#also a self indulgent change im making is that reedclaw is transmasc
bonefall · 2 years
blossomheart anon here!
i always thought of her as independent and bold— and a little bit snarky. she’s very loyal to her family, and would probably be a good role model for twigpawbranch. in canon, she also seems to be close with her brother hawkwing!
questions about bonefall avos, since avos (atleast the first half) is my favorite arc. how are you going to fix pebbleshine and hawkwing being first cousins? it always seemed like a big oversight to me on the erin’s part. i’d also like to know a bit about twigbranch and violetshine’s relationship!
So be it! Blossomheart will be protected. I'll build her out for you anon. However I will give fair warning-- I want to start undoing the way that flower-related names are always put on female characters. My Blossomheart might end up being a boy.
That's a maybe though. My eye is on SkyClan. I wanna burn through a few more asks and then throw the inbox open so we (we as in everyone who frequently weighs in) can chatter about ideal fixes for the SkyClan tree.
So on that note-- haven't worked out how to fix the first cousins problem quite yet, but from my cursory glance, it's looking like I'll nerf Tinycloud (mother of Pebbleshine) who's a big problem genetically. AND she's the mom of Quailfeather who ALSO did an inbreeding with Reedclaw because of how prolific Clovertail's kittens are :/
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