#he stayed and they talked about it and then lived happily ever after <333
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
piarles + collarbone
sooo, i am still very much in my midnights by ts era, so my first thought upon reading this was, immediately and unabashedly, the mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones the lips i used to call home. ahem. i'm obsessed. anyways this one is inspired by taylor swift's maroon (except only the first, happy part of the song because i'm in my piarles feels today) ❤️
Charles wakes up slowly, his head pounding and his neck stiff and aching like he spent the night on the floor - which, he realises as he blinks and properly takes in his surroundings, seems to be exactly what he did.
Memories come back to him slowly, blurred and hazy like he's looking through a wine-stained glass: his feet in Pierre's lap, their laughter when Charles accidentally spilled a bit of wine onto his T-shirt, Pierre leaning forward with a smirk and a breathy murmur of "well, we can't waste that," and finally Pierre's lips on his collarbone.
Charles remembers his own half-moan, half-sigh at the feeling, remembers the way he had slipped his fingers into Pierre's hair and pulled, trying to drag him up his body, but with a combination of his trademark clumsiness and bad luck, he had accidentally managed to topple them both off the couch and onto the floor instead... but it hadn't mattered, none of it had mattered because Pierre was laughing, and then Charles was pushing up to kiss him and shut him up, and Pierre was kissing him back, and everything was right in the world.
Charles must have moved as he remembered, or shifted just a little too much, because Pierre groans from where he's sprawled half-under Charles, and then he's cursing and sitting up - and Charles can see the exact moment that Pierre also remembers why they are where they are, because his blue eyes widen and he scrambles back from Charles like he's been stung.
Charles is moving before he can really process the conscious decision it took to do so, one hand shooting out to wrap around Pierre's wrist and pull him back, pull him close again as Charles whispers, "Stay."
(send me a ship + a one word prompt and i will write a 5 sentence fic about it)
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tinted-skies · 2 years
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my first or last?
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Mark `~ first.
He'd be your first and he'd make you feel as if you were his first as well (even if that weren't the case).
He would take you out whenever he found the time to and always ask for permission before kissing you or taking your hand in his... wholesome boy™, would never take you for granted.
You could swear he was the boy you were meant to grow old with but his insecurities would get the best of him. Was he holding you back? Were you with him just because you had no ex to compare him to?
Mark would refrain himself from ever being your last because he believed you deserved someone better than him.
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Renjun `~ last.
After too many failed first encounters, you were now 30+ years old, working a random day job with no desire to start a romantic relationship whatsoever.
But unfortunately for you, the moment you decided to give up on love, the universe decided to send you cute coworker!Renjun to prove you that there is still hope after all.
He was kind, sweet and loveable but also very determined - hence why he didn't beat around the bush, asking you on a date quickly after he realised his feelings for you. Cue the start of a beautiful relationship that would last years to come <3
Renjun would be the reason you believe in love again.
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Jeno `~ last.
Opposed to Mark, I believe Jeno's insecurity would be towards you (due to rough past relationships) and he'd fear that you wouldn't reciprocate his level of affection. However, after endless reassurance about how you felt for him, he was finally able to let down his guard.
Now you'd spend the rest of your days being followed around by a big baby who wants nothing more than to bear hug you and give you some cookies!!
This may be a weird thing to say, but in my eyes Jeno is a very responsible person when it comes to other people's feelings, so he'd find great joy in taking care of you and making sure you were happy all the time - aka the perfect last.
You and Jeno would have an happily ever after type of love.
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Haechan `~ first.
Listen... *sighs*... he's a gemini.
I think Haechan would love to be your first, you might not have been his first but that didn't make things any less exciting for him. He'd have fun showing you new stuff and taking you on little adventures and everything would be so cute and chill but also intense because you'd both be so drawn to each other. But then, one day, he'd probably just get bored of it all.
And it doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore (because he DOES), but the spark just isn't there anymore and he likes to live life always searching for that spark, you know?
I think it'd depend on the time you'd start dating tho. Maybe there would come a time when he'd want to settle and find a bit of stability, choosing to stay with you, as long as you promised to search for that spark alongside him.
Haechan would be your exciting and passionate first love.
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Jaemin `~ last.
Hear me out, if I had to pick any dreamie to write a soulmate!au it would be this man right here. Childhood friends to lovers!au <333
In a perfect life you would have noticed the huge crush Jaemin had had on you all through highschool, and he would have been your first AND last. But due to your density college!Jaemin pushed his feelings aside, blaming it all on the raging hormones puberty came with (LIAR)
Although life sometimes got in the way, the world always seemed to put you two back together, and after years of trying to convince himself he was over you, he finally said "fuck it" and risked it all by confessing his feelings for you.
When you revealed you felt the same way, a weight lift off of his shoulders, feeling dumb for not having talked to you sooner. Little did you know that you'd be with him for the rest of your life, leaving you with plenty of time to make up for it.
Jaemin would love you through thick and thin, he'd want to be your first and last.
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Chenle `~ last.
Chenle wouldn't give a shit if he was your first or last, he was  living his life and just happened to come across you (and well now he happens to be stuck with you forever 🙃)
He'd be a super chill but also very responsible partner, taking care of your financial bills, possessions, insurances... *insert other economic stuff idk shit about* He'd show his love through little acts of service but would never shy away from an opportunity to shout to the world just how much he loved you.
You'd be a great team. He had always seen relationships as something stable and long-lasting, instead of passionate and intense (contrasting with Mr. Lee Haechan).
Chenle would be the laidback but very caring type of last.
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Jisung `~ first.
Let's be honest this boy would be a nervous wreck, and chances are you wouldn't be much better.
Jisung was probably one of those people who'd start a relationship still not knowing exactly who he was and what he wanted. So I believe his first love wouldn't be his last because he needed to grow and find himself.
However, I think if you broke up and later in life found him (and you were both single), he'd be up for another try, basking in the way both of you had grown so much and become more aware and determined.
Jisung would be the one to regret finding you first.
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Can I have a romantic matchup for the hobbit and Harry Potter?
I am a 20 yr old lesbian who has natural brown hair but I dye it (currently light pink),brown eyes, anxiety,depression,ADHD,autism,and 2 anxiety disorders
Yellow,Sweaters,Music (70's-mid 00's),True Crime,Flowers,Animals,Writing,Sweets,Food,Video Games,Movies,Stuffed Animals,Blankets,Cosplay,Weed,Incense,Tattoos,Friends,and Family
Spiders,Bullying,Yelling,Racism,Abuse,Snakes,Any type of pain,Sexism,Being Alone,Loud Noises,Not being good enough,Lying,Homophobia,Hot weather,Being sick,Transphobia,Being used, Arguing,and any type of Addiction
Thanks for requesting another matchup!! I hope you enjoy it!! <333
The Hobbit;
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💫 You met Galadriel when you traveled to Lórien as a traveling merchant, selling clothes and whatnot to earn your keep, but you mostly traveled because you just loved nature; that's when you stumbled upon the Elven paradise
Her royal guards brought you to meet Galadriel, where she asked why you had journeyed to her land
After explaining that you were just traveling around and wandered to her relm, you offered some of the fine cloths that you had in your small wooden chest
Galadriel was impressed, never seeing such silks before, and asked you where you had gotten them; you revealed that you handcraft them yourself
That was when Galadriel offered for you to stay in Lórien as her personal seamstress
The two of you began to bond sometime later, eating dinner beside each other at the long table, drinking wine and whatnot
You spend nights looking at the stars and talking about the pat, present, and future
For her, you had sewn a beautiful robe and she loved it, gifting you a fine set of flowers that only bloomed every ten thousand years in the right sunlight, they called them sunflowers
Most times spent with her, you walked around Lórien, telling each other your secrets
You both were a match made by Valar, and your love would never dwindle
Harry Potter;
Narcissa Black:
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🎇 You met Narcissa in Hogwarts, but only really became friends with her in the last year at the magic school, and during that year, you fell for her
🎇 You were a bit upset, devastated really, when you heard that she was arranged to marry Lucius Malfoy, thought you were invited to the wedding
🎇 It hurt to see them so seemingly happy, even having a child of their own, but you just wanted her to be happy
🎇 A few years later, after Draco, her son, started at Hogwarts did she confide in you about her straining marriage
🎇 She told you how toxic the relationship was and you felt terrible, supporting her nonetheless you offered her a place to stay
🎇 Staying at your place, you and Narcissa would bake and read together, even planting flowers in the garden toegther
🎇 Sometime later she told you she wanted to get a divorce from Lucius, and you fully supported her, helping her get the papers and documents ready as she told Lucius the news
🎇 Though Lucius was a bit hesitant, he signed them after just a little bit of discord, the only real fight began when Narcissa wanted full custody of Draco
🎇 After a couple of years, just by the end of Draco's fourth year, Narcissa won her case, and Draco moved in permanently with you and Narcissa; it took a bit for the teen to warm up to you, but he quickly realized how much better you were compared to his pretty mentally abusive dad
🎇 In the end, after the war, you and Narcissa got married and practically lives happily ever after
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Ok but consider: the splash bros as a narrative foil to austonmitchy ... nearly 10 years of losing in the most heartbreakingly almost fashion and yet you still choose to stay and go back home to each other vs. being undisputably the best and coming back from the dead time after time after years of waiting and longing and reminding the world that you're unstoppable together even if the clock seems to have other plans.
That and klay is the most recent victim of mitchsogyny which is when uber-entitled fans of a team with a Best Guy Ever want to kick said Guy's work wife off of the only one he's ever known because of (1) bad playoff performance that somehow overshadows several good ones !! Men are watching sports for the wrong reasons just enjoy the gay love story and be grateful ugh !!! Ok sorry for ranting ive just been thinking abt both of them a lot and luv ur blog and need them all to stay married forever or i will do something Drastic etc ok that's all bye have a lovely day <333
oh my god anon... your mind... i had never connected those two dots but yes absolutely!! as always i am prone to rambling so i'm sticking the rest of my reply under the cut.
i think you nailed it re: how despite the different trajectory each pairing has taken (years of coming close but not close enough vs literal dynastic success) the enduring love is still there!
i also think the way these two pairings came to be is interesting to compare. auston and mitch written in the stars (auston shattering the glass of the rink off a mitch assist in their first practice together, fast friends since they were rookies etc) vs steph and klay having a slower burn and only really bonding a couple years in (the barcelona trip).
and then, like. auston and mitch sitting in the locker room together, united in their grief and heartbreak in the amazon doc... the effervescent joy that klay and steph take in succeeding together but also watching each other succeed, even all these years later!! both pairs always speaking highly of one another, understanding that they make each other better, and most importantly wanting to climb the metaphorical mountain together. and needing each other in order to do so.
less important but amusing to me: one half getting married and settling down (steph, mitch) and the other still (presumably) happily living that bachelor life (klay, auston)
have to take a quick second to highlight this part of your ask because it made me feel so weepy in wake of Recent Events (which i will circle back to):
being undisputably the best and coming back from the dead time after time after years of waiting and longing and reminding the world that you're unstoppable together even if the clock seems to have other plans
LIKE.... LET'S TALK ABOUT IT FOR REAL... steph is a generational talent, an all time great, changed the way the game is played etc etc BUT. everything he has won at an nba level has been with klay by his side. the warriors were a lottery team for two seasons, everyone said they'd never win again in the 1130 era... and then klay came back and they won again! when steph was out last season, klay played a huge part in keeping the time afloat! i repeat that through the power of true love all things are possible and i think that's beautiful.
and of course, klay as the most recent victim of mitchsogyny is just incredible scholarship, truly. i've been avoiding all warriors-related news/spaces this offseason because people are being so fucking miserable, it's painful to see.
like, with the faction of leafs fans who want mitch gone, i can almost understand why they feel that way (note: that doesn't mean i approve or agree lol). and that's because in the same way that winning cures all, losing poisons everything.
but with warriors fans and klay, it's like? was four championships and coming back from two potentially career-ending injuries not enough for you people? did you guys forget a decade plus of incredible performances that quickly? where is your sense of loyalty! <- this circles back to your point abt how the average sportsfan engages with team sports. they care about the logo, the team as a concept, and maybeee one or two superstar players. but for me personally, and i think for many people on sports tumblr, what good is rooting for a team if the team is completely unrecognizable? i don't want to see nameless players win a title, i want to watch my guys win! i want to get invested in their journeys and their accomplishments and watch them grow together! sports are just stories about people at the end of the day!
please don't apologize anon, i too have been in the trenches with the news that klay is likely to leave as a FA and just... everything... about the mitch situation. i think the most important thing to remember is that no matter what happens, the love will always be there. and when we look back, their names will always be said together.
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versadies · 3 years
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salutations. @xiaosmoon's valentines writing collab !
addressed. kaeya alberich (w/ gn!reader)
sypnosis. how you spend your wedding ceremony with kaeya.
content. fluff/no-angst, spoilers to kaeya's lore, no tw
prompt. feb 26 - kissing at the altar
penpals. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @hoshikistarlight @shenhesl0ver @serami00 (visit my taglist info if interested!)
post-script. here's my second entry for your collab eri !! i hope you like this <<333
for so many years, kaeya had never expected himself to experience a moment like this.
as a spy for his homeland, khaneri’ah, he never thought that there’ll ever come a day when he genuinely has a moment as precious as this. why should a traitor like him deserve this? it’s not like there’s someone out there who will still love him even after finding out about the truth, look what happened between him and his sworn-brother.
yet, here you are.
he had never expected that his partner in crime would be the same person that he’ll wake up next to every morning, thinking that yes, despite your morning look, you are still the most gorgeous person he has ever met.
he had never expected that you, who can fight back against his sly comments and flirts, would accept his love confession to you during windblume festival under the night sky of starsnatch cliff happily.
he had never expected you, who stayed throughout the night in angel’s share listening to his drunk confessions and taking him back home, would still love him after he confessed the truth of his identity.
he had never expected you, who’s spent so many years with him, currently walking towards the altar looking as breathtaking as always in your wedding outfit, shooting him that smile of yours that always made him feel his ears warming.
his heart could burst at any moment, wanting to run towards you and just kiss you right there and then.
he instantly felt his palms sweating as soon as you stood in front of him, and he didn’t hesitate to give you a playful smirk to hide his nervousness.
“please be seated.” the officiant announces, causing the audience to instantly sit down on their seats.
“first, i’d like to begin by welcoming everyone and thanking each and every one of you for being here on this happiest of days. it’s no accident that each of you are here today, and each of you were invited to be here because you represent someone important in the individual and collective lives of kaeya alberich and y/n l/n.”
“are you nervous?” you mouthed to kaeya as the officiant continued talking.
“are you?” he mouths back in amusement, glancing at the officiant’s direction in hopes of him not noticing the both of you not paying attention.
“you look gorgeous as always, my love.” he mouths again, watching as you look away in flustered.
“you look handsome too.”
the two of you hesitated to talk for a moment.
“i missed you.” the both of you mumbled in sync, causing you to stifle your laughter.
the both of you immediately stopped when the officiant cleared his throat before continuing his speech. “and so, we are gathered together here to join kaeya and y/n in the union of marriage. this contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities.”
this is it, kaeya thinks.
“kaeya alberich, do you take y/n l/n to be your spouse and promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect them, forsaking all others, and holding only unto them forevermore?”
without a second thought, he answers quickly. “i do.”
the officiant nods, before looking at your direction. “and y/n l/n, do you take kaeya alberich to be your husband and promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?”
“i do.” you replied, the both of you eager for the moment the both of you have been waiting for.
diluc immediately brings out the rings to the both of you, causing you to grab each other’s rings and wait for the officiant’s signal.
“kaeya and y/n will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other, for rings are precious metal and are made precious by you wearing them. your wedding rings are special, for they enhance who you are and mark the beginning of your long journey together. your wedding ring is a circle – a symbol of love that never ends – and is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end.
kaeya, please place the ring on your lover’s left hand and repeat after me,”
it feels like time is getting slower as kaeya grows more excited. when will he finally be able to claim you as his spouse that he’ll cherish for the rest of his life even after death? he wondered, repeating the officiant’s words before placing the ring that he bought on your left hand.
“and y/n, please place the ring on your lover’s left hand and repeat after me as well.”
“as a sign of my love,” he spoke.
you take a deep breath before repeating the officiant’s words. “as a sign of my love,”
“that i have chosen you,”
“that i have chosen you,”
“above all else,”
“above all else,”
kaeya could feel rosaria nudging his back with her arm subtly, causing him to stop tapping his foot in anticipation. could his friend really blame him? he never expected the ceremony to take this long! wasn’t all the practices the both of you had done been faster than this?
“with this ring, i thee wed.”
“with this ring, i thee wed.” you recited, letting out a small sigh of relief before putting the ring on kaeya’s finger as well.
“i would’ve talked about my wishes for this couple, but seeing as they are very eager for this to end, i shall put their sufferings to end and cut to the chase,” the officiant jokes, causing the both of you to smile cheekily as the audience lets out a few chuckles.
the officiant then clears his throat. “and now, by the power in vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you married.”
kaeya holds your hands together, staring deep into your eyes.
“go forth and live each day to the fullest. you may now kiss the spouse!”
before the cavalry captain could eagerly lean his lips against yours, you immediately pulled his tie and made him pull towards you for an intimate kiss, causing people to cheer aloud for you in happiness.
“i see someone’s impatient,” he teases you as soon as the both of you pull away.
you pinch his cheek in response, your smile reaching to your eyes. “shut up, i know you were impatient too from how your foot keeps tapping so much.”
“of course,” he spoke, laughing when you gasp from how he suddenly carries you bridal-style. “only my dearest spouse could make me so impatient.”
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // epilogue
part five
word count: 6k (v worth it me thinks)
a/n: the final official part has arrived bffs </3 i will be doing an epilogue of just pure fluff do not fret <333 i hope u all enjoy this one !! made it xtra long for y’all <3 let me know what you guys think pls !! , i cried writing jt and the ending is my favorite thing ever eeek !!!
You were sitting on the couch next to Natasha, it was quiet as the news played on the tv in front of the two of you, news reporters talking about the aftermath of Thanos’ doing. 
23 days.
23 days since you had lost half the team, since you had lost half the universe. Since you had lost bucky.
Life was dull, you cried for hours on end at night, longing filling your chest. Sometimes you would dream of him, a smile on your face as you slept. Then you would wake up, reaching out next to you in hopes of your fingers being met with the cold vibranium of his arm. You were met with cold sheets, emptiness.
Steve missed him too, sometimes he would sit next to you when you were in tears, placing an arm around you and comforting you as best he could. Natasha and him took turns watching over you, making sure you stayed healthy.
The sound of low rumbling brought you out of the trance you were in, you furrowed your brows and looked at nat, she looked back at you equally as confused. As you went to get up things around you started shaking, steve came of the restroom concerned.
“what the hell is that?” You questioned, Rhodey and banner walking into the room together. The five of you ran out into the yard, looking up your eyes went wide. You recognized carol carrying the giant ship, you had met briefly when she came to earth after receiving Fury’s signal.
Your mouth flew open and tears filled your eyes as you saw tony, a smile on your face as Steve ran to tony, steadying him as the woman next to him handed him off.
The rest of you watched from afar as pepper ran up to tony, the two hugging. You felt your heart tug in your chest as the two soulmates embraced.
You were sat next to thor as while the others explained what happened, though you figured from the pain in their eyes they had suffered the consequences of thanos’ actions themselves.
“whats wrong with them?” Tony asked, looking at you and thor.
“oh he’s pissed, he thinks he failed, which he did-” the raccoon continued to talk but you zoned out.
“did barnes..?” Tony asked softly and steve nodded, his eyes softened, if he had the energy he would’ve gotten up and hugged you.
As they continued to talk you could see tony getting angrier at the captain, you hated it. You hated knowing that things would most likely never be the same between the two friends. You watched teary eyed as the two argued, the lump growing in your throat.
Thor placed his hand on you arm gently, reassuring you everything would be okay. You looked up and saw tony take out his arc reactor, shoving it into Steve’s hand.
“here, take this. You find him, and you put that on, you hide” tony spat, immediately falling to the ground. Steve was quick to catch him, holding him up.
Before you knew it he was passed out, steve carrying him quickly to a bed with steve and Rhodey hot on his heels.
You sat back down next to thor, he handed you some of whatever he was snacking on and you smiled at him softly. The two of you watching the rest of the team bicker and talk about where thanos was.
“-unfortunately they didn’t have you guys” carol replied to Rhodey, you looked at thor, nudging him and he nodded, getting up while he still chewed.
Thor walked up to carol, holding his hand out as Stormbreaker came to him, barely missing carol. The two stared at each other before thor nodded.
“I like this one” he turned to you and you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch” steve spoke, a determined look on his face as everyone moved to get ready.
“y/n are you not coming?” Steve spoke and you hesisted, looking around before shaking your head.
“I’m gonna stay here with tony and pepper, in case they need something” you replied, fiddling with the dog tags you still wore around your neck.
Steve knew that wasn’t the reason, but he didn’t push you, simply nodding his head, giving you a hug and then walking away.
You sat back on the couch after letting pepper know you would be there if they needed anything. You let your mind wander back to the flash on you and bucky at a picnic, the sun seemed so bright and you caught yourself smiling as you thought of bucky. Your eyes were closed as you seemingly looped the flash of your futures in your head.
“isn’t the sunset so beautiful james” you sighed contently, a small smile on your face as you looked at the pinks and reds. You turned to look at bucky, but he was gone. “Bucky?” Your heart raced, tears in your eyes as you looked around.
“y/n?” You whipped around quickly, mouth falling open as you saw bucky fading into dust.
“no!” You cried out, running to catch him.
Your eyes shot open and your heart raced in your chest. That can’t be right, that can’t happen. Bucky was your soulmate. Those visions were set in stone they had to happen, those were the rules, they can’t just change all of a sudden. Right?
You peeked into the room, checking in on tony and pepper.
“can i get some water actually?” Pepper asked and you nodded, quickly coming back with water and some snacks for her. “Thanks” you whispered and you smiled at her.
“they’ll bring him back, i know they will” pepper reassured you. You gaveher the best smile you could manage and replied, “i know.”
You held out hope for the time the others were out. Shaking away the thought of the flashes of your future changing. It’s just because I’m on edge, that’s it. You reasoned, your leg bouncing as you waited for them to return.
Everyone walked in, you ran up to them hopeful for good news, you looked at steve with a smile, hugging him and holding your hand in his. He felt his heart crush in his chest, this was the happiest you’d been since the decimation and it was going to be torn from you immediately.
“so? did you get the stones? when are we getting everyone back? Does someone need to snap or clap or what? did you guys kill him?” You rushed out, eyes shining in hope as you looked at everyone. Your stomach fell as you saw the look on their faces.
“he destroyed them” Natasha spoke cautiously, “there’s no more stones, we- there’s nothing we can do.”
“oh,” was all you managed to say, your hand going limp in Steve’s, you felt a new wave of pain coming up and you didn’t want to have another meltdown infront of them.
“y/n, please we’re here for you” steve spoke, trying to grasp your hand again after you pulled it out of his.
“I’m fine” you smiled, walking away quickly to your room. Steve sighed, going to follow you but Natasha stopped him, knowing you would want some space.
You laid on your bed, at first nothing happened, you just looked up at your ceiling, an emptiness in your chest. Then it all hit you.
