#also I'm sorry but colorado is ugly
killerchickadee · 2 years
The thing about it being my Midwestaversary is like.... sometimes I wonder if I really was that unhappy in Colorado?
Yes. The answer is absolutely yes, and I hated it almost from the very first day. Like I look at Facebook memory posts and even within the first few months I was like, "I hate it here, why the fuck did I move here?" And I stayed there EIGHT YEARS. I've lived in 6 different states and even though I have lots of mental health issues so I'm never really happy, and I have mixed feelings about a lot of the places I've lived in, I've never been as miserable as I was in Colorado. And even though I knew it was bad I didn't realize exactly how traumatic it was until I left. I've been back twice and both times ended up crying because I didn't want to be there. That's.... probably not normal lol.
So like, is my life going well? Not at all lol. Would I say I'm happy? Probably not, because my work situation is shit and I'm a little lonely here (and also the aforementioned mental health shit). But I'm a million times happier where I am now than I was there. I fucking love the midwest so much. Special shoutout to @thebrideofcaliban and her husband for getting me the fuck out here.
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zalrb · 10 months
Something Something Walter Boys 1x01 Review.
I am already crying at the delivery of this dialogue. What have I gotten myself into?
"This is so awesome, I can't believe you pulled it off" literally people are just dancing. What exactly is amazing about this?
I know that a Gen Z somewhere can deliver dialogue without it being stilted. I know they exist.
If Jackie is SO good at this, she should be walking around and talking with her friend instead standing in one spot the entire time. Jesus Christ, be Caroline. Be Marissa.
"Oh my god, this is going to be the best night ever!" I mean, is it?
Oh, Donna, I already know you deserve better.
Btw, 9 times out of 10, I will probably call Catherine Donna because she's Donna.
Those eyes make me feel unsafe in my own home. I'm not even sure who this boy is even though he was just introduced.
They're trying to make this house seem chaotic and it's one boy on a skateboard. A contained swordfighting scene and a dog in a pool.
Jackie is cute and it's all of these ugly to mediocre white boys omg.
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No no no no no no no, if it's not this
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"Don't worry about it, New York". They couldn't come up with something better?
Why wouldn't they clear the bedroom of Donna's art supplies ?
"She has to learn how to take a bit of rough and tumble, she'll never survive here otherwise" your lives seem pretty cush, it's not like you're all working on the orchard or doing chores or doing any sort of work/labour to help out on the land when she arrives. You're swimming in a pool.
Well, she's moving her entire life here of course she has a lot of stuff?? This is supposed to indicate that she's sheltered or spoiled or something but she's literally uprooting her life. That comes with boxes.
I AM SO SORRY ABOUT ALBERT. He sprayed her with water, he didn't jump on her or anything.
Donna is actually acting and is natural and just commands the space and everyone else is stilted af.
This exposition dump is KILLING me.
"the rough and tumble"
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Ah yes, taking the obligatory apple for breakfast instead of eating a meal.
The only reason why I'm going to remember Cole's name is because his hair fills me with rage.
I'm trying hard to be sympathetic to Jackie because you know her family died and she's in a new city and in a new school but please get out of the damn car. You're moving SLOW. Have anxiety about not knowing where your classes are while you're walking to the school entrance.
"Not like them fancy Manhattan schools, huh?" I mean, even Spence looks like this
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it's a building. Relax.
everything about this person infuriates me. this looks like a HORRIBLE kiss
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also, wouldn't you go to the office to get your schedule? Do Colorado schools not have offices because they just can't keep up with New York?
"can you stand up and tell us something about yourself?" I have never experienced anything like that when a new student came to class when I was in high school. It was just a "this is xyz. take a seat." and then we moved on.
And wouldn't teachers be briefed on the fact that her family died in an accident beforehand? O for 2, Colorado.
Is that Alex? I'm not entirely sure he's human.
I'm also partially convinced Cole is actually AI.
We never actually got letter grades outside of elementary school.
This is a horrible guidance counsellor. Get her more challenging classes if she wants them. She has a goal to get into Princeton, don't just be like "that's a tough school to get into" if you want to introduce backups to her, you can be like there are lots of other great schools to add to your roster.
"My last school was very supportive of my goals" and the guidance counsellor wants to talk about how she stopped seeing her friends, which fine, you want to make sure she's coping and emotionally stable and has a well-rounded life but don't dismiss this girl's academic goals, jesus christ.
"This is a good school" then put her in some AP classes, what the HELL?
Oh, they don't have many for her year. Well.
"Princeton will understand." NO THEY WON'T. BITCH, YOU'RE A GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR?
LMAO, sorry, I think I'm having flashbacks to my own high school experience where I had to fight to be taken seriously about my average and wanting to get into top schools in Canada and with particular teachers telling me to settle.
