#also I'm working on the Blue/Joseph one that you sent in
aceghosts · 2 years
Soft hand touches with a light comforting squeeze that instantly assures you they’re there. - Riley and Ingo
Thank you for this one! I think I captured the spirit of the prompt. Also, tagging @sstewyhosseini!
[Prompt List]
Summary: Ingo and Riley feel overwhelmed after returning to Modern-day Unova from Hisui.
Words: 854 words.
Content Warnings: References to amnesia, general trauma, and panic. Frankly, Riley and Ingo are just overwhelmed from time-travel and maybe a little codependent. Let me know if there is anything else I need to tag for.
Ingo inhales a deep breath, uneasiness settling over him. Even though it must have been only a few hours, it feels like an eternity since Riley had Arceus take them back to Modern day Unova from the distant past of Hisui. Everything is starting to get to Ingo, who feels like his life is rapidly speeding off the rails. The constant hum of the technology in the background drills into his head, leaving him with a dull pain. He shifts in the hospital bed, feeling truly alone for the first time in a long time. Even in Hisui, he had Sneasler, Irida, Laventon, and other friends. He had Riley. Ingo knows he should be happy, ecstatic even. And he is, especially after seeing Emmet, his twin brother, again. (Even if he still can’t remember Emmet fully.) But everything is so overwhelming, panic starting to rise in his chest.
He wishes Riley were here. Riley. Ingo and Riley had been uncoupled from each other, after being found in the Nimbasa Subway tunnels during a power outage. Doctors and Nurses fussed over Ingo, while Police Officers questioned him. He could only assume that Riley was subjected to the same procedure.
“Hey.” Riley stands in the doorway of his room, shooting him a soft smile. Ingo sits up, the panic starting to subside at the sight of a familiar face. They close the door gently behind them, wheeling their IV stand over to his bedside. Riley casually plops down in the chair beside him, kicking their feet up on the edge of his bed. “They keep you overnight, too?” They pause as they look around, confusion apparent on their face. “Where’s Emmet? I thought he would have stayed.”
Ingo nods. “Emmet tried to,” He remembers the scene earlier of Emmet arguing loudly with the Doctors, “but they threatened to revoke his visitation privileges.” Ingo pauses for a moment, a thought coming to him. “I…think he will find some way to stay. If not tonight, tomorrow,” He adds, his tone hesitant.
“Yeah,” Riley lets out a quiet laugh, “That’s Emmet. Wouldn’t be surprised if he found some way to get in here without the doctors or nurses noticing.”
He laughs, trying to keep his laughter soft. “I think I agree I with you. How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” Riley shrugs casually, “Thought I was going to have to fight that Snubbull of a nurse to get to you, but I managed to sneak by.” Ingo gives them a pointed look, knowing that they’re likely hiding what they really feel. “Okay, Okay. I’m not fine. Truth is, I didn’t want to be alone. I just wanted to be around you.”
“I did not want to be alone. I hoped that we would be reunited.” Riley takes his hand in their hand, rubbing the back of his hand with their thumb.
“Me too,” They let out a low chuckle, “I’m starting to feel like life in Hisui was simpler.” Ingo nods, comforted by the presence of Riley’s hand in his. Things in Hisui did seem simpler. A comfortable silence falls over between the two as they find comfort in the presence of the other. In the darkness of the room, Ingo observes Riley’s face in the shadow of the hallway lights, streaming through the blinds. He notes the dark circles under their eyes, their normally laidback smile not quite reaching their tired eyes. Their shoulders are slumped as if they’re finally feeling the burden placed upon them. For the first time since Ingo met Riley in Hisui, Riley looks exhausted, truly, utterly exhausted.
Ingo scoots over on the bed, gently tugging Riley’s hand. “Come, lay down in bed with me.”
Riley raises a red eyebrow. “It’ll be a tight squeeze.”
“You and I have been in tighter spots.”
“Both literally and metaphorically,” They quietly laugh, releasing his hand. Ingo tries not to panic, already missing the comforting feel of their hand in his. Getting out of the chair, Riley climbs into the bed with him. It is a tight squeeze, but Ingo feels steady like he’s back on track with Riley next to him. The pair lay down next to each other, Riley’s head resting on his shoulder. Their fingers gently graze his hand, the movement soft and slow. Ingo takes their hand in his, noting the soft red on Riley’s freckled cheeks. “Just feel better holding your hand.”