Bucky was gone, there was nothing that could bring him back. The one person you were destined to was gone and you couldn’t do a single thing about it. The little time you had together wasn’t nearly enough to you. The two day trips to wakanda left you wanting more, but you could never get more time. You were always out of time.
For years you had been praying to finally touch your soulmate, to meet them and live a long happy life together. You knew you would never get that the moment you reached out to bucky and saw your future with him. You knew the road would be bumpy but you held out hope, both of you did. You tried to keep him within your grasp, you tried to hold him close to your heart for as long as you could despite knowing you were out of time. You thought of how he would embrace you, how he would keep you safe in his arms while you slept.
Now you slept in an empty bed, knowing there wouldn’t be a next visit to wakanda. Knowing your soulmate was gone and you didn’t get to say goodbye. Knowing you were back to where you started- Alone.
Five years.
It had been five years since the Decimation happened, everyone else called it the blip.
Gently, you set down the bag of groceries, finally closing your apartment door after your third trip up. You arranged everything quietly, 40s music softly playing from your speaker and the jingle of Buckys dog tags filling the apartment.
You never took them off. They were all you had of him, they were the only thing to keep you going. You would fiddle with them and hold them close to your chest. They brought you comfort. The same comfort bucky would give you, the comfort he had given you during your time in wakanda. The same you should’ve had right in this moment.
One more fight
The words rang in your ears, taunting you. Rage, sadness and pain all filled your chest, your heart aching as you finished putting everything away, shutting the music off and turning on the tv. You looked down at the dog tags that rested on your chest, tears welling in your eyes as you read over them.
The hot tears fell down your face and you held the dog tags tightly in your hands, mind going blank as you let yourself wallow in the pain for a moment.
Your phone rang and you wiped your tears away, sniffling as you saw Steve’s contact picture. You hesisted before answering.
“hi steve!” You spoke brightly, putting on your best act.
“hey y/n how are you?” Steve spoke smoothly and you wiped at your tears before replying.
“I’m doing good! Just got back from the grocery store” you wanted to hang up, to just watch reruns of your favorite show and forget about everything
“are you sure?” Steve spoke cautiously and you replied quicker than you intended, “course I’m sure!”
Then there was a knock on your door.
“great because I’m outside” steve replied happily, hanging up and waiting outside. Your stomach fell, you looked in the mirror, your eyes and nose were redándolo your cheeks flushed.
Quickly you ran to splash water on your face, taking in a shaky breath as you dried your face and moved to open the door, putting a smile on your face and greeting steve.
“if it isn’t my favorite captain” you smiled, steve looked at you warily, taking you into a hug after you let him in.
“you forget i have enhanced hearing y/n, i know you were sniffling right before opening the door” steve spoke bluntly and your shoulders fell. “y/n, you can’t keep shutting me out, Natasha is worried about you too” he spoke softly, taking your hand and leading you to your couch.
“i just miss him” you whispered and steve sighed, pulling you into him so your head rested on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you as you cried quietly.
“i know, i do too, we just have to learn to live without him, he would want you to start a life y/n, you don’t have to be alone” steve spoke. His presence was calming.
You and steve had been friends for so long, there was a reason he knew he could call you when SHIELD fell. You were the one to help him adjust to modern society, you were his first friend out of the ice.
“how about you go shower and change, and I’ll make some food for us okay? We can watch your show while we eat” steve smiled, he knew you hadn’t showered in three days from the way your hair was tangled and messily thrown into a ponytail.
“okay” you nodded, smiling softly as he helped you up, handing you some tissues before the two of you headed to do your own things.
You were grateful for steve, he had always been there to check up on you, constantly making sure you were okay. You had basically shut everyone else out, Natasha didn’t really reach out. You didn’t blame her.
You walked out of your room, the smell of pasta hitting your nose and your stomach growled, steve smiled as he set out the two plates.
“tried my best” he mumbled and you shook your head.
“thank you steve” you hugged him tightly and he returned it, letting go after a couple moments so the two of you could eat.
“i saw some whales the other day” you spoke up, “when i was coming up the bridge” steve smiled, glad to know you were leaving the apartment.
“fewer ships, cleaner water” he nodded, “might tell Nat, I’m sure she could use some good news” you nodded.
The two of you ate in silence, watching your favorite show as you did. Steve stayed for a bit longer before heading back to the compound. He hugged you tightly and you held onto him.
“promise you’ll reach out” steve pleaded and you nodded, “I’ll try” he smiled at your words, it was a start.
It hadn’t even been an hour when steve was calling you again, you rolled your eyes as you answered the phone.
“steve im not crying i swear” you joked, a small smile on your face.
“you have to get to the compound” he spoke in a serious tone and your stomach dropped, “scott Lang is here” you felt your heart race.
“wasn’t he- i thought he-” you cut yourself off, moving to get a jacket and your car keys, “I’m on my way.”
When you arrived you rushed towards the living room watching as Scott paced infront of steve and Natasha
As you set next to steve, scott began to ramble, talking about quantum physics and his time i. The quantum realm.
“wait, are you talking about a time machine?” You asked him, and he shook his head.
“no, of course not, it’s like a- yeah a time machine i know it’s crazy but there’s gotta be a way” scott mumbled.
“Scott, i get emails from a raccoon, nothing sounds crazy anymore” you smiled at natashas comment.
“so who do we talk about this?” Scott asked nervously, you and steve looked at each other for a second.
The four of you approached the cabin, your heart heavy as your eyes land on tony. You knew how much he wanted to just stay out of everything, he was happy for once, he was with his soulmate, he had a family.
“we know what it sounds like” Scott spoke as he finished explaining his plan.
You were quiet as tony and steve talked, Scott joining in when he mentioned his plan of a time heist.
“we can bring everyone back” Natasha reasoned and tony scoffed a little. “Or we could make things worse” he stated and you shifted. The four bickered for a while longer before you spoke up.
“Tony, we have to take a stand” his eyes landed on you and his gaze softened a bit.
“we did stand, and yet here we are” he spoke sharply.
“i know you got a lot on the line, a wife, a daughter, but i lost someone very importantly me, a lot of people did-” you zoned out as Scott spoke, your eyes resting on the lake and watching as the water moved slowly.
“Mommy told me to come and save you!” Morgan smiled as Tony picked her up. You smiled at the pair.
“good job, I’m saved” tony smiled at her, he turned to you guys before sighing, “i wish you’d come to ask for something else, i missed you guys” his eyes were soft and he spoke sincerely.
“I’m happy for you, i really am. But this is a second chance” steve pleaded and tony replied quickly, “i got my second chance right here.”
“Aunt y/n!” Morgan smiled as her eyes landed on you, wiggling out of her dads grasp as she ran to hug you.
“hi little stark” you smiled, picking her up with ease and carrying her on your hip.
Tony smiled at you as the steve and Natasha looked at you in confusion.
“i visit, I’m not a horrible person” you mumbled, you knew steve would have some choice words for you later.
“If you don’t talk shop, you can stay for lunch” tony spoke up, the others sighed, walking towards the car.
You set Morgan down, telling her to head inside. You gave Tony a hug, “I’ll visit soon, just haven’t been feeling the best” you mumbled and he rubbed your back.
“you always have a room here y/n” he smiled softly and you nodded, waving goodbye before going the other three in the car.
“we’re gonna need a big brain” steve spoke, Scott looked at him in disbelief.
“bigger than his?” Scott questioned and you rolled your eyes, knowing you would be seeing Bruce soon.
“can you drop me off at home actually?” you spoke up, steve looking at you for a moment before nodding, driving to your apartment building. You got out quickly and said goodbye, “let me know what you guys find” steve, Natasha and Scott nodded, wishing you goodnight.
The cold New York air nipped at your skin as you rushed up your stairs, holding your jacket tightly as you fumbled with your key and let yourself in, sighing when you closed the door.
You changed into your pajamas quickly, brushing your teeth before grabbing the notebook and your pen on your nightstand and sliding into bed. You flipped to the next empty page as you began to write.
hi james,
today was okay, steve came over and found me crying. he stayed and made dinner, he’s been taking care of me for a while now, i feel kinda guilty.
You continued to write into the journal, letting all your feelings pour out into the page. As you finished for the night you clicked you pen and set them on your nightstand. You had finished all the pages in the notebook already. With a sigh you got up from your bed, grabbing the small notebook and placing it on the floor as you reached for a container under your bed.
You reached for the lid and opened it, there were numerous other notes book, you placed the one you had just written in next to your last one, closing the lid and sliding it back under your bed.
For the past five years you’ve been writing to bucky, it helped you stay somewhat sane. If he ever came back you didn’t want him to feel left out, you wanted to make sure he felt like he didn’t miss those five years of your life. You wanted him to be there. Your hands fiddled with the dog tags as you laid on your side.
You needed him to be here with you.
The next morning you woke up to a call from steve, with fuzzy vision your answered the phone, bringing it to your ear.
“hello?” You mumbled and steve spoke quickly, your eyes widened as he spoke.
“tony found a way” was all you needed to hear to have you scrambling to get ready.
“be there in 30” you rushed out, a smile on your face. You felt hope blossoming in your chest, thoughts of the picnic with bucky flooded your mind as you got ready.
You were going to get him back. You were going to be together.
You ran into the compound as smiled at those around you, rocket looked at you in shock when you smiled at him.
“didn’t know she did that” he remarked and Scott looked at him equally as shocked.
“Steve! Tony!” You beamed, crashing into them and taking them into a group hug. You let out a sigh of happiness.
“Is it true? Can we actually get them back?” Your eyes shined and tony found his heart growing, it had been so long since you had been happy.
“we have a shot kid” he nodded, “Clint just tried it out and it worked,” your smile grew, throwing your arms around him as everyone gathered into the room
“well what are we waiting for? Let’s plan this heist!” You smiled, looking at everyone and steve nodded.
You listened as everyone spoke, sharing their knowledge on the stones. You sat next to Natasha who was taking notes, glancing over at them your gears turned, speaking up as they talked about Stephen Strange.
“he lived in New York?” You questioned and they nodded, Tony rolling his eyes at you, “are you paying attention?”
“if you pick the right year there’s three stones in New York” you replied quickly, everyone looking at you in surprise.
Not long after your realization there was finally a formulated plan. You were nervous, excited and hopeful. You were going to get everyone back, you were going to get bucky back.
“Six stones, three teams, one shot” you mumbled, everyone nodding as you looked at the plan you had come up with steve and tony.
“I’ll stay behind just in case, you all know what you’re doing and ive been out of the loop so” you trailed off and they nodded.
“you already did enough, i mean you came up with the whole plan” tony scoffed and you smiled at him.
“you guys got this” you encouraged them, natasha smiling at you. Without hesitating you pulled the three in for a hug, squeezing tightly before letting go.
“okay, go kick some ass” you smiled.
The team filed onto the time machine and you waited by the buttons, looking for steve signal.
“see you in a minute” natasha called out to you and you waved goodbye, pressing the buttons and holding your breath and they all shrunk and disappeared from your sight.
It was only a minute later when they all appeared, you smiled as you ran up to them, quickly doing a headcount. Your stomach fell when you saw Natasha was missing.
“Clint wheres nat” you asked quietly, voice shaking. He didn’t reply. You stumbled back, teary eyed as you walked out.
You looked at the lake, steve, Tony, thor, Clint and Bruce gathered around you.
“do we know if she had any family?” Tony asked and you scoffed.
“us” steve spoke up and Thor looked at them confused.
“you’re acting like she’s dead, why are we acting like she’s dead?” Thor spoke up, his voice growing louder and you winced as he continued, Clint soon jumping in and arguing with him. The two men shouted and you let your tears fall silently, steve noticed and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“she’s not coming back” Bruce mumbled quietly.
“we have to make it worth it” you spoke up, wiping your tears and standing up.
“we will” steve spoke, getting up after you did.
“the what are we waiting for” you looked at them with a small smile, squeezing Clint’s arm before walking past him and into the lab.
You waited anxiously for them to finish the gauntlet, jumping up when rocket walked in with it in hand.
“who’s gonna snap their freaking fingers?” Thor spoke up, immediately volunteering.
“no Thor, wait a second” you stopped him, everyone else protesting his actions.
“what we’re just waiting for the right opportunity?” He huffed and Scott spoke up.
“we should at least discuss it”
Thor nodded his head, speaking up again, “I’m the strongest avenger this is my responsibility, it’s my duty” you were quick to stop him.
“it’s not about that” you spoke gently. He furrowed his brows and turned to look at you angrily.
“stop it! Just let me!” You could see the tears in his eyes, “let me do something good, something right”
Tony explained to him the power the stones had, trying to reason for him to not do it. Thor argued right back before Bruce cut him off, explaining how it almost killed thanos when he snapped and how no one else could survive it.
“how do you know you will?” Steve asked cautiously.
“it’s mainly gamma, it’s like i was made for this” he whispered as everyone moved back you noticed Nebula was missing.
Bruce’s grunts of pain made you focus back onto him, “are you okay? talk to me!” You screamed, frantic as he yelled in pain.
“I’m okay!” He spoke fighting against the pain and snapping his fingers, you held your breath as he did so, your heartbeat thumping in your ears.
You looked out the window and saw two birds, a smile on your face as you realized it had worked. Clint had a smile on his face as he answered a call, “honey, honey!” He spoke.
You turned to tell the team it had worked, but before you could you were blasted away by missiles, the compound crumbling underground.
You groaned as you heard rocket calling out for her, you and Rhodey doing your best to free him. Finally he wiggled free, the three of you sighing before your eyes went wide. A flood of water washing over the three of you as you panicked.
Rhodey called for help and you heard Scott on the other end. You kept your head up high, trying to not drown, rocket clung onto you as Bruce tried to hold the structure up.
“see you on the other side” Rhodey spoke and you geared up shaking your head.
“Hang on! I’m coming!” Scott yelled and you tried your best to stay above water, Rhodey struggling next to you as rocket clung onto your back.
Before you knew it you were clinging onto Scott as he turned into giant man, Rocket continued to Clint onto you and Rhodey held on for fear life.
Scott placed you and rocket down, you spotted the wakandans next to you and ran towards them, smiling as you saw t’challa and shuri amongst them.
“shuri!” You cried out, hugging her tightly. She handed you a gun and some knives and you quickly strapped them to you. “How’d you know” you smiled and she shrugged.
“you people never seem prepared for battle” she teased and you smiled, standing next to her as you prepared to face thanos’ army.
Your eyes scanned the crowd for bucky, heart beating louder and louder and you couldn’t find him. You ran onto the battlefield with everyone, immediately shooting and fighting the aliens off.
You shot them as fast as you could, but they were quickly surrounding you, grunting as one of them tackled you,
Before you could even think of grabbing a knife it’s body fell limp and you pushed it off you, looking at the bullet wounds.
“hope you haven’t been fighting like that this whole time doll”
You felt your heart drop and your stomach flutter. Bucky.
You turned around quickly, a smile on your face as your eyes met his baby blue one. Your smile grew as you ran towards him, dropping your gun and throwing yourself onto him. He picking you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist, holding you tightly.
“you’re here, you’re back, you’re here” you spoke over and over, tears streaming down your cheeks as you buried your face into the crook of his neck.
“I’m here doll” he reassured you, holding onto you tightly and closing his eyes for a moment. The sound of an alien screaming made you snap out of your bubble.
You groaned as you picked up your gun, shooting it in the head before turning back to bucky, you smiled at him before crashing your lips onto his. He smiled into the kiss, leaning in for a second before the two of you pulled away.
“been waiting five years to do that” you spoke breathless and bucky smiled at you.
“after this you can kiss me all you want sweets” he spoke and you giggled, moving to press your backs against one another, shooting at the aliens.
You thought back to wakanda, how familiar it all was. But this time you would win. This time it was your last fight, you would win and you could go home with bucky. You could be with your soulmate.
You watched as the other tossed the gauntlet around, trying to keep it away from thanos.
“Bucky we have to go help them!” You called out and he nodded, the two of you running towards where steve, Thor and tony were, helping fend off the aliens attacking them.
You saw thanos get the gauntlet and you felt you blood run cold, you froze in your spot. Please, not again. You turned to bucky, dropping your weapon as you clung onto him tightly.
“not letting you go again” you mumbled, kissing him before letting go and grabbing a knife from your suit and running towards the titan.
You threw the knife at thanos with all you had, lodging it in his shoulder. He cried out in pain as it stabbed him, giving Tony the chance to attack him once more, pulling the gauntlet before Thanos punches him away.
“I am inevitable” thanos spoke, your blood ran cold as he snapped, flinching away when he did. When nothing happened you looked at him once more, a smile on your face as you saw the glove had no stones.
“And i” tony spoke, “am Iron man” he snapped his fingers, the white light blinding you before bucky pulled you into him, shielding you from the light.
As the two of you looked again you saw the aliens fading into dust. You held Buckys hand tightly, your knuckles white. You looked at him in excitement, wrapping your arms around his neck when you realized you had won.
You had won.
Turning quickly you ran to look for tony and steve, the smile falling from your face when you saw peter over Tony’s body.
You ran towards him, falling to your knees next to him.
“tony? no you can’t” you shook your head, tears welling in your eyes and he turned to look at you.
“hey kid, take care of my girls yeah?” He smiled and you shook your head, “you can take care of em you have to hold on a bit longer” you protested.
“always told you that you had one hell of a throw” he chuckled dryly, “‘ts what helped me get the stones” he smiled gently and you broke down into tears, “you have him now, you’ll be okay” he whispered.
Bucky pulled you aside, letting pepper speak to tony. You cried into Buckys chest, not knowing what would happen to you if you looked back.
It happened so fast.
You were in a black dress outside the cottage you had visited countless time. You didn’t imagine the next time you visited would be for Tony’s funeral.
Bucky held your hand, his thumb making small circles on the back of your hand to calm you down. You could help but lean into him, his presence relaxing you immediately.
You smiled fondly as you thought back to the time tony tried to talk you into breaking up with bucky one time after you came back from wakanda. You knew he was joking but he still felt a little bad, buying you dinner as compensation
As the service ended you followed bucky, steve and Sam to the time machine where Bruce waited.
You stood next to bucky as steve said goodbye to Sam, walking up to you guys next.
“Don’t do anything stupid ‘til i get back” steve spoke and bucky smiled.
“how can i? you’re taking all the stupid with you” the hugged tightly for a bit before pulling apart.
“gonna miss you buddy” bucky sighed and steve looked at him softly.
“it’s gonna be okay buck” he turned to you.
“bye steve” you let out softly, bottom lip quivering. He hugged you tightly, kissing your temple softly.
“you’re still gonna be my favorite best friend” he spoke softly and you smiled, letting out a soft chuckle before sniffling.
“you finally have him back y/n, you’re gonna be happy, i promise” you nodded and hugged him one more time, knowing it would be the last time.
As he stepped into the time machine you melted into Buckys side, he put an arm around you and kissed the top of your head.
Steve vanished as he went to return the stones, seconds later Bruce signaled to bring him back, but he didn’t appear.
“where is he?” Sam spoke, worry lacing his voice.
“I don’t know he blew right past his time stamp, he should be here” Bruce panicked and you and bucky looked around your eyes landing Onondaga older version of him sitting on a log.
You nudged bucky as you heard sam and Bruce arguing.
“sam” you called out, looking at him before back at steve. Sam walked towards you cautiously as you pointed at steve.
“go ahead” bucky spoke to the man, the two of you smiled at sam as he approached steve.
You and bucky smiled as steve handed sam the shield. A grin on your face as he put the shield on his arm.
“he’s gonna be a great captain america” bucky smiled fondly and you nodded. “Steve made the right choice” you added.
The two of you walked away hand in hand, getting into your car and heading back to your apartment. Bucky settled in quickly, sitting on your couch and pulling you down with him, a small squeal leaving your lips as your back crashed onto his chest.
“missed you so much buck” you mumbled, wiggling so that you could cuddle into him, leaving open mouthed kisses on his neck and onto his jawline.
“i missed you too doll” he whispered, kissing you softly, his hand moving to the back of your neck. He pulled away when he pinky felt the familiar chain of his dog tags, hooking it onto his pinky and pulling them out from under your shirt.
“you kept them?” He looked at you teary eyed and you nodded, heart racing.
“they were the only thing left of you, course i did” you smiled, taking them off and placing them onto him, fixing them so that they laid on his chest.
“that reminds me!” You smiled, getting off of him and running to your room, pulling the bin from under your bed and carrying it towards bucky.
“i- uh- when you were gone i wrote in these journals almost everyday, to kinda keep you up to date for when you got back” you smiled sheepishly and bucky felt his heart grow in his chest.
“you never lost faith?” He questioned, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. You shook your head.
“sometimes i wanted to” you mumbled, holding his hand in yours, “but you never took me on a picnic so i wasnt letting you go so easily” you pouted and he smiled, kissing you.
The two of you smiled into the kiss, giggling and he peppered kisses all over your face.
“I’m your forever y/n y/l/n” bucky whispered, his forehead resting against yours. You felt your heart rate speed up, your stomach full of butterflies. Closing your eyes as you relished the moment.
“and I’m yours forever bucky barnes” you kissed him softly before opening your eyes, the two of you pulling away a bit.
You reached out and caressed his cheek, you smiled at each other. You finally had your soulmate, and you had forever together.
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krreader · 3 years
take your time.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: / genre: fluff ; hints of angst word count: 1.2k+ 
summary: neither yoongi, nor you had expected the night to end like this. but this moment was yours, and yours alone.
a/n: I tweaked it a little, hope that’s okay my love <333
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This was everyone's dream that was a KPOP fan. Standing in this meeting hall with none other than BTS on the stage, holding an interview for a few selected fans and afterwards, you'd all have dinner, “not as fans, but as a family” is what they had advertised this as.
Yet, when the interview was done, you knew that you had absolutely no chance to meet them. The fans kept their distance, at least so that the boys wouldn't be super uncomfortable, but they were still swarmed. You couldn't even see them anymore once they got off the stage.
You knew you should have just given this ticket to your friend. They were way more outgoing than you were and would have done everything in their power to at least talk to them once.
But you weren't that. You were waiting in the back for a little while, just to see if it got a little better.
It didn't.
If anything, it got worse over time. 
“Excuse me,” you approached one of the security guards, “Is there any place I could go to for some fresh air?”
“Sure, just take the elevator up, the rooftop lounge is open to all visitors.”
A rooftop lounge. Man, BigHit was so fancy.
Nevertheless, you were glad for it, because once the cold air finally hit your face, it felt like your drained energy was slowly coming back.
A small smile spread on your face when you saw the view, taking a few more steps towards the railing until you could lean against it, the smile then turning into a grin.
If you had been working here, you would never ever leave this lounge. This view was glorious. Would probably look just as great in the morning, when the sun was coming up. But with all the lights from the buildings, it looked magical right now. 
“So... you found my hiding spot,” the voice made you jump, then turn around and bow deeply when you realized who it was.
“I'm... so sorry. I didn't know that this was your...-”
Yoongi chuckled and shook his head, “Not like I own this place. If I did, though, I would make this my private area.”
That sentence made it clear that he wanted you to leave and unlike the others down at the party, you didn't want him to be uncomfortable, so you rushed past him and wanted to do just that, but just before you stepped back into the building, you heard Yoongi let out a sigh.
“Sorry... I didn't mean to be rude. You can... stay, I guess.”
“No, it's fine,” you laughed uncomfortably, “I'll just leave you on your own. I'm sure you need the silence more than me.”
