#also Spike tbh cause we know that man can hold a grudge
reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
Which Rage Language Are You?
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step back
usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
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the regina george
someone hurts you or pisses you off, and you don't do anything. at first. but you hold that feeling of rage in your chest for weeks after the fact, acting nice but silently hating their guts, pretending like all is forgiven until you can ruin their life and hurt them the way they hurt you. it's calculated. but when you've executed your revenge, will you be satisfied?
Tagged by: @alaikhadal <3 ;3
Tagging: @liesandalibis @perceptualephemera @straye @xissp @the27percent @pzfr @dynamoprotocol @mi-ha-i @erthlyheavn & anyone else ❤️
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #163
BTVS 6x12 Doublemeat Palace
1) I think we can all agree that Doublemeat Palace is not going to go down in television history as one of the most iconic episodes of the century. But you know what? It’s not that bad. Or, at least, it’s not worse than other bad Buffy episodes, you know? There are some funny moments here and there, some big stuff for Willow’s season arc, and it gave us the opportunity to get all those lame dick jokes out of our system.
So, to celebrate the badness that is Doublemeat Palace, send me your favorite dick jokes that remind you of this episode. You know, just keep it classy. Or not? 
2) Willow was practically drooling as she described all the magic stuff they’d found at the Trio’s lair, which makes me wonder whether some of the stuff Amy told her at the end of the episode was really that farfetched or she was actually quite on point.
3) And after, what, three seasons? we finally get an answer as regards Anya’s source of income...
ANYA: When I was a vengeance demon, I caused pain and mayhem, certainly. But I put in a full day's work doing it, and I got compensated appropriately.
4) Cutest Buffy ever!
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5) If there is one thing this episode does right is recreating the oppressive and gloomy atmosphere that pervades dead-end jobs in the service industry.
6) This is such a small moment but I kinda love it. The scoobies show up at Buffy’s work to show some support, and Buffy’s like...
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...genuinely happy and smiling for the first time in a long time?
7) You’re a pig, Spike.
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8) And then...
SPIKE: You're not happy here. BUFFY: Please don't make this harder. SPIKE: You don't belong here. You're something... you're better than this. BUFFY: I need the money. SPIKE: I can get money. Walk with me now, come on. BUFFY: I... I need to go help Gary with the fries.
The way she quietly asks him to not make it harder on her is rather heartbreaking. She’s not telling him to fuck off, as she would normally do. In a way, she’s admitting that he kind of gets her, very much in spite of herself. He’s right: she’s not happy, and she doesn’t belong there. And you can tell that she needs to busy herself when he offers her an out because she’s actually considering it. 
9) You know what? I think Halfrek became a vengeance demon so that she could the dramatic entrance thing on a daily basis. I mean...
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HALFREK: So, um ... you're marrying that man with the large upper arms? ANYA: Yes. HALFREK: Why? ANYA: Well, because I love him. HALFREK: Hmm. ANYA: Oh, we're gonna be very happy together. HALFREK: Hmm. ANYA: What?
11) Do you get the feeling Buffy was embarrassed to have Spike see her in her Doublemeat Palace uniform in this scene? Just the way she quickly removes her hat once she sees him...
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12) This is not the most scintillating love-making to have ever graced our screens... 
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(I do love the “teamwork” poster next to them, quite appropriate...)
13) Okay, this is really sad?
WILLOW: D'you want something? 
AMY: Um... yeah... actually. I mean, I don't know if you wanted to keep it, or...
WILLOW: You want it? Really?
AMY: Well, yeah, you know, I mean... it's not much, but it's home. Or it was. I don't know, I guess it's stupid, but...
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She calls it HOME. 
14) I’m so ashamed, this is literally how I highlighted texts back in college. My friends used to make fun of me because of it.
