#also America would never let their number one representative and hero be a woman lol
theliterarywolf · 5 years
So... Let's talk about Hetalia. Controversies, Specifically.
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Tagging @apply-force-too-begin since they’re the one who was interested.
Hetalia was one of my first big fandoms outside of 'The Big Three' anime (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece) and outside of video games (mostly whatever wee babby weeaboo me could get on the Gamecube).
And, you know what? It's a dumb, silly anime about stereotypes, poking fun at the absurdities of History, and one's relationships with clashing cultures. It's dumb... But, remember, we all need our daily thirty minutes of dumb. And some of the characters are cute.
And, you know what? Most of the most engaging aspects of the fandom were those who used the initial shallow splash of history that the anime gave them to actually research and make engaging, well-written, culturally-sensitive content.
Of course, I'm not going to ignore how... Over-the-top some members of the fandom have been. We've seen how, whenever recent political conflict or natural disaster have occurred, we have to remind younger members of the Hetalia fandom to not cutsiefy it with the Hetalia characters. Examples that come to mind are: when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was surging up, kids kept trying to draw art of 'Russia just wants his big sister back~!', and the last major earthquake that hit Japan that had people making fanart of the Japan character which, while some was tasteful and was meant to bring awareness and donations for Disaster Relief, not... all of it was...
Hell, that’s not even bringing into account the last time I went to Anime Expo (way back during Hetalia’s hayday), I was walking around and saw a bunch of Russia and Baltic State cosplayers being interviewed by the news and the one dressed up in a USSR uniform was holding up a Communist flag and shouting ‘Whoo! SOVIET TAKEOVER!!’
However, one thing that I have noticed, while researching for this write-up, was this:
Most of the controversies and pieces of fandom-wank that have surrounded Hetalia and its fandom... Aside from one instance... Are the results of the Western-fandom and Western-localization of the anime  via Funimation.
Aside from one... Most of the issues surrounding Hetalia are due to the West and not even the source media in of itself.
So, with that in mind, let's talk about the main controversies of both Hetalia and its fanbase.
Controversy 1 – The South Korea Controversy/Protests
As I recently answered a question about this, so I'll just pull that answer for this segment:
'To summarize it: there’s a Hetalia character meant to represent South Korea. As every Hetalia character has a gag related to them (America gorges himself on fast food and constantly proclaims himself to be the Hero, Italy is cowardly, Germany is constantly angry, China constantly builds Chinatowns wherever he goes and sells bootleg merchandise, etc), so did S. Korea.
His gag was calling all the other Asian countries ‘big brother’ as well as groping the chests of male characters (China and Japan mostly), proclaiming ‘these mountains belong to South Korea, da ze!’
Of course, people would draw pictures of S. Korea doing his thing but one day during a meeting between a bunch of South Korean politicians and representatives, someone brought out a piece of fanart that depicted S. Korea groping Japan’s chest with the latter looking embarrassed and what not.
They interpreted the character as being an offensive, lecherous stereotype that was somehow belittling S. Korea’s worth as a country.
There were a bunch of small protests until, finally, Himaruya Hidekazu (the creator of Hetalia) just decided to say “you know what? Fine! I’m not getting rid of the character but he’ll never appear in the anime adaptation, okay?!’
So… Yeah! Fun times…'
Magnitude of Controversy – MAJOR
Like... In what universe is 'this meme hurt my feewings, we need to take VALUABLE TIME DURING GOVERNMENT FORUMS to talk about it RATHER THAN OTHER PRESSING ISSUES' a good response? And the fact that people took to the streets to protest? Come on, guys! There's so much more to worry about in this world...
Controversy 2 – Emperor Heliogabalus and Himaruya's 'Transgender Erasure'
There was a section of time where Himaruya Hidekazu, rather than focusing on the nation characters of the series, made chapters and updates about certain historical figures. They were all done for laughs while interspersing various bits of trivia and facts about them.
One of these updates centered around the Roman emperor Heliogabalus (or 'Elagabalus'). And this is where certain portions of this hellsite got soooooo upset...
You see, Himaruya titled the update centered on Heliogabalus as 'The Emperor Who Tried to Live as a Woman... Even Though He Was Really a Guy'.
Almost immediately people were typing up callout posts about how 'transphobic' Himaruya was for the title and 'how dare he misgender my precious trans baby~!' or 'this just goes to show how ignorant Japanese people are to Western history' and so many more, all because Himaruya didn't use out-and-out female pronouns for Heliogabalus.
Now. Mm, two things!
One! This was during the time when Himaruya had an open blog where, not only did he post pictures and updates about where in the world he was traveling and what he was researching, but it also had an inbox that was open for people to send insight to him.
So, if people were really incensed by this, you would think that they would use such a means to let a creator know 'hey, this is kind of problematic; can you edit it to show this information', right?
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NO ONE tried to inform Himaruya of their upset; they literally didn't want an answer, they just wanted to be upset!
But, here's the kicker: the guy that all of these people were stanning for? Emperor Heliogabalus?
The real Heliogabalus was a sadistic little shit who was connivingly put on the throne by his mother via a bunch of espionage and assassinations... Who, as thanks, had his own mother murdered once he was emperor. Other wonderful exploits of this 'icon' that tumblr kids decided to stan was:
Getting politicians and countrymen drunk and then, while they were passed out, brought in lions to kill and eat them
Deciding 'fuck Jupiter, Helios is my husbando – We're all going to worship him now!'
Completely wrecking Rome's monetary system
Promising favors to his lovers (whom he called his 'husbands' despite not making anything official) that strictly contradicted favors to his other lovers
And just generally being a hot mess
So... why were tumblr children so insistent on him being a transgender woman?