“Please no not apologize. I feel better holding your hand too; I feel that we will not be pulled apart so easily.”
“Me too.” Ingo feels Riley shift slightly beside him, their voice trembling as they ask, “I know this is silly, but promise me you’ll be here in the morning.”
“I promise.” He gently squeezes their hand as Riley lets out a relieved sigh. The pair are a two-car train that cannot be separated from one another. At least, for the moment. “I promise I will not leave you. Will you still be here in the morning?”
“Trust me,” Riley squeezes his hand in return, a warm feeling rising in his chest, “You’re my best friend; I’m never leaving you.”                    
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Ironically, the word ‘verb’ is a noun.
In Dubai, you can Uber a helicopter!
Music helps keep your memories alive.
We forget 80% of what we learn every day.
Obesity is now a bigger killer than malnutrition.
Masturbation dates back at least 40 million years.
23% of men and 17% of women never get married.
The scent that lingers after heavy rain is called petrichor.
When a cockroach touches a human it runs to safety to clean itself.
White-Stemmed Bramble has the Latin name ‘Rubus Cockburnianus’.
In 1847, a woman was sent to Aberdeen lunatic asylum for "abuse of tea."
The ideal time to make a joke about something horrible is 36 days later.
More than 1000 different languages are spoken on the continent of Africa.
People who enjoy dark humour tend to be more intelligent. Need I say more?
In his autobiography. Andre Agassi admitted that he has always hated tennis.
More than one in five Americans believes that the world will end in their lifetime.
If someone truly loves you, they tend to hug you for at least five seconds or more.
Viagra has been shown to revive drooping flowers and make them stand up straight.
The man who voiced Tigger in ‘Winnie The Pooh’ also invented the first artificial heart.
The ‘Wolf Of Wall Street’ uses the word ‘fuck’ 569 times, a rate of 3.16 times per minute.
The best person in your life is the one that first comes to mind after reading this sentence.
People with imposter syndrome are actually better at their jobs than people without imposter syndrome.
Left-handed people tend to have more emotional and behavioural problems than right-handed people.
The rate of sexually transmitted disease in London is more than double that of any other English region.
On his deathbed, surgeon Joseph Henry Green was checking his pulse and his last word was “Stopped!”
According to a study from the University of Vienna, you not only look like your dog, you look like your car!
The first bus in Britain to be powered by human excrement ran from Bristol to Bath on the Number 2 route.
In 2007, a married couple divorced after realizing they were cheating on each other in an online chatroom with each other.
People think about you more than you think they do and they also like you more than you think they do. Awww, thanks!
Brazilian footballer Argélico Fuchs spent much of his life spelling his name Argélico Fucks, resulting in headlines such as "Fucks Off To Benfica."
In Japan, napping at work won't get you fired. In fact, taking time out for a snooze is seen as honourable and a sign of diligence by employers.
In Japan, people commonly practice the act of pretending not to be home when an unwanted visitor knocks at the door. So much so they even have a word for it: Irusu.
Male koalas don't chase females. Instead, usually between 12-3, they lay back, make themselves comfortable, and bellow loudly at any females in the area to come and join them.
“I'm sick and tired of people saying that we put out 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we've put out 12 albums that sound exactly the same.” (Angus Young, guitarist of AC/DC)
Real bees were used during the filming of cult horror classic ‘Candyman’. Before accepting the role, actor Tony Todd negotiated a $1,000 bonus every time he was stung. He said he was stung 23 times.
Guinness has a world record for the ‘Most Successful Chimpanzee On Wall Street’. The chimp chose stocks by throwing darts at a list of companies. In 1999, she was briefly the 22nd most successful banker in the USA.
Lee Child’s character Jack Reacher got his name from a shopping trip. When Child retrieved a can from a high shelf his wife said, “Hey, if this writing thing doesn't pan out, you could always be a reacher in a supermarket.”
After the two hurdlers Belgium brought to the European Team Championships were injured, the team desperately needed someone to run the 100-meter race. Jolien Boumkwo, a shot-putter, stepped onto the track to save her team from disqualification.