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15) It’s really difficult for me to read Amy and her intentions. On the one hand, she actively seeks Willow’s company. On the other hand, she holds a grudge against her because in her eyes Willow didn’t try hard enough to break the spell that turned her into a rat. At moments, it seems like she’s truly lonely and is desperately seeking for a friend. Then, it kind of feels like she’s only trying to mess with Willow’s mind? I guess it’s possible that she was doing both.
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AMY: So this is it, huh? This is... gonna be your life from now on?
WILLOW: What? No.
AMY: Well, you're never gonna do it again. Ever. You're never gonna... feel how it made you feel.
WILLOW: Don't think that's the way to look at it.
AMY: Hey Will? It's your birthday.
WILLOW: Um, no it isn't. But now that you mention it, Buffy is coming...
AMY: Potestas.
WILLOW: What? Amy...
AMY: It's a gift. It's magic... and it didn't come from you. It came from me. Completely legal. Enjoy.
I think she might have also felt like, by giving up magic, Willow was trying to show she was better than Amy, that she was above the whole thing. And Amy kind of wanted to drag her down to the mud with her. 
16) One of my favorite Buffy scenes, tbh.
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(they shouldn’t have been able to hold her back, though)
17) This was funny!
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18) I do love how hard Willow was trying to fight off the urge to use the magic Amy had given her and to shake it off of her system. It truly took a lot of force of will (unintended pun.) Considering she later came clean to Buffy about the whole thing, I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better if she had told them about it while she was going through it. Of course, I guess she feared they might judge her or blame her for it. (Or, maybe, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to pull through and she didn’t want them to witness it...)
19) Again with the sadness...
DAWN: Buffy's never gonna be a lawyer, or a doctor. Anything big. XANDER: She's a Slayer. She saves the whole world. That's way bigger. DAWN: But that means she's gonna have like crap jobs her entire life, right? Minimum wage stuff. I mean, I could still grow up to be anything. But for her ... this is it. XANDER: Okay, but maybe you'll be a lawyer or a doctor, and you can use all your money to support your deadbeat sister. DAWN: Oh, that's terrifically better. Thanks.
1) This shows a lot of growth for Dawn. Just one season ago, she was the annoying little sister who believed her big sis was leading a glamorous life because she was a superhero who in her eyes could get away with anything. She’s older now, and she understands that killing demons, kicking butt and saving the world is not all that’s been cracked up to be. There’s a very sad side to being The Only Girl in All the World Who, and Dawn is finally able to actually get that. Also, imagine how many times poor Buffy has probably considered the same gloomy future... 2) Xander actually said what I was thinking. Buffy may not be able to get that Normal Future, but Dawn could, and she could definitely help lighten Buffy’s burden on some fronts (plus, all Buffy ever wanted was for Dawn to have a future, so she’d be giving her big sister exactly what she wanted.)
20) In the end, Halfrek got in Anya’s head, which basically means neither Xander nor Anya were ready to get married. 
21) Ugh this old lady was such a dickhead...
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(I know that joke has probably been made a thousand times, but I’m not gonna waste my good jokes on this crappy episode, right? Also, I couldn’t come up with anything better.)
22) Willow doesn’t really know if Buffy is listening, but she needs to get this off her chest anyway. Also, I really love that Buffy is the one she keeps turning to during all her hard times in season 6. I just kind of wish Buffy had done the same, you know? 
WILLOW: Buffy, there's more. Something happened today... i-it wasn't my fault. It was Amy's fault, but I feel so bad about it. It was Amy's power, but, but it felt like I was doing everything myself. And I couldn't stop. And now it's gone and I feel kinda shaky and... like I, I need it ... Buffy?
I think it was important for her to admit that she felt like she needed magic and that she was struggling not to use it. It’s all part of the journey of giving something up, right?
23) I find a lot of beauty in the fact that it’s the lesbian the one who chops off the dick...
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...and the one who is most scared of it, too...
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24) Buffy asking for her job back at the end of the episode breaks my heart :(
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