You ready for this?
Because he occaisionally dressed in women's clothing and called his male lovers his 'husbands'.
One of the earliest case of tumblr children trying to ruin someone's life because they didn't follow their headcanons.
Magnitude of Controversy – Honestly, this was just fandom-wank. But it was one of the earlier instances of fandom brats using serious terms (transphobia) to justify being upset at a creator not following their headcanons.
Controversy 3 – The Passover Photoshoot
I'm sorry, just...
Everytime I remember or have to go over this one, I have to stop and reflect; maybe grab a drink.
So, pretty early into the Western reaches of the Hetalia fandom, a group of friends and Hetalia fans decided to meet up together at a mall for a cosplay photoshoot.
Okay. Cool. Fine.
They were all dressed up as their favorite characters from the series! Germany, Austria, Hungary, P-Prussia, Holy... Roman Empire...
Ahem. Okay. Cool. Fine.
So, they get to the mall and start taking pictures. But then someone in the group gets the amazing idea for everyone to do certain poses.
I... You know, why did I start this, I could have just not done thi--
Nazi salutes. You had a bunch of dumb kids dressed up as Germanic nations. Performing Nazi salutes and shouting 'Heil Hitler'.
Now, as bad as this was... you could have just drawn it out as shitty edgelord humor; we still have plenty of that going on today.
H-however. There were two factors that made this photoshoot 50 Shades of Tasteless.
Number one. This photoshoot took place during Passover.
And number two. The mall that this photoshoot took place at...
This is the one, THE ONE, instance where, anytime someone talks about 'lol, young Hetalia fans are so cringey', this is what pops into my head.
Those of us older members of the fandom can never fucking forget this. Yeah, the perpetrators were called out; yeah, they learned their lessons, yeah it opened up a conversation about appropriate behavior in fandom. But this one event will always remain as the big 'Ooh, baby, nooooo! What are you doing?!' moment in the fandom.
Even moreso than what the current batch of hatedum is about.
Magnitude of Controversy – Huge. The South Korea controversy was discussed on a governmental scale, but the Passover Photoshoot is what remains as the biggest mark on the fandom.
Controversy 4 - FUCKING FUNIMATION!!
Okay, I... 
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This one is so infuriating because it’s the result of Funimation just not giving a DAMN.
So, Hetalia got popular enough to be localized! Yay... And it was going to be handled by Funimation. Yay... They do quality work... Sometimes.
*kicks the Black Butler dub into the sun*
So, they dubbed Hetalia. And, you know what? So many questionable decisions went into this fucking dub. 
You have Vic Mignogna! You! *clap* Have! *clap* Vic! *clap* Mignogna! You could have easily put him as one of the Axis characters or the Allied characters and you...
Don’t use him...
Until three seasons down the line...
And then you have him as Greece. 
A character who barely says anything.
... And this was WAY before the clusterfuck of KickVic, so they really had no excuse. 
Oh, also! For China, who is a main character, maybe we should have an actual voice-actor?
Pssh! Fuck that shit, let’s just have some random chick from accounting voice him. 
... They literally had some random-chick from accounting do an overly stereotypical Chinese accent and said ‘yeah, that’s fine; print!’
And she gave us such... wonderful line-reads as: during the Hetalia movie Paint It, White! --
“SUCK BALLS! I knew za fortune cookie today was bad ruck~!”
But as bad as the dub got sometimes (Oh God, I’m having war flashbacks of Russia...), the exchange from the dub that people constantly point to as ‘see! This show was antisemitic all along!’ were these: 
Exchange 1 - 
S. Italy/Romano - ‘Hey asshole, I have a surprise for you~!’
Germany - ‘What is it? Another Jew?’
And, you know what? As asinine and idiotic as that brief exchange was... 
Funimation, in their infinite wisdom, wrote that in and thought ‘yeah, that’s fine; print!’
So, there goes another issue of ‘problem that only existed because of the idiocy of a Western presence’.
Magnitude of Controversy - Well, people are still talking about it, despite it literally being because of Funimation’s laziness, so...
'Controversy' 5 – The Civil War fanart
So, this segment will be short because it doesn't even need to exist. But, you may have noticed an upsurge in people hating on the series again; even going so far as to raid Discord servers for fans of the series with gore.
Hell, I even scrolled past one person doing a 'call to arms' for people to spam any server that has to do with Hetalia as a big 'gotcha'.
And you wanna know where this fandom-wank started?
Someone on tumblr re-posted an old piece of... questionable chibi fanart of Confederate!America and Union!America. Union!America is hiding a slave woman behind him while shouting at Confederate!America to 'Pick your own damn cotton!'
(deep breath... okay)
And, while the art in of itself is... not great, the fact that it is an old piece of fanart and that someone posted it onto tumblr for the 'lol, look at this cringe' lolz, is what rallied some people to start shitting on fans of the show and raiding servers.
There also may have been some drama over on picrew by some teenage LGBT user lashing out at the whole 'stop spamming Picrew with gay shit' sentiment and then some edgelord over on this hellsite screencapping their game and talking about 'lol, of course it would be a cringey Hetalian to post some dumb shit like this; get off the site, queer' but, honestly, this last one, while being the reason why people are acting dumber than usual, is the most inconsequential.
Magnitude of the Controversy – It would be minimal at best, especially compared to the other ones in this write-up, but like I said, it does have some trickling into the current hatedumb.
So, yeah, here was my little write-up/mini-dive into the madness. You guys can let me know if you want more insight or if you have any questions, and I love you and buh-bye!
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