At around age 23, the average person falls off what the researcher Jennifer Aaker calls ‘the humour cliff’: we start to laugh and smile less and less. The average four-year-old laughs and smiles 300 times a day, the average 40-year-old: 300 times every 75 days.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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sonicasura · 5 years
I had a dream one night. It was a battle between a Pokemon Trainer and her partner Chomp the Snorlax against...
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Jotaro Kujo and Star Platinum.
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Yes. These two. How does it turn out? Read down below.
Mitsuru was called many things in her life. Queen of Contest Battles, Snorlax Lover, Toxic Freak and such. Yet, in her life, she was never called a Stand User. The young 17 year old Pokemon Trainer had found herself in some strange place called Singapore and noticed the large absence of Pokemon, creatures of her world. She also kept getting uncomfortable looks by the people staring at her hair and outfit.
She was born with purple hair with a large flare like white splotch at the front almost like a Toxel's. Her clothes were more punk with a black cassock with spike like rimmings, a yellow vest like drape over it with a thunderbolt pattern, a Snorlax hat  that the blue of it was dyed purple and a necklace holding a blue and yellow X ball that to many unaware was a Quick Ball.
This type of item or Pokeball held one of her aces when it came to Pokemon Battles but also her childhood friend. Deciding to explore the peculiar town, she ran into a creepy man called Rubber Soul. It was a very odd name and the guy gave her a very bad vibe. She told him to leave her alone since he had been following her for less than an hour. Next thing she knew, the creep attacked her with some kind of yellow slime he called 'Yellow Temperance'.
Luckily he chose to attack her in a wide empty space so it didn't draw much attention to send the asshole flying with her partner, Chomp the Snorlax. Snorlax were very large bear like Pokemon easily recognized by their blue fur and light peach face and underbelly along with stubby feet and cat like ears. Mitsuru had grew up with Chomp in her home of Galar so the 18 ft tall Pokemon was a powerhouse. Yeah, he was way bigger than the average Snorlax.
Rubber Soul had a look of pure horror seeing Chomp before he was sent flying with a Giga Impact straight into the bay. This was how she found herself in her current predicament. The 17 year old girl looked at her large partner who seemed happy with himself. "Good job sending that creep flying Chomp. I didn't know what the yellow slime was but I'm just glad your ok." Mitsuru said looking at her partner. "Snorlax." Chomp answered happily.
"No way, another Stand User?!" Mitsuru turned to see a group of men run into the empty space where she and her partner stood. An old man dressed like Indiana Jones, a guy in green with a large noodle curl, a man with a tower of white hair on his head and broken heart earrings, a dark skinned man with his hair in top knots but the punk guy got her interest.
He was tall around 6'5, buff as all hell and a nice ass to boot, ocean blue eyes clear as the waters of Lake Axewell, curly dark hair under a black hat topped with gold pins, an open black coat pierced with a gold chain by the collar showing a grass green shirt tight on his chest, two colored belts with one orange and the other blue, expensive black slacks and boots. "What's going on Chomp?" Mitsuru asked only for the Snorlax to shrug.
"That's a big fella right there! Bet he could flatten a truck like a pancake." The guy with pole hair shouted. "Do you need something? If not, Chomp and I will be going." Mitsuru said getting ready to walk away with her partner. "Where do you think your going?" She turned to face the delinquent who asked. "What's with the attitude? You guys are looking at me like I'm public enemy number 1! And I don't even know you." Mitsuru asked clearly getting aggravated.
"You're a Stand User. That fact alone means we can't leave you alone. You could be working for Dio for all we know. Dumb bitch." The delinquent said earning a glare from Chomp. Mitsuru however look triggered with her face red with pure rage. "Excuse me?! Dumb bitch?! Do you want to fight asshole?! You just earned yourself a battle!" Mitsuru roared as Chomp couldn't help but agree.
"Snorlax!" Chomp roared glaring down at the teen. "Old man and the three stooges go to the sidelines. Unless you want to accidentally get caught in the crossfire. It's a one on one battle. As for you Bitchboy, what's your name? Challengers must always give their name to the opponent." Mitsuru said as the 4 men didn't hesitate to get out of her line of fire. The teen looked a bit taken aback by her attitude but merely hid it.
