#also! LMAO look everyone i'm at it again - using absurdly long and grammatically dodgy sentences to fit into the 5-sentence minimum hehe
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
piarles + collarbone
sooo, i am still very much in my midnights by ts era, so my first thought upon reading this was, immediately and unabashedly, the mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones the lips i used to call home. ahem. i'm obsessed. anyways this one is inspired by taylor swift's maroon (except only the first, happy part of the song because i'm in my piarles feels today) ❤️
Charles wakes up slowly, his head pounding and his neck stiff and aching like he spent the night on the floor - which, he realises as he blinks and properly takes in his surroundings, seems to be exactly what he did.
Memories come back to him slowly, blurred and hazy like he's looking through a wine-stained glass: his feet in Pierre's lap, their laughter when Charles accidentally spilled a bit of wine onto his T-shirt, Pierre leaning forward with a smirk and a breathy murmur of "well, we can't waste that," and finally Pierre's lips on his collarbone.
Charles remembers his own half-moan, half-sigh at the feeling, remembers the way he had slipped his fingers into Pierre's hair and pulled, trying to drag him up his body, but with a combination of his trademark clumsiness and bad luck, he had accidentally managed to topple them both off the couch and onto the floor instead... but it hadn't mattered, none of it had mattered because Pierre was laughing, and then Charles was pushing up to kiss him and shut him up, and Pierre was kissing him back, and everything was right in the world.
Charles must have moved as he remembered, or shifted just a little too much, because Pierre groans from where he's sprawled half-under Charles, and then he's cursing and sitting up - and Charles can see the exact moment that Pierre also remembers why they are where they are, because his blue eyes widen and he scrambles back from Charles like he's been stung.
Charles is moving before he can really process the conscious decision it took to do so, one hand shooting out to wrap around Pierre's wrist and pull him back, pull him close again as Charles whispers, "Stay."
(send me a ship + a one word prompt and i will write a 5 sentence fic about it)
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