#also alice is thinking like no i DONT match with you cuz were friends its bc im WORKING!!!!!! why are u mean. in ur heart. hskdkfkckvjgk
kamil-a · 6 months
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(castle workers voice) omg we match...you look sooo good so good so cute we match!!! were matching were friends we are friends and we match :]
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rk-1k · 6 years
Alrighty tighty, it’s high time someone asked you you Karth (I think that’s the Kara x North ship name) headcanons. I am DYING to know.
i wanna be friends with u. thanks for this ask my heart was. looking for reasons to post nork
(warning: kinda long) 
if nork could be summarised into a meme then it would be this meme:
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kara is the one who asks north out and she didn’t even mean it at first
at first it was like “oh north doesnt seem to be eating well” or some shit like that so she invites her over for dinner and north just gives it a whole other meaning
so north dresses up all good you know
kara’s like “luther and alice is also here ! and connor ! and markus. and simon and josh. and 15 other people !”
alice is kinda mean to her at first cuz north’s really intense
but then she eases up when north literally. fuckin swooped in and saved alice’s mom from a handsy gentleman caller
so north and kara get together and north is v possessive
kara’s chill about it all
north likes clinging onto kara like a baby koala
in return, north carries kara around when she’s tired
alice joins in on the fun most of the time
they dont get married until like 7 yrs into the relationship cuz theyre really chill with it
theyre that kind of couple that youre like “theyre together ?????” cuz people totally think north isnt relationship material
but she is. shes not only gf material she’s wife material, she’s for-time-and-eternity material
kara knows that and boy does she flaunt it
kara rlly likes showing north off and north does as well
but north takes it to Another Level
markus and north gets into legendary fights about their s/os
connor is competitive but after the fourth fight he’s like “im over this hey kara u wanna get a mimosa”
people think kara is a pillow princess but YALL KNOW SHES NOT
but she is…. the bottom
north is the recalcitrant top
she likes getting fucked tho ! but kara likes it more
north keeps a pic of kara & alice in her dog tags
(the j squad got matching ones bc theyre emo like that)
once north got kidnapped, so connor & markus were dispatched to come help her escape and north’s kidnapper had the gall to use kara & alice to goad her into spilling the deets
so she broke free and fuckin massacred the motherfuckers
when con and markus found her shes like “hey this one’s off the books, right ? i gotta get home before dinner. kara’s making swedish meatballs.”
alice wants to be just like north n north’s all like “no no no baby…. bad choice”
alice glares at her
bc north is a good role model no matter what anyone says
legend has it that if u badmouth north kara will appear at ur window on a stormy night and shoot u in the face
connor is kara’s maid of honour
north’s is markus
they almost made connor & markus wear dresses
alas……. the maroon (north’s colour scheme)  and pale yellow (kara’s colour scheme) tuxes won
luther walked kara down the aisle
(he totes gave north the shovel talk. but hes also like “if she hurts u… call me and i’ll talk to her v sternly”)
he plays faves
alice is the ring bearer
sumo is the flower girl
dont sweat it, dudes its just how it is
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