#also as to spl itself. I'm excited for it!!
grassbreads · 1 year
Just pre-ordered the first volume of Sha Po Lang!!
I normally never pre-order, but god I'm so excited for this release.
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Do you understand Scag? I do.
This is a big list of dialogue meant to highlight Scag's writing quirks, which may be useful in fanfiction and roleplay. I've been so fascinated by Scag and her dialogue that I had to do this.
Scag uses a lot of Internet slang, which makes sense because she is a TV that knows a lot about old computer programs and make references to streamer lingo. The most obvious of this is "How do I ban this guy chat" (to Pest) and "Yours... not so peak" (to Prototype), including suffixes like -core, -maxxer or -maxxing, and -filled.
She also has a fairly inconsistent typing pattern when it comes to capitalization.
The Suffixes
The suffixes are the weirdest part of Scag's dialogue, especially if you don't know about Internet speak so much. I will unfortunately have to explain some of this to you.
core is often applied to make new genres of aesthetic or music (think scenecore, emocore, weirdcore, and horrorcore). The way that Scag uses it is as an adjective, usually to describe a person or item belonging to a certain group.
Examples: "HORRIBLECORE" (when sprayed with water), "SWEETCORE" (when given roses), "go get cleancore soon though" (talking to Mark about sawdust), "WINCORE" (talking to Prototype about watching CDs), "IT ADDS TO THE AESTHETICCORE!" (talking to Reddy about sparking animatronics), "Dude thats like scagcore" (when Spud! mentions having an old TV monitor like her)
It's noticeable that "win" by itself is already technically considered slang, similar to saying "w" (which is win). I find it funny Scag still says -core at the end of it though.
-maxx, -maxxing, -maxxer
-maxx is a suffix that has been applied to mean "getting the maximum output for the minimum input", essentially meaning to work smart and not hard. Scag mainly applies this word to mean something done thoroughly.
Examples: "Spellmaxx this out for me real quick" (to Wallter)
-maxxing is the big one used in most of Scag's dialogue.
-maxxer is used to describe when you are a part of a group that does the above. She only uses this word twice, once to describe Prototype and the other to talk to Spud!.
Examples: "the friendfilled visitmaxxer" (to Prototype), "dont fret spudmaxxer, you'll probably find your home" (to Spud!)
-filled is used similarly to "pilled" where it's an adverb to describe a lot of something, similar to -maxx. For example, "humorpilled" is "full of humor" and its context is used in a joke.
Examples: "OH you don't get the humorfilled joke do you" (to Gnarpy about a television joke), "happy joyous birthdayfilled occasion btw" (to Poob about their birthday), and "Your projects can range up to skyscraperfilled heights???" (to Wallter talking about construction)
In some chats with a few characters, Scag uses the suffix "head" to describe when someone is performing an action that is intrinsic to their character. For example, when she mentions commissioning Wallter for her floppy shoppy floor, she says, "I'm glad I commissionheaded you for the building LOL"
Scag calls herself a "computerhead" when requesting that Bive doesn't use her like a computer, and refers to FleshCousin as a "parrothead" when it is mimicking her words.
Capitalization (and lack of consistency)
Depending on who Scag is talking to, the capitalization of her sentences and words vary. Sometimes I'ms are capitalized but sometimes they're stylized as i'm (lowercased).
It seems a lot of Scag's capitalization style goes down to how she feels, for example;
Excitement or emphasis — All caps, examples being: "DUDE / Your sillytalk is on POINT" (to Split on hearing her jokes), "Hrm..... / a floppyshoppy tower... / ONE DAY" (to Wallter on talking about construction), "ARE YOU READY FOR / GAMEUM NIGHT ULTIMATE 10000 / with exclusive puzzlefilled fun." (to Prototype as a dialogue opener)
Quiet/Introspective — A very rare side of Scag, she often talks in lowercase if thinking or talking in a more quieter tone. Some examples are when she talks to Split, "ermm... / methinks that the little hamsters in my internal structure has stopped the production of joyfilled thoughts..." as well as her talking to Spud, upon realizing that he doesn't know where his home is, "wuh oh / dont fret spudmaxxer, you'll probably find your home"
Scag uses a lot of periods, but she also often ends sentences without any sort of punctuation whatsoever. When she uses punctuations, she often also uses an excess amount of ellipses to drive her point home.
Examples: "uhuhh....... / LAME" (to Reddy about FNARB), “Hrm..... / a floppyshoppy tower... / ONE DAY.” (to Wallter about his construction), "... / cringeeee" (to Mark about being old or whatever)
There are whole interactions where Scag doesn't use punctuation, such as her talk with PartyNoob, entering the elevator, being showered in rose petals, and her idles.
