#also Eda is totally going to pop off her hand with the sigil when things get dire/out of control
littlebigmouse · 2 years
About the potential mole in the rebellion...
Given that information about the rebellion has leaked, people have naturally started considering who could be a potential mole. I have some thoughts:
Steve: people have pointed out that Steve's design seems to have shifted a little since last episode - most notably the position of his literal moles. Other than that though, I don't think he's a turncloak - with how little characterisation we've got from him, spending half an episode establishing his change of heart just to go back on it one episode later sounds confusing at best. And he would have had no reason to pretend to have changed for King for so long. Now there is the theory that someone else is pretending to be Steve - Adrien, for example - but I don't think that's true either. Since Steve was at the hideout the whole night, that would imply that the EC has access to the hideout/knows the exact location and went there - but instead of arresting every member of the CATTs and splitting them up, they just replaced one goon? An illusion that could be noticed so easily of someone accidentally spilled their drink on Steve? I don't think so
Eberwolf: honestly I just think this would be super boring because we know nothing about Eberwolf. It's true they have no established motivation to be rebelling, but we've gotten no hints and not even a line of dialogue - "Eberwolf betrayed everyone" wouldn't get more than a vague shrug from me. Who would care, honestly. Same goes for the other members of the BATs.
Raine: yes, Raine's been acting all twitchy this episode, but I really think this is all related to their motivation being "protect Eda", which isn't exactly going to be achieved if the plan goes off without a hitch. Eda and Raine remember that Eda's curse almost destroyed the two of them too. They know what they're getting into, and Raine making all manners of worried faces at everyone is them dealing with the fact that they are currently leading the one person they wanted to keep safe straight to disaster for the good of the people. Raine winking at Luz and promising to keep Eda safe looked more like them putting on a brave front for the sake of a kid to me, which is a loads stronger character conflict than whatever the implications of Raine's betrayel would be. Since we already had one "Raine is working for the EC" fake out, I really doubt they'll hit us with another
Darius: I have nothing to say to that except that it wouldn't make sense to send Hunter to protect Luz in this case but also I'd personally think it would be ridiculously funny if Darius turned out to be actually evil? Evil again? It would be so unnecessarily dramatic. He seemed genuine about protecting Hunter so I doubt he'd betray the cause like that, but if he did - yeah you go you funky little diva. But yeah, I don't think it's them either.
Which brings me to my theory on the whole matter: External means of espionage. Belos doesn't need a mole in the rebellion. Belos has an Oracle Coven Head, if not a whole Coven, under his thumb. Scrying potions are an established thing. There's probably any number of spells and measures to find out what your enemies are up to, no need to send someone disguised in person or whatever. It's also realistic if Belos had known about the CATTs the entire time - Hunter must have gotten "the whispers" about rebels attempting to invade the Emperor's mind from somewhere, after all. Since Belos seems to have ensured replacements for all Coven Heads, there really isn't much point for him to bother with their intricate little plans beyond setting them a trap for when they show up. And since Terra at least overheard a crystal ball call between Raine and Eda, it's not unreasonable to assume she's also figured out that Raine isn't exactly under her thumb (anymore). As Darius noted, they're a "terrible" actor (opinions vary, but I digress).
Tl;dr: there isn't a traitor among the CATTs, Belos just knows how to brew scrying potions.
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