#alright my gifs are gonna be a bit late pls forgive me
sugakoni · 3 years
"is that all you got?" academy au
(a/n) : i am in a leon kennedy mood. might post karl later tonight too. father pls forgive me, though i did realize what i did and wont live to regret it and i am not in the least bit problematic, my poor brother walked in here while i was writing this with a sex playlist on in the background. i also have been such a freaking slut for infinite darkness leon and that is the leon this is based off of hahshsjhkhfldhs
warnings: this is smut !!!! porn with plot, lots of cursing, very angry leon, dirty talk, slight mentions of overstimulation, slapping, M!Domination, lots of yelling, oops ??
pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
word count: 4562
synopsis: you were under the instruction of Leon S. Kennedy at the police academy you were currently attending. he had been pushing you to your limit, until one day you snapped, and things all broke from there.
story under the cut (leon simps, eat up.)
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Sweat dripped down her forehead, down to her neck as deep, harsh breaths left her mouth. The girl continued to punch at the punching bag, trying to get your stamina built up for a specific test you had later that week.
It seemed you had to do more than everyone else in this damn place. More warm-ups, more training, and your body was starting to get a bit tired of the excessiveness of it all, but it was all what your instructor, Leon Kennedy wanted. He leaned against a wall on the farther end of the gym that you and your classmates were in, though not many people were in there on a Saturday afternoon before night classes. You sighed to yourself, pulling away from your punching bag and going to take a swig of your water from your water bottle. Leon was stood next to your bag, which caused you to roll your eyes.
“Having a good time there, L/n?” Leon asked, which caused you to shrug. You swallowed your water, placing your water bottle down as you looked back up at your instructor. He was looking forward, and you took a moment to look at his features before mentally cursing yourself.
“I guess,” you replied, standing up straight and stretching your arms up over your head. Your eyes were closed, and Leon took this as a perfect opportunity to look you up and down. As soon as your eyes opened, his eyes were fixed in the same gaze he had before you had them closed. Your skin was flushed, and breathing was still shallow, but you tried to keep it down.
You moved to put your earbuds in your bag, shrugging it onto your shoulder. One hand grasped on the strap, shifting your weight to one of your hips as you looked at Leon.
“You gonna be in class today?” He joked dryly, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Kinda have to if I wanna graduate, right?” You replied, a small grin on your face. Leon stood up off of the wall, looking down at you.
“See you then, Y/n,” He said, before walking out of the gym. You bit at your lip, shaking your head as you walked towards the dorms they had at the academy, going into yours and your friends shared one. You decided to take a quick shower before class, washing off any and all sweat you had accumulated during your rigorous training for the first half of the day. You were now dressed in your uniform, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you put your hair up in a ponytail. You made your way to your class, sitting in your normal spot, front and center.
You pulled out some stuff from your bag, just a notebook and a few pencils, as well as your textbook. Leon wasn’t there yet, but a couple of your classmates were mingling in the back of the room. You mindlessly began doodling in your journal, waiting for your instructor to come in, until he finally did. He sat his stuff down on his desk, looking right at you. You slouched down a bit in your chair, still doodling.
“Sorry for being late,” Leon apologized, and everyone told him it was alright. You sat up straight, putting your pencil down as Leon finally began class. Periodically, you would write down a thing or two, but you didn’t really need to. The class dragged on, which caused you to yawn a bit. You never knew why you took night classes, but the training schedule Leon had you on kind of made it impossible for you to make it to anything that was earlier.
Leon finally dismissed you all, and you slowly put your stuff back into your bag. You rubbed your eyes a bit, your exhaustion finally catching up to you.
“At least I will get a good nights sleep tonight,” you whispered to yourself.
Leon caught what you said, but decided to ignore you as you walked out of his class. You took the short route back to your dorm, yawning every now and then. As soon as you got inside, you were greeted by your roommate who was on their computer. You waved hi to them, staying quiet as you changed into something more comfortable to sleep in.
You moved to lay in bed, stretching a bit to soothe your aching muscles before finally passing out.