Yoongi looked at you for a long time and it was only then that you realized you were talking to Min Yoongi, the Min Yoongi, completely on your own. Nobody else around. 
Just you and him.
Jeez, he was so mindblowingly handsome.
“Stay. After all, this event is held for you.”
“For fans. Not specifically for me,” but you let go of the door. Not that you were moving towards him, though.
“Aren't you a fan?” he sat down on one of the benches and pulled out his phone.
“I am... but...”
“But you're not like them?” he looked at you from under his eyelashes, both of you laughing at that.
“I'm not that naive,” you eyed the spot next to him and waited for him to nod, before you finally sat down too, but at the very edge of the bench, so that you still kept quite a lot of distance to him, “Just not a party person.”
“Same,” Yoongi chuckled and turned his head to look at the same view that you had just admired, “I go up here every time there is one.”
You leaned back, and nodded, “I would too, with this view.”
Yoongi became quiet for a moment, but to your surprise, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. If anything, it was what you both needed. Quiet and peace.
Still, you couldn't help but study him, now that he was so close to you.
This was such a coincidence. How was this real, how was he sitting right here next to you, talking to you? 
But because he was so close to you, you could tell that he was exhausted. That his social battery had run out as much as yours. That was the perk of being an introvert. You could easily spot another one.
“Hey, you like anime?” you asked, seemingly so randomly, that Yoongi let out a snort.
“Anime. Do you watch it?” you pulled out your phone, but made sure that you kept it on your lap where he could see everything you were doing. Just so he knew you weren't taking any pictures or were recording anything.
Again, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
“Uh.. sure?”
“Well... every time I need a pick-me-up, I go back into old Naruto episodes and just watch them again. They always make me smile and remind me that I'll be back home in my bed soon, where I can just continue watching them.”
You didn't see it, but Yoongi's eyes weren't on your phone anymore, but on you.
At first, he was surprised, but then a soft smile spread on his face and he only averted his gaze when you caught him staring.
“You want to watch Naruto with me? You get some alone time with Min Yoongi and instead of asking me intimate questions, you want to stay quiet and watch an anime?”
“Right now, you're not Min Yoongi and I'm not a fan. We're both just two people who need a break.”
That made Yoongi's heart swell, the smile on his face returning, “Will you at least tell me your name, fan?”
You considered it for a moment, then you shook your head, “Let's just... enjoy this. You won't see me again after this night, so no point in making too many memories, right?”
Your blunt answer made him speechless. You didn't look sad about it, though. In fact, once the theme song for Naruto came on, you just started grinning and even hummed to it.
You looked... happy. You didn't care anymore that he was sitting next to you, or at least not, that he was Min Yoongi.
Part of him wanted to know more about you, your name, what you were even doing at an event like this, where you lived, what your job was... but he knew you were rational before. He would never see you again after tonight.
No point in making memories.
“Alright, fan. Let's watch some Naruto,” he let out heavy sigh, but then smiled, “This is one of my favorite episodes, by the way.”
“Oh my god, seriously? I absolutely LOVE this episode!”
The two of you continued talking, but only about Naruto. Nothing personal was exchanged, you both just realized how much the other one loved anime.
You only watched one episode, that was all the time that you had with each other. But every second of it was precious. 
And when Yoongi was later asked where he had been, he just smiled happily and said: “Just watched some Naruto.”
He wouldn't let anyone in on this little moment between you two. He didn't know who you were, but he hoped that you knew how much this night had meant to him. Because you showed him that it's okay not to be okay every now and again. What matters is that you try to get back up on your feet again and find something, that will pull you up.
And so whenever Yoongi needed a break, he would pull out his phone and start that specific episode that he watched with you that night.
Maybe he'd see you again one day. Then, he'd like to thank you and finally get to know your name.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
i loved your blurb the other day . i have a request off it if you could do one more domesticated about the little things tom does in a relationship?
Ooooh I loved loved loved this request!! In my head he is a complete romantic sap at heart <333 this is a lot more wordy that I normally write and bit concerned it is a shitter - feedback would be well appreciate, if you have any opinion on which crappy writing style I do less badly :///
Summary: the boring and domesticated day to day life with Tom
warnings: look really close an a bit of implied smut, but otherwise sickeningly nice stuff I think ahah
Given his rather unique position and place in the world - your relationship with Tom was also very much not typical. By no means did that mean worse though - Tom meant the world to you; as you did him. Yes, at times it was tough - the distance, the tightly scheduled face times because of the time difference. But every time you saw his crinkly smile, it was almost set in stone everything was worth it. He was, most definitely, worth it. 
Especially as he was such a sap. Perhaps because some of the things he did that brought rushes of heat to your cheeks - Tom wasn’t even aware of. Of course, Tom being Tom, he obviously did the bigger things and spoilt you rotten - which you were never going to complain about - though those weren’t the things that made your heart flutter so inexplicably. 
Take yesterday for example. Tom had just got back home from a long filming shoot for SM3 and it was fair to say you’d both been pining over each other enormously. Once he was back though, none of that mattered. The pair of you had spent almost a full 18 hours in bed, before eventually you’d pulled away from the pouty boy, due to your desperate need of a shower. That was too far away from you in Tom’s opinion though- meaning you’d had a shared shower too. Purely for water saving + environmental purposes , or at least, that had been his justification. It was intimate but not sexual, leading to the two of you wrapped in towels in the marble bathroom. Busying yourself with your skincare, you weren’t paying any mind to your boyfriend, who you assumed to be faffing about as usual. That was until you felt a gentle tug on the back of your towel dried hair. Instantly you locked eyes with warm brown ones looking back at you through the slightly fogged up mirror, panning down to see the hair brush in his hand. 
“What’re you doing?” You laughed gently, leaning back onto his bare torso, still slightly damp from the humidity lingering in the bathroom air. 
“ ‘jus’ brushin your hair, I haven’t got all the lotions and potions to spend hours on.” Cheeky bugger. Sweet but with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes - as he watched you roll yours. 
“If I phoned Rach and said you weren’t following her-“ Cut off by his lips craning round to meet yours, you decided not to fight it, instead melting into his embrace while turning round - your body still only wrapped in the towel tucked under your arm. After a few moments Tom paused to whisper a shh against your lips, before painfully slowly moving against yours again. God knows, you would’ve stayed in that moment forever if you could however you did also still have moisturiser only half rubbed in on your face, like warpaint. So, you turned back around finishing off in the mirror and very much enjoying the sensation of Tom still hovering behind,  ever so gently working the brush through your hair. It took much longer than it should have for you to finish off, mainly because you spent the time watching him in the mirror concentrate, especially the way he pressed his tongue against the inside of his left cheek in concentration. 
After the pair of you had finally got ready for the day (at 3 in the afternoon but no one had to know), you’d gone out for a walk with his parents. Naturally you spent the majority of the time gossiping with Nikki slightly ahead of the Dom and Tom - who were no doubt talking about golf or something equally as dull. Tom loved to say that he found how close you and Nikki got as terrifying - really you both knew he only adored you more for it. Family was everything to Tom and given poor Nikki’s immediate surroundings of pure testosterone, when you became integrated into the family it was like a breath of fresh air. And you didn’t smell of boy - which to her was a win. 
It was a beautiful early evening and the sun was slowly creeping its way toward the horizon, changing the light from a brilliant white to a more golden hue - basking the four of you and Tess in the glow. You’d all come to a natural halt whilst Tess had gone a bit mental chasing squirrels. It just worked out that the sun was opposite you and though the evening was beautiful, dealing with it head on , in your eyes, was not the most enjoyable. Before you could even reach your arm out to shield yourself from the sun,  the light was blocked out, a shadow casting over your forehead. 
Now what’s important to note here is Tom is by no means a tall man. He wasn’t a midget but it would be fair to say that all 5 foot 8 of him was ‘below average height’. Not that it let him stop being a sun block for you and you really did try not to giggle as your furrowed brows caught site of his raised heels. This boy was literally standing on his tiptoes to stop the sun getting in your eyes for god sake. He noticed your grin though and as if it was the most normal thing in the world just shrugged his shoulders before engaging back in his parents conversation. You weren’t as quick to recover, honestly having to take a moment to swallow down your glee. 
Afterwards, you’d gone straight back the Holland family home as they all wanted to celebrate Tom and Harry’s return- what better way than having Sam the master chef himself cook you all a three course meal? As if choreographed both of you had taken the seats next to each other… but not in a clingy way at all, Paddy was interrogating you on how the hell you’d beaten him at the classic game of mariokart (which you would never let him live down) whilst Tom and Harry were recounting one of their many tales of filming to Nikki. Once the plates of food were served out to you by the esteemed chef, Tom wasted no time in skilfully and subtly piling the greens of vegetables and salad off your plate and onto his. You’d never dream of offending Sam by insulting his cooking, really you did love it - there was just something about rabbit food that you had to put your foot down at. Perhaps it was because it was literal leaves? Things that you used to feed to your pet hamster perhaps? It was a constant source of bickering between you, Tom and Harry- they claimed you’d end up dying because of the lack of leaves in your diet, which you strongly contested. Fruit and some veg was allowed but salad- stay the hell away.
Anyway it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have to face that debate tonight because Tom had you covered. He always had you covered. 
Finally, the night rolled round which you were so thankful for, considering even though you’d had an extortionate amount of time in bed last night - not a lot of it had actually been spent asleep. Combine that with the wine you’d been happily sipping on in celebration, it pretty much explained the situation you found yourself in now. Eyes bobbing up and down as the TV drifted in and out of focus, the slow and gentle thud of Tom’s heartbeat lulling you into that floaty place. You didn’t fight the drowsiness because really, nestled between the cushions of the sofa and Tom’s chest, you didn’t want to be anywhere else. Letting your eyes slide shut completely, you took a deep breath in and nuzzled into his chest- barely registering how he lightly chuckled at the action. Tom just took the time to look down at you, pressing the most gently kiss to the crown of your head. Moments like this would never not be his favourite. Don’t get him wrong, he loved your wit and sarcastic charm when you were more conscious… but something about how comfortable you were to be completely vulnerable with him, gave him a purpose. He would never be able to wrap his head around why you’d let him - how he deserved this was beyond him but he was so bloody thankful for it. 
Your hand that was splayed on his stomach caught his eye, you still had your bracelet on from the meal and he knew you hated sleeping with any jewellery on. Instinctively then, Tom ever so gently manipulated the clasp and skilfully removed the silver chain - reaching over and placing it on the little coffee table. Having spent 3 months without you within 100 miles of him, Tom was more than willing to wake up with back ache if it meant spending the night on the sofa with you like this. The gentle grasp on your wrist had roused you a little though. 
It was always the simple things that made your heart burst - like the bracelet . Or like his little raspy whisper, voice tired and thinking you were asleep. Even if everything else disappeared, it would still be the greatest life if you had Tom there saying this. 
“Your home Y/n… you and me forever…
…until u die from not eating ur greens.”
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kumqu4t · 3 years
In (Gold) Sickness and In Health
Pairing: Human Female!Reader/Thorin
Request: @anjhope1 requested a human reader with Thorin for the prompt: “I’m done. We’re done.”
Brief Summary: After the Battle of the Five Armies and Thorin’s actions under the Gold Sickness, you wonder if things between you and Thorin will ever be repaired.
Warnings: Violence and injuries
A/N: Gold sick Thorin is a gold mine (pun intended) for angst. Thanks to @anjhope1 for being so so patient and kind!!! I’ve never really written anything other than headcannons and I really enjoyed this!! I have a long list of fic ideas that I hope to write after school ends and this really got the ball rolling! :D
 @fromthedeskoftheraven (who inspired me to actually start writing <333)
 “Thorin?” You called into the seemingly empty castle. Your voice echoed hauntingly. No response. You turned the corner and ventured into the treasury, though a part of you hoped you would not find him there. It was the only place he ever seemed to be, and not for good reason. You followed the sound of digging and hushed whispers. There you found Thorin talking to himself in furious murmurs, his voice tinged with hysteria. He seemed to be digging through the millions of glimmering treasures, bringing each item close to his face for a thorough inspection, and then scoffing angrily and throwing it over his shoulder at the discovery that it was not, in fact, the Arkenstone. You approached him quietly, gnawing on your bottom lip worriedly. You were soon only a few steps behind him, his back to you, yet he made no notice of you.
“Thorin?” He didn’t even flinch. You, about fed up with all of this, put your hand on one of his shoulders and lightly shook it. He whirled around instantly, a mad expression on his face that only eased slightly when he saw you.
 “Ah, (Y/n). How have you been?” He asked absentmindedly, his gaze still stuck on the gem in his hand. 
“Well, I’ve been better I suppose. Things are not looking good out there Thorin. I worry.” You made sure to keep your voice as non-confrontational as possible, because if you were being honest, you were a bit afraid of Thorin at the moment. You weren’t sure if you even recognized the dwarf in front of you. He finally raised his eyes to look at you. His lips curved into a slightly mad smile, one that showed altogether too many teeth. “You have nothing to worry about, my love. Once I have the Arkenstone, everything will be taken care of. The world will finally put itself to rights.” His eyes seemed to reflect the very gold covering the floor. You frowned at this response. 
“Thorin, I know finding the Arkenstone is important to you, but I don’t know if it is the… greatest concern at the moment. The people of Laketown need our assistance, and there is talk of an orcish army heading our way.” Thorin’s head snapped up, and he took an intimidating step forward. You were almost nose to nose.
“Finding the Arkenstone is my one and only concern, as it should be yours,” he snarled. “Are you not on my side? Do you not want to see me as King?” You took a tentative step back. 
“Of course I’m on your side, Thorin. I only want what is best for you.” Your voice turned stern. “But a King should be generous and fair, should know when to help others. 
“A King,” he growled, “is measured only by the amount of wealth he has. If I don’t have the Arkenstone, I have nothing but these pathetic jewels.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your stomach churned at hearing the words he spoke. This was not Thorin. The man you knew and loved, who once spoke so passionately of honor and loyalty. Your sadness and grief were soon overpowered by anger. Not only does he speak such horrid, greedy words, but he would dare be so dismissive and uncaring towards his own beloved? 
“You have nothing?” You asked in disbelief, your voice hard. “What about me? Your wife, remember? What do I mean to you? We have spent almost no time with each other since Laketown, I am surprised you even remember my name,” you said bitterly. Thorin’s eyes seemed to lighten a few shades. But it was still not your Thorin. And his next words only proved that. 
“I have not forgotten about you amralime. I will have you. Seated on a throne next to mine. Adorned in precious jewels and fine cloths. My most prized possession.” 
You suddenly lost all of your fear. Fists clenched tight at your sides, you spat out, “I am not a thing to be had! I am my own person.” 
“You are my wife!” He roared back, “You will do as I say, and you will like it!” Your lip curled in disgust and dismay at this.
“Is that really what you think marriage means?!” Your tone, while still angry, held a hint of desperation, as if you were hoping Thorin would apologize for whatever sick joke this seemed to be. But alas, that did not happen. He only stayed silent, his eyes unfocused. Whatever clarity they had gained earlier had once again vanished. 
The harsh silence created a lump in your throat. You swallowed once, and in a shaky voice said, “Well, then. I am afraid I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know who I am looking at. Who even are you? This is not the Thorin I know and love, not the Thorin I married!” 
His mouth opened in outrage, prepared to no doubt yell back, but you continued before he could get a word in. “You know what? I can’t do this anymore,” you started. You grabbed your marriage bead- elegantly and thoughtfully crafted by Thorin, and once so tenderly braided into your hair- and harshly ripped it out. You definitely pulled out quite a few hairs along with it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. 
You curled your shaking hand around the small bead, and spoke. “I’m done. We’re done.” In a fit of intense anger and disappointment, you chucked your bead straight at Thorin’s head. You instantly ran as fast as you could in the opposite direction, fearing his reaction. You figured he did not see that coming, and was frozen in shock and confusion for a moment.
As you sprinted down the vast empty hallways, you heard Thorin’s enraged roar in the distance. You ran and ran and ran. You quickly gathered your belongings when you passed the room you had been staying in, and made your way out of the mountain. You said goodbye to none of the company. You ran and you didn’t look back. You squinted your eyes, trying to find your way in what was left of the daylight. 
Tears ran in rivers down your face, and they didn’t stop. Not when you found Bard in Laketown. Not when you reunited with Bilbo and approved his plan. Not when you came across a small room to spend the night in. 
You slid down the wall of the room, sobs tearing at your throat, as you looked at the split pieces of hair that once secured your marriage bead. How could everything have gone so wrong so fast? Smaug was dead. The mountain was reclaimed. Everything was supposed to be back to normal. You were supposed to be living happily in Erebor with Thorin. 
But you weren’t.
You screamed into the night, “Why? Why?” Why did things have to happen like this? Why did Thorin have to be struck with the Gold Sickness after everything he had been through? Why did you two not gain happiness and peace? Did you not deserve that? 
There was no answer. The universe was silent. 
You were not only angry with Thorin. You were angry at yourself. Were you a coward for reacting the way you did? Did you give up too easily, running right when things got hard? Maybe you were a coward, but you simply couldn’t stand to see Thorin like that any longer. It made you sick to your stomach and tore at your heart. 
With a wet laugh, you thought back to your wedding, which took place only about a month earlier. It is odd how things can change so much in so little time. That day had been the happiest of your life. Now here you were, at your lowest, with not even your husband to comfort you. 
The company had been staying in Laketown for the time being. After a much needed relaxing night (free of the stress of orc attacks), you awoke blearily to Thorin’s smiling face. His rough hands tenderly cradled your face.
“Will you marry me?” He asked it in such a soft tone, and you were still so tired, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was just a strange, albeit wonderful, dream. After clarification that it was not, in fact, a dream, and a discussion with Thorin, you two decided to get married that very night. After all, you two were each other’s Ones. Why should you not? You were crazy in love, and you two hadn’t known contentment like you did during this resting period of the quest. There was also the lingering fear that one, or both of you wouldn’t survive for much longer. 
After your affirmative response to Thorin’s question, tears of joy were shed by both of you. That day was full of warm, fuzzy feelings (and frantic planning by Dori and Balin, who despite being quite pleased with the decision, were extremely frazzled with the short amount of time left to prepare). You didn’t have an expensive, ornate dress (you borrowed one of Sigrid’s). There wasn’t a huge crowd. Just the company (plus Sigrid, Tilda, and Bain- Sigrid and Tilda because they wanted to experience the romantic declaration of love and commitment, and Bain because, in his words, his sisters “forced him to come”). 
But it was perfect. It was all you could have wanted. Kíli, ever the jokester, insisted on being the “flower girl.” Fíli was the bead bearer (like a ring bearer, but with beads, because you and Thorin wanted to do it the dwarrow way). Balin was the justice of the peace. Bombur made a wonderful cake, especially considering the lack of resources.
It was a magical day. Your wildest dream had finally become a reality.
You remembered the vows from your wedding. You remembered the promise you made on that day. ‘For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.’ You couldn’t help but snort at the unfortunate irony of that. 
You wondered what Thorin was thinking right now. Was the gold sickness still plaguing his mind? Or was he too thinking back to your wedding day, to the broken promises left between you two? 
You crawled into bed and tried to calm your thoughts, to no avail. You laid your head on the flat pillow, feeling oddly numb. You let your eyes flutter shut, a lone tear escaping to trail down your now puffy face. 
No sleep was had that night. 
 Around you, the battlefield raged. You had arisen early in the morning, for the orcish army was no longer just a rumor, but a promise. A promise of war. The knowledge of the bloodshed the future held electrified you, helping you to use your fear and anger to aid your fight. You wielded your sword with ferocity and confidence, a scowl on your face as you quickly swiped at the blood that dribbled down the side of your face. Your head swiveled at every sound as you frantically looked to see if you recognized any faces around you. 
You plunged your sword into an approaching orc, making a face at the horrid squelch it produced as you pulled out your blade. You ran across the battlefield, swiftly killing any orcs that dared get in your way.
What you saw in the far distance, through squinted eyes, made your heart drop into your stomach. 
You saw Thorin, fighting Azog on the ice. 
You watched as the pale orc fell off of the chunk of ice he stood on, and into the murky abyss. You prayed to all of the Valar that he was dead. But fate was not on your side. You watched in horror as a knife plunged upwards from below the ice and impaled Thorin’s right foot. 
You heard his guttural roar of pain, and your body moved into action. You ran as fast as you could, your chest and legs burning. But you were still too far away. Everything now seemed to be happening in slow motion. You could still hear the echo of Thorin’s cry in your head. 
Suddenly, Azog jumped out of the water and landed on his feet. Thorin was on his back blocking each strike from Azog to the best of his ability. All that you heard was the sharp clang of metal against metal and your own blood roaring in your ears. 
You felt something harden within you. You were no longer afraid. You had only one job, and that was to save Thorin. Azog’s blade was now only inches away from Thorin’s chest. Thorin grit his teeth and gasped deeply, using every bit of his strength in an effort to block the attack. 
You were sprinting straight towards Azog’s back. You had absolutely no plan. Common sense and battle strategy had officially left the building. Yet your rage towards Azog, who had already taken so much from Thorin, fueled your fight. 
You propelled yourself up, in a strange burst of strength, and clawed your way up Azog’s back, clinging to him. He grunted and twisted his head around. But before he could do anything more, you drove your sword into his back with all of your might. 
Azog’s roar seemed to shake the very ground he stood on. Your hands, slick with sweat, burned as they tightly grasped the hilt of your sword. Your heart sped up as you tried to pull your weapon out to strike once again, but it was stuck. Azog turned, his face now pulled into a sickly sneer, and he slashed at your shoulder with his sword. You hissed in pain, and jerked yourself away. You saw Thorin breathing deeply and attempting to get up out of the corner of your eye. 
Go, you screamed at him in your head. Go, my love. Leave and get to safety. 
Seeing Thorin in pain, thanks to Azog, filled you with a boiling rage. It filled you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head- a fiery, molten lava swirling inside of you. 
Your lips twisted into a ferocious snarl as your hands tightened on the hilt of your sword. You twisted the sword further into Azog’s wound, plunging it deeper into his mangled flesh. As you twisted one last time, you pulled it out with a hard gasp. Azog’s stinking, black blood splattered your neck and arms.
You still clung to the pale orc’s back and shoulders, your nails digging into his scarred skin. He thrashed and blindly slashed at you, but you held tight still. You kept your mind sharp, blocking and ducking to avoid his stabs. Reaching your hand into your bloodstained tunic, you hurriedly patted yourself down, frantically searching, until your hand was greeted by your hidden blade. 
You grabbed the hilt of the sharp knife and whipped it out. You positioned yourself so that your feet were pressing into Azog’s back. You drew your arm back and threw the blade, with masterful precision, into the back of Azog’s neck. He roared once again, his head spasming, and made to grab you. 
Unfortunately, this time, you were unable to avoid his grasp. His sharp nails dug into your neck as he grabbed you and pulled your body off of his back. He held you in front of him with only his right hand, the blade at the end of his metal arm pointed at your throat. You felt the pressure building on your throat, and a low buzzing noise started to take over. The blade dug painfully into your flesh, and you felt it begin to break the skin. All of your previous confidence had vanished. You were now at the mercy of the pale orc. 