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shijiujun · 4 years
You probably will not answer this but I just want to make it clear that I don't mind the yifu relationship reference. To make it as reference is definitely OK. That's not the problem. The problem is the dialogues being copied for other characters. I'm just wondering if Priest can get more pay since it's from her other works. It's a separate work after all. I'm sorry my previous ask is not clear and thank you for reading.
okay i’ll make an exception to this one because this ask actually sounds way more ridiculous than the first:
firstly, it’s not that you mind the yifu relationship reference or not, it’s just a simple fact that the yifu thing is not a trope you can claim belongs to a particular novel, and also it’s kind of sad that anyone would put zhaoxie (which is so toxic and abusive in a sense) and changgu (which is an actual healthy relationship) in actual and equivalent comparison is pretty sad. 
i mean... not even shifu-disciple relationship can be compared to another LOL it’s really interesting that you did, that’s like me saying there’s this married couple and i will vaguely compare them to another married couple like XD idk man
the rest of it:
i don’t even know why there is a need to think about the pay structure because it’s honestly not anything you or anyone outside is privy to, and she’s probably already earning a shit ton regardless. 
and honestly, a few lines aren’t going to make her paycheck any significantly bigger or smaller - money goes left pocket to right pocket because if you’ve read my response she referenced spl and modu which are already live actions, she’s already getting paid for those - that’s a naught argument. maybe yeah if she referenced another work that she has not been paid for this may stand, but no, in summary it is not my place or yours to worry about this, seriously. 
in my previous response, i already said that the line is a little blur here because while yes she did ‘copy’ right, the intentions of it is a little different in this case when 1. she knows the audience will see that it’s referenced/copied/taken 2. the audience will know it’s referenced/copied/taken. there is no other explanation for this. she knows, she knows we will know, she ain’t trying to hide it - she’s paying homage. idk how many times you want me to say this, i think intentions wise she was paying homage, it’s a frickin easter egg.
yes, maybe she could have done the PR work better. she could have smoothed things over. yeah totally, considering fandom sensitivities and whatever. yes someone should have gone in to say hey, did you think about fandoms fighting if you do this, because that’s what crisis PR response teams do, but they were probably too poor, and yeah maybe she could have even asked pipi like hey i’m gonna reference other works in this one is that okay? 
totally. there are definitely things she could have done.
and yes of course, is the act of copying itself problematic? yes it is, but in this case - you’re talking about cross line referencing across the same author’s works. literally the same author’s works. she’d be in a lot of trouble if she referenced other novel’s works, which i think she knows. she made a conscious decision probably, and while maybe not the smartest thing to do - think about it. who sues who if pipi or the production companies decide to sue? who gets to be accused? who get to accuse? pipi is like uhhh i own everything so.. and then the production companies will be like uhh... yeah one of us produced two shows from pipi so... yeah we dk who we should sue
fine, she could be ‘bastardizing’ lines that were originally meant for and construed in one specific setting in another novel and fine, even as uni students you get screwed over by turnitin.com if you even reference your own paper that you wrote before in your current paper but... like i said, she’s not trying to hide it, which leads me to think that she and everyone else who read it thought it was harmless
*also a tidbit here, spl and shl are being produced from the exact same production company 慈文影视. i mean??? 
and of course whether she should be shot for ‘copying’ lines that’s up to idk, pipi herself and production teams to go and fight it out - if they’re fine with it, there’s no need to think about it, if they think it’s an issue, hell, the same production company green lighted it so they all should take responsibility.
(once again, money left pocket right pocket all the money goes to pipi!!!!!)
my argument is not whether copying is right or wrong in itself, it’s wrong yes, but for her she probably thought it was easter eggs. over-enthusiastically trying to you know, drop priest tidbits in here and there. it’s like when she dropped the yiguo easter egg in, we were all fucking excited.
should there have been someone to veto this and go like let’s be more considerate to other fandoms? maybe, but there’s no need to talk about the pay structure or everything else. she didn’t commit a crime and i don’t think it was her intentionally copying for whatever reason. and we’re not here to make problems or talk about problems, or crucify anyone else, when we’re not the ones most involved and no outright accusations have been acknowledged etc. at this point by any important party. there are ppl who make the damn decisions on this particular issue/scandal whatever. 
our time and certainly my time can definitely be spent in more productive places when my actions and opinions are not worth a damn or cannot influence anything in this case.
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