#also I love azi's expression here :D
fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Okay this one is very silly but it's April 1 and Crowley is trying to be funny (with Azi not impressed :D)
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Worked Out For The Best / Aziraphale Imagine
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Request: YOU WRITE FOR GOOD OMENS !!! If request are open could you write one where the reader is also an angel and after the other angels gang up on aziraphale the reader is there to help him and comfort him. Maybe she lets it slip that she has feelings for him ? Thank you!! I’m sorry if request aren’t open i just got so excited 😭 
I’m sorry this took so long @haleysucks00! <3
Comments are much appreciated!
His smooth skin was oddly juxtaposed to the crispness of his suit.
Tailored to perfection, it was an old suit he had bought at a long gone high end London shop, way back a few centuries ago. He was feeling less than pleased today, but Aziraphale wouldn’t let that get him down. The other angels may be, quite frankly, dreadfully rude and downright nasty, but you, his oldest friend would always brighten his day. His eyes had a look of long yearned for mischief beneath the heavily crinkled corners, ancient traces of laughter. He could never forget, the day the two of you had lounged near the Roman Baths, he never thought he would laugh so hard again. He walked in with an uncharacteristic stoop, yet moved swiftly into the marbled lobby of the restaurant.
He didn’t want to keep you waiting, especially since you had been so kind as to book ahead.
He greeted the maitre d’ that approached him with a vigorous hand shake and the best smile he could muster in his current state, golden locks bouncing, faltering somewhat when the greeter didn’t match his joviality. His smile waned, then came a raucous cheer of delight when he spotted a delectable looking parfait on the table to his right. He nearly scares the daylights out of the young couple digging their spoons into the glass bowl.
‘No, Aziraphale, we’re sitting over here!’
‘But...the parfait, Y/n, it looks delicious!’, he says with a face almost fully aghast.
You only laugh as you grab his hand, pulling him away towards the stone pillars of the balcony.
‘I, uh, I hope you don’t mind. I ordered us wine, thought it might be nice to do go for something a bit fancier for a change. Plus, after the day you’ve had, and with Armageddon coming and all, I think you deserve it.’
Viewed in isolation, the balcony could be anywhere with its grey stone floor and velvet clothed tables. But instead it lies less than two feet from one of the busiest roads in the city, adorned with little green bushes around the edges, and two very full angels. Aziraphale sits there motionless for a moment, feeling better for himself with a full stomach and rich conversation, just allowing himself to soak in the ambient classical music that swirled jovially in the background for a few moments, wondering what the words were and drinking in the fragranced air.
He looked down to observe the fork in his hand, the ceramic handle brining a welcome coolness after the heat of the afternoon. It was fashioned by a poetic artisan for sure, the simple cream stem had become a welcome canvas for their floral dreams. He doesn’t see you watching him, wine glass in hand and a frown on your face,The rim of the wine glass was a perfect band of black and white, as if a fragment of starlit sky raced around it.
‘Azi, are you going to tell me what exactly happened now?’
‘Why would I ruin such a splendid afternoon, my dear.’
‘Because someone else has ruined your morning, and I want to figure out what exactly Gabriel is up to so we can stop it. So me, you...and Crowley can stop it.’
He places his spoon down next to his empty plate with a reserved glance at you, his eyes dipped in his characteristic sign that he was afraid of what might happen next. He licks the last bit of cream off the side of the porcelain, before sighing like a slight spring breeze, soft and gentle, almost lost against the drone of the traffic.
‘Well, if you insist, we must have tea first.’
It takes him another full twenty minutes before the tea has been ordered, and he’s satisfied with the two steaming cups he has sipped in your company.
‘Azi, I’m sorry they were so horrible to you. But I’m here for you. You know, I’ve always been here for you and always will be, as long as we stop the end of the world of course, but I have faith in us.’
His eyes shifted to the bottom of his glass as he swallowed thickly, and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As he blinked, they dripped from his eyelids and slid down his cheeks, and he swipes them away with a rather unconvincing laugh.
‘I know my dear, but you shouldn’t have to be burdened with my problems too. It’s very kind of you, but I can handle them myself.’
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t fallen in love with Aziraphale nearly a thousand years ago. It was hard watching him, knowing him, sometimes. He was too kind, his eyes holding too much love for his own good, his words too gentle, his ability to treat everyone as if they were the most precious thing in the universe. The way he poured over old books with his little reading glasses he refuses to replace, the low rumble in his throat before he begins laughing so hard his belly aches, the little droplets of hot chocolate that lay on his chin during winter nights.
‘But I want to Azi, I want to be there for you.’
He reaches his hand out shyly onto the table, his long coarse fingers lying flat against the top, his telltale sign that he wants to hold your hand when he’s too anxious and too nervous to ask. As you oblige happily, giggling lightly as he lets out a breathless laugh, he feels his heart flutter, his eyes locking onto yours and seeing the galaxies in your swirling pupils. Having you in his life makes him feel like everything’s possible in this world, like he can conquer anything.
‘I don’t know why you’re so good to me, dear.’
‘That’s because I love you, doofus.’