Your sleep was rudely interrupted by the blaring sound of your alarm. You groaned to yourself, seeing your roommate’s bed was empty. You sighed, rubbing your eyes before getting up out of bed. You dreaded every morning when you woke up, because every day you had training. Class or not at night, you would always have to be in that gym. That was just what Leon wanted, and expected you there rain or shine.
Yawning, you moved towards your bathroom, brushing your teeth as slow as possible. You did not want to go into what you deemed unnecessary. Spitting out your toothpaste, rubbing the suds off of the corner of your lips, you looked at yourself in the mirror. A soft huff left your mouth. You looked exhausted, and you could not understand how Leon didn’t see that. You moved to braid your hair, singing a song to yourself quietly as you did so.
Soon enough, you were in a sports bra and high waisted leggings, now on your way to the gym. You had your water bottle in hand, periodically taking sips as you walked. The sun was nice on your skin, and the soft breeze made you feel a bit calm. Oh, how you wish you could spend your days outside instead of in that dumb gym.
You were now met with the glass doors, mumbling out curse words before putting on a fake smile. You greeted the people who worked at the front, before making your way into the training room. You were met with your instructor, who was also dressed for the occasion. Basketball shorts and a grey, skin tight shirt that showed off every muscle that man had on his body. Heat rose up into your cheeks at the sight, but you remembered you were supposed to be mad at him.
You shrugged your bag onto the ground as Leon watched you. You muttered a good morning to him before starting your stretches, breathing deeply during it.
“Well, you sure do seem happy,” Leon hummed, setting up some weights.
You rolled your eyes, sitting down on the bench before laying down. Your feet were pressed flat on the ground, hands wrapped around the bar above you. The man stood above you, looking down as he began to spot you. You started your rep, breathing like you were supposed to as you let the bar go down to your chest and back up.
Leon stayed quiet the whole time, which frustrated you. You wanted at least some praise for the work you had been doing, but alas, the man never spoke a word. You stopped your rep mid-way, which caused him to raise an eyebrow.
“Jesus Christ, Kennedy, can’t you just say anything? Anything at all?” You asked, frustration lacing your words.
Leon gave a shrug.
“Is that all you got? C’mon,” he replied, which caused you to shoot up from the bench, standing up to face him.
The bar was in between the two of you, and of course he leaned against it, hands wrapped around it as he put his weight against his arms. Your nose scrunched up in anger, fists clenched as you tried to think of how to reply to him. Both of your eyes were locked onto one another's, and it caused you to become more angry.
“All I got?! All I got?!,” You repeated, holding your hand up and pointing a finger at him.
“You make me come in here everyday, for hours a day, and I work my ass off for you, and you have to ask me if that was all I got?!” You snapped, to which he grabbed your wrist swiftly and pulled you close to him harshly. You tripped a bit over your feet, a soft gasp leaving your lips as you saw how angry he was too.
“I expect to see you in my office after this. Train by yourself for all I fucking care,” He replied, throwing your arm down before walking out.
Frustration accumulated in you, shaking your head violently as the door slammed shut behind the man. You began to do your training by yourself, taking out every fiber of your anger on the poor punching bag in front of you. Tears stung your eyes, but you couldn’t tell if it was because you were upset or because it was from the mass amount of sweat that was dripping down your face. You punched the bag more whimpily the last time, shoving your gloves off your hands.
You moved to grab your bag, anger still bubbling in you as you began to walk towards his office. You were mumbling curse words along the way, knowing you were probably going to have to be put into more vigorous training for pissing him off. You bit at your lip, knocking on the door to his office.
“Come in,” you heard from the other end. You obliged, opening the door and seeing him sat at his desk, reading some papers. You placed your bag down on the chair beside you, shutting the door with your foot. Sweat still stuck to you, which made you a bit uneasy as you stood in front of the man.
The silence started to bug you, before he frustratingly placed the papers down on his desk. He glanced up at you. Your hands were in front of you, slightly clasped together as embarrassment filled you, glancing away from him.
“Look at me,” He spoke sternly, into which you did. You met his gaze, biting against your tongue as you knew you fucked up.
“Your behavior out there? Your attitude? Not fucking acceptable,” Leon added. You felt the anger bubble up in you, but this time with a newfound arousal. You tried to ignore it, shaking your head.