Azog gave a sickening smile, his pointed teeth glistening with blood. He issued a raspy chuckle that chilled you to your core. Time seemed to slow down once again as he drove the blade of his arm into your side. You gave a sharp intake of breath, as if you could not fathom what was happening, before you let loose an ear-splitting yell of pain. Your voice crumbled and cracked as you screamed until your vocal cords were weak. In the back of your subconscious, you registered a voice, desperately screaming your name. You struggled uselessly, trying to escape the pain. The blade felt hot, as if your insides were being lit on fire and seared open. You wondered for a moment why he did not completely skewer you, and quickly rid himself of your bothersome presence, until it hit you. He wanted your death to be agonizing. Slow and painful. You felt the blade being slowly pushed deeper in, creating a sickening puncturing sensation, and you could do nothing. It must have been almost halfway through you at this point. He tightened his other hand around your throat, and you saw spots floating at the edges of your line of vision. 
You were dancing at the edge of oblivion, barely holding onto consciousness, when you felt your hand which dangled at your side, still clutching your sword. A glimmer of hope sparked inside you. With a guttural cry of pain, you used your last bit of strength. Your arm elongated at your side and rose before you swiftly cleaved Azog’s head from his shoulders. Your face was promptly sprayed with his blood and innards, before his hold on your neck loosened, his grasp slack. His severed head hit the ground with a satisfying klunk, his eyes glazed over. His body collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, bringing you down with him. 
You gave a low groan of pain at the impact. Azog’s arm, still impaled in the side of your torso, left the two of you attached. You slowly took your sword, whimpering softly at the painful stretching the motion caused, and sawed off the small bit of flesh that attatched the metalwork to his body. You were left sitting on the ice, a blade sticking out of you, as a ringing filled your ears. You heard your name being called, and a blurry figure made its way into your field of vision. You squinted your eyes, trying to see who it was. Once your vision cleared, you breathed a shaky sigh of relief.
Thorin was here. 
He hobbled over to you, his wounded foot dragging behind him. He lowered himself to the ice slowly. He looked at you with such sorrow as he scooted closer and cupped your face. His warm hands grounded you to reality. You felt every callous on them as he softly ran his fingers along the sides of your face, his touch only a whisper. 
“Ghivashel,” he started, his voice cracking. “I-
“No,” you interrupted, your voice hoarse from the abuse it had endured. You gave a pathetic cough and said once more in a slightly stronger voice, “No. Not right now.”
Tears ran down his face, their clean tracks a stark contrast to the dirtied skin it ran down. “I am so sorry. So very sorry. I cannot even begin to apologize for all I have-“
You reached forward and put your finger against Thorin’s lips. You gave a soft smile. “I know,” you replied. You brushed his hair out of his face gently. “We have much to discuss. Many things have been left unsaid.” You gazed into his warm blue eyes, “But right now, just be here. Be here with me, my love.”
Thorin’s lips quivered slightly as he gave a sad smile of agreement. He gently positioned you so that your head was resting in his lap. You gazed up into his face. The soft cloth of his tunic tickled the back of your neck. The warmth of his body was much more comforting compared to the harsh cold of the ice you both lie on. The pain would have been almost unbearable, but Thorin’s presence was like a balm to both your soul and body. He took on a tinge of panic as his eyes locked onto the blade sticking out of your side. Knowing he should not simply pull the weapon out, he quickly tore fabric from his body and wrapped your side with it, securing the sword into place, so it wouldn’t move and cause more damage. You reached out and grasped his hand, your fingers shaking slightly as they ran over his bloodied knuckles. 
“Thorin,” you rasped. “You are here.”
“Aye,” he replied softly, his eyes glistening in the light. 
“My bead,” you begged. Thorin looked confused for a moment, before understanding lit up his eyes. He pulled out your marriage bead, that you had thrown at him not long ago, from inside his tunic. He had evidently kept it on himself. He took your hair into his hands, and quickly wove a small braid into your hair, placing the bead at the end of it. He moved aside his own hair, showing you his marriage bead that still lie in his own braid. You gave a watery smile as you clutched at his hand.
After a pause, you spoke. “You are mine, and I am yours.”
“Always,” he replied, his voice strong. “My wife,” he added after a moment, the word an unspoken promise. My husband, you thought warmly. He ducked his head down to meet your own, and placed a soft, lingering kiss on your lips, his hand cradling the back of your neck. You responded in kind, deepening the kiss. You felt as if the part of yourself that had broken earlier had been sewn back together. You were whole again. You let out a soft sigh of contentment as Thorin pressed his forehead gently to rest on your own, his eyelids fluttering shut in the moment.
The King slid himself down, so that he too was laying down. Your head rested on his chest. His large hand rubbed soothing circles gently on your back as you breathed shakily in and out. You gazed out over the ice and saw eagles flying in the distance. You gave a grin of relief and squeezed Thorin’s hand. Healers were rapidly bustling about, gathering the wounded and tending to them. You had no doubt that you and Thorin would receive the help you required soon. 
But for now, you were here. And he was here. You were together at last, once again. Your hands intertwined in each other’s, your head tucked under his chin as he planted soft kisses on your head and murmured soothing words into your hair.
“My King,” you said softly, petting the soft hair of his beard as your hand ran over his jaw.
“My Queen,” he responded, his voice full of emotion, as he pulled you into one more kiss, your bodies melding closer together.
The eagles were coming. And all was well.
  A/N 2: I hope you guys liked that! I am very new to writing, so I know I have lots of room for improvement, but I really enjoyed writing this. By the way, I do not picture Thorin and the reader dying at the end, but it is kind of a vague ending, so if you want to imagine that happening, no problem! (It would be quite tragically romantic, them dying in each other’s arms). Though personally, I like to imagine that they both eventually recover from their injuries and everyone lives happily ever after in Erebor with their beloved King and Queen under the mountain! :)
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
they were roommates - part two
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen.
an: thank you for the overwhelming love for the first part of this series, which i will link HERE for you guys!! also MASSIVE thank you for over 700 followers, when i posted the first part i was just hitting 600, so this has been crazy, love you always and hope you enjoy <333
words: 4,949
A warmth covered y/n’s face as she grumbled to herself, trying to roll herself away from the light that spilled in from the large windows. Her eyes squinted uncomfortably and the noise of the room finally settled into her head bit by bit.
The sound of a coffee machine whirring, doors opening and closing, and the faint sound of the morning radio show that Neville would often play at the inn. It all felt so new, yet so familiar.
“Morning sleepyhead,” The girl frowned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes to see one of the twins place a mug on the small coffee table nearby. “Feelin’ better?” The girl nodded, feeling guilty that she once again couldn’t tell whether it was Fred or George that was talking to her.
“I’m sorry- this is really rude but, are you Geor-”
“I’m Fred.” He didn’t seem bothered by her wild guess, standing up as if nothing was amiss and heading to the kitchen. “Come and get something to eat will you, or else it’ll get cold!” He called back, disappearing to find his brother and leaving her to pull on a nearby hoodie.
She shuffled over to the table, a small chuckle sounding out at the sight of their plates. Piled high with more food than she’d usually eat in a whole day, the girl sat down and started on a piece of toast, hoping they wouldn’t mind her starting a little prematurely.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” George laughed, his twin obviously urgent to have them sit down together for breakfast. Was this normal for them, or was she the exception? They both wore matching suits, dressed for their day of work, with the difference being that Fred’s tie was red and George’s blue.
One glance at the clock and the girl wanted to head straight back to bed, but if she wanted to thank them properly for their hospitality, then it needed to be before the shop opened anyway. Their sofa had felt like heaven, and now she needed to leave it behind and fend for herself.
The two men sat across from her at the table, as they had done the night before. But now the jeans and t-shirts had been forgotten, and their once loose hair was now fixed neatly. It was funny to the girl how they could pull off two extremes so well.
They sat with a grin on their face, watching her sip on her coffee warily, unsure as to what they were waiting for.
“Are you two okay?” Please don’t let them be creeps, not now. She begged to herself, seeing them exchange a nod before looking back to her once again.
“We have an idea to offer up,” Fred started.
“One that will benefit both of us.” George added in, y/n urging them on with her sunny smile. She couldn’t help but smile around them, it was like they were made to make people laugh.
“We’ve been saying for a while that we need help in the shop,”
“Someone to cover the tills when we’re talking to customers mainly,” “Oh yeah, we hate the tills.” They went a little off track, but managed to catch train of thought again.
“Anyway,” George chuckled, seeing her look of confusion. “You need somewhere to stay, and we can’t afford to pay for someone to work in the shop.” “So, if you agree to help out then we’ll let you stay here.” “With us!”
They waited, a small moment of silence as they watched her face for a reaction. The news took a second to process, as she realised it was the ideal outcome for both of them. That way she wouldn’t feel in debt to them if she stayed, either.
Her head bobbed up and down very slowly, the two men sharing a look of pride as they high fived like kids. The girl stood up, racing over to their side of the table and wrapping her arms around them both.
“Thank you so much,” She didn’t dare speak too loud, in case she broke the floodgates on their shoulders.
Fred and George chuckled, squeezing an arm each before reassuring her that it was fine, they didn’t want her to feel as though she owed them the whole time.
“I’ll help out anywhere I can, I mean it, not just in the shop either-”
“I can cook, I can do the laundry or- or even just shop for food every week.”
“Calm down,” Fred laughed, seeing her fall into a rant over her possible chores.
“We don’t need you to do all that!” George teased, ruffling her already messy hair and heading off to the bathroom.
“Better get ready quickly, looks like there’s already a queue out there!” He chimed, peering his head to look from one of the windows to the street below, where hoards of excited kids were already waiting to get inside.
“Come on then y/n, we’ll show you everything don’t worry.” Fred had noticed the way her smile faltered at the warning of so many people all at once, she’d never had a job before working at the leaky cauldron and now she needed to learn everything in one go.
She got up, wasting no time, and made herself look presentable. The girl grabbed her open case and pulled out some black trousers and a green cardigan to put on, slipping into the bathroom once George was finished to get changed.
“I’ll go open up!” She heard him shout once the door was shut, and she stumbled around trying to be as quick as possible. Once she charmed her hair to wave nicely and cast a quick freshen up spell, y/n found Fred waiting in the living room.
“Here,” he held a little badge inside his large palm, the swirly writing showing her name. “That way, everyone will know who you are.”
Y/n took it from him, a wide smile on her face as she placed it onto her cardigan. Only a handful of people had ever bothered to learn her name when she was pulling pints, the twins included, but now everyone would know it. They wanted people to know it.
Fred felt his cheeks blush at the way she squealed with excitement, her previous nerves nowhere to be seen as she bounded towards the door of the loft.
“Wait for me!” He laughed, running after her, grabbing his jacket that hung on the back of the chair.
The girl ran down the few flights of stairs that were out of sight before running into the chaos. Now, the shop that she had seen sleeping the night before burst into action before her eyes. The entire place was a cacophony of lights, sparks and laughter. A small crowd of children watched in awe as George showed off yet another variety of firework, their cheers of delight echoing up to where y/n watched from.
“Come on then, better get on the tills before people start nicking things.” Fred nudged the girl’s back a little and she happily weaved through the shop to reach the little counter where an old till sat waiting for them. People were already waiting to pay, so Fred took charge, giving her a chance to watch what he did before giving it a go herself.
After the initial shock of the morning, y/n easily settled into the flow of the shop, working well between the two twins who watched her proudly while she served customers. It was around midday, and less and less people were coming in as the time passed, giving the three of them a chance to relax after the neverending hoard they’d dealt with.
“It’ll pick up again-” Fred laughed, leaning against the counter as she sat upon it and sighed happily.
“It always does, every single day-” George joined. “Without fail.”
“At about two normally.”
Working there was such a difference to the bar that she almost felt surprised when people would greet her with the same smile she’d give them. That had been a rarity when all she had been to people previously, was a barmaid.
“I love it here,” The girl admitted, swinging her feet off the side of the counter like a child. George was moving boxes from the back onto the shopfloor, opening each one and emptying the contents onto shelves. She wondered how he hadn’t run out of space yet, there was already a surplus of things everywhere she looked.
“I’m glad you do.” Fred beamed, turning to look at her.
“Hey! You guys, we’ve got a new shipment of bottled weather!�� George pulled them from their daydream, calling the pair over to see what he’d found.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“Well it’s weather… in a bottle.” Fred tried to explain, but saw he wasn’t much help. “It’s probably just easier to show you.” He chuckled nervously, fishing through the cardboard box until he found one he liked the look of. “See, this one’s a rainbow.”
He screwed open the top, leaning back a little so that the beam of colour could release itself without hitting him in the face. Him and George had learnt to avoid it the hard way when they started selling them a year ago.
Y/n’s face lit up, watching it bounce around in the air until it found its place and settled into a perfect curve.
“Wow,” Her eyes surveyed it intently, wanting to reach out and touch it, but knowing that would most likely end up bad. “That’s incredible!” The man beside her swooped the jar over it and pressed the lid on tightly, the strip of colour disappearing once again in front of her eyes.
“Oh yeah, they’re incredible, until every fourteen year old boy wants to open one and suddenly there’s a load of rain clouds in here and plenty of puddles for me to clean up!” George grumbled, finishing up with that box and heading off to find another. The girl giggled, unable to picture his tall figure with a measly mop.
“He’s not a fan of the rain.” Fred whispered to her, not helping the giggling to go down. “Personally, I love it.” “Me too, well, I used to.”
Their quiet moment was caught off guard by the sound of the bell tinkling, telling them that someone was coming in. A voice called out, one that she vaguely recognised, but couldn’t for the life of her know the name to go with it.
“Fred! George! It’s Harry!” Well, that was always helpful.
“By the till mate!” He called back, standing up from the counter to give him a quick hug.
She recognised this man’s face, he’d been in the leaky cauldron with them a couple times over the past months. But he had very rarely spoken to her, just the quick exchange when he would get another round for everyone.
Harry’s face seemed to reflect his confusion, surprised to see her sitting with a nametag on that matched the twins’ instead of behind the bar. Still, she smiled his way, which he eventually returned.
“It’s good to see you again y/n, are you- do you work here now?” He looked to Fred for confirmation, to which the man just nodded.
“She’s staying with us for a bit, and INSISTED on helping out.”
“So you’ve set her to work so soon, how charming.” Harry joked, greeting George when he reappeared with another handful of boxes to unpack, surely they didn’t do this every day?
She watched the sun outside as it danced through a select few shop windows, including one of their own, the stream flying in and lighting up the small flecks of dust that flitted across her line of sight. It was easy for the girl to get lost in her own thoughts, drowning out the sound of Fred and Harry talking enthusiastically about quidditch as she basked in the warmth that hit her legs.
George came up behind her, placing a few boxes down beside her.
“Could you do me a favour,” She jumped a little at his voice, nodding when she realised what he’d asked of her.
“Of course,” “I took some paperwork up to the loft the other night, it’s on the desk in my room, could you grab the invoices for these wonderwitch packages and bring them down. I need to go set up the blasted thing, and god knows Fred won’t be helping any time soon.” He grinned, rolling his eyes at his brother and their friend getting more and more excited about something.
The girl got up with a smile, taking a quick mental note of how many different products there were before the man took them away to be set up near the front window. She scurried off, bounding up the stairs with a spring in her step. By the time she reached the top she was well out of breath, but it didn’t matter. Never in her life had she been treated with such kindness from almost strangers, not to mention that they actually seemed to like her.
George’s door was half-ajar, his open window blowing the light curtains around gently, as she walked inside. It felt cosy, yet fresh, in there. His bed was neatly made and everything seemed to be put away very methodically, much like how he preferred to display things in the shop. Whereas Fred was the one who would just shove things anywhere.
As long as people buy it!
He had told George nearly four times just that morning, unfazed by the way his brother went around correcting it all once he was seemingly out of sight. Fred never mentioned it, leaving the other twin to do as he pleased.
But it seemed as though George’s desk was the one place where all the rules on organisation went, quite literally out the window, as there were sheets and quills and parchment all over the place. She sighed, getting to work on finding what she needed.
Downstairs, Fred and Harry had just about talked each other's ears off about Ginny’s last match, discussing how amazing she had been as her teams substitute seeker when the actual player had gotten a mild concussion.
“She’s training all day today so that’s why I’m delivering her messages today.” Harry chuckled, knowing that Fred would make some kind of remark about his sister bossing him about so easily. In truth, he didn’t mind. “She wanted me to let you know that she’s gonna pop by later and visit after practice.”
“Ah! So we’ll be seeing her more than you, poor boy.”
“Be quiet, I’ve booked her all weekend.” Harry huffed, just glad to have his fiance to himself for more than one evening at a time.
“So, how’s things with y/n getting on?” He asked the twins when George came over to catch up with the younger wizard.
“She’s doing great, given that it’s only her first day.”
“Yeah, and we’re actually sorting out a surprise for her.” Fred peeked up the flight of stairs, seeing no sign of the girl. “Come on, we’ll show you before she comes back.”
The three of them went to the storage room round the back of the counter, where George had been ferrying boxes out of all morning.
“We’re gonna clear all this out and then get her some furniture and posters and the like, make it feel a bit more homely for her.”
“Woah, so you guys must like her.” Harry laughed, nodding at the large amount of room there was when nothing was stacked up inside.
“She’s worth it, isn’t she Freddie.”
“She deserves it, you mean.”
By the time the girl found the paperwork George had asked for, Harry had left to go see Neville and Hannah, just in time for the afternoon rush to start up and distract them all once again.
Fred kept an eye on the girl, who continued to happily serve behind the till, from the safety of the shelves where he was taking a break between product demonstrations. George, he hoped, would finish clearing out the storage room by the end of the day so that they could get to work fixing it up for her while she slept in the loft that night.
The two twins became so overwhelmed with jobs to do that day, that both of them forgot to mention to y/n that their sister Ginny was to visit that evening. Only getting a chance to speak to their new worker once the last customer left and the front doors were locked shut.
“That seemed like more people than last week eh Georgie?”
“I could barely reach the back shelves; there were so many of them, at least most of them are small so I can just reach over their heads.”
“Still, it’s good business.”
“Hey- where’s y/n gone?”
Fred found the girl near the back of the shop, her cardigan slumped over a nearby chair, as she swung her wand back and forth. The broom beside her followed perfectly, sweeping the floor of mess that had been trudged about throughout the day. She clocked the man behind her and smiled.
“I’ll finish up sweeping then do a once over with the mop.”
“Jesus, I don’t think we’ve ever cleaned that much!” Fred laughed, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “Why don’t you head up and chill out, you’ve done more than enough for us already.”
“Are you sure?” Her eyebrows joined together in a concerned frown, but the man could only smile down at her and nod.
“Go on, we won’t be long anyway.”
The girl thanked him and went up the stairs, flashing a grin George’s way when she passed him.
“Good idea, now we can get some furniture in without her seeing.” He whispered, crediting his brother’s sharp mind.
“Come on Georgie, you need a break sometimes too, we can finish it off tomorrow anyway.” They both looked up in the direction of the loft when music came filtering down.
“Do you think she’s really happy here Freddie?”
“She seems it.” He shrugged. “She always seems happy, but do you think she really is.”
“Probably… I hope so.” “Me too.” George hummed, finally giving up his task of the day and offering to get them dinner from a nearby muggle restaurant while Fred finished brushing up behind the counter.
The music got louder, but he didn’t mind. Most days, him and George would be too tired to do much together besides their weekly pub visits. And even then it was only because someone else would persuade them to take a break. Now, just having y/n around, was like taking a breath of fresh air amongst their hectic and exhausting days.
Fred saw a flash of long blonde hair pass the front of the shop window, flattering slightly before moving off again. He scrambled to his feet, watching as he saw his little sister’s friend a little further down the alley.
“Luna!” He called out, waving when she turned slowly, a genuine smile on her face. She always was happy to see people.
“Hello Fred. It’s been such a long time, how are you?”
“I’m not bad, how are things with you- how is Rolf and the Boys?”
Y/n flung herself on the sofa, her legs aching with the day’s work well behind her. The guitar whined out in its case to be used, but she couldn’t find the energy to even pick it up, let along strum something decent. So she flicked her wand towards the radio, the stations passing by until she found one she liked, turning it up with a content smile.
Not long after, there was a flash from the fireplace that sat lonely at one end of the loft’s long living room. The girl jolted up, not having seen a floo line used very often when she lived at one. For a second the green flames put her in a trance, her mind forgetting that it meant someone was going to appear in the room before her.
A tall girl, wearing just jeans and a hoodie stood before her, a bewildered and yet excited look on her face. She turned towards the radio that was blasting out an old rock song, the red hair on her head bobbing as she dropped her sports bag and laughed.
“I love this song!”
“Give the twins a kiss from me!” Fred called after Luna, glad to have caught her when he did. With her husband always off exploring new magical creatures, she was often left with her hands full looking after the young twins. Still, she seemed composed as ever.
“There you are, took long enough!” George rolled his eyes at his brother’s words, holding out a bag for Fred to take from his one hand.
“Yeah well I was just going to get enough for the three of us but remembered Ginny was coming and thought she must be hungry after practice.” He explained.
“Oh yeah of course- wait!”
“GINNY!” They both exclaimed, the twins rushing to lock the shop doors behind themselves so they could warn their newest tennant of their little sister’s arrival.
But when they both burst into the loft, they realised there was nothing to worry about. The sight of both girls dancing around the kitchen together and laughing along to the way neither of them could get the lyrics right, settling their nerves.
“So I see you two have met.”
“Brothers!” Ginny laughed, making no moves to greet them, too enthralled in the girl’s company. She had friends on her quidditch team of course, and her siblings and their fiances. But god she loved new people, especially when they were always up for a good time like she was. “I love her! Can we keep her! Please, please, please.” She begged, gripping the girl’s arm like a whining child.
“Y/n’s our guest okay, so play nice.” Fred grumbled, setting down the food and letting everyone help themselves.
“I’m always nice, see I got the drinks ready for everyone.” Hey! That’s ours.” George pointed to the bottle of wine she had already cracked open.
“Exactly, ours.” Ginny giggled, passing him a glass, which would no doubt keep him quiet until he had one too many, then you’d never shut him up.
All four of them clinked glasses, the twins soon loosening up and matching their sister’s party attitude as they joined in with the girls’ dancing. George was headbanging like a madman, his grown out hair flying all over his eyes. His mother had been begging to cut it like she had done when they still lived at home, but he realised he had always preferred it longer. Fred had done the same, keeping his a bit neater around the edges than his brother, but enjoying the length over the breeze he felt whenever it got shorter.
Ginny had always seen the twins as nuisances when she was younger and still at school, but after the war ended she learnt to enjoy her life a little more. That was when she finally realised that they had been doing so all along. The youngest Weasley sibling then decided to join a professional quidditch team and take life one day at a time, her mother had been horrified of course, but like the twins she couldn’t deny how good Ginny was when she whizzed through the sky.
Y/n got to know the girl better, as their glasses were refilled by George everytime they took a sip. He always did enjoy hosting, especially when he was getting as drunk as everyone else. The four of them had danced for what felt like hours, grateful for the lack of neighbours, then collapsed onto the sofa where they continued to share stories and finish off another three bottles of wine between them.
“These two threw water over me and blamed Ron!” Ginny laughed, reminiscing on their summer holidays at the burrow.
“Mum would have never believed us!”
“I can’t remember why she did?” The twins protested, their many pranks over the years made it hard to recall smaller ones such as drenching their sister in her sleep.
“Because you timed it so that when mum went to find Ron he was filling up a bucket to water the plants!” She explained, having heard the other brother’s recollection every time it was brought up at a family dinner.