"It's Jotaro Kujo." Suddenly a large buff purple warrior with flowing black hair, gold shoulder pads, black fingerless gloves, capped chim, knee high boots, loincloth and bright ocean blue eyes emerged from the male's body. "And this is my Stand, Star Platinum." Jotaro spoke as Star let out a loud battle cry that sounded like he was shouting 'Ora'. "Mitsuru Toxele and this is my partner Chomp, a Snorlax. I don't know what the hell is a Stand or Stand User but don't think for a second I'm backing down!" Mitsuru shouted as Chomp let out his own battle cry.
"Guy in green. You can start the battle." Mitsuru said as the guy in green or Kakyoin nodded reluctantly. "Let the battle begin!" Kakyoin called although sounding a bit confused. Star Platinum shot forward at Chomp baring a fist for an attack. "Chomp! Block it then counter with Brick Break!" Mitsuru called the Snorlax held his ground arms held up as a shield. Star Platinum let out a barrage of high speed punches shouting ora with every attack.
Despite blocking Chomp definitely felt the powerful hits but didn't back down. His right arm like paw glowed white before slapping Star across the face. Jotaro's face also turned like he got slapped too. 'What the hell? I felt Star's jaw breaking yet mine didn't. I still feel a lot of pain but not as much as I should be.' Jotaro thought as Star skidded across the ground. The Stand got up and fixed its jaw before looking back at Chomp.
Chomp's arms were lightly scratched and with few small bruises. "Holy hell! He took an onslaught of Star Platinum's punches and doesn't look that much bothered! Then that glowing fist looked really painful!" Pole hair or Polnareff called out. "Our turn! Use Gyro Ball!" That got heads turning as Chomp spun on his foot like ballerina before rotating so fast he became a giant ball shaped twister while silver light spun around him.
Star was too confused at the bad logic of the move to avoid Chomp as the Snorlax slammed into him like a heavy metal beyblade. The result? Star Platinum was sent flying into the wooden fence while Jotaro got the air knocked out of him. 'Fuck! That was much stronger than that last attack! Yet, I'm not getting any one of Star's injuries. Is it because her Chomp, this Snorlax isn't a Stand?' Jotaro thought to himself.
He could clearly see that Mitsuru and Chomp were fighting in sync. Almost like that of a Stand and their user but all of her commands had been all vocal. Not mental like how Stands mainly operate. Star Platinum pulled himself from the hole he made and rushed forward at Chomp once more. The Snorlax couldn't block fast enough earning a powerful blow to the head and upper chest. "Chomp!" Mitsuru called out as the Snorlax skidded across the ground but still remained on his feet.
He rubbed his cheek as if imitating wiping blood off his mouth before giving Star an impressed smirk. Chomp definitely was going to have a few bruises but clearly looked happy taking some serious damage. It was understandable for the Snorlax's case since in every battle he fought until now, no physical move barely scratched him. To get this much injuries despite how little it was got the Snorlax all pumped up. "Snorlax!" Chomp roared out.
"You seem to be quite pumped! This battle clearly got you all fired up huh bud? Then let's take it up a notch! Giga Impact!" Mitsuru called out. Chomp suddenly charged at Star Platinum with speed of a rampaging bull as a purple blazing aura and orange light spiralled around the Pokemon. "He's like a giant elephant amongst a large stampede! Get out of the way Jojo!" The top knot haired man or Avdol called out.
Star Platinum attempted to grab Chomp and try to stop his charge but the Snorlax easily overpowered the Stand sending it flying into the air. "Time for you to get a taste of our finisher!" Mitsuru called out revealing a white bracelet that held a blue gemstone with a pawprint on it. "What's that? Some sort of bracelet?" The old man or Joseph asked. "Prepare to get a taste of our Z-Move!" Mitsuru shouted as her and Chomp began to move in sync. "Z-Move??!" All 5 called out at the same time.
They moved their arms to have it make a upward slanted line before moving the upper elbows across forming a Z. Chomp's closed eyes flashed demonically as all 5 men knew nothing good was going to come out of it. "Pulverizing Pancake!!" With those two words Chomp sped off towards Star Platinum faster than a bullet. "OH MY GOD!!! HE'S GOING EVEN FASTER THAN LAST TIME!" Joseph shouted in pure horror.