“You are the one who expects me to be down here for hours a day, never giving me a day off, and you are upset with my attitude? Maybe if I didn’t have an instructor that didn’t give a shit about my well being, I would be more than happy to give you what you wanted,” You replied, clenching your fists at your side.
Leon shook his head. You took this as your time to add more onto what you were saying.
“It is just… so shitty that you expect so much out of me for me to get little to nothing from you. Not even an ounce of praise from you, do you just ha-”
The man stood up from his desk, slamming his hands down. You jumped a bit at the sudden noise, now looking away as you felt a bit scared. Your stomach dropped.
A soft huff left Leon as he thought of the words he wanted to say. You shifted your weight from foot to foot, still looking away from him. Finally, he opened his mouth to say something.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch I would actually say something,” Leon spat, moving over to you. Your gaze was still averted, before he grasped your jaw harshly and turned your head.
“I fucking said look at me, especially when I’m talking to you,” He seethed, his grap never leaving. A blush crept up to your cheeks, and your knees slightly buckled as you felt arousal start to pool in your lower stomach. You were mentally beating yourself for getting a kick out of this, but the anticipation was getting to be too much.
“All you have done is be a brat, to me, and to everyone else. Maybe that is why I keep pushing you to do more, so that maybe it will kick some sense into that little head of your’s,” Leon ranted, and you stayed quiet. You bit at your lip, your eyes never leaving his. His own slightly flickered to look down at your lips, before looking back up. You blushed at that, feeling warmth envelop your body at the action before he pressed his lips against yours.
You pressed yours back, his grip on your jaw leaving, grasping at your hips harshly as you two moved in sync. He switched where you two were standing, pressing your hips up against the front of his desk. His lips never left yours. You opened your mouth to gasp, before his tongue immediately pressed against your own. The two of you stood there, continuing to make out, your hands going up to his hair and tugging a bit. He let out a soft grunt, before you pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
“Lock… Lock the door,” You breathed out, biting at your lip. You saw the lust that glazed over his baby blue eyes. He backed away from you, turning towards the door and locking it before turning to face you again. A soft smirk was on his lips, thinking to himself as you still leaned your back a bit on his desk. He crossed his arms. He took in the scene in front of him, the way your sports bra was clad up against your chest, your hard nipples showing through the fabric. The way your thighs were pressed up together, your skin flushed to a bright pink. Your lips slightly plump from the small make out you two had.
Your eyes trailed down his body, seeing the bulge he had in his shorts. You bit at your lip, surprised you could even get him to feel that way before your eyes flickered back up to his face. You two sat in silence for what seemed like forever, before he opened his mouth to speak.
“Take your clothes off, baby,” He practically growled out, biting at his own lip. You didn’t have to be told twice, pulling your shoes and socks off first before tugging down your leggings, your thong already drenched in your wetness. Leon watched you with hungry eyes, taking in how your body looked. Goosebumps rose on your delicate skin as you moved to pull your sports bra off, your chest now exposed to the cold air in his office.
You finally moved to take your thong off, letting it pool at your feet before you stepped away from it. Leon inhaled sharply, watching you untie your hair and undo the braid it was in. He stepped towards you, grasping harshly at your hair and tugging your hair back.
You gasped, feeling his lips press up against the skin of your neck. Sucking harshly, and you knew for sure it was going to leave bruises in multiple places. Leon slightly pulled away, eyes meeting yours before he pushed your head down. You obliged, getting on your knees in front of him.
“You know what to do,” He muttered. Your hands moved to pull his shorts down, along with his boxers. His cock was now in front of your face, which caused your cheeks to turn a deep red. You looked up at him, before moving to take the tip into your mouth. You slowly sucked, swirling your tongue around it as a grunt left his plump lips.
“More,” he ordered. You took more of him into your mouth, not stopping until the hair on the base of his cock tickled your nose. You still looked up at him, the view you had was starting to make you desperate. The way his hand was gripped into your hair, how his eyes followed you as you started to bob your head up and down, the way noises would fall from his slightly parted lips. You moaned against his cock involuntarily, which caused a smirk to form. As soon as you took him all the way into your throat again, he started to thrust. You gagged, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes.
