#also I can remember this starbucks lobby business buildijng skyscraper situation so well and I cannot remember what fucking building it was
baejax-the-great · 1 year
For the WIP game! "two achilles" since I have no idea what it would be but you got me intrigued😆😆
I don't know if I'm ever going to actually finish this, but it was spawned from people asking me if there is a modern Achilles kicking around somewhere in Sunset. This conglomeration of snippets was me playing around with the idea before I got distracted (which means I did not get far at all).
Achilles decides on the jetway that he is quitting his job the minute he gets back from what will be his last business trip. Going to Chicago in February sounded like a stupid idea to begin with, a five-hour flight from LA when telephones and the internet and webcams exist, and the blast of cold air that hit his face as he passed the threshold from plane to gate was enough winter for him. He’s done going on idiotic excursions under someone else’s orders.
There is a man staring at him across the lobby, presumably waiting for his coffee from the long queue that has spilled out of the store. This is not an unusual occurrence for Achilles, but the expression on his face is strange. Rather than interest or even blatant-lust, he is frowning at Achilles like he is completely confused as to his existence here. Achilles would brush this off as mere crudeness of the locals if that man were not one of the most beautiful people he has ever seen in his life. He has dark skin, long black hair in coils pulled into a bun at the back of his head and cascading out of it, and dark eyes that, even squinting with whatever confusion he is experiencing, seem to be inviting him over.
When the man turns his attention elsewhere, Achilles quickly glances down at himself to make sure he isn’t stained with something. No, his suit is perfect, pristine and ironed, not a button out of place. At least he can be certain that isn’t the reason for the attention.
“Have we met before?” the man asks him cautiously. From anyone else, he would think it was a line. He wouldn’t have minded if it were a line. But he sounds sincere. He also sounds vaguely English, which is intriguing. Not a local then.
“I think I would remember you.”
 “You’d be surprised. Memory can be very fickle, I’ve recently found.”
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