Mitsuru pointed up with both hands as Chomp leapt high into the air way higher than he should be able to from the guys' point of view. "Yare yare daze." Jotaro said as Chomp body slammed Star into the ground. The crash exploding out huge bursts of dust and dirt creating a large dust cloud. It cleared to reveal Jotaro lying on his back clearly shell shocked by the carnage or the fact his Stand just got fattened by a 200 ton Pokemon.
Chomp picked himself off the ground to reveal a cartoon style pancaked Star Platinum with spirals on his eyes signifying defeat. "Ora…" The poor Stand clearly going feel that in the morning. "That looks so painful! Star Platinum is practically flatter than a piece of paper right now!" Polnareff exclaimed looking at the poor Stand's state. "Luckily all that punishment didn't get reflected onto Jotaro. Apparently battling Mitsuru's Snorlax only made him feel Star Platinum's pain not actually taking it." Avdol deduced clearly intrigued by that fact.
Chomp picked up Star and shook him a bit unflattening the Stand while Mitsuru helped pick up Jotaro. "What do we learn about calling me a dumb bitch for no reason?" Mitsuru asked with a wicked glare in her eyes. "Yare yare daze. To...not do it." Jotaro muttered reluctantly. "Good! I eat this if I were you. You too as well Star and same for you Chomp." Mitsuru said before tossing a yellow almost pear like fruit to Jotaro, Star Platinum and Chomp.
Chomp ate it in one go as his energies faded causing Jotaro and Star to follow his lead. Both had shot up to their feet with a jolt before eating the rest of fast enough that the trainer thought they were going to choke. "Whoa! What kind of fruit is that to make someone like Jotaro eat it if it was his last meal?!" Joseph exclaimed as the other three looked equally both surprised and interested.
"It's a Sitrus Berry. Helps restore the eater's lost energy and heal a good chunk of their wounds. I keep tons of them on me since its Chomp's favorite fruit and in case of emergencies when I'm out of medical supplies." Mitsuru answered not making a big deal out of it. "Keep a bunch of healing berries in your bag? Who in the world even are you?" Kakyoin asked. 
"*sigh* My name is Mitsuru Toxele. I'm a Pokemon Trainer from Monostke City in the Galar Region. This is my partner and first Pokemon Chomp. People at home call me 'Just Desserts' because those who challenge me find out the hard way that they 'took a bite too much.' Guess you can say me and Chomp are out of this world." She said with a smile before high fiving her partner. 'A bite too much indeed.'
Yes. Snorlax can't learn Gyro Ball but this came from a dream of course. As a friend of mine quoted about Chomp: That's one deadly Snorlax.' Move Set is Brick Break, Body Slam(Pulverizing Pancake), Giga Impact and Gyro Ball. If Snorlax can learn Gyro Ball then he'll pretty much bench press the entire game! Have a good Thanksgiving guys!
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Of course. I gotta say, this kinda makes me think of the song Pity Party, so I love it.
Josuke X Reader: Happy Birthday To You
It was a lovely morning in Morioh when you woke up, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon greeting you. You got up, washed your face, put on your favorite outfit, brushed your hair and went downstairs. Your dad was reading the newspaper while your Mom set your place at the table with your special breakfast.
"Happy birthday!" shouted Mom and Dad. You smiled. It was your 16th.
"Thank you guys!" you said sitting down to your meal, instantly drowning your pancakes in syrup and devouring them.
"Imagine that." said Dad in surprise "16! Almost a grown-up." He and Mom smiled proudly.
"Hurry up and eat, then we'll get the decorations put up." You beemed and you finished your breakfast, appetite invigorated.
As you went around the house putting up balloons and streamers in your favorite colors, your mind wandered. Your family had only moved to Morioh a few months ago. You ended up starting highschool in town as a first year, one of many new kids, and you ended up making a few new friends there. Your best friend was Josuke Higashikata, a classmate of yours. He was a pretty nice guy, though if someone were to make fun of his hair, he'd kick their ass. He had a unique pompadour haircut, and while you were a bit nervous to say so, you thought it was cute. You thought HE was cute. Okay just admit it, you were totally crushing on him, hard! You liked everything about him, his hair, his sapphire blue eyes, his smile, and on your first day of school, he saved you from a group of bullies that were trying to shove you into a locker. You've been wanting to confess your feelings to him, but you've been so nervous. You shook your head. Today's not the day to think about mushy stuff like that. Nope! Today's the day for celebration! It's your party and your day to shine!
