#also any ROC pics!!!!! I love ROC so much
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
top 5 sebson moments 😌😌😌
1. Literally any shared podium champagne pics, they are insane. Example(one of many):
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2. Abu Dhabi 2009 press conference (x) (actually any shared press conference from this season, because Seb is very bratty)
3. Their 2011 Autosport award speeches (x)(x)
4. This clip of them from Australia 2011 (x)
5. Post-Qualifying Australia 2009 pics:
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Honorable mentions: Monaco and Italy 2011
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urbanteeth · 5 years
About the Writer Tag Game
Thank you @bookenders! I’ve done one kind of like this one! It’s here.
Nickname: JD counts as a nickname. I’ve also gone by Spooky and Frost in some other internet places I can’t remember.
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′0 
Time zone: Pacific
Favorite Bands/Artists: grandson, Des Rocs, Barns Courtney, Lord Huron, half alive, Cosmo Sheldrake, Imagine Dragons, Glass Animals, Portugal. The Man, AWOLNATION, Modest Mouse, Missio, alt-j, Siames, Stick Figure, Sea Wolf
Song Stuck In My Head: Arrow - half alive
Last Movie I Watched: Haven’t really seen any movies! I’m currently watching Elementary.
Last Thing I Googled: desmos graphing calculator (was doing math, had a breakdown, bon appetit)
Other Blogs: @inkkmage, @aroacehawkeye, @projecttheinbetween
Why This Username: reference to black dogs (as you can tell from my profile pic) and other spooky dog creatures bc I do love them so much. Although i guess it could be just like... a reference in general to urban fantasy. I like me monstrous dog characters.
Following: writblrs and artists and some aesthetic blogs. some 338 blogs
Average Amount of Sleep: I tend to wake up a lot during the night so fuck dude who knows? Not enough, that’s for sure
Lucky Number: not sure but fav number is still 4
What I Am Wearing: boring ol gray t-shirt and jeans
Dream Job: still a scientist!! something to do with natural history. 
Favorite Food: breakfast food. waffles, pancakes, those lil english muffin sandwiches with egg n bacon n melty cheese n shit? (not the McDonald ones those are fucking gross but honestly? yeah, i’d kill a man for one of those.
Instruments I Can Play: I used to know how to play the violin but it’s been a while.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Describe Yourself In Aesthetics: old aesthetic still applies tbh but i’m going to add some things. It’s this: lab coat over a t-shirt, rows upon rows of bookshelves, rain on the window pane, old favorite pair of Converse, messy handwriting in pen, dark circles under the eyes, hazelnut coffee, stacks of old papers, half solved Rubik’s cube, staying up late, staring into space, clicking of the keyboard, screen glowing in a dimly lit room, neutral expression, curls sticking up everywhere, having epiphanies, stained t-shirts, stained papers (serious why are there so many coffee stains everywhere?), warm browns, cool blues, walking barefoot, weird sitting positions, talking little, observing everything
Languages You Speak: Spanish, English, some words in German, slowly learning ASL
Most Iconic Song: gosh for me it has to be arrow by half alive. When he sings “the hardest place to be is right where you are in the space between the finish and the start”? I felt that.
Random Fact: uhhhh one of my short stories was publish in my high school’s year book
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cmpriest · 7 years
Holiday Cheer and Other Assorted Whatnot
The great Settling In continues, and goes mostly well. There’s still a lot we’d like to do to the new house, but we’re out of money for the time being – and here comes Christmas, so…yeah. Presents only for immediate family this year, and no holiday cards. I simply will not have my shit together in time – but such is life.
Next year, eh?
So this year…from a professional standpoint, I haven’t had much going on. Brimstone came out from Roc early on, and then [group project] Indigo landed in June. I had one short story published, “Good Night Prison Kings” in Dark Cities, and in a couple of weeks [December 5] a new Wild Cards project – Mississippi Roll – drops, including a piece by yours truly. I guess when I put it like that, it doesn’t sound like such a slow year; but it sure feels like a slow year. I’ve been in 5th gear for ages. Third gear feels like park.
I took a feeble stab at playing with a project for funsies, to line up with Nanowrimo…but didn’t get very far. Still, if I finish November with 30k words on my oddball feminist modern gothic inspired by a true crime story from the 1940s…I’ll still chalk it up as a “win.”
Otherwise, for 2018 I still have The Agony House forthcoming (YA from Scholastic, pub date TBD) – and it’s officially out of my hands, and into the hands of an artist;* also The Toll (horror from Tor, pub date TBD) is likewise still grinding along. No short stories in the queue, I don’t think. A lot less travel, too.
On a less business-y note, the last few months have been very sociable – and it’s been great finding a groove back in the PNW again. Old friends and new are making the process easier. I should probably post a bunch of pictures here to prove that I have left the house, but you can find those on Instagram if that’s your jam. Also a zillion pics of the cats and dogs. And the fish.
Oh yeah, we added a fish. His name is “Fancy” because the lid of his tub ID’d him as a “Fancy Half-Moon Betta” and I short-handed it…then made a dumb joke on Twitter about naming him after a character I like on Killjoys. Then the actor who plays the character saw it, gave it his thumbs up, and that’s why I have a fish named Fancy. He’s a lovely little fellow, in a lovely 5-gallon tank with a heater, some moss balls, real and fake plants, and a little filter to keep the whole set-up clean and fresh. I mix up the furnishings every few weeks, because I read an article about how fish can get depressed just like people – and now I’m freaked out about the prospect of having a sad fish.
I mean, I freak out if I think any of the other household pets are unhappy, too – don’t get me wrong. I will never understand people who have animal companions, and just…don’t give a damn if they’re happy. I want mine to be happy. Even the damp ones.
Speaking of, the ElderCat continues to rule the roost, despite her advanced age. I do not know how much longer she will be with us; she’s in renal failure, on fluids twice a week, and is roughly old enough to drink. But as long as she’s her usual self – we’ve got her back. Likewise, the House Leopard is doing well. Her persistent diarrhea issues have cleared up, and she’s thrilled by the fish tank – though it has a tempered glass lid and strong plastic clippies to keep her out.** And of course, Greyson and Lucy remain ridiculous. They are learning their way around the new neighborhood, and making friends left and right – as they always do, everywhere we go. Every walk is basically Dog Cuddle Patrol.
At any rate, apart from holiday shopping and a last push for Nanowrimo, there’s not much to report. I just realized I hadn’t updated here in awhile, and also, I am keen to procrastinate while simultaneously appearing somewhat productive.
Thanks for reading, as always – and happy holidays, whichever ones you celebrate, or don’t.
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* Like I Am Princess X, there is a comic book element threaded through the story. ** Once, I sat and watched her try to get inside the tank for about twenty minutes. She failed at every turn, and has since given up. But she does love to watch it.
Holiday Cheer and Other Assorted Whatnot was originally published on The Haunt*
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