“Ah yes!” They said in unison, the girl in between them in fits of giggles over their mischievous side.
“You two really are trouble,” she chuckled, keeping her nearly empty glass out of George’s sight in fear of having a horrible hangover the next morning. At least the shop was closed on Sundays, or else they would have all struggled.
“You can’t escape!” Fred boomed, acting like a brainless zombie.
“We’ve trapped you.” His brother joined in.
“Good luck with these two, they’ve obviously tried to keep the chaos hidden… but it’ll come out sooner or later.” Ginny laughed, checking the time with a humorous face. “Good lord, I better get back before Harry starts sending owls after me.”
“He can wait!” George whined, pouring into her glass as she tried to stand up.
“I know he can Georgie, but I’ve also had a very long day at the pitch so I need to get some sleep soon.” Her legs turned to jelly as she wobbled over to her sports bag, staggering under its weight. The redhead waved goodbye from the fireplace, taking a handful of floo powder and announcing her address before bursting into flames.
Y/n sort of wished that Ginny would have stayed longer, as she was only just beginning to know her properly. But she too couldn’t deny the wave of fatigue that hit her like a brick wall the second she blinked a little longer than she should have.
“Tired darling?” George sneered from beside her, waking her again.
“Oh no… not at all.”
“Leave her be, you can sleep if you want- we won’t disturb you.” Fred leant over her to shove his brother playfully.
“You should sleep too Georgie-” She teased, her drunken smile still just as perfect as her regular one.
“And why’s that sunshine?”
“Because you’ve been moving all those boxes, you must be exhausted by now!”
Both men froze a little, concerned that she’d noticed him working on the storage room all day. Fred eyed his brother, urging him to say something in the awkward silence they had created.
“Uh- yeah- well, we need to make space for a new shipment.” George lied, in a panic, the other twin silently grimacing and how awful he was under pressure.
“That means things are selling right? That’s good?” She looked between them, seemingly oblivious to the way the men were freaking out in their heads.
“Alright- alright we’ll go to bed!” Fred laughed, breaking the tension, and standing up to clear the coffee table of glasses and plates. George joined him, wanting to avoid any more possible interrogation if he could help it.
The girl reached for the bowls before her but they cut her off.
“We can do all this, you get some sleep okay?” George smiled sweetly, to which she just nodded, too tired to argue back this once.
“Thanks,” She murmured, reaching into her case to find her pyjamas.
While she went to change in the bathroom, the two men stood together in the kitchen, very aware that they were quite drunk by now.
“She’s good isn’t she,” George mused, stacking more plates into the sink that washed them.
“See, I knew you’d come round to her.” Fred accused. “I didn’t dislike her!”
“You weren't mad about her.” 
“And you are?”
There was a moment of silence, which worried George, as he knew his brother all too well. If what he’d asked wasn’t true, then Fred would immediately deny it, in turn sounding guilty. But the silence always meant he was right.
“She’s different,” He finally spoke up, focusing his attention on drying whatever came from the sink.
“She’s also living here Freddie.”
“I know, it’s not ideal, but I just like her.” “Everyone likes her, she’s well- she’s her.” George stuttered, never having heard his brother talk about a girl this way before. Even his high school crushes had been purely based on appearances.
“Exactly, I can’t help it.”
“And say you tell her- and she doesn’t feel the same, which is very possible-” “I know.” Fred snapped.
“She has nowhere else to go, and telling her something like that would force her away… you know it would.”
The sound of the bathroom door opening echoed across the loft, making both men jolt into action, trying to seem as natural as possible despite the air of awkwardness around them.
“Night you two,” Y/n smiled, leaning into the kitchen.
“Night darling.” George replied, wondering whether he should drop that nickname around Fred.
“Night y/n.” He barely looked up from the sink, watching his reflection distort in a handful of spoons, with the hope that she would just go to bed.
The girl, luckily for him, was still very much tipsy and didn’t notice anything wrong with either of the twins as she turned and headed for the sofa. George stepped closer to the sink, watching to make sure she couldn’t hear them.
“Look Fred,” He whispered.
“It doesn’t matter okay, leave it.” He threw the cloth down with an agitated sigh, obviously not having thought over the consequences to his little crush, and went to leave.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
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fakeikemen · 3 years
Tag Game
10 Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Tagged by @oddishblossom ! Thank you for the tag! 💜
Sorry for the late response! I was unexpectedly busy today!
The list was meant to be in no particular order actually but then it became a reversed list of all the media I have hyperfixated on this year and the year before that
1. Qiyan Agula/Qi Yan/Qi Yuanjun (Jing Wei Qing Shang)
No thoughts head full of Qi Yan
Qi Yan my evil little meow meow 🥺💖 Yeah she is an immoral vengeful arsonist lesbian but I love her very much so it's okay <3 (I still haven't finished reading jwqs there's still more than 30 chapters left and I'm still very scared of what comes next.)
2. Wei Wuxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Aahhh my precious little necromancer he is very precious to me I love him to the moon and back. And he is such an absolute baddie oof! It fills me immense unspeakable joy that he is living his best life with his loving husband.
3. Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
The only God I believe in. The only religion I would advocate for. Hua Cheng was so right for simping non stop and I get it!! And I would do the same too <33 I am so so happy that Xie Lian is taking a break from being good and indulging himself and Hua Cheng. They know they deserve it <3
It physically pains me to not put Luo Binghe here because i haven’t read svsss yet but just know that if i did he would definitely be on this list
4. Nanami Touko (Yagete Kimi Ni Naru)
The layers upon layers that she has are all so interesting and intriguing. She is an amazing character I really enjoy her. "I hate myself. How could I love someone who loves something I hate. I want to stay in love with you." never fails to give me the chills.
5. Alucard (Castlevania)
Did I mention that I love vampires (and dhampirs even more than vampires???) Well now you do. There was no way I would go through Castlevania and not fall in love with this beautiful bisexual boy ❤
6. Nakahara Chuuya (Bungo Stray Dogs)
He’s cool as fuck. He can manipulate gravity and use it in many creative ways. He is partially a God. He’s the only one who can keep up with Dazai. What’s there not to like??? (Also his screaming is extremely therapeutic)
7. Kageyama Tobio (Haikyu!!)
My lovely little round volleyball blueberry <333 He deserves all the best things in the world. He reached the top of world with the man and he loves and I cry happily everytime I think about it because I am so happy for him!! Never have I ever seen a character crafted with so much love like Tobio was.
8. Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
His entire journey of self discovery and self acceptance along with recognizing and learning to utilize his plus points and starting to heal is so touching and I love him so much and I'm so proud of him ❤
9. Neil Josten (All for the Game)
This bastard bitch boy!! Has been living in my brain for so long it isn't funny at all. My english teacher calls me up to the front of the classroom to talk about my experience of reading any book? I panic and talk about Neil fucking Josten even tho I hadn't re-read the book in more than a year?? Anyway I'm very happy that my demisexual king is living happily with the love of his life. Good for him he made it and I'm very proud of him too.
10. Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows)
Where do I start? Everything about her. She is brilliant and amazing. Still loving and kind after what she went through. No one can kick ass like her. Her range. "But I'll die on my feet with a knife in my hand." Yeah.
Putting Mercedes Thompson from the Mercedes Thompson series as an honorable mention because I was definitely obsessed with her (who wouldn't be? Stephen and Adam agree with me) and Urban fantasy is actually a really good genre and deserves more appreciation.
This got much longer than I had expected it to be damn I don't know how to shut up do I?
Okay so anyone and everyone I interact with on here has already been tagged in this and I have no idea what to do. So skshzjjs I'm not tagging anyone? But if you see this and wanna do this then please do <3
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
sweet confessions & surprises - rudy pankow
 Requested by @jeyramarie : rudy making a cute little live to announce his relationship with the reader 🥺🤧
A/N: thank you so much for requesting, i kinda changed and added some extra things hehe i hope you’ll like it <333
disclaimer: i do not know any of these ppl personally, and I made some characters up! secondly, english is not my first language so please let me know if i do! crappy writing :’)
word count: 1.5k
warnings: fluff, some angst i guess 
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Since, there was global pandemic going through the world you were with your family, stuck in your grandma’s house nearly 20 people including, your parents, cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles.
It has been almost 4 months since you’ve last seen Rudy. You were going to go to his house but the chaos cancelled all of your plans. You were deeply sad. Despite the fact that you guys were away, he made sure you’re okay and feeling fine. He sometimes called your cousins and siblings when you don’t pick up his calls. He always facetimed you at nights, he even made you a playlist to listen when you get bored. 
It was clear that he loved you. And you loved him back.
You guys weren’t public though. You didn’t want to tell everyone because you didn’t want to take all the attention on you and Rudy. Also you didn’t want crazy thirteen year old girls to insult you.
Today was a classic day and you were deciding a movie with your favorite cousin, Natalie
“What about Outer Banks?” Natalie asked, smirking while looking at you. You just smiled back and nodded. 
When you guys watched the show, you couldn’t help but let your tears pool in your eyes. Natalie just hugged you.
“I just miss him so much Nat. People don’t know that it’s weird, they can judge me but I don’t care. I don’t care if we’re public, I miss him. The sad thing is we couldn’t even really talk these days.” you said sobbing into Natalie’s shoulder. When the other cousins heard sobs coming from the room that you 6 of you share, they all ran up and hug you. They mumbled a few we love you’s and he loves you’s. Some of them almost cried. “Alright guys enough crying. I should go to toilet, i’ll be back and we’ll continue to watch OBX” you immediately went to bathroom before your relatives could see you.
“Okay guys make sure she’s in the bathroom!” Nat whisper yelled at your other three cousins where you guys share the room with. They made thumbs up and quickly called Rudy.
“Hi Natalie whats up?” Rudy asked excitedly. Instead of only Natalie saying hi, all five of your other cousins said hi.
“Wow all the Y/L’s, I see? Liam, Kai, Nina, Brooks and Natalie?” He said back.
“YEAH you guessed it right. Where you though?” Kai asked.
“Y/N cried again like five minutes ago when Nat and her watched OBX” Nina claimed.
“She misses you a lot you should be in the city right?” Brooklyn asked quickly.
“Did my gorgeous girl cried? Aww stop making me emotional and yesI’m on my way from the airport now, I’m so excited.” Rudy claimed between sniffling.
“So, you’re gonna open the live, publicly tell the world that you guys are dating and bla bla.. right?” Natalie asked making sure she knows everything so she can make everything according to the plan.
“Exactly. so-” While Rudy was talking you walked into the scene.
“Guys have you seen my phone? I’m gonna call Rudy and tell him that I’m going to airport, I’m sorry but I can’t stand this anymore.” You stormed into the room kicking and throwing the pillows everywhere looking for your phone. 
Rudy was extremely sad when he heard those words. He also felt the same and the love he was receiving from his girl made him so so happy.
All five cousins panicked and tried to find some excuses. 
“No Y/N, we have a curfew, please be patient more.” Liam asked.
You grumbled when Nina saw your grandma walking through the door frame. She immediately pulled you by the wrist and took you to your grandma. 
“Grandma Y/N wants to talk with you.” Nina smiled at her grandma, and she left before you could talk to Nina. You wondered what the heck is going on with all of them but you didn’t mind talking to your grandma. She made you tea and you guys sat together, gossiped about family drama. However she sensed some sorrow in your eyes
“Y/N, darling, what’s up with you today you seem blue?” You didn’t make an eye contact and had a silence for 1 minute and start talking.
“nothing grandma, I just miss him that’s all.” you looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and hug you. 
“Sweetie, that’s okay. You guys are in love just like me and your grandad. Don’t worru you’ll see him. I’m sure he misses you so bad too. By the way, can I be the bridesmaid in your wedding?” She asked excitedly, hoping that you’ll get married soon.
“Oh grandma slow down, we’re not getting married yet.” You returned the smile again. 
On the other hand, Rudy was rushing and trying to do the plan accordingly with the help of the cousins. “Liam and Kai, go distract her! Brooke, you’re gonna film everything. Nina you and I will be doing the rest.” Natalie explained. She was the oldest cousin and she was the leader.
When Rudy, parked beside your grandma’s house, he called you.
But you didn’t answer. A second later his phone buzzed, it was your number when he opened it was the sound of Kai.
“Hi Rudy we we’re playing uno. I’ll give the phone to her. And I missed you I wish we could see you” Kai said to Rudy pretending he doesn’t know the plan. While you were placing a card you noticed Kai was talking to Rudy on the phone. Just as you were going to get angry at him, you softened by his words. How much he missed him and how much he loves him. A second later Kai handed the phone to you.
“Hi baby. I’m doing a live can you join?” He asked quickly and happily before you could answer anything. You were quite shocked about his excitement but you were happy when he’s like that so you didn’t mind. 
“Yeah sure love”
“Yeah i love you” He closed the phone. And immediately opened instagram. Rudy opened the live and suddenly it became crowded. 
“Okay guys let me see if Y/N’s there, and yes. So there’s something I need to tell all of you.” He said gaining more and more watchers. There were lots of people watching including the OBX cast and you.
“There were so many rumors about my love life. That I was dating Madison. Hi to Madison by the way.” He chuckled to himself. “So those rumors, are not true, and I’m not single.” Everyone was spamming the chat. You were confused. Sitting in the table, focused on the phone. Was he announcing you guys? No, but wait he’s in a car?
“I’m sure you guys will love her.” He started to explain while he was getting out of the car and walking through a similar door entrance.
“She’s extremely sweet, most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life. Kindest, most honest, the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. She makes my heart go crazy.” He continued to explain while Natalie slowly tugged you to go entrance room and you still didn’t notice him. Rudy continued walking, saw every other family relative and stopped for a second. And you were behind him.
“And that is Y/N L/N” He looked at you. You turned around and jumped into him. 
“You’re here! You’re here! You’re real!!” You mumbled while holding him so tightly. He smiled and kissed you passionately. The kiss was going on but soon you heard Liam and Kai’s growls and all the overprotectiveness from your family relatives saying “It’s enough”. Rudy realized that live is still on and people were going crazy but said a last thing.
“Meet the love of my life Y/N. Thank you for joining my live. Stay safe!” and then he closed the live.
Then he went to kiss and greet all the family members. They all loved him especially your grandma and your cousins. In the dinner, the uncles, your dad and your grandpa were getting kinda protective and asking questions to him but he didn’t care and eventually they warmed up, continued to talk. You had a lot of fun. You realized how lucky you were to have Rudy beside you.
After the enormous dinner and hanging out with the family it was the time to go to sleep. Everyone was going to sleep. Liam and Kai went first being the youngest ones. Brooks, Nina and Natalie went to watch movie privately. And so on everyone went to sleep, you and Rudy decided to go to hang out only together.
While everyone told you goodbye and you two went to your rooms too. 
You snuggled him closer in the bed and started talking. “You can’t even imagine how much you made me happy. I love you Rudy.
“Anything for you Y/N. I love you too. Now, say that I’m the best boyfriend ever.” he laughed smirking. You knew he would take the advantage of it.
“Rudy Pankow, you’re the best boyfriend that a girl could ever asked for” 
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babbushka · 5 years
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader 
word count: ~3k warnings: N*FW ;^)
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This is for y’all! <333
Your first time together had been…awful.
But awful in an endearing way, the way everything about Flip was endearing. Flip was more than eager to try again and get better, and so were you – except there wasn’t much opportunity when the both of you lived at home where parents were a very real danger to killing the mood.
Flip had been talking to Jimmy, who had never been shy about the number of women he dated and slept with, and Jimmy had given him some honest pointers and tips that Flip was dying to try out – one move in particular.
“So did you go down on her yet?” He asked one day while the two were grabbing lunch together, making Flip choke on his sandwich.
“Jesus Jimmy we’re in a diner.” He hissed, looking around to see if anyone overheard.
He was thankful that the diner was way too loud and busy for anyone to be paying any attention, but still, it definitely wasn’t the sort of place to have this conversation. Flip had hoped he could bring it up to his best friend on the car ride back home or something.
“Look, all I’m sayin’ is if you haven’t yet, you need to. She’ll go nuts for it! If you’re half as good a kisser as you say you are – ” Jimmy said, making Flip roll his eyes.
“Fuck you, I’m a great kisser.” He interrupted, to which Jimmy just ingored.
“Then she’s gonna freak out for it.” Jimmy finished, shoving a big bite of his burger into his mouth.
“I haven’t yet, we’ve only fucked the one time.” Flip explained lowly, making Jimmy nod in understanding. “But I am taking her to the cabin this weekend finally.”
“Oh yeah?” Jimmy asked with excitement in his eyes and a waggling eyebrow that made Flip laugh and blush into his pop as he took a sip.
“Yeah, we took the weekend off work and my parents gave me the key to the cabin so I’m gonna drive us over to Aspen, and hopefully not leave for three whole days.” He grinned, and Jimmy literally got up enough to smack Flip on the shoulder happily.
“This is perfect then! Okay, here’s what you do.” Jimmy started, sitting back down and gearing up for what was sure to be a graphic conversation.
“Jimmy really it’s okay – ” Flip tried, but Jimmy had already started.
“Don’t spend all your attention on her clit, okay? It stops being fun for her after a while and just hurts. It’s like the same feeling as sticking your dick in a vacuum cleaner, it ain’t fun.” He jabbed a fork in Flip’s direction, took an angry bite.
“Why the fuck would I stick my dick in a vacuum cleaner?” Flip asked, and Jimmy looked very much like he just realized what he said.
“Anyway,” He continued, “Obviously she’s gonna like it however she likes it so the best thing is to ask her what she wants when you’re down there – for the love of god do not bite – communication is so sexy. Tell her how good she tastes too, it’ll make things less awkward.”
“You know, I don’t know if I like you talking about my girlfriend’s – ” Flip started, but Jimmy just waved him off.
“You’ll be thanking me on Monday man, I promise you. Now, when you’re down there, you can either go up and down or around in a circle but my secret weapon is I spell shit out.” Jimmy said, leaning back in his seat and looking like the most proud piece of shit Flip’d ever seen.
“What like with your tongue?” He asked, trying to figure out how that would even work.
“Yup. Drives girls nuts – and you got one thing I don’t got.” Jimmy said mysteriously.
“Oh yeah what’s that?” Flip just had to bite.
“Facial hair.” Jimmy pointed the fork in his direction again. “That goatee of yours rubbing against her thighs is gonna be fucking crazy. I gotta admit, I’m jealous.” He said, making Flip grin.
“Of her or of me?” He teased, and the both of you laughed.
“Oh fuck off.” Jimmy tossed a fry in his direction as Flip just laughed again.
 That talk had only been a couple days ago, and now the two of you were on your way to the cabin. You looked so fucking cute all bundled up in your sweater and Flip’s jacket, munching on bugles and singing along to the radio. It was too cold up in the mountains to roll the window down, but Flip was sure you would’ve on any other occasion to get the wind in your hair.
It was dusk already, somehow. Flip was driving his truck and you’d been on the road for just about three hours now, which meant the cabin should be right around the corner.
Just like magic, it was, and your eyes went wide when you saw how big it was. You had an image in your head of a tiny log cabin perched in the woods somewhere, not at all the thing of beauty before you. The A-frame cabin was the size of a regular single-story house, and it sat on a flat piece of land that was right next to a pond. So close in fact, that a deck had been built with a small ladder for Flip’s family to swim in the pond if they wanted.
He had called ahead to the neighbors who looked over the cabin when the family wasn’t using it, and asked if they could turn all the lights on to make it more of a welcoming arrival. They had, and the soft orange light from lanterns made the cabin glow and look more homey and comfortable than you could have thought possible.
“Do you like it?” Flip asked, and you nodded, beamed a big smile at him.
“I love it, it’s gorgeous!” You gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car and grabbing your dufflebag from the trunk.
“Good.” Flip said, taking the bag from you so you wouldn’t have to carry it.
 The two of you went right up to the bedroom, wasting absolutely no time. Flip dropped the bags right near the door and locked up, then carried you to his room. He couldn’t get his hands off of you, didn’t want to part from you for a moment, even as he dumped you onto the mattress with a nervous chuckle.  
“Flip!” You laughed back, pushing your hair out of your face as his hands were already working on getting your clothes off.
“Fuck you’re so pretty.” He sighed against your lips, revealing your skin to him underneath all your layers.
Never in a million fucking years did he think he’d have such a woman in his bed, such a perfect woman as you. You reached for him, hands grabbing at air as a sign that you wanted him closer, and he shucked off all his clothes as fast as he could before climbing onto the bed with you.
“Touch me?” You asked, breathless and desperate as he kissed you, his hot mouth warming your skin and bringing the most beautiful noises from your throat.
“Oh I’m gonna do a helluva lot more than just that baby.” Flip grinned, thinking about what Jimmy had told him. “Do you trust me?” He asked, as he began kissing and kissing and kissing down your chest, stomach, thighs.
“Of course I do ohmygod – Flip!” You tensed up instinctively, shy about something you’d never done before.
“It’s okay, just relax, relax for me.” He kissed along your inner thighs as he pushed them open, ran his nose in the crease where your thigh and your hips met, breathed you in.
You smelled like pure sex, and this close, he could see just how wet you were for him. It made his whole body on fire, and he hadn’t even done anything yet. Tentatively, he licked up your slit and you let out a gasp, a hand already flying down to tangle in his hair.
He looked up at you, had to look over the sight of your perfect tits to see you biting your lip, eyes shut, waiting waiting waiting for him to do more.
“You have to tell me, tell me what you like.” Flip said, as he pushed his tongue to part your folds, used his hands to hold you open while he started stroking your pussy with his tongue.
He started with just the up and down motion of his tongue, careful not to be too rough on your clit when he got up to it. He did give it a gentle swirl of his tongue before moving on, not wanting to fuck anything up. You moaned, and your thighs twitched around his head, and he could feel his cock starting to leak just from the sounds you were making.
“You taste fucking fantastic.” Flip groaned against your skin once your slick really started to collect on his tongue. It wasn’t a lie, he hadn’t experienced anything like this and wasn’t anticipating it being so sweet the way that you were.
You didn’t answer, but a lot of the tension dropped from your hips, and that made Flip smile against you. He moved on to the circling of his tongue for a little while, before starting to spell shit out the way Jimmy told him to.
He went down the alphabet and when he got to the letter F your fist tightened in his hair.
“Do that again! Flip please do it again.” You begged, and he grinned, happy that he was able to elicit that sort of response from you.
That encouraged him, he was so eager, so so so eager to please you, and he buried his face between your legs and wrote the first letter of his name in your cunt over and over again until you were starting to gasp for air and shout out.
“Oh, oh holy shit – yes, yesyesyesyesyes – !” Your back arched, you literally pushed your hips into his mouth, and Flip couldn’t help but grin.
He finally gave a hard suck to your clit and he could feel it when you came. Your thighs clamped shut around his head and the hand in his hair was almost painfully tight as your chest rose and fell in rapid succession, eyes screwed tight. He tasted it too, the way you gushed – gushed! – onto his tongue. He stayed down there and lapped it up, swallowed down every drop you gave him, not wanting any of it to go to waste.
He leaned back and admired your pussy, admired the way there were scratch marks blossoming from his beard on your thighs. He kissed them, tried soothing them with his tongue, but you were pulling him up to kiss him deeply.
“I’m sorry.” You panted against his lips, but he couldn’t figure out what for.