After putting up the decorations, Mom told you to go ahead and relax in the living room for a few hours until the time that guests would arrive. You played some Mario for a bit, but after falling down and dying for the umpteenth time, you decided it'd be better to watch a few anime videotapes for the time being. But as you went to plug in the VCR, you heard Mom slam the phone in frustration.
"Just great!" shouted Mom. She shook her head and calmed her voice down to not upset you as much. "I'm sorry sweetie, but Grandpa is sick and can't make it, and I just got off the phone with your Aunt. She had an emergency meeting that's running late and had to cancel."
"Oh!" you said a bit surprised. "I'm sorry. That really sucks! I hope Grandpa gets better." You felt bad, but you also knew that your parents would try to get them together again and you all would get to do something special altogether, like a movie or dinner at a restaurant.
"I'll tell Grandpa you said that." said Mom. "It's about time for your friends to start arriving, why not wait in the sunroom to greet them." You glanced at the clock, about 5 til 4 pm, realizing she was right.
"Okay" you answered. You grabbed a copy of Shonen Jump to read as you awaited your friends arrival. 10 minutes, no one yet. That's okay, it's only 5 after 4. 30 minutes went by. Huh that's weird, but they must be running late. 45 minutes now. You start getting a little worried. An hour. You ended up finishing your Shonen Jump magazine. Out of fear and anger, you start pacing the floor in front of the door. Tears start to well up under your eyes. It's 5:15, more than an hour and no one shown up! Without giving it a 2nd thought, you cross to the phone in the kitchen. Mom asked you a question, but you ignored her, all you could think about was knowing why the hell you got stood up at your own party.
You dial Josuke's number at rapid fire speed, hearing the dial tone indicating the phone was ringing. You heard the gentle click as Josuke answered on the other end.
"Moshi moshi, this is Higashikata!" answered Josuke. You couldn't help but feel an odd sense of joy hearing his gentle voice, followed by anger and hurt that he wasn't at your party.
"Where were you!" you said suddenly shouting. Josuke was taken aback.
"(Name) is that you?" asked Josuke. "Where we supposed to hang out or something today? What's wrong?" All of the sudden you couldn't take it anymore and tears burst from you, not being able to hold it in anymore.
"I can't believe you didn't show up for my party!" you shouted "Nobody shown up, the party has been going on since four, and nobody came! Not even Grandpa or my aunt could make it!" you were heaving in-between sobs, shaking before you realized you heard Josuke ask something. You calmed down a bit before you asked him to repeat what he just said.
"Today's your birthday?" he asked.
"Yes of course it's my birthday! I sent you the -" you cut off when it clicked in your brain. You realized what might have happened, why nobody had shown up.
"You didn't get an invitation, did you?" you asked Josuke.
"I don't think so!" answered Josuke, "I wouldn't forget your party if I did."
"Oh my God!" you said feeling weak. "Of course! Something must have happened with the invitations! I'm so sorry. I should have known you'd make it. Well now the party is ruined and it's all my fault."
"Not yet!" answered Josuke. "Don't cancel the party yet. Give me about an hour, I promise."
"Okay." you answered, taking a deep breath. "I believe you, just get here as soon as you can." You hear the dial tone that the line is now dead. You breathed a sigh as you sat on the floor waiting. It was now 5:25. You waited some more. It was 5:55. You called Josuke's house again, but his mom picked up. However she did confirm that Josuke left awhile ago. You said thank you and hung up. At this point Mom looked in the front room where you were waiting.
"I'm sorry honey." she said hugging you. "It's been a couple hours, why don't you join us and we'll cut the cake."
"No mom, I know Josuke for sure is coming." You explained how you found out there was an apparent mailing mishap that prevented the invitations from reaching your friends. Mom shrugged.
"Okay." she said. "But if he doesn't show up before 7, we're cutting the cake without him."