He held the back of your head, continuing to fuck your throat with little to no mercy. The sounds of your gags filled the room, and he couldn’t give a damn if anyone heard this down the hallway. Hell, he dared anyone come to his office to ask questions. Your whine was muffled around his cock, and he soon pulled away, not wanting to cum just yet. You breathed heavily, letting tears stain your cheeks. Leon moved his hand from your hair, cupping your cheek and wiping the tears. You pressed your cheek into his hand, which caused him to hum quietly in the back of his throat.
“Stand up,” he spoke. You stood up, legs slightly shaky. Your inner thighs were slightly coated in your slick, and you could feel it. Leon picked you up slightly, setting you down onto his desk after moving stuff off of it. He pressed his lips against yours again for a short moment, pulling away and spreading your legs. The scene in front of him was absolutely lewd, which caused his cock to twitch.
There you were, sitting on the edge of his desk, in all of your naked glory. Lips covered in spit, swollen, your cheeks flushed red as your legs were spread to show him your glistening folds. He took it in for a moment before slowly teasing you. Leon’s hands went to your breasts, squeezing gently which caused you to squirm. He chuckled lowly at the reaction, his fingers going to pinch your nipples.
“You’re such a fucking whore, you know that? Sitting on your instructor's desk naked, practically begging for my cock to fill your poor cunt, huh?” Leon hummed, a soft whine leaving your lips as he continued to pinch and pull on your sensitive buds.
His big hands slowly moved down to your thighs, squeezing them hard enough to leave prints in your skin. You felt your pussy clench at the feeling. You were getting desperate at this point, your wetness starting to pool a bit on his desk. Leon moved his hand slowly toward your core, two fingers rubbing in between your folds which caused you to gasp. He laughed a bit to himself, seeing how easy you were to break. His fingers slightly swirled around your clit, before pinching it. The sensation caused you to mewl out, a whine leaving your lips afterwards.
His fingers soon were pressed into you, thumb against your sensitive bud as they went at an alarmingly quick pace. Curling up into you to find your sweet spot. You let out a moan and a string of curse words at every thrust of his fingers, moving to cover your mouth with your hand. Leon’s other hand went up to grasp at your wrist, pulling your hand away from your mouth.
“Let those pretty sounds out, baby. Tell this whole hallway who is making you feel this fucking good,” Leon cooed against your ear. As soon as he said that, you felt a whole new wave of ecstasy build up in you. Your moans became loud cries, calling out Leon’s name every few moments as he continued to keep his motions up. A wide smirk prominent on his face, proud of himself for even making you break like this.
Your body heated up, pussy beginning to clench against his fingers harshly. You shook a bit, feeling your release hastily creep up on you.
“Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me, cum all over my fingers,” Leon breathed out, looking down from your face to your core taking his fingers in and out.
“Fuck! Leon, shit!” You moaned out, feeling your release hit you like a train as your back arched, thighs shaking as he continued. He slowed down a bit, his fingers still pumping in and out of you as he pressed his lips against yours for a second, pulling away and pressing his forehead on yours.
You still clenched around his fingers hard, shaking every few seconds as you rode your high.
“You really shouldn’t have spoken to me the way you did, Y/n,” He whispered out, curling his fingers again, which caused you to gasp. His thumb was still pressed against your clit.
“W-why’s that?” You asked, trying not to break again under him. He chuckled, starting to pump his fingers in and out again quickly. You gasped loudly, eyes rolling back for a moment. You were barely off of your first high, and sensitivity was starting to happen. Leon kept up the pace, before moving to get onto his knees slightly, leaving little bite marks on the soft flesh of your thigh. You whined at the feeling of his stubble rubbing against your skin, and soon enough you didn’t have the strength to keep yourself sitting up. You moved to lay down against the desk, before Leon let out a ‘nuh-uh’ against your skin.