“Don’t be! Don’t be, I’m not finished with you yet.” He promised, kissed you while he made a show of stroking his cock.
“How do you want me?” You grinned, making him shake his head.
“Just like this, I want to see you, let me see those tits of yours.” He sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, squeezed your other breast in his big hands. “Fuck they’re so perfect, how are you real?”
“I’m real, I’m yours; I’m only yours.” You laughed, blissed out, as you let him touch and taste.
His cock pressed against your thigh, and you wrapped a hand around it, jerked him off just a little, just enough to keep him hard and leaking.
“Do you feel that? Feel how fucking hard you make me?” Flip asked against your skin, groaned into your mouth.
“You’re so sexy I can’t – I need you now.” You whined, making Flip’s brain short-circuit.
“You need me?” He asked, heart beating fast. He loved you, fuck he loved you, and he needed you more than anyone – to hear you say it back was like a dream.
“Yeah, I need you, please? Please Flip fuck me.” You begged, and he didn’t need to be told twice.
Because you had already came, you were relaxed and he slid in so easily, worked his cock into you with no problem and bottomed out with a deep groan.
“Oh. My. God.” His hips had a mind of their own, needing to move and be as deep inside you as he could, as he could possibly manage.
“Good?” You asked with a laugh, as he leaned down to kiss the spot between your breasts, rest his forehead on your shoulder, being completely enveloped in the wet heat of your pussy.
“Yeah, shit you’re tight.” He gasped with a laugh of his own, one that dissolved into a moan as his hips moved faster and faster.
He corralled your legs around his hips, yanked you down the mattress to get deeper, get a better angle. He knew he was big, he knew you liked how big he was, fuck the way you were crying for him had his blood boiling, had him losing himself in his pleasure.
“Right there, oh fuck, don’t stop!” Your eyes flew open when he found your g-spot, and Flip never felt more proud in his whole fucking life than he did when your mouth dropped open, feeling that fucking good.
“(Y/N), holy shit (Y/N).” He couldn’t believe any of this was real, any of it was happening as he fucked you. His hips found a rhythm that worked, not too brutal but not slow and sweet either. He swore he could see the buldge of his cock in you, but that was maybe just him being so out of it.
You were clinging onto him for dear life, your toes curled against his back from where he had hooked your legs around him. He sucked on your neck and you dug your hands into the meat of his shoulders as he slammed the headboard against the wall, dragged the prettiest moans and cries and shouts from your lips.
“Flip I’m gonna come I’m gonna, fuck I’m so close I can feel it – ” You started, but he just turned to kiss the corner of your mouth, wanted to let you know it was okay.
“Come for me, come on, let me feel you let me make you come – ” He babbled, he bit down onto the spot where your neck and shoulder met, reached a hand down and rolled your clit between his fingers and you came so hard that you accidentally jackknifed and headbutted Flip right in the face.
“Oh!” You were dizzy with your orgasm, so much so that you didn’t even realize you had collided with your boyfriend.
“Oh shit – ” Flip came in you just from the surprise of it all, not registering any pain, just so overwhelmed with the feeling of your cunt clenching around him.
He fucked you through it, milked the both of your orgasms for everything he could, before his arms gave out and he collapsed on top of you.
 Flip was breathing hard when he finally pulled out, and looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
“Was that – ” He started but you pushed a hand to his mouth to silence him.
“’Wait.” You said softly, desperately, eyes still shut and biting your lip like you were concentrating.
“…Are you okay?” Flip asked, suddenly concerned that he had done something wrong, that he had hurt you in any way.
“Yeah, I just…didn’t know it could feel like that.” You said, before breaking out into a fit of blissful giggles.
“Yeah?” He asked, realization dawning on him with a grin that you were savoring that feeling, the feeling he gave you, that he made happen.
“Yeah.” You laughed, rolling over him and bracing yourself on the mattress as you caged him under your arms, “And I get this for three more days?” You asked as you kissed him.
“If you want it.” He nodded quickly, arms looping around your back and pulling you down to be flush against his chest.
He wondered if you could hear how fast his heart was beating, from pure joy and satisfaction.
“I’m never gonna not want this.” You propped your chin up on his chest, and pressed gentle smooches to his chin, laughing at the way the skin of his neck bunched up when he tried looking down at you from that angle.
“I’ll give it to you whenever, you just gotta ask and I’ll fuck you just like this – even better next time.” He promised, as snow softly fell outside.
Nothing felt more perfect in the whole entire world in that moment, with you in his arms, in his bed.
“I love you.” You said, so sure of the words you were saying, so completely confident in them that Flip didn’t even have to pinch himself to believe it.
“I love you too.” He said back, making your whole face erupt into a grin.
He rolled you both over onto your sides, kissed you some more and then with the softest press of a kiss to your eyelids, he asked,
“Can I eat you out again?”
Making the both of you erupt into giggles that soon turned into moans once more.
It was going to be a long weekend, but Flip couldn’t be any more excited.
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
Lay Your Bones Down (1/1)
Summary: When it comes to soulmates people tend to fall into two camps of thought.
Notes: Prompt fill for the wonderful @ahwuum who has been super patient and supportive. <333!
(Read on AO3)
When it comes to soulmates people tend to fall into two camps of thought.
The ones who go all-out looking for their soulmate. Buy into what Vinewood and other “experts” have to say on the mater. Read all the books on how to recognize the signs or whatever, watch the television specials and pay close attention to their horoscopes and magazines aimed at helping people find them.
Sign up for the websites and download the apps once they become available because it’s a driving force for them, part of their pursuit of happiness and everything.
Sometimes it works, they find their soulmate and live happy fulfilling lives with them.
Other times it doesn’t, and they make themselves miserable looking for a needle in a haystack all their lives and let every other chance for happiness pass them by and it’s. It’s just sad, is what it is.
Then you have the ones like Jeremy who – he’s not going to lie, okay.
He’s curious who his soulmate is. What kind of person they are, if they’d even like each other, get along like a house on fire or hate one another at first sight. (A different way of getting along like a house on fire, and to be honest saying’s always bothered him but that’s a conversation for another day, or something. Whatever.)
He used to think about it a lot more when he was a kid, bright future ahead of him and all these possibilities, right? Smart kid like him? Could have done anything.
And he did.
For a while.
Then one of his buddies got caught up in some trouble of his own making, and stupid idiot Jeremy thought he could help get him out. Only got dragged into the same kind of trouble and into a literal pit facing off against guys twice his size trying to get back out again.
Stopped wondering who his soulmate was when his primary concern was not getting his face beaten in, and then things escalated to the point all of that slipped to the back of his mind.
Soulmates and the criminal life don’t go so well together, puts a crimp in things. (He figured if he did meet his soulmate doing the things he does now, it wouldn’t be a ringing endorsement for either of them.)
So, yeah.
Jeremy pulls himself out of the fighting rings in Boston, but doesn’t do it clean. Has people who’d be glad to put him down, so he decides it would be a good idea to get the hell out while he still can.
Goes from city to city doing what he can to get by. Realizes he’s in a goddamned ridiculous line of work and figures if he can’t beat them he might as well join them (something like that) and goes all-in.
Picks up the Rimmy Tim thing somewhere along the east coast. Browsing through the offerings in a thrift store where he finds these hideous yellow suit pants. Catch his eye, have him cackling like an idiot, but that might be more the painkillers blunting the ache of a stab wound in his shoulder.
Finds a purple suit jacket a few cities over and something about it hits him just right.
It isn’t until he’s somewhere in Texas he spots the cowboy hat. Gas station with a tired looking woman on the register and news on the television talking about something going on in a city named Los Santos.
Jeremy gives her a bright grin, all nice and friendly because he’s just passing through, ma’am, no trouble here. Watches the footage of another gang war in progress play on the television as the woman rings his purchases up.
He’s been seeing more and more about Los Santos the closer he gets, figures it’s a big deal in this part of the country. (Liberty city’s got the east coast locked down for chaos and carnage.)
Gets this little itch going in the palms of his hands because everything he’s seen tells him it would be smarter to stay the hell away from a city like that, but.
Jeremy’s kind of an idiot.
And, you know.
There are still people out there with a grudge to bear against him and a city as big as Los Santos seems like a good place to get lost in.
Can’t possibly get caught up in anything big enough to make the news like half the things he’s seen so far anyway, right?
There are books out there that have a lot to say about the placement of people’s Names. Conflicting information based on what old wives tale the author grew up on, their region of the country.
All of them agree on one thing, though. Names closest to the heart mean you’re bound for a happy match once you find your soulmate, get that happily ever after everyone’s running towards.
Jeremy’s Name is on his back, running along his spine, and the one book he read about Name placements had nothing to say on the matter. Didn’t look further into things because he was afraid of what he’d find.
Awkward placement for him to get a good look at it, but he’d tried when he thought he had a chance to find his soulmate. (When it would have been a good thing.)
Did all sorts of crazy things to get a picture.
Tried taking a picture using the bathroom mirror but he only got parts of it in the frame. Set up a series of mirrors like an idiot and got better pictures out of it he played around in the edit mode to flip it.
Other things like that.
Realized his soulmate has the shittiest handwriting known to man or maybe something was wrong with his eyes because even now he can barely make out what it’s supposed to be.
A signature for sure, the way most of them are.
Starts with a big looping letter and ends in this indecipherable scrawl like whoever they are they either gave up along the way or couldn’t be bothered with the rest.
Sometimes he’ll catch sight of it in a bathroom mirror of whatever shitty motel or apartment he’s staying in, wonder what could have been.
Jeremy’s supposed to be watching this hacker.
Keep an eye on him to make sure he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing, or keep him safe, his current boss didn’t specify.
Squirrely little bastard, though.
Looks like a twig with a wild tuft of hair and this nose that got him picked on as a kid. (If the way the rest of the crew treats him is any indication, that never stopped.
Jeremy might feel bad about how the others treat the guy, if he wasn’t such an asshole.
And anyways, it’s his first job in Los Santos. Some dirty little gang that’s been outsourced to do a job for an ally of theirs.
He’s hired muscle here and so low down in the pecking order he might as well not even have a name.
Just Goon #2 or something.
“What kind of name is Rimmy Tim?” the hacker asks out of the blue, not bothering to look up from his work. “Did your parents draw it out of a hat like a raffle?”
The two of them are alone in the warehouse the gang operates out of. It would be real easy to kill him and pretend he didn’t know how it happened.
So easy.
The thing that stops Jeremy from doing it is that murder is a bit of an overreaction to the annoying bastard. And, he’s being paid to watch the guy so he’d be shooting himself in the foot. Also, it’s clear he’s not thinking about the words coming out of his mouth.
Some idle thought floating around in his head while he focuses on his work and no brain-to-mouth filter.
“Yeah,” Jeremy drawls. “They used this hat to do it to. Gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday to commemorate the occasion. Even gave me a lasso so I could catch my first horse.”
The hacker keeps tap-tap-tapping away on his laptop for a few moments afterward before he processes what Jeremy said.
Slowly lifts his head to squint at Jeremy like he’s sure he’s being fucked with, but also maybe not?
“Wait, what?”
Jeremy smiles and tips his hat at the asshole as he gets up to grab a beer out of the fridge.
As much as Jeremy tries not to think about the Name on his back, the rest of the world makes that impossible.
Television shows and movies. Best-sellers at the store. Songs on the radio. Marketing campaigns every-fucking-where and shoved down people’s throats at every turn.
No wonder so many obsess over their Name when they’re made so aware of it every waking moment.
It’s still kind of weird, though, listening to the guys he works with gossiping about them. Doesn’t matter who he’s working for, where he is, there’s always someone like that.
Stone-cold killers and no remorse to them, and they’ll kick back for a poker game and someone will start up a conversation about the Name on their shoulder.
Curling script and little hearts dotting the ‘i’ and wondering what they have to think about their own rough scribble of a name. (Good penmanship isn’t a requirement for their line of work.)
It’s enough to make Jeremy wonder what it is about Los Santos that people like them think about their soulmates like that. Hope they’ll get the chance to meet them even though they’re on the wrong side of the law and the odds of them getting something good out of it are so damn low.
Jeremy’s been in Los Santos for about a year, two, before his name gets put out there as someone people might want to watch out for.
Well, one of his names, anyway.
He still gets strange looks when he introduces himself as Rimmy Tim, but considering Los Santos is the kind of city where everyone’s scared of some idiot in a rubber mask calling himself the Vagabond, he figures he's doing alright for himself.
He’s been hired on by a crew that hasn’t tried to fuck him over since they brought him on to be an extra gun for them. (Yet.)
Decent pay that helps with the rent for the place he shares with a couple of idiots he’s fallen in with in Matt and Trevor, and until recently they were playing it smart.
Did nothing to attract the notice of the bigger crews in town, but that’s changed the last few weeks. His boss with his eyes set on moving up in the pecking order which means coming up against those same crews who could squash them flat with barely a thought.
Trevor keeps harping on him to get the fuck out, fake his death if he has to and have Matt gimmick him up a new identity, the whole works, because.
Fuck, because his boss is taking swipes at the Fake AH Crew.
Just about the worst crew to mess with, what with their reputation for not taking kindly to that kind of thing and all.
The crew Jeremy’s working for keeps bringing in new blood because they’re dropping likes flies with every skirmish they get into with the Fakes.
No mercy to the Fakes when one of theirs gets hurt, just this single-minded anger snapping back around on whoever is stupid enough to go after them.
If Jeremy was smarter, he’d listen to Trevor, he would. But Matt’s got these debts and smart as Trevor is he hasn’t been able to find a way to get him out of them other than paying them off. Jeremy does his part to help, which means being the kind of idiot out there tempting fate working for a certified moron with a death wish.
It’s how you say, not great.
Jeremy’s boss knows he wants out, but he also knows Jeremy doesn’t have a lot of say about it, so he keeps giving Jeremy the worst jobs. Sends him out with the other expendables on what amount to suicide missions and no skin off his nose if they don’t come back.
Which is how Jeremy ends up being partnered with some other disgraced bastard in the crew to put a little pressure on a weapons dealer looking to side with the Fakes. Convince him he’d do well to stick with them, but they pick a bad (good?) time to do with, what with the Fake AH crew members they run into there.
Guy in a leather jacket with a snarling wolf’s head on the back, the goddamned Vagabond, and some pretentious asshole with gold-framed sunglasses and stupid hair.
There’s a moment where they all stare at one another in shock, and then at the scumbag weapons dealer has the temerity to hiccup nervously before the shooting starts.
Jeremy’s not sure who fires the first round, but the moment they do it’s a free-for-all. Bad lighting and not the best anything and it’s confusing as hell.
Bullets flying and enough yelling to almost drown out the gunshots.
He hears one of the Fakes yell something about bringing the car around when things get bad. Sees a figure go pelting out a side door like a bat out of hell. The remaining Fakes doubling down to push Jeremy and his partner back, buy time or just put an end to things.
Jeremy drops behind cover, pops off a few shots and watches his partner – stupid asshole, stubborn as hell and just plain dumb – go down without a sound.
Swears under his breath and returns fire, with the realization he can get the hell out of there or die, and he knows which one he prefers. Cuts and runs like a coward, or just someone with a brain who doesn’t need to run the numbers to know he’s facing shitty odds, whichever.
He finds a door that leads to an alley and runs like hell until he hits a side street. Glimpses an ugly little purple car puttering down the street towards him from the corner of his eye and jumps in front of it to get the driver to stop.
Thanks God the idiot didn’t think to lock their door before he’s ripping it open and forcing them into the passenger seat, means to kick them out entirely but the Fakes find them before he can, spilling into the street.
“Fuck it,” Jeremy says, and “sorry, pal, but you’re probably safer in here than out there,” and then his foot is on the gas and they’re zooming out of the alley to...somewhere.
Jeremy doesn’t fucking know, okay.
He’s shot and bleeding and apparently a kidnapper now?
He drives for God knows how long until he hears this quiet little laugh next to him. Incredulous, disbelieving, and -
“I can’t believe you still have the damn cowboy hat.”
Jeremy almost slams on the brakes because that voice.
British accent and infuriating as hell and what are the odds?
But, the part where he’s running from the Fakes and can’t do that – traffic and all – and just, it would be bad if he slammed on the brakes.
Instead he slows down a bit to keep from plowing into the car in front of them as it slows down to make a turn, and then whips around it the moment he can and keeps on going. Waves his gun in the hacker’s direction to shut him up, intimidate him, who knows, and heads to a safehouse he knows.
Only, the gun doesn’t shut the little idiot up, no.
“You’re bleeding,” Jeremy hears, which is not news to him.
He also hears, “That looks nasty,” which, he imagines it would. Bullet plus squishy human flesh and he’s not great at math, but even he can figure that one out.
“This is going to be so difficult to explain later.”
That makes no sense at all to Jeremy, but then the hacker’s reaching for his arm and Jeremy sends him a sharp look, because maybe don’t fucking do that when he’s got a gun sort of kind of aimed at him?
Takes a chance by taking his eyes off the road and almost swallows his tongue as he goes to tell him to very fucking politely not because -
“Oh, fuck me,” Jeremy mutters, because.
Stupid hair and gold-framed sunglasses, and Jeremy's kidnapped the Fake AH Crew’s Golden Boy by accident.
There are people in Los Santos who’d pay an obscene amount of money for someone to do it on purpose and Jeremy did it by accident.
The Golden Boy plays it smart, in his own way.
Doesn’t shut up, no, but realizes Jeremy doesn’t appreciate him trying to stop him from bleeding all over the interior of his car (not so much the bleeding part as the potential risks of what he could do to Jeremy instead, so yeah) and keeps his damn hands to himself.
Babbles as Jeremy navigates backstreets and alleys to get to the shitty little safehouse Trevor scouted out for the three of them a few months back. Paranoid as hell, Trevor, and smart enough to know things would go to hell on them sooner or later.
Either Matt’s debts or the mess Jeremy’s trapped in, who the hell knows.
Trevor’s good about planning ahead, and Jeremy trusts him like no one else he’s met in this shithole city. (He trusts Matt, don’t get him wrong on that. But Matt is the same kind of dumb as Jeremy and it’s just. Better to look to Trevor for shit like this.)
Safe enough to hide out here to patch himself up, figure out what to do from there.
He parks the car a few streets over because you can never be too paranoid in this city. Pushes the Golden Boy ahead of him while they keep to the shadows and the gun ins his jacket pocket as incentive to go along with things for now.
No damn idea what he’s going to do with the little idiot, not that it matters because Jeremy’s fucked any way you look at it.
The Fakes will tear the city apart looking for him, and they know where to start looking. His own crew would sell him out in a heartbeat to save their own skins.
The only good part about this, if it can be called that, is that Trevor will figure out something went wrong when Jeremy doesn’t go back to their crappy little apartment and want to know what happened.
(Hell, now might not be a bad time to listen to him about faking his death before the Fakes find him.)
So until then...yeah.
It’s a mess.
Jeremy’s a mess, suit jacket ruined along with the shirt underneath. Something more than a simple graze that turns his stomach and hands nowhere near steady enough to stitch himself up.
“Fuck,” he says, and again a little stronger as he stares at the his wound, still bleeding sluggishly, ”fuck.”
The Golden Boy shifts. Nervous? Anxious? Who knows.
Says, quiet, careful, “I could help?” like he’s not sure how Jeremy will take it after the whole thing in the car with the glaring and everything that followed.
He shrugs when Jeremy looks up at him, pushes his stupid sunglasses up into his stupid hair. Looks tired without them hiding his eyes. Dark bags and under his eyes and this crooked little smile Jeremy doesn’t remember seeing before.
“I’ve done my share of stitching people up.”
There’s something to the way he says it that makes Jeremy believe it. Him. Whatever.
(The Fakes are known for being vicious about protecting their own, hurt one of them and you’re fucked and he’s never thought much about it before, but. There’s got to be a reason for it beyond not looking weak to their enemies, rivals.)
Jeremy’s out of options, knows he’s probably making a mistake here, but that part about being fucked anyway, so.
“Yeah, okay,” he says, and pushes the first-aide kit towards the Golden Boy.
Watches him like a hawk as he picks through the thing making these little tutting noises as he does because Jeremy may or may not have forgotten to restock it after the last time.
Rolls up his sleeves and Jeremy follows the motion without thought. Eyes going to the line of letters he can see just on the Golden Boy’s his inner forearm. Something familiar about them, but then the Golden Boy notices Jeremy staring.
Clears his throat and pulls his sleeve down to hide the Name inked on his skin. They’re a liability in this business, get people killed, and Jeremy pulls his gaze away guiltily.
“Sorry,” he says, because he’s an asshole and a ruthless criminal as these things go, but even he’s not that far gone. Not the kind of monster who’d take advantage of knowing who the Golden Boy’s soulmate is, use that against him. Not like he can say that and expected to be believed, but still. “It’s...sorry.”
He can feel eyes on him, knows the Golden Boy is watching him, judging him, and then there’s a little sigh.
“No worries, love,” he says, striving for bright and cheerful, just this hint of uncertainty, maybe even fear to it. “Not your fault, now is it?”
(Is it?)
Jeremy remains silent, winces as the Golden Boy sighs again before he picks up a washcloth Jeremy scrounged out of a cabinet to clean away the blood. He works quickly and efficiently, murmurs an apology when Jeremy hisses in pain as he plucks out cloth fibers and whatever else have gotten into the wound before he starts on the stitches.
Neat, even things, and a little laugh afterward when he says it might not scar noticeably.
Not a major concern for Jeremy, but still nice to know.
“Thanks,” he says, as the Golden Boy tapes off the bandage covering the stitches. “Just, uh. Thanks.”
Awkward as hell, thanking the guy you’ve kidnapped (accidentally, and he’s never going to get over that) for patching him up, but hey.
That’s Jeremy’s life in a nutshell.
He watches the Golden Boy pack the first-aide kit up nice and neat, reach for a stay bit of trash from the supplies he used, sleeve riding up again and this time Jeremy gets a good look at the Name on his arm.
Realizes why it had seemed so familiar from the glimpse he caught, and reacts without thinking.
Grabs the Golden Boy’s wrist with his good hand, painfully aware of the way the Golden Boy freezes like a deer in the headlights because Jeremy’s still got his gun and the whole being kidnapped thing.
Ignores the pain ins his bad arm as he pushes the Golden Boy’s sleeve up to reveal the Name on his inner forearm.
Jeremy’s name.
Knows his signature after years of using it, every upward sweep and downward loop, and his heart drops because this, this is how he meets his soulmate, of course it is.
“Jesus Christ,” Jeremy mutters, releasing the Golden Boy’s wrist, aware of the way he recoils away from him like he’s been burned. Holds his arm close to himself, hiding the Name on his skin from Jeremy, and he feels sick about his reaction.
(How could he? Why would he?)
Probably thinks Jeremy’s like all the other sick fucks in this city who’d pay anything to know whose Name someone has on their skin. Use it against them and do it happily because it gives them power over them, and fucking hell.
“I - “ Jeremy’s voice fails him and he thinks about just whipping his shirt off to show him why, but that’s.
Gonna send a bad message if he can’t explain himself first, and he can feel himself on the verge of laughing like a lunatic because this is not now he saw today going at all.
He looks up to see the Golden Boy watching him. Wary, as Jeremy would expect him to be after watching Jeremy act like the aforementioned lunatic.
“What,” the Golden Boy asks, voice cracking a little. “What was that all about?”
Jeremy stares at him, because he looks scared, sure, but also?