"Deal" you said. You looked at the clock, it was now 6:15, nearly an hour since you spoke to him. Where could he be? Of course! He must be going to get me a present, you reasoned. No sooner you finished your thought, there's a knock at the door.
"Hello", you say as you answered the door. You opened it to find not only Josuke had arrived like he said he would, but he brought some friends with him too. There was Okuyasu and Koichi, two of your friends from school, and two people you didn't recognize, an old man with a white beard and glasses, and a man in his late 20's wearing a white hat that had "JO" on it. Everyone's arms were loaded with giftbags.
"Oh my gosh!" you gushed, "You guys made it! Josuke thank you for bringing everyone here." you said giving him a hug. "C'mon in guys." you motioned for everyone to come inside.
"Sorry we're late," said Josuke, "I called Koichi and Okuyasu, along with my, er, relatives, this is Joseph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo by the way." he said motioning to the old man and the man in white respectively. You remembered Josuke saying he had family members in town recently.
"Hello there," said Mr. Joestar.
"Hello," said Jotaro with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you. Thank you both for coming." you replied.
"We realized that we didn't have any presents." said Koichi.
"And we weren't sure what to get you." admitted Okuyasu.
"Yeah," said Josuke a bit embarrassed. "We kinda panicked and went to different stores. Sorry we didn't have time to wrap anything."
"That's okay!" you laughed. "You didn't have to get me all these presents. I'm happy to have you guys present! (God that's such a terrible pun lol) I'm so glad everyone's here." You led everyone to the kitchen, having the guests put their gifts on one of the tables. There was a whole table with pizzas and potato chips and soda pops, you told the guests to help themselves. You made conversation with your friends and Josuke's relatives as you enjoyed your pizza. Jotaro talked about his marine biology work he's been doing in town. Later you opened presents from your friends. After that, your parents brought out the cake, frosted with pastel buttercream and had 16 candles all aglow. Everyone sang Happy Birthday as you blew the candles, making your wish.
Shortly after the cake and ice cream, the guests started to leave. You said goodbye and thanked everyone for coming. Josuke decided to hang around a little bit before going home. The sun had set and it was nighttime. You and Josuke decided to sit in the backyard and look at the stars.
"I'm so sorry I yelled at you earlier," you said a bit embarrassed.
"Hey, don't worry about it." said Josuke. "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I probably should have called earlier, but I forgot, I've just had a lot on my mind lately." You nodded understandably. You couldn't exactly put your finger on it, but a lot of weird stuff was happening lately in town.
"Anyways," said Josuke, pulling out something from his jacket pocket, "I kinda lied. I had something special I've been wanting to give you. I got this awhile ago." It was a small rectangle shaped box. You opened it and inside was a gold medallion necklace with two gold charms, a heart and a peace sign, just like the gold pins he wears on his uniform.
"Oh my, this is beautiful!" you exclaimed. "I love it. Thank you!"
"I'm glad you love it!" said Josuke blushing a little. You sighed. Guess the time is now to tell him.
"So, I've been wanting to tell you for awhile. I've had a crush on you since I started school here. I think you're cute, I love your hair, and I ended up making friends here thanks to you, and I want to be more than friends, but I was so nervous to tell you because I'm afraid you wouldn't like me that way and then things would be awkward and - "
You were interrupted when Josuke suddenly gave you a quick kiss. Both of you blushed a bright red.
"I'm sorry." said Josuke blushing a bit. "I've been wanting to tell you too. That's why I got you the medallion."
"Thank you so much." you say happily. "Now that we're together, you want to see a movie or something this weekend?"
"That sounds great!" says Josuke. You put on the madallion necklace, smiling at Josuke.
"You look beautiful!" said Josuke smiling. You happened to look at your watch, it was about a quarter to 10.
"Oh crap! It's late! You got to get home!" you said in surprise.
"Oh God you're right!" said Josuke looking at the time. "Meet you at the movies this weekend?"
"Of course." you answered. You gave him a kiss goodbye and walked him to the front door. You waved goodbye as he left, then went to help Mom clean up and put away the party decorations. While it had a rocky start, it turned out to be an amazing party. You thought about the wish you made when you blew out the candles, it had come true. You wished to kiss Josuke.
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