Your abs were on fire, hands gripping at the edge of the desk. Leon moved his thumb from your clit, his mouth soon replacing it. You swore you saw stars as he began to suck on your bud, taking it in between his teeth and biting down gently onto it, which caused you to jump before you moaned. The tip of his tongue kept abusing it, and he glanced up at you. Your eyes were watching his every move, mouth open slightly as lewd noises continued to fall from it.
Soon enough, you were riding out two more highs, but the fingers were replaced by Leon’s tongue in the middle of your third. Your fingers tugged and pulled at his hair as you practically rode his face, hips bucking as he tasted every bit of you. After you finished, he pulled away, lips coated in your slick. You blushed at the sight, moving to kiss him again. He accepted it, pressing his tongue against yours as you got a taste of yourself. A soft hum left his lips before pulling away. You were now riddled in marks, from your neck all the way down to your thighs.
You were breathing hard, a thin layer of sweat covering the both of you. Leon tugged his shirt off, his toned chest in full display. Your hands pressed against his skin, not knowing what else he was going to do. He grasped at your waist, his tip pressing against your entrance. You pulled back a bit at the sensitivity, but he kept you pinned down to the same spot.
“Gotta take my cock too, baby,” He hummed.
“I d- fuck…” You groaned out as your head tilted back, feeling his length fill you up almost immediately. Leon stayed like that for a moment, pressing soft kisses to your neck before pulling back a bit, thrusting hard into you once. Your body jumped slightly, a soft moan leaving your lips. He moved to put one of your legs over your shoulder, which allowed him to press into you deeper. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at the feeling. He was breathing heavy, moaning as he felt your pussy clench around his cock.
He was now thrusting into you, no mercy shown as he went at a pace he deemed good enough. Your noises echoed off the walls, and the sound of your wet arousal mixed with his thrusts filled the room. He grunted out every few thrusts, his head resting in the crook of your neck as he kept going. You whined in his ear, your arms wrapped around his neck as you bounced slightly with every movement he made.
He moved to let you lay down against the desk, moving your leg off of his shoulder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling his hips in closer as he continued to thrust roughly into you. Your breasts bounced at every thrust, which his eyes would watch from time to time before just focusing on your face. Your eyes were screwed shut, and you were in pure bliss though you were starting to get over stimulated. One hand gripped at your waist, the other going to wrap around your throat. His thumb pressed against the middle, causing you to gasp out shallowly.
“Don’t ever fucking talk to me the way you did again, or next time this will be much worse,” he grunted, his thrusts now quick and agonizing. He moved his hand from your throat, a harsh slap to your cheek as you moaned out at the sensation.
“Answer me,” Leon ordered. You gave a nod.
“Use your words.”
“I-I won’t, Leon… Fuck, please let me cum again, I am so close,” you practically begged, holding back your release as he continued to go on. After a few thrusts, he gave in.
“Cum. Cum for me,” He spoke out, letting out his own moan as you came around his cock. He fucked you through your high, before releasing in you. You gasped at the sensation, looking up at him.
Leon was breathing heavy, hair sticking to his forehead due to his sweat. He sat inside of you for a second before pulling out, seeing his cum drip out of you and onto the desk. Everything was sore now for you, and when you sat up you shook from overexertion. Leon hummed to himself, moving to pull his clothes back on as you tried to calm down your breathing.
You two stayed silent, the smell of sex still lingered in the air. You stood up, going to your bag and grabbing your change of clothes you always had on you. You pulled on your track shorts, following a baggy shirt that had the academy’s name on it. You looked at Leon, who was cleaning his desk from the sweat and cum that had accumulated onto it.
“Am I the only student you have uh…” You asked, not realizing the words had left your mouth. Your eyes immediately went wide, and Leon looked back at you.
“The only student that I have fucked? Yes. And I would like to keep it that way,” Leon replied, which caused your face to heat up again. You didn’t know what this man had done to you, but you liked it. You slipped your shoes on, moving to tie your hair up.
“Speaking of… would you like to go get a drink sometime?” Leon asked, leaning against his desk again with his arms crossed. You looked up at him for a second while tying your shoelaces, finishing up.
You thought about it for a moment, but you didn’t really think. You let him stand there in thought, but he didn’t seem to budge. Had he been rejected before?