Like he’d kill Jeremy rather than let him use his Name as a weapon or a threat against him. Willing to protect the idiot whose name is indelibly inked on his skin with everything he has because that’s what you do for your soulmate if you give even the tiniest of fucks about them. (Even without their unique situation.)
People are so stupid that way, and it’s both the funniest and saddest things about them to Jeremy.
He’s got a name running along his spine and he may not know a hundred percent what it is, what with the horrible handwriting, but he knows without a doubt it’s this little idiot’s.
Knows it like he knows every other important thing in his life, and this just complicates things even further, doesn’t it?
Rival crews and a carjacking that led to an (accidental) kidnapping. A soulmate that looks like he’s trying to decide the best way to kill him to keep Jeremy from using himself against him, and it’s getting real confusing in Jeremy’s head.
One thing he does know, though. He can’t let his soulmate (Jesus, Trevor will never let him live this down and neither will Matt) think he’s one of those scumbags who’d use his Name against him.
“Rimmy Tim isn’t my real name,” he says, which should be obvious by now because no self-respecting human being would go through life with it as a name and not have it legally changed at some point.
Just, no.
The Golden Boy’s still watching him. Cocks his head at Jeremy’s admission, eyes narrowing as he tries to figure out where Jeremy’s going with this.
“This is...” Jeremy trails off, knows if he just tells him his name is Jeremy it’s not going to come off well, given the current situation, so. “Uh, this is going to seem weird, but bear with me, okay?”
It’s a bit of a risk, what he’s about to do.
Turn his back on someone with every reason to use the opportunity to attack him, kill him, but he can’t think of a better idea. Just. No better idea and sure as hell doesn’t want his soulmate to think he’s in a situation where his Name is something to be used against him, that fear, even if it backfires on Jeremy.
He twists around and pulls his shirt up, hears the Golden Boy’s confused ”What?” and ”Oh, God, what?” and then this sharp inhale followed by silence.
A long, long moment of silence and this shuddery exhale, cool fingers on Jeremy’s back tracing the letters running along his spine.
Quiet laugh, shaky, and, “Bloody hell,” he hears, followed by, “I knew that couldn’t be your real name,” and another laugh that just sounds tired.
Which, yeah.
Jeremy gets that, he does.
He pulls his shirt back down and turns around to find the Golden Boy watching him again, but there’s a thoughtful quality to it this time.
“So,” he says like he still can’t believe it. “You’re my soulmate, are you?”
Hard to get a bead on how he feels about that, what with the being carjacked and kidnapped at gunpoint thing they have going for them. The way things are a little too Romeo and Juliet for Jeremy’s tastes seeing how well that went for all parties involved in that little disaster.
“Uh, yeah,” Jeremy says, for whatever it’s worth. “I guess I am.”
The mirror in the safehouse’s bathroom is dirty as hell, has this crack running straight down the middle of it like the fault lines under Los Santos.
Good enough to get a decent picture of his back at least, have Jeremy frowning at all the scars he’s picked up since the last time he did this. (Five, six years ago? Maybe longer.)
It’s late now, few hours past midnight and the Golden Boy’s sacked out in the bedroom. Tired after a long day and what seems to have been an even longer week for him. Put up a fight because he wasn’t the one with a bullet wound, but Jeremy had overruled him on the basis of 1.) being carjacked, and 2.) being kidnapped after being carjacked.
Not to mention the reason for the carjacking and subsequent kidnapping and just...everything else on top of that they haven’t addressed properly.
More like stared at one another for a long moment trying to process before the Golden Boy yawned, reminding them both of the late hour, and they decided it would be better to pick things back up in the morning.
Sleep on all of it and figure things out then and Jesus if that’s not reason for Jeremy to grab his stuff and get the fuck out. Run off with his tail between his legs before his soulmate tells him thanks for the terrifying day and all, but he just doesn’t see things working out between them – carjackings and kidnappings do not a good relationship make – but do take care.
But he hasn’t, has he. Is creeping around the safehouse being an idiot instead.
Jeremy sighs as he fiddles with the limited photo editor app on his phone, flips the picture he just took so he can read the Name on his back.
Everyone in Los Santos calls him the Golden Boy, sometimes though they refer to him as the Fake AH Crew’s Golden Boy, sometimes he’s Ramsey’s Golden Boy, but his name’s not a secret.
That first letter on Jeremy’s back is definitely a ‘G’, and knowing what he knows now, he can see the rest.
And now that he knows, he’s afraid to say it out loud because there are -
A lot of unknowns in their future.
Or, not.
At the very least, he knows who his soulmate is now, won’t have to wonder about it anymore, and that. Well, it has to count for something, doesn’t it?
“So now what?”
The Golden Boy – no, Gavin – is watching Jeremy closely. Head cocked to the side and so very careful.
Looking at him, Jeremy realizes he never searched him for weapons when they got the safehouse. Wasn’t in the frame of mind to think of it with the chaos of the shootout, pain from his injury and everything that followed. World-changing realizations and all.
Can spot at least one gun on him. A few knives. Who the hell knows what else because rumors say he worked with the Vagabond for a while before the Fakes snatched him up and he’s picked up a few habits of his along the way.
Good news, no immediate rejection regarding the soulmate situation. Bad news, he’s still not indicating how he feels about the fact Jeremy’s his soulmate.
Playing it safe, smart, given the everything else that’s happened or something else, Jeremy doesn’t know.
“What do you mean?” Jeremy asks, because what does that even mean?
Gavin gives him this look, and gestures at himself.
Ego aside, he makes for one hell of a prize.
Any of the Fakes would be to be fair, but the Golden Boy?
Jesus, what stroke of luck to catch him.
Hit the Fakes where it would hurt the most because he’s always been considered untouchable, all these attack dogs keeping him from harm and poster boy for the crew, more so than Ramsey ever was.
Silver-tongued negotiator with an impressive string of successes behind him in the allies the Fakes have won over to their side since they clawed their way to the top.
That whole thing where he’s got a price on his head in the city only the craziest bastards would even think about cashing in on. Catch him and sell him to the highest bidder and live a life of luxury. (Until the Fakes found out who’d managed it and went hunting.)
Jeremy stares at him because 1.), no, and 2.)? Also no.
“How about this,” Jeremy says slowly. “You take that piece of shit car of yours and go back to your crew and I go back to mine and we pretend you did not just suggest what I think you did.”
Because, and Jeremy cannot emphasize this enough, no.
Even if he wasn’t Jeremy’s soulmate the answer would be the same. Jeremy’s an asshole, but he’s got limits. Lines he won’t cross and something like that?
If he did have a personal grudge against the Fakes, well.
Honestly, there are only two things that would be part of that, and they’re both idiots. If something happened to them and the Fakes were involved...
Jeremy can’t say what he’d do then, but he likes to think he wouldn’t sink so low as to do something like that. (You never know what you’d do until you’re in that situation though, do you.)
There’s a long, long moment where they stare at one another, Jeremy’s heart beating double-quick time in his chest because Jesus fucking Christ. Also this sudden, violent urge to throw up because the whole soulmate thing on top of everything and how repugnant the matter of selling him out is with that factoring in?
Gavin laughs, tension seeping out of him as he regards Jeremy.
“Well,” he says, “that’s good to know.”
Like he really thought Jeremy could – would – sell him off like that even without the soulmate thing, Jesus.
“Yeah, sure.” Jeremy scrubs a hand over his face. “You’re welcome?”
Gavin hums, and then Jeremy feels a touch to the back of his hand and looks up to see him watching him.
“I never would have thought,” he says, and laughs like he’s still processing the whole soulmate thing. “I never would have thought you’d be the one.”
There’s...Jeremy swallows because there’s this note of wonder in his voice, the way he’s looking at Jeremy.
“Thought for sure I’d annoyed you past all reason.”
Not...not quite.
Annoying as hell, sure, but there was a part of him that appreciated watching a fellow horrible little bastard at work. Amused as hell at the way Gavin got under the skin of the others they were working with just because he could.
He should have known something was up then, but it was just a job at the time. Jeremy scrabbling to get by and just another job to put money in his pocket and all kinds of excuses that fall flat when he looks back on it.
“Nah,” Jeremy says, and smiles. “I mean, I wouldn’t say past all reason.”
He laughs to soften things, and is rewarded with a quiet laugh and then...it’s not awkward between them, just.
“I should contact the others,” Gavin says, reluctant about it. “They’re sure to be worried by now.”
As if they wouldn’t have been the moment they realized something was wrong with a crew known to be as close-knit as theirs.
Trevor and Matt have to be worried about him as well by now, and the two of them can’t just hide away here forever no matter how tempting it is.
Should have gone their own ways the night before everything got complicated on them. Kicked Gavin out of the car somewhere his crew would be sure to pick him up before continuing on to the safehouse, but he hadn’t been thinking clearly.
Too late for that now, though.
“I - “ Jeremy sighs, because there’s no putting things off any longer. They’ve done enough of that as it is. “Yeah, okay.”
There’s not much for Jeremy to do as Gavin makes his phone call, but he finds reasons to be out of the room. Give him some privacy.
Wanders around straightening up for the next time someone needs to use the safehouse. Make a list of things he needs to get to restock the first-aide kit. Sends Matt a text letting him know he’s not dead in a ditch somewhere and he’ll tell them everything when he gets back home because he’d rather avoid Trevor’s heavy judgment for the time being.
He laughs when he gets a thumb’s up emoji from Matt, and then a few moments later a succinct Fuck you, man, that’s sure to result from Trevor expressing his disappointment in Matt for not pressing Jeremy for details.
Jeremy makes his way back to the living room just in time to catch the end of the conversation the Gavin’s having with whoever he called. All this exasperation to it and dumb little smile and he just.
Watches him for a long moment since Gavin doesn’t seem to know he’s there yet.
No telling what will happen once they leave the safehouse.
Jeremy’s got to be high on the Fakes’ most wanted list by now, and the smart thing for him to do is stay under the radar until that changes, if it will.
So. Yeah.
Gavin finishes his call and looks up to catch Jeremy’s eye, amused smile playing on his lips so so much for going unnoticed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, just,” Jeremy shrugs. The safehouse isn’t big, not a lot of places for him to putter about while Gavin was on the phone.
Thankfully Gavin seems to understand that because he laughs, and Jeremy.
He’s heard the stories, you know?
From his parents, other people who found their soulmates and had things work out. The way you just. It’s not some magical thing where everything’s suddenly easy, everything nice and clear and simple, but.
There’s a difference.
This thing where you look at your soulmate and you know.
Their smile seems brighter than anyone else’s, fills you with this. Love, warmth, whatever the hell that can help flip a shitty day over into one that’s a little more bearable. Small things that make life better in a million little ways, make you feel less alone in the world.
Not easy, and shit still happens, but it’s not. Not overwhelming anymore, like you know you can make it through a bad day and any others that come after it because someone’s there to help you through them.
Jeremy sits down next to him and reaches for his hand, feels stupidly relieved when Gavin reaches back.
In the end, Gavin gets in his Blista and drives back to his crew, and Jeremy watches him until he’s out of view.
Out of the two of them, he’s the one with the target painted on his back, and while Jeremy’s not delighted about letting him go alone, it’s the smart thing to do.
Jeremy’s a nobody compared to him, can find his own way home without worrying about running into trouble, and he does.
Gets an earful from Trevor who’s doing a good job of looking his usual put-together self, but Jeremy knows him too well by now to miss the signs of Trevor in full-on Deeply Concerned mode.
“Trevor,” he says, because goddamn they’re all kind of dumb. “Shut up.”
He drags Trevor into a hug despite his half-hearted protests – he is lecturing, Jeremy, and hugs are illegal you fiend. And then he does the same to Matt who’s off the side nibbling on a breadstick and trying to look bored and disinterested like he’s not just as worried.
“Where the hell were you?” Trevor demands, hands on his hips and ridiculous as ever. “We heard about what what happened, and then you didn’t come home and - “
Jeremy winces at the fear he can hear plain as day in Trevor’s voice even with the dramatics he’s throwing in to cover for it. The dark circles under his eyes and bloodshot eyes from a lack of sleep and just. Everything he can see mirrored in Matt.
“It’s a long story,” Jeremy says, which is the wrong thing to say even if it’s the truth because it sets Trevor off all over again with his own side of things.
Because Matt keeps tabs on Jeremy, on Trevor. Might as well have animal tracking collars on them or gone and microchipped them in their sleep. No way to hide from him even if they wanted to. (A lie, because they’d find ways around it, but what would be the point when he does it to look after them in his own Matt Bragg way?)
And when Jeremy dropped off the radar after the shootout with all the “extra touches” at the safehouse to prevent them from being tracked there...yeah.
“I, uh.” Jeremy doesn’t know how to put this gently, so he just goes for it. “I carjacked the Golden Boy and found out he’s my soulmate?”
Good job all around, well done him.
Jeremy turns on his heel and power walks to the kitchen to grab something strong to drink while Trevor’s brain tries to process that and Matt stops choking on his breadstick.
While he’s there he decides to be civilized and grabs glasses for Trevor and Matt because he gets the feeling they’re going to need them.
Trevor can’t actually ground Jeremy, because for one, Jeremy’s a fucking adult? And two, he’s not the boss of him. (Something Jeremy thinks in the safety and privacy of his own mind lest he give Trevor ideas.)
The three of them are in agreement it would be safest for Jeremy if he kept a low profile for the time being, which means he is more or less grounded.
Sits around the apartment pestering Matt while he works on whatever Matt does. Offering unhelpful suggestions until even Matt has enough of his bullshit and kicks him out of his nerd lair so he can work in peace.
Thinks about doing the same to Trevor, but Trevor is by far the smartest one out of them and voted most likely to plot intricate, painful revenge Jeremy will never see coming, so he doesn’t pester him.
Watches a lot of daytime dramas and talk shows instead. Some DIY videos from the internet on his laptop which is great, because he finds this one channel of a guy who helps him expand on his homemade explosives repertoire.
Picks up a few delicious recipes and other things from people not out to topple governments or just make really, really, questionable life choices involving explosives.
And then one day Trevor comes up to him with a package bearing the logo of a small delivery company.
He looks conflicted, like he’s not sure what he’s doing is a good thing.
“This came for you the other day,” he says, and holds it just out of reach. “I had Matt check it over first, just in case.”
Jeremy sets his game controller aside, because Trevor has a shifty look on his face. Is having a hard time looking Jeremy in the eye.
Trevor clears his throat, fidgets in a way that is very, very alarming coming from him.
“I realize I may not have come across as happy for you as I should have,” he says, waving a hand at Jeremy and his everything. “About this whole. Soulmate thing of yours, and I apologize. For that.”
Jeremy cocks his head.
While Trevor’s not wrong, he’s not. Jeremy knows him, okay. Knows Trevor’s glad he found his soulmate, but there was the matter of everything else to deal with too because Jeremy’s a damn idiot who can’t do anything the easy way.
“You really don’t need to - “ Jeremy starts to say, and snaps his mouth shut when Trevor levels him with a look. “But, ah. Thank you?”
Trevor harrumphs, scowl slowly lightening to a rueful smile as he holds the package out to Jeremy.
“Anyway, this came for you the other day and Matt says it’s not going to kill you. Or, it might, but if it does it will be from cancer due to long-term exposure to radiofreqeuncy radiation and not explosives or what have you.” Trevor pauses for a breath. “But as we both know, that won’t happen for decades if there really is a link between cell phone usage and cancer, so, uh. Yeah. Don’t worry about it.”
Jeremy doesn’t know what to say to any of that, so he accepts the package with a simple thanks and scurries off to his room before he catches whatever the hell Trevor has.
(Too late to avoid the insanity, but he already knew that.)
There’s a cell phone in the package, but Trevor gave that away with his unsettling warning about the hazards of cell phones or whatever that was.
There’s also a note.
From Gavin.
Awkward and sweet, and Jeremy laughs as he reads if for the third time because he’s an idiot and a sap.
It’s a chance to get to know Gavin better and a burner phone to make that possible.
Side note about this being for the best until Gavin can talk sense into his crew regarding Jeremy and this rambling tangent that has nothing to do with anything, but still makes Jeremy smile.
They’re getting further and further away from the bizarre Romeo and Juliet situation they were in at first, but everything’s still unbelievably stupid and ridiculous in their own way.
Jeremy sets the note aside and unlocks the phone and brings up the contacts. Stares at the only one saved for a long moment, nerves and whatever else getting the best of him for a moment before he shoves all of that aside and presses the send button before he can think better of it.
A month goes by before Trevor deems it safe to let Jeremy out on his own unsupervised, which is just as insulting as it sounds.
To be fair, it’s taken that long for his bullet wound to heal to a point he can take on work again without making things worse, so it works out.
He’s been talking to Gavin every chance he can get, gone from once or twice a week to three to four to every day thy better they got to know one another. Realizing they might be among the lucky ones to find their soulmate and someone they could stand to share the rest of their lives together with.
He’s been itching at the chance to see him in person again, and Gavin feels the same because he texts Jeremy the name of a cafe along with a time and date, and Jeremy -
“Good God man, you can’t wear that abomination on your little lunch date!” Trevor looks personally offended because Jeremy’s dressed in his finest Rimmy Tim ensemble, complete with a new hat to replace the one he lost in the shootout with the Fakes.
All shiny and white because he felt like a change was in order, and also they were out of brown.
Jeremy keeps a straight face by sheer strength of will, something not helped by the thumb’s up Matt’s shooting him over Trevor’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong with it?” Jeremy asks, looking down at himself like he’s looking for a stray piece of lint or wrinkled fabric. A loose button, something along those lines. And, “You don’t like it?”
Trevor makes this...this noise in the back of his throat that somehow conveys frustration, disgust, and barest touch of rage as he throws his hands up.
“You march right back into your room and find something to wear that isn’t both horrendous and garish right now, young man!”
There’s a delicate silence in the moment after his outburst.
And then Jeremy makes the mistake of looking at Matt, and that’s the end of that. The two of them crack up laughing while Trevor heaves this sigh of utmost suffering that comes from having to deal with idiots like them.
Jeremy changes into clothes Trevor deems far more reasonable than Jeremy’s Rimmy Tim getup and makes it to the cafe with time to spare.
Follows the hostess out to an outside seating area and can’t help the goofy smile on his face when he spots Gavin waiting for him at one of the tables.
He looks.
He looks nervous, fussing with this coin he’s rolling over his knuckles in an obvious nervous habit, but he also looks good.
Button-down shirt that makes his eyes stand out. Pressed slacks and dress shoes, hair – still an unruly mess but it’s more artfully messy rather than all-out disastrous. Those ridiculously expensive sunglasses of his hooked into the collar of his shirt and best of all, he looks rested. Like he’s finally managed to get enough sleep, and the smile that crosses his face when he catches sight of Jeremy -
“Jeremy!” he gets to his feet and pulls Jeremy into a hug, and the last of Jeremy’s nervousness vanishes in the face of his clear excitement at seeing him again after so long.
Jeremy closes his eyes and breathes out a sigh of relief as he hugs Gavin, because nerves and this...he doesn’t even know.
Like part of him somehow thought he’d imagined it all from the shootout to the carjacking (Jesus Christ, that’s going to make the story of how they discovered they were soulmates a tricky one to tell people) to the events at the safehouse.
The phone calls that had spilled over from one burner phone to the next until Jeremy had decided the hell with things and started using his own instead. (A risk, sure, of the Fakes finding him to “have a little chat with him” Gavin had warned him about when he told him, but more than worth it.)
This ache in his chest at being so close and so far after all these years of wondering. Maybe there is something to the soulmates thing science can’t explain because it feels like Jeremy’s taking his first full breath in far too long.
The world feels a little more real, brighter when he opens his eyes to look at Gavin.
Gavin laughs again and they untangle themselves, sit down at the table Gavin’s gotten for them and stare at one another like idiots for a moment.
It’s a beautiful day, sunny and bright and the people of Los Santos are making the most of it. Pedestrians out for a walk for the hell of it or out and about on errands or other business talking on their cell phones or enjoying the break in weather from the spate of rain they’ve had the last week.
Dogs barking, birds singing. People laughing.
All of it paints a different picture of the city than Jeremy’s used to seeing and for a moment he can almost pretend it’s any other city.
“Uh,” Jeremy says, because pretty as things are right now, Los Santos is certainly not any other city. “Did you know - “
Gavin rolls his eyes, mouth quirking as he leans towards Jeremy. Drops his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
“Ignore them,” he says, gleam of amusement in his eye. “It’ll drive them mental.”
Jeremy raises his eyebrows at that because Gavin knows his crew best, of course, but still.
There’s a car idling at the curb just beyond the patio they’re seated at.
Shiny chrome number and the guy with the wolf on the back of his jacket Jeremy remembers seeing from the shootout behind the wheel.
Glaring at Jeremy.
Another car is parked across the street opposite him. Sleek black number with bright green accents. Too far to make out more than an outline of the driver, but Jeremy’s sure he’s wearing a skull mask. (He’s seen that car on the news too often not to know its owner.)
Not even two tables away from them are a pair of people in the absolute worst disguises Jeremy’s seen outside of a spy parody movie.
Dark sunglasses, fake mustaches and beards, and holes cut out of the newspaper one of them is reading along with oversize trench coats on a beautiful early summer afternoon in sunny Los Santos.
“...Okay?” Jeremy says, because okay.
And...he gets it, he does.
The Fakes are a close-knit crew and he and Gavin didn’t kick off this whole...soulmates thing between them in the traditional way.
At all.
To be honest, there’s a part of him that’s relieved they’re being this overprotective of Gavin. Watching out for him in an admittedly creepy way.
It’s just.
Weird as hell, too.
“Jeremy,” Gavin says, and gives him this look like he knows, but better to go along with it than fight it at this point, which.
Again, yeah, okay.
He can handle dealing with Gavin’s crew if it means he gets to have this...chance with Gavin. (Besides,  he hasn’t even met Trevor or Matt, and God knows they’re going to be as terrible in their own ways, idiots that they are.)
They chat for a bit as they look over the menu, knot of worry and doubt in Jeremy’s chest unraveling as Gavin laughs at Jeremy’s stupid jokes. Smiles at the truly awful ones like he can’t help himself even though they both know how terrible they are.
Jeremy doing the same as Gavin tells him about his recent exploits with the Fakes, little adventures he got up to on his own when he managed to slip away from his minders. (Paranoid after the incident where some inconsiderate bloke carjacked Gavin.)
“Are you ready to order?”
Jeremy freezes.
Looks over to see a man dressed like one of the cafe’s waiters standing next to their table. Impressive mustache and tattoos he can see peeking over the collar of his shirt. More on his hands holding a notepad and pencil and this glint in his eye as he ignores Gavin to stare Jeremy down.
He’s seen the Kingpin on the news. Heard all kinds of wild stories about him, the things he did with the Roosters before coming to Los Santos to start his own crew.
Only man in all of Los Santos who could get the Vagabond to join a crew and all the other rumors out there making him to be this terrifying figure in his own right, and for good reason.
And now he’s in a waiter’s uniform waiting to take their lunch order and Jeremy has no idea how to proceed, because his brain is having difficulty processing the situation.
He feels a sharp pain on his shin and snaps out of his daze or whatever the hell he’s fallen into to look at Gavin.
Gavin, who just kicked him under the table and is now giving him this look. All remember what I told you, and follow my lead and God’s sakes, Jeremy, don’t let them get to you, they can smell fear.
