#also I swear the squid sisters look different every single time I draw them now LMAO
crazysnor1ax · 5 months
So what does Callie have to deal with after that first transformation?
Oooo, where to start LOL.
Werekrakens, even when transforming at a young age like normal, experience super intense senses, emotions and instincts for a good while after transforming.
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Callie already had fairly good senses prior to transforming, but after they were unbelievably strong for her. Being able to hear, smell, and see everything out of essentially nowhere with no way to make it stop is agonizing for her. She's forced to get accustomed to it, which takes her several moons to do.
Not to mention her kraken side is more intense than ever and she can't let it out.
Prior to transforming she had SOME instincts, but it wasn't anywhere near how intense they normally are for a werekraken. After her first change her kraken is CONSTANTLY making her want to go wild. Even in small forms her kraken wants to come out-vocalizing her happiness/discomfort through growling or clicking like a kraken would, getting physically affectionate (like hugging more than she normally does lol) or aggressive, or just simply behaving like her kraken self in her inkling state.
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The most notable instinct Cal has is the desire to change into her kraken state constantly. If she gets too emotional, either positively or negatively, her kraken IMMEDIATELY wants to take over and she can't let that happen for obvious reasons-which is painful for her because that's still her, that's still Callie and her kraken, as different as she acts while changed, is still fully her. A werekraken isn't divided into two halves, the "halves" are intertwined together and a part of each other. What Callie thinks she has to learn is how to separate them and regulate each one. She does not want to do this but understands that she has to.
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