“Of course I would like to go get a drink sometime… but typically you ask that before fucking someone’s brains out, you know that, Kennedy?” You asked tauntingly, which caused Leon to roll his eyes. You stood up, going over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist, pressing a kiss to your forehead before he leaned towards your ear.
“You might have a little something on your neck. . .”
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figgy-bug · 2 years
Mmm late night content for your soul ☕️
Enjoy some ler!bruno, kids
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Characters: G/N reader, Bruno Madrigal
Warnings: besides a little bit of pinning down (sitting on back/hips) nothing really!!
A/N: I was feeling so very much in need of some ler Bruno content so I whipped up some tasty fresh lee!reader content to satisfy my little lee soul, and hopefully yours too! Please enjoy!! :D
The proofreading on this was done by an imbecile (me) at 11 at night so pls forgive my typos-
Ever since Luisa finally started lightening her load and learning how to ask for help and take breaks, Y/N had been called upon by her to help around the town with her “chores”.
“Ok, if you lay that stone right there, I can stack the last one on top. You sure you two can cart that thing?” Luisa asked, hoisting a chiseled wall boulder on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it! We can do it!” Camilo said, shifting into his older cousin. Though he took Luisa’s form, he didn’t inherit as much strength as he had hoped.
“Ok, on three we lift, ok?” Y/N said, crouching to get a good hold on the rock.
“Roger that.”
“Alright- 3, 2, 1, lift!” Y/N yelled, putting all they had into the lift, Camilo doing the same.
The two were able to get the rock off the ground and to chest level, but that was about all.
Worried for their backs, Luisa dropped the stone she was holding and assisted the two with theirs.
“You two are gonna throw your backs out lifting like that- Camilo, I didn’t see you take a breath that entire time- are you okay?!” Luisa asked, taking the rock and placing it on the wall.
“Yeah! I’m fine!” Camilo huffed, clearly a little dizzy.
“Thank you for your help guys, seriously- we knocked about 2 hours off of this project by dividing it up. You’re free to go now!”
“But- the last stone?” Y/N pointed back at the ground where Luisa had dropped the rock she was holding.
“Oh that? I can put that up no problem. Go! Both of you! Go rest your backs, im sure you’ll feel a burn later tonight!” The girl said waving Y/N and Camilo off.
“She wasn’t lying- lifting those rocks hurt-“ Camilo said, kicking a pebble on the path.
“You can feel it already?! We just left-“
“You CAN’T feel it?! My back is killing me!”
“Huh- maybe I’m just stronger than you.”
“Psh- yeah ok.” Camilo rolled his eyes
Later that evening, when everyone was back in their rooms for the night, Y/N had decided to pay Bruno a visit, as they had been out of the house all day and hadn’t seen him.
As the time passed, Bruno noticed that Y/N couldn’t quite get comfortable in their seat.
“Hey-“ he said softly, turning to look at them.
“Hm? What’s up?” Y/N asked, scooting up in their seat again
“Are you feelin’ alright?”
“Nothing is wrong! I’m just… fidgety!” They say back, a little too quick.
“Mmmm- nah I’m not buying that-“ Bruno said, turning fully to face Y:N.
“Ughhh, fine- Camilo and I were helping Luisa with some of her chores out in the town, and my back is sore from lifting a bunch of heavy rocks.” They admit, slouching over.
Bruno smiled.
“What’re you smilin’ at?”
“Nothing! Nothing! I just think it’s sweet that you were helping out Luisa” Bruno said with an innocent shrug
“I could try to massage your back for you, if you think that’d help?” He offered after a moment.
Y/N thought for a moment, then nodded
“Sure! Couldn’t hurt I suppose.” They said, sitting upright and awaiting instruction.
“Ok! Uh- here-“ Bruno looks around for a moment, then gets up and tosses a few cushions on the floor for Y/N.
“Lie down on your stomach.” He said, motioning to the cushions.
Y/N obeyed and plopped down on the cushions, arms crossed under their head.
Bruno stood there for a moment, unsure of how to proceed without making Y/N uncomfortable, then stepped over them, kneeling down to take a seat on their low back.