Realising what you had just done, you slap your hand over your mouth, You try to back away quickly, but his grip remains steadfast on your hand, his expression softening.
‘I love you too, Y/n,’ he breathes out, ‘and I must say, this is the best outcome I could have wished for such a subpar day.’
The same giddy smile that was on his face grew on yours. The pair of you leant forward and rest your foreheads together, sharing the tender moment the two of you had deserved for hundreds of years.
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Good Omens TV + (as I like to call them:) “Good Moments”
Listen, I love to hate on Aziraphale’s boss just as much as the next person, but the more that enjoyable antagonism kept returning him into my thoughts, the more I picked up that things are never just black and white in this story... so here it is, a compilation of GO-TV Gabriel’s (relatively) good moments that nobody ever asked for.
Yes, he’s a horrible boss and annoying and full of himself and wants the world to end... but. Most of what he does probably doesn’t come from a place of malice? (I know, I know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions [and door-to-door salesmen]...) He’s juts as fallible as most of the characters, it just shows differently. But then he also has to have his good side, and moments when that can shine through. And he does:
A)  He’s very generous in giving out praise? (See GIFs 1-3.) I wish most authority figures I’ve encountered would be handing out validation that generously. Anyway, a breakdown: 1. Yes, it comes off as being gullible or not paying enough attention to his field agent(s), but he does believe Aziraphale when he says he’s been doing his job without Crowley noticing him. And Gabriel looks genuinely impressed with that. He doesn’t give explicit praise here, but he does call this achievement a “miracle”, which, among angels, should count for something. 2. Come on, he actually claps when Aziraphale gives his report (about influencing the Antichrist)? And I’m pretty sure he knew the other angels would follow sort. He applauds and compliments, even though he firmly believes what Aziraphale is trying to do will eventually prove to be pointless. Not a sentence I thought I’d write, but he does seem to appreciate doing Good just for the sake of doing Good.  3. Again, with the “excellent job”s. That’s all. (Also, in the full scene, he keeps going on about the little joke that Sandalphon made, which is... kind of sweet, I guess.)
B) In the 4th GIF: yes, I know, we don’t like the full scene and Gabriel says mean things, etc. But there is one tiny moment I needed some time to appreciate... The Great War is pretty much imminent at this point. Within a day, everything on Earth will be destroyed, so whatever Aziraphale does that day (other than going to war) would be pretty much inconsequential. They’ve already met here, Azi’s reported all that he knows, so, really, there is no particular reason to keep him on Earth anymore? No reason why Gabriel couldn’t make him go back to Heaven right then, with him? He’s never seemed like he appreciates any aspect of Aziraphale’s earthly disguise beyond the strict necessities. But now that whole disguise is pointless... but still, however little they generally understand each other with this estranged underling, Gabriel seems to understand that all the inconsequential earthly things are still important to Aziraphale, and gives him time (as much as he can) to “wrap things up”. Yes, this seems like the bare minimum of humanity, but (a) they’re not human and (b) if Gabriel was nothing but the epitome of horrible bosses, he wouldn’t show even this small purposeless kindness.
C) In GIFs 5-6: after I first watched that episode, I used to privately call this “the only redeeming character moment”. Faced with incriminating evidence against Aziraphale, Gabriel says there must be an “innocent explanation”. Now, I might be the gullible one here, but it seems genuine to me. Also, we seem to love imagining Gabriel as this nigh-all-knowing, all-controlling ultimate boss, but... pardon the expression, he’s only “human”. (Not technically, but you know what I mean.) The way he replies, his expressions and his pondering really sold me on the fact that he has no idea about the existence of “back channels”. Apparently, he doesn’t know nearly as much about his co-workers as he thinks he does - which, I almost feel sorry for him, having to run Heaven that way. Expectations and negative qualities aside, he’s doing the best he can.
D) I’ll keep this as non-spoilery as I can (thank you English language for the passive voice): when the angels are getting fire-breathed at (ugh, I take it back, screw the passive voice), all of them back away in shock and horror, but... Notice what their hands/arms are doing? It’s a split-second reaction, so there isn’t really time for being calculated or pretentious. They, in some way, all reach for each other. It can be seen both as a terrified gesture of seeking comfort in their connection, and as an instinctive gesture of protection - with Sandalphon and Uriel wanting to drag Gabriel back out from the line of fire, and, in turn, Gabriel wanting to push them back into safety (while he’s possibly still a bit more in harm’s way). Whichever one it is, it doesn’t look like the act of a horrible person to me. To conclude. This collection of course doesn’t balance out his world-ending and simply mean personality traits and actions, but I haven’t seen a compilation of “bloody Gabriel’s” non-horrible moments. And my brain couldn’t stand to leave something GO-related without adding some shades of grey. He might mostly be doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, or, at least, nearly never the right things for the right reasons. But. You know, my history teacher used to say, there are two types of generals: the one that says “Advance!” and the one that says “Follow me!”, and it says a lot about the generals themselves which ones they are. Gabriel would definitely shout “Follow me!”, and that’s enough of a testament of a certain amount of goodness for me.
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