#also as we've established kpoppies dont think of dance as art so of course how would they know who is good and who isn't
sanstropfremir · 1 year
To add on your dancing/performing analysis list, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on yeonjun from txt. You previously spoke about txt as a whole a couple of times, and it made me think more about him, bc he's usually hailed as the best 4th gen dancer (which, kind of rude since Hwanwoong is right here, but also understandable, since the more an idol gets popular, the more their fans will swear that this idol's the best at doing X, and people who don't know any better will accept it at face value.) I find him satisfying to watch because his moves seem clean, but at the same time I don't find him interesting/entertaining and I can't pinpoint why? Maybe he's just another case of idol dancers who are good at mimicking choreography rather than embodying it? I'd like to have your opinion if you're not tired of talking about txt despite not being interested in them 😭😂
yeonjun doesn't really have a personality, that's why. technically he's very good, but he's not bringing much to the table other than 'boy', if you know what i mean. personally i do also think he's not super great at embodying choreo, but tbh the lack of personality in performance is a much bigger issue, and it's not just him that has this problem. most of the popular fourth gen male dancers are guilty of this; yeonjun, lee know, hyunjin, juyeon, even wooyoung and yunho have it to some extent as well. and i should point out that it's not just exclusive to kpop dancers - although it is significantly more prominent of an issue because of the focus on the face - but it happens amongst regular dancers too. it's pretty common for dancers to have very good technical skills but struggle to express emotion or character with their performances, and the best dancers are the ones that can do both. there's circumstances in dance where it's less of an issue, but in a performance form like kpop where the focus is so forward on the face and character of the idol, it's impossible to hide that lack. it's the reason why san, seonghwa, and hongjoong can put out much more captivating performances despite having worse technique, because they're playing to their specific strengths and they know exactly what you need in order to make a good performance in this specific form.
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