“I-is this ok?” He asked cautiously, ready to get up at any sign of unease.
“Yeah, this is fine!” Y/N said, voice muffled in the cushion.
“Ok, good- so where does it hurt?”
“It’s not really a localized pain, but I’ll direct you as you go.”
“Oh, ok”
Bruno placed both hands palm down on their back, massaging at the tight muscles. Every few passes, he could feel Y/N begin to loosen up more and more, which put Bruno at ease too.
“Could you maybe move a little higher?” Y/N said after a long silence.
“Yeah sure! Like… right here?” Bruno asked, giving their back a poke just below their shoulder blades.
Y/N jolted, letting out an indistinct noise, scaring Bruno, who retracted his hand quickly.
“Woah- w-what was that?! Are you hurt?! I-is it that bad?! Did I hurt you??” Bruno began to panic, feeling the area out again for any abnormalities, and with each touch, Y/N jumped and… squeaked? No- giggled?
“Are- are you laughing-?” Bruno stopped once again, the pieces finally clicking in his head.
“Your back is ticklish?” He asked, genuine intrigue in his voice.
Y/N sheepishly nodded, face still buried in the cushion, too flustered to look up.
Bruno experimentally poked their shoulder blades with both fingers, earning him a few dampened squeaks.
Bruno then opened his hands and began scratching at the area.
“NOHOHAHA!” Y/N shot up into a seal pose, unintentionally throwing Bruno backwards off their back.
“Wohoah! Really hit something there huh?”
Y/N fell back to the cushion, grumbling under their breath.
“Well- I haven’t finished the massage yet, so just try and stay still while I continue, ok?” Bruno’s voice was ever so slightly laced with mischief as he reassumed his spot on Y/N’s back.
Their back began to shake with anticipatory giggles as Bruno placed his hands on their back, just below the shoulder blades. He began gently raking his fingers down either side of Y/N’s back, eliciting shivers and muffled giggles from them.
Then suddenly, he switched to pokes all down Y/N’s spine.
The quick change sent shockwaves through their muscles as they yelped.
“NOHO! BRUHUNO NOT THERE NOHOT THERE PLEHEASE!” They pleaded, beginning to wiggle and kick around beneath the prophet’s touch,
“Is it seriously that bad?? I’m hardly even touching you- just little pokes-“ he said, honestly surprised that Y/N was so sensitive.
“It is! I’m trying to give you a massage and you keep moving!” He said, refocusing on their shoulder blades. “See? You’re all tight and tense right… here!” He pressed his fingers into the area again, and Y/N jolted again, only this time, flipping over.
Nearly being bucked off again, Bruno steadied himself, now seated on Y/N’s hips.
“I mean, I suppose this works too-“ he said as he shot his hands down to spider across Y/N’s stomach, smiling at the jovial laughter pouring out of their mouth.
“Oh I gave up on that a while ago- I’m just having fun now!” Bruno admitted, giving Y/N’s ribs a few quick squeezes, earning high pitched squeaks from them, which Bruno said reminded him of his rats.
Seeing that they were reaching their limit, Bruno slowed his hands to a stop, standing up off of Y/N, smiling down at them.
“Doin’ ok?” He asked, crouching down to their level.
“You’re the wohohorst- you know that?” Y/N replied.
“Yeah, so I’ve been told” Bruno laughed, extending a hand to help them up.
“But seriously, you’re alright?”
“Yeah, no I’m fine! My ribs hurt now though”
“I can help with that!” Bruno says, lifting his hands, shaping them into claws.
“N-no! I don’t think that’ll be necessary!”
This was so very self indulgent I know I LNOW HUSH UR MOUTH I kNOW
Listen I’ve been having a real rubbish few weeks and I deserve some flustering, self indulgent content every once in a while >:T
Anywho! I hope you enjoyed!! This one didn’t turn out as scrumptious as I had hoped, but it still got me blushin and kickin my feet
If any of y’all catch the use of my worst tkl spot in this fic, no you didn’t <3
I got a few requests in for some other lee!reader/ler!bruno stuffs so I’ll get those cookin soon, but I think the next few are gonna be from National Tkl day, since I have those still to do!
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