A lot to convey with a single look, but somehow Gavin pulls it off
“Actually,” Gavin says, looking back at his menu. “I was wondering if there’s any shellfish in the shellfish cioppino? I’m allergic, and it would absolutely ruin my day if I had even the smallest bite.”
That’s a blatant lie. They were just talking about Gavin’s love for shellfish after they got onto the topic of the east coast and Jeremy’s hometown of Boston in particular, but alright.
Jeremy stares at Gavin who lifts his eyes from his menu to wink at Jeremy before gifting their waiter with an arch look.
The Kingpin glares at him.
Takes a deep breath and in a voice that says he’s going to have words with Gavin later, and says, ”Yes, sir. Unfortunately there is shellfish in the shellfish cioppino as the name implies. Perhaps something else on the menu appeals to you?”
“Oh,” Gavin says, crestfallen that his first choice might kill him if he was in fact allergic as he’s claiming to be. “That’s a shame. What about the steamed mussels?”
It goes on like that for a while as Gavin asks about every dish on the menu where shellfish is a key ingredient and several where no seafood is involved at all.
The Kingpin goes from being annoyed to resigned and defeated, staring off into the middle distance as he answers Gavin’s questions.
“Well then,” Gavin says, when he’s done torturing one of the most feared men in Los Santos. “I suppose I’ll have the shellfish cioppino.”
There’s no reaction at first, but when the Kingpin realizes Gavin’s done tormenting him he snaps back to himself. Draws himself up to his full height and scowls down at Gavin as he angrily scribbles down his order to keep up the pretense as their waiter.
Gavin beams at him, hands folded neatly in front of him on the table.
The Kingpin snorts, corner of his mouth twitching before he turns his attention on Jeremy.
“And what would you like to order?”
He’s not glaring at Jeremy now, but it’s close enough to count.
“Hmm,” Jeremy says, mimicking the posh accent Gavin had slipped into. “Are there any mushrooms in your smoked mushroom ravioli? I have this allergy to them.”
No doubt he’ll regret it in the long run, but when he hears Gavin laugh figures it’s another one of those things he can deal with just for that.
They go for a walk along the beach after lunch, a nice leisurely stroll.
Sure, they’re being watched by members of Gavin’s crew, but Jeremy barely notices it anymore with Gavin laughing next to him.
“Oh, God, did you see his face?” Gavin’s giggling, all lit up with it, and Jeremy’s heart does that little flippy thing it started doing halfway through lunch with Gavin laughing and smiling and happy. “Geoff will make me pay for it, but his face.”
Gavin won’t be the only one paying for what they did, but that’s a future worry.
Right now it’s the two of them enjoying a nice day and being the horrible little bastards they are.
Their shoulders bump every so often, shifting sand under their feet and wandering along aimlessly as people are wont to do like this. Their hands do too, and after a while it gets to be a problem, so Jeremy has no choice but to tangle his fingers with Gavin to put an end to that.
Heart in his throat as he reaches for his hand, and that flippy sensation in his chest when Gavin slides a look at him, crooked grin on his face as he slides his fingers through Jeremy’s.
All good things end, or something like that, and Jeremy and Gavin find their way back up to the street next to the beach.
Gavin leads them to a pretty little thing parked next to the curb. Matte black and low-slung. Looks like it could go from zero to sixty in no time flat and Jeremy would love to see that happen one day.
He laughs when he notices Jeremy admiring it, hint of a blush on his cheeks as he gives it a fond pat on the hood.
“It was in the shop at the time,” he says, and shrugs, a story behind it he’s not telling Jeremy just yet. “That’s why I was driving my Blista.”
Jeremy raises an eyebrow because those stories Gavin told him earlier and his far from spotless driving record. Gavin coughs, gaze sliding away.
They lean against Gavin’s car and watch the waves roll in below them, sun starting to sink towards the horizon. They’ve shed their escort in Gavin’s crew, one by one until it’s just the two of them now.
Jeremy passing a test he wasn’t aware of or them getting bored enough to go off to wreak havoc in another part of the city, who the hell knows.
“We should do this again sometime,” Gavin says, light and casual, like he’s not holding on to Jeremy’s hand as though it’s a lifeline. “I had fun.”
Jeremy could do that. He could. Spend hours with Gavin without keeping an eye on the time.
“Me too,” Jeremy says, and squeezes Gavin’s hand. “I’d like that.”
Gavin ducks his head, and Jeremy laughs because.
The whole soulmate thing isn’t a guarantee you’ll fall in love the moment you meet yours, or that you’ll even like them, but goddamn is it nice when you do. (Amazing.)
After a moment Gavin looks up at him, expression on his face like he’s thinking hard on something, and then he breaths out this sigh. Annoyed at himself for something as he straightens.
“Jeremy,” he says, and he sounds determined. Focused. About to take a risk and intent on following through. “I think I’d like to kiss you.”
Jeremy bites back a laugh because it’s so formal of him. Right and proper and all that. Very British sounding.
“Yeah?” he asks, grinning at the annoyed huff from Gavin. “I think I’d like it if you did.”
Gavin’s eyes narrow because he knows Jeremy’s laughing at him, and try as he might he can’t hide his own amusement at their ridiculousness.
“Jeremy,” Gavin says, because this is no joking matter.
Jeremy tries to wipe the grin off his face, he does, but he can’t with the way Gavin’s looking at him and the way his heart is doing that flippy thing again.
Good thing, then, that Gavin does it for him when he leans in for that kiss of his.
Jeremy’s life isn’t all kittens and sunshine now, no.
Matt still has those debts of his that Jeremy and Trevor are helping him with because God knows he’s an idiot and things are getting better on that front.
Los Santos is still the same shithole it’s always been.
He’s still at the top of the Fake AH Crew’s most wanted list, albeit for a very different reason now.
Jeremy’s found his soulmate and while the two of them have to deal with a few more hurdles in their path than most people do, they manage just fine for themselves.
“Gavin - “
Gavin laughs, pecks Jeremy on the cheek to shush him as the lights go down in the movie theater around them.
“Ignore them,” he he whispers, like Ryan and Michael aren’t a few rows behind them making sure Jeremy doesn’t kidnap Gavin (intentionally) under cover of darkness. “They’re just being ridiculous.”
“I - “Jeremy sighs, because Gavin’s got a point. “Okay.”
The Fakes like to show up on their dates from time to time, scowl and glare at Jeremy because they’re just “like that” according to Gavin, but they disappear after a while to let them have time to themselves.
More of a running gag by now than actual threat, even if Ryan still wears the mask half the time.
It’s weird as hell and definitely not the way Jeremy imagined what finding his soulmate would be like back when he used to think about it, but it works for them and that’s the only thing that matters.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Don't know if you already did this, but i would like to request the RFA members reacting to a MC who tries to surprise them with some delicios cooking by herself, but it gets burned. She tried, but she is just really bad at cooking. ~Love your blog btw
RFA with a Mc who is a bad cooker and burns their food
Hii! No! I didn’t write this yet at least I think so, sometimes I forget my own writing lmao! I know how Mc would feel because I‘m the same. Well perhaps I can cook but I‘m too lazy. But I will try my best! Here, please enjoy and THANK YOU FOR YOR SUPPORT! I LUV YA TOO.
You looked at the clock and at the laptop on your beautiful legs.
It was a hot summer day and you were only wearing an old, way too long singlet out of Jumin‘s closet.
,,Ahhh this sounds soo good!“ you smiled as you read the dish‘s name.
You wanted to cook potatoes and asparagus with grilled salmon.
It didn’t took long until you stood in the kitchen, ready to cook a tasty dinner for your husband.
,,My love I‘m home-MC?!“ Jumin yelled as he opened the door.
He was surrounded by black smoke.
He began to choke as he searched you.
He quickly noticed that the smoke came from the kitchen and immediately entered the room.
,,Mc!“ he exclaimed your name and opened the window.
,,Ohh no, Jumin, is it okay if the potatoes are a little bit darker?’’ you asked him with an embarrassed smile as you showed him the black potatoes.
,,Maybe…we should order something…’’ you mumbled when the two of you sat around the table.
,,No, I can’t let go this food in vain!’’ Jumin smiled at you and took a bite of the food you prepared for him with love.
It wasn’t really tasty but love filled his heart when he thought about you cooking his meal.
But ever since then he decided to stay by your side to not let you cook alone.
You were on vacancy but unfortunately the agency did some mistakes and so Zen had to work.
It was sad since you wanted to go somewhere for a trip.
Since Zen thought that it was his fault, you wanted to make him feel better and so you decided to cook his favorite dish by your self.
You put in the ingredients and stayed alert that everything worked out but unfortunately you failed.
The pan was black, filled with unhealthy oil as the food turned black.
You looked at the food on the plate and realized that it would be pretty unhealthy.
But before you could call your boyfriend to please bring take out with him, he already entered the room.
,,Hi! They let me go earlier.’’ he smiled happily and kissed your cheek.
,,Oh, did you cook for me?’’ he asked you a bit unsure and took a bite, chewing pretty hard on the disgusting food.
He still tried to smile even through it was pretty hard.
,,Don’t, oppa. You will get sick!’’ you whined and took the plate to throw it away.
The two of you instead ordered Pizza and enjoyed it together.
,,From today on we will just watch cooking shows okay, princess?“
Everyone knew that Yoosung liked to cook for the people he loves.
He was still a bit clumsy but even through it didn’t always look good, it was tasty.
And so of course you thought it was a shame that you as the woman never cooked for your hard working husband.
,,So, Mc, let’s do it!“ you giggled and put a few ingredients into the pot.
,,Uhm….the table the table!“ you talked to yourself and ran out while the food was in the pot.
,,Oh! Yoosung‘s favorite series!“ you yelled and went to the living room, leaving the half undone table.
Unfortunately you forgot your food afterwards and instead went to the toilet, put on some make up and began to chat with Jaehee while she was on her way home.
This was until you smelled something burning.
Totally disgusted by the smell you approached the kitchen and remembered-you wanted to actually cook.
,,FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT’S ON FIRE!“ you yelled and searched for something to stop the flames.
,,Mc!“ Yoosung yelled and pushed you away, putting his jacked on the fire to suffocate it.
,,Where you trying to put the house on fire?“ he asked you still terrified and checked your body.
,,Are you hurt?“ he asked you when he couldn’t see anything.
But you, amazed by his handsomeness just hugged him.
,,Mc…“ Yoosung blushed and tried to stay calm….
You were so embarrassed. Everything you did was serving customers or cleaning the kitchen.
But except for that you were good for nothing.
And you hated it.
You wanted to help her, your only love and partner.
You wanted to see her wide smile filled with pride and so you mixed all ingredients to bake a special cake.
,,So lame…“ you mumbled after a few minutes.
It didn’t take a long time after your body reacted before your brain did. 
In the next moment you turned the oven on the highest temperature and tried to tidy up the place.
,,Mc I‘m here again-why does it smell so odd?“ Jaehee began and looked around.
She quickly reacted and tried to save the cake.
Although your girlfriend failed.
,,I‘m sorry…“ you mumbled and looked down.
,,Don’t worry…I like you the way you are. This was good enough!“ she smiled at you with a proud grin.
You hated it for a long time to be honest.
You hated the fact that you guys would simply eat junk food.
You hated it.
The reason was that none could cook.
Or that you guys were just lazy to do so.
But after you noticed your weight gain, you decided to change everything.
You let Saeyoung hack into Weight Watcher‘s program to get the recipe‘s and began to cook.
Although, it didn’t really work out.
Saeyoung kept teasing you and playing pranks on you.
And at some point you were just so angry that you needed to give him a proper payback.
You put everything aside into the pot, the brand new tupperware on the stove and ran after your future husband to hopefully slap him.
,,Come here SAEYOUNG!“ you yelled as you tried to stop your tummy ache you got from laughing and breathing.
No use, he was way too quickly.
,,GOTCHA!“ you yelled at some point as you finally touched his sweaty back.
,,What’s that?“ he suddenly asked you dead serious.
,,Mh?“ you asked him.
But suddenly before you could answer the extinguisher turned on and began to beep loudly.
,,The food…is a mess…“ you guys mumbled after you finally got the gadgets crushed.
,,Let’s just enjoy Chips and Ice cream as long as we can.“ Saeyoung mumbled as he tried to shallow your broccoli.
23.04.‘19// 21:31 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists
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chut-je-dors · 5 years
5TL ask masterpost
Hi!!! Since there are SO many. SO SO many asks about 5TL in my inbox right now, I thought of (instead of working on a crucial uni deadline I have coming up) putting them all here and writing one long-arse post (so that people’s dashes won’t be..... overwhelmed with asks. Also less tagging). So here we go - Hopefully you get your answers here! Consider it as a fic........... it’s that long. Starting from the oldest!
Anonymous said: 5 thomas lane is definitely, without a doubt, my favourite ever fic. Its bloody brilliant!! I just wanted to ask, we know dave got people being rude about john and paul, and then the incident in the supermarket, but do vera and chuck ever get any shit at school about their dads? Or do other parents ever have a go at paul and john? Love the fic, honestly its my favourite thing. Its absolutely wonderful 💞💞💞
Thank you!! That is always such a lovely thing to hear! <3
Vera and Chuck have been thankfully mostly protected from any kind of homophobia. Chuck’s friends are too young to really care about it, they just go ‘ok’ when Chuck tells that he has two dads instead of one, and as for Vera only her close friends know. It’s not that she would’ve been treating it as a secret, but usually children at that age don’t really talk about their parents openly in class. At least I wouldn’t have been able to tell if some of my classmates had two mums, since you’d spend time in small groups instead of one bigger one, and then interact with the other people in the class only for school work. So since only her good friends know (and they don’t care) she hasn’t had to face any prejudice either.
As for Paul and John, at school events they receive a stink eye at most, since the other parents can’t possibly put up a scene in front of the kids and the teachers etc. Most of them don’t care, but there are always some who will kinda, steer their kid the other way. Paul and John fortunately are aces at dealing with the hurt feelings it causes, and Vera and Chuck are yet to notice that kind of behaviour. Dave is a little bit more perseptive, but then again he’s the oldest and unfortunately remembers some of the early encounters the family had when the world’s - and Liverpool’s - view on gay people wasn’t yet as open as it is now.
Anonymous said: 5tl question!! When j and p DO fight, who apologises first? Who sulks more? (Love this bloody fic)
Both are awful stubborn mules!! It’s terrible. But at the same time they go over the fight in their head and feel sorry about it, and then eventually one of them decides not to be an idiot anymore. But I feel that overall Paul would be less inclined to apologise first if he feels he’s right, and John will come trudging over ‘cos he can’t stand it when they fight for a long time. Then again, if John absolutely feels he’s correct, he’ll hold onto his opinion with tooth and nail, and Will Sulk. John in general sulks more I think, but half of it is tongue in cheek, since they so rarely have actual fights (more like, small-ish disputes)
Anonymous said: Okay I have a 5tl question: when it comes to the kids, which parent is each the most similar to personality-wise? Like for me, I’ve always thought Dave is like a mini Paul whereas Vera just SCREAMS John to me, what’s your opinion on this? Is this something you considered when writing the kids? <333
Oh god this is such a difficult question,, after a 20-minute discussion with @thefrogchorus​, (since this was such a difficult question and I needed her blessed input to sort out my thoughts) we came to the conclusion that they’re kind of a mix of both John and Paul without any definitive traits coming from their parents (Chuck is a mini-John, but that’s also because of y’kno, being his actual biological son). They’re very much their own people in my head, but especially their manners come from John and Paul, whether it be how to win an argument, or how to deal with sadness, etc.
I actually feel like Vera takes after Paul, in a way that when she puts her foot down, she’ll go through fucking stone if needs be, and Paul is very similar to that. Their sense of humour comes from both Paul and John, but I feel like they appreciate the sort of “silliness” John seems to cultivate a bit more.
Anonymous said: Can you tell us more about George and Ringo from 5TL? How did they end up together and what kinda dynamic does their relationship have? :)
George and Ringo met when Paul inherited the cottage from his grandparents back in 1998. George would come along to help rebuilding the cottage which was in a complete shambles. For the first two years Paul, John and George would sleep in a guest room at the farm since the cottage was inhabitable. In the mornings the four of them, since they quickly started getting along with Ringo, skipped over the field that separates the farm and the cottage and they’d work on the cottage all day long.
As was said in chp. 5, “The four of them got along swimmingly right from the first moment, and the very nice lad’s good-natured, calm farm-boy attitude completed the group in a strangely perfect way.“ “George started helping at the cottage  very often, as well.”
So George and Ringo really got to know each other and fell in love during that time. There’s gonna be a chapter eventually that goes over these events, so I’m not going to delve too deep into it now, and some details might change over time, so that’s what you’re gonna have to do with for now :)
As for the dynamic between the two... George embodies this wonderful dry wit that matches perfectly with Ringo’s more good-natured and gentle teasing. Their relationship is easy and fun, very very soft and warm. It’s really quite relaxed, considering both of them do lot of repetitive work that takes a lot of time, and they’re like that together as well, patient and calm.
Anonymous said: Have any of the 5tl kids been lost/ran away at any point and given John and Paul a fright?
I think, in grocery shop, at most. They’ve always been quite adept at keeping the kids under their watchful eye, and the kids haven’t had any urges to run away (because while Dave has teenage angst, he has no urges to like, y’know, leave the family he loves?). Of course even when you lose your kid into a grocery shop it’s a bit of a scare, at least for the Mother Hens Paul And John, (in the early years, not so much anymore since their skin is so tough), but everything’s always worked out fine in the end.
Anonymous said: I have a questionnn: has 5tl John had issues with his weight/ insecurity in the same way that actual John did? Idk I just love getting insights into this universe
I don’t think so, not to the same extent. Probably when he was a teenager he would’ve worried a little over his figure (like all teenagers do) but in this universe he’s always stayed in a relatively good shape, body mass wise (he still can’t lift heavy things but, hey. he’s a scrawny artist cut him some slack) and as such he doesn’t have any insecurities over it. I think, if he ever grows a little bit of belly when he’s older, it’ll be received with good humour and loving taps from Paul :) <3
Anonymous said: is paul always the big spoon in 5tl or do they switch? (WHY do i only think of these questions when im going to sleep jrbhrnsfjsj) 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
Bless this question honestly aaahhhh <3333, Paul indeed is NOT always the big spoon, they switch, and BOTH love being the little spoon cos it makes them feels so nice. When they first started dating John might’ve taken the role of the big spoon a little more since Paul was still SMALL (bbbless,,,) but they evened it out. Sappy beings,, <33
Anonymous said: How did Martha join the 5TL family?
In the most traditional way possible: First kids wanted a dog, then Paul wanted a dog, and John grudgingly said “okay, I guess” and then suddenly there was fur everywhere and he had to go outside for long walks everyday no matter the weather and he had to keep a puppy from eating every possible furniture while Paul was at work. Poor John. (But he secretly loves Martha so it’s okay. He gets a little weak in the knees when Paul babbles to her.)
Anonymous said: How old were 5Thomas L. J+P when they started talking about kids/ did poor oleJohn hit the roof and freak out when Paul first suggested it since we know he’s not a fan of kids (except his own ofc)!
I think the discussion took place quite early in the relationship. Paul has always known he’d want kids, and as for John, and I quote the very first sentence of the whole fic,
“Having children had never been a requirement for John to live happily ever after. He would, however, be completely fine with one or two if his future partner wanted them, and he would love the kids with all his heart (if they weren’t absolutely terrible).“
So John has never hated the thought of kids, but for him the thought of them was more along the lines of “yeah I’ll be fine even if I never had them but if some where to come I wouldn’t object to it at all” so when Paul brought the subject up (like “hey how do you feel about kids? I mean ‘cos I kinda love them and I definitely wanna be a dad someday, but ofc not if it meant breaking up with you, ‘cos I’ll much more prefer a life with you ‘cos you’re like the only person I’ve ever loved and wanted to have sex with xoxo :) in fact let’s have sex right now”) John would’ve been like “yeah, cool, if it’s any possible any day i’m game even though i‘ll probably suck at being a dad because DADDY ISSUES” (the key to john’s character in any universe,,)
Remember that when John proposed Paul literally answered with “yeah i’ll marry you ONLY IF I GET TO BE THE POP”, so at that point Paul’s desires were very well known for John, and John knew what he was getting into. And as we know, John adores his kids :) So they’ve pretty much always had the agreement that one day there will be kids if it’s just possible. Only when it became the reality that they CAN adopt Dave, John started becoming nervous with the possibility of fucking up terribly, and even then he wanted to have a kid SO bad, as you can read from Chapter 12: the Bath Scene (which gives me the FEELS). That scene and chapter explain John’s stance on this pretty well! :)
Anonymous said: How tall are the 5tl kids? Just wondering <3 I love this fic
Hahah, thank you! Out of all the asks I’ve got over this fic, this is maybe one of the strangest ones - but it’s not a bad thing! Hahah I love how it got me thinking.
The average 15 year old boy in the UK would be around 5″7, but since Dave is originally from France he’s a little shorter, I’d say 5″4. Vera is 4″6, and Chuck is 3″8 :)
Anonymous said: I can imagine John getting absolutely TURNT around Rasputin by Boney M in the 5TL verse for some reason and it makes me laugh a lot
You are absolutely RIGHT this is the absolute TRUTH and it’s CANON NOW I SAID IT. John loves Boney M if only because they hit him right to where it itches. He loves singing along to Daddy Cool and Paul kinda hates it because Paul likes the Ramones and Nirvana and Rock’n Roll, baby, and then there’s John waving this disco propaganda at his head, but they work around it.
(Occasionally Paul might be caught humming Ma Baker) (Mma-mma-mma-mma-mmmaah)
Anonymous said: Do you have any more 5tl headcannons? The wait is killing me lol
Hahaha so many of them are actual spoilers but have a small list of ones that I can share with you! (Also... this whole post kinda is based on my headcanons so.... ) :D
Dave creates memes about his sucker family and sends them over in the family whatsapp group
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(Credit @sunbeatle​ <3)
This also includes the Pepe. John loves the Pepe. He sends Paul Pepe memes all day long. Paul wants to know who this lizard is.
Chuck loves Pepe. He draws Paul a Pepe drawing. John puts it on the wall above their bed.
“John please stop. i'm not having sex in front of the lizard”
John blindfolds Paul so that Paul doesn't have to look at Pepe
“John I am going to divorce you over that lizard.”
Dave: "oh my god pop. it's a fucking frog." Paul: "wHAt part of that LIZARD looks like a FROG to you????"
Plot twist: Paul actually loves Pepe and knows it's a frog but he loves seeing how amused John gets over Paul's loathing; Anything For The Husband
(Pepe idea: Credit for Maria and Daisy. made us all howl with laughter)
John uses a ton emojis, always the wrong and the weird ones. He is VERY aware of it. Chaotic Evil.
Paul used to have the same kind of sunglasses as Kurt Cobain in the 90′s. He actually used them. They looked like this:
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Paul sometimes writes poems, mostly humorous ones with a tongue-in-cheek about his life; it’s a nice creative outlet. He also might write poems specifically directed at the kids, so a children’s story but in poem form, and then he reads them to Chuck (or has John read them dramatically, which really fun for all of them)
There you go people! Hopefully this satisfied your bottomless thirst for more 5TL for some time! Don’t be afraid to hit me with new asks and your own headcanons, I love discussing this fic! Cheerio! <3
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