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I had to look up how old the actor who plays Cole is because I was like, sir, you are like 27 year old man pretending to be 10 years younger and it's not working for you. You can't pull it off. (He's 25).
He's supposed to be using his pretty privilege to cut the line but he isn't pretty so I'm just confused.
And he isn't charming.
"Do you like her?" She has been there for literally a day.
So, are we just not going to talk about racism? In Colorado?
a) who runs into class like that? b) "Hey, Sky, you know that new girl who was sitting with Cole?" "Yeah, she's right beside you." That's all you needed to say. This is SO contrived. I'm DYING.
Kylie, Jackie, Skyler jesus christ. This sounds like a wattpad story.
"Jackie's landed in boy heaven" Girl, you need to get out more.
I will also remember Grace's name because I want to murder her.
Oh God no, she talks and I can't do it. Shut UP.
"Miss J Crew." "Um, it's Ralph Lauren??" could've been funny if any of these people could act.
I also like how Cole's not-girlfriend is talking about how vanilla Jackie's clothes are and she's dressed in the most basic bitch outfit.
"I'm not buying this little Orphan Annie act" ... I mean her entire family did die though, do you think she faked that?
Also, Jackie embarrassing whatsherface means nothing when it isn't in front of other people that matter to whatsherface. This should be in front of all of whatsherface's friends including Cole. This is just basic teen drama logic.
Grace opens her mouth --
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I'm not sure why I didn't number these.
This is a pretty lax ranch or orchard or whatever.
Her hair is distracting
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"Any other dangerous animals I should know about?" I mean, I don't think they would have a venomous snake just roaming about.
Cole is not charismatic enough for this.
oh my god, the boy who grew up around horses knows how to take care of horses, he's SO sweet. jesus christ.
Oh thank god it's over.
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tuxebo · 15 days
hiii, how have your days been? i hope you are doing well. i read your response to my previous ask and i love the way you express yourself (in general, not just in that post) it's clear that you are passionate and really have a purpose in your political sector. and don't apologize for talking about a topic like el tren de aragua, i also think that regardless of the political sector one is from, IT IS AN ISSUE THAT NEEDS VISIBILITY damn— the things they do have no justification whatsoever and it only takes a little humanity to notice it
i just wanted to stop by and say hello, ive been in exam week and ^^; if im being honest, im trying to survive LMAO and a question first of all, do you have a favorite animal that is not so well known? :)
have a good night! 💤
Thank you so much, I am glad to hear that I am being clear with my speaking. It is so unfortunate to see so many politicians incapable of even forming a sentence, I take being able to speak properly very seriously.
As for these things I'm truing to bring attention to, I completely agree. As an independent, it is not Republican vs. Democrat. They are monsters. Aurora, Colorado is worse than El Savador (Amazing what President Bukele did, might I mention)! Countries are sending their criminals to America as if we are some trashcan for these garbage "humans." Too many lies, too much propaganda from the Democrats that keep taking them. I don't know if you saw the debate, but Haitians are eating pets (cats & dogs) in Springfield, Ohio. They are going to parks, stealing ducks, and cooking them, too. DAVID MUIR IS A LIAR. One of many lies that made that rigged debate.
As for your exams, already??? 😭😭 My goodness, hoping for the best for you! I don't know when your school started, but it feels like it all just started yesterday. The California heat is still here, it's too hot for exams.
I don't have a favorite animal, I love so many of them, but the sea horses are so silly? Genuinely, I don't understand them, and I love it. I don't know if you watch TierZoo, but I love that channel. I learned a lot about animals from there and the sea horses are the silliest of them all. They exist and just constantly get beat up, it is so fascinating. They also look so interesting, I can't think of another animal that looks like it. They also move so funnily, too. They are cute though!
This technically doesn't count as not so well known but I also love, love, love sea otters. Oh, how I love them. They are so cute. I did my whole scientific paper on them, there are also videos of them just being sea otters and it is just so adorable to watch.
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I really like sea animals in general, I would definitely be a marine biologist! The pufferfish's mating rituals are absolutely adorable, the making prints in the sand? I think it is cuter than the penguins and their really smooth pebbles, which is also so pure. On the other hand, female Octopi throw whatever they get their tentacles on at unwanted male octopi suitors. That is so funny to watch, not cool, but as a concept it's funny.
I hate kangaroos, though. They are UGLY, they STINK, they always wanna TUSSLE. They are why I will never go to Australia, sorry I would try to throw hands and it would not end well 😓🫢 Same goes for dolphins, they have bad personalities.
I gave you more than you asked for, but what about you? Do you have a favorite? Have a nice night, I hope your exams go well!
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