
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
Sustainability commands increasing interest from the business world. A novice in the field, Landon Nash vowed that his new apparel line, Tact & Stone, would serve as an engine to innovate in this burgeoning category.
“I thought that if you’re going to do this you’re going to have to be 100 percent committed to sustainability,” Nash said. He also wanted Tact & Stone to provide a fashion alternative. “I don’t have to sacrifice style to be sustainable,” he said.
Nash is finding places to test his ideas. In mid-November, Tact & Stone joined the merchandise mix at the Forum, a West Hollywood, Calif., bricks-and-mortar lifestyle boutique that focuses on developing bricks-and-mortar spaces for direct-to-consumer brands.
In April, Nash officially unveiled Tact & Stone. The headquarters for the sustainable label is located in downtown Los Angeles’ Arts District, but the brand is mostly sold on its direct-to-consumer site, tactandstone.com.
The inspiration for the brand started when Nash couldn’t find sustainable clothes that would look appropriate for business meetings and didn’t fit into the contemporary fashion category. Nash formerly worked as a residential-real-estate agent in San Francisco. He needed to wear office clothes or at least styles with a more contemporary look when he showed properties. He also wanted a sustainability factor in high-end basics and essentials clothing that he said he did not see on the market.
In seeking a contemporary fashion look, he wanted to be different from the dominant looks in the men’s sustainable category, which mostly reflect an outdoorsman or surfer look. Patagonia and Outerknown, two prominent brands that make men’s sustainable styles, focus on these types of looks, leading Nash to wear their pieces. They helped reflect his growing interest in the environment.
He also was alarmed by reports that ranked the fashion business as a major environmental offender, emitting carbon emissions into the air, chemical runoffs into the world’s rivers, as well as glutting landfills across the globe.
“I realized that I was a part of the problem,” he said of buying expensive suits and high-end jeans.” I had no idea that I was contributing to this. It made me rethink my consumption.”
Nash was becoming a sustainability nerd. He was paying his own way to travel to and participate in sustainability conferences such as the Textile Exchange Conference in Washington, D.C., in 2017. He also had built enough capital from his real-estate gig that he could finance his own venture. His goal was to build a small brand that would rank at the highest level of sustainability while giving people a fashion alternative.
“Large brands are needed to raise awareness,” he said of developing the market for sustainability. “But innovation will come from small brands.”
Nash hired freelance designers to shape the contemporary look of his brand. To help develop his sustainability program, Nash started working with Sustainable Source Studios, a Los Angeles–headquartered consultancy where Andrew Schulenburg serves as a managing partner.
“This was our first consumer-brand project,” Schulenburg said of his group’s work with Tact & Stone. “We had an opportunity to develop a brand with Landon from scratch almost—the company’s sustainability charter, materials strategy, product strategy, circular strategy, brand identity, marketing strategy, the complete package.”
S3 is part of a company that is prominent in sustainability circles. Its founder, Isaac Nichelson, was honored with the 2018 Global Change Award from The H&M Foundation, which is funded by the owners of retailer H&M. The award came from his work with S3’s sibling company, Circular Systems. Circular Systems was awarded for its Agraloop Bio-Refinery technology, which turns food-crop waste into a fiber that can be milled and spun into textiles.
Like almost every other company that places a stake in sustainability, Tact & Stone uses fabrics such as organic cotton. The brand also aims to extend sustainability to woven shirts, using a high composition of recycled cotton that is applicable to modern weaving technologies to fabricate lightweight Oxford shirts and “waterless” chambray shirts through a process that utilizes almost no water during production, Schulenburg said.
These woven shirts include up to 35 percent recycled-cotton content, which was certified by the Global Recycle Standard, which sets requirements for certification of recycled content in clothing. One reason why recycled cotton is harder to include in high-end shirts is that the fiber length of recycled cotton becomes shorter so it is more difficult to turn into a high-value product, Schulenburg said.
S3 had worked with factories in Portugal to transform what some would consider waste into fabrics that could be used to make sturdy shirts. Other fibers used in these shirts include organic cotton and recycled polyester.
The shirts feature a tailored fit and come in colorways of white, black and gray as well as patterns such as stripes and plaids. They retail from $100 to $125. The brand also offers a blazer that retails for $248, as well as hoodies. Also available are Pichu alpaca pullover sweaters, which retail for $245, and shorts and chinos, which retail for $145.
Tact & Stone’s T-shirts are made in Los Angeles. Price points range from $45 for a short-sleeve organic-cotton shirt to $75 for a long-sleeve hemp tee.
The price range is not expensive and it is not inexpensive, Nash said. It costs more because it was made using materials certified as being sustainable as well as being produced by factories in Portugal and Los Angeles that were certified according to fair labor practices.
“There’s a statistic that says six out of 10 garments will end up in landfills in one year. But everything [Tact & Stone] makes is built